Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1179 Hunting down the Void Saint

Virtual life is born in Daluotian. It lives as long as the heaven and earth, and is immortal.

Therefore, many ascenders will choose to become virtual life after ascending to Daluotian.

Because in their eyes, virtual life is the immortal they yearn for all their lives.

The reason why virtual life is so powerful is that it is almost immune to physical damage, and the damage to the soul is also negligible to them.

It can be said that they are like the simplest vitality between heaven and earth, an extreme energy body.

However, virtual life is not invincible. They have a biggest natural enemy, that is, the seal.

That's right, no matter how powerful the virtual life is, it is afraid of the seal.

Therefore, throughout the ages, humans have created countless sealing techniques to deal with virtual bodies.

In the long-ago human-virtual war, the great human beings used the sealing technique to defeat the arrogant virtual life.

Since then, the supreme status of the virtual body has collapsed.

So far, the virtual body has not been able to escape the seal of the sealing technique.

However, the higher the realm of the virtual body, the more powerful the sealing technique required.

Ordinary sealing techniques simply cannot seal the virtual saint.

To be precise, even the top-notch sealing techniques are difficult to seal the virtual saint.

Because the energy of the virtual saint is too high, it will choose to self-destruct to break the seal.

So generally speaking, if you want to seal the virtual saint, you need to consume at least all the energy in its body to do it.

Song Yuan basically didn't think that he would be sealed by Zhuo Bufan's sealing technique.

To be precise, it didn't think that Zhuo Bufan knew the sealing technique.

However, it still underestimated Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know any sealing techniques, but he had the Heaven Sealing Seal!

The Heaven Sealing Seal was created by Ji Xuanhao, Zhuo Bufan's previous life.

Needless to say, how awesome Ji Xuanhao is, he must be the strongest god in the world.

Zhuo Bufan has seen with his own eyes how powerful the Heaven Sealing Seal created by Ji Xuanhao, who was able to create the Gate of Rebirth.

This Heaven Sealing Seal is the artifact that once sealed the Hand of Heaven.

It is completely worthy of its holy name, Heaven Sealing Seal, Heaven Sealing Seal, if it cannot seal the sky, what is the Heaven Sealing Seal?

If it can even seal the sky, what is the point of a mere Soul Saint?

Zhuo Bufan is increasingly convinced that this Heaven Sealing Seal was actually created by Ji Xuanhao to deal with the life of the Void Clan.

After all, in the entire Daluotian world, only the Void Clan is most afraid of the sealing technique.

They have no flesh, they are just a ball of energy.

Since it is energy, it can be completely sealed.

Ji Xuanhao created the Heaven Sealing Seal to deal with the Void Body.

Because Ji Xuanhao was once hunted down by countless Void Clan lives in Daluotian.

Ji Xuanhao was furious and began to forge the artifact in seclusion.

When he came out of seclusion, he held the Heaven Sealing Seal in his hand and sealed the ten Voids.

It can be said that the Heaven Sealing Seal is the most feared artifact of the Void Clan.

Zhuo Bufan was very glad that when he decided to leave Daluotian, he first went to the Sea Dynasty and retrieved this very important artifact.

With the Heaven Seal, he had absolute self-protection power in the face of the pursuit of these virtual people.


"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Song Yuan, who fell to the ground, let out a series of hysterical roars.

He was angry, howling, and regretful. He shouldn't be so impulsive. He completely underestimated Zhuo Bufan. He hated it!

At this time, from not far away, he saw a man in white clothes, slowly walking towards him.

Song Yuan looked closely and was stunned.

"Impossible, you, you were hit by my big move, how could you not die?"

A scene that made Song Yuan even more desperate happened, because Zhuo Bufan appeared in front of him safely.

Song Yuan had an incredible look in his eyes, completely confused, and kept howling in his mouth.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! You were first hit by Lou Tie's annihilation light, and then by my Zhuxian Sword. Even a strong man in the Daoyuan realm of your human race must have been seriously injured. How could you not die? How is it possible?"

Song Yuan couldn't believe it at all. He knew the power of his move very well.

But it almost broke the entire red giant.

However, Zhuo Bufan himself did not receive any damage. He looked like nothing happened.

"Are you a virtual body?"

Song Yuan looked at Zhuo Bufan. This was the only explanation he could think of at this time.

If Zhuo Bufan was a virtual body, then it would explain why he was still safe and sound after being severely injured.

Zhuo Bufan did not have any explanation for this.

He squatted down with a smile on his face, and then reached out and groped Song Yuan's body.

Finally, he found the wheel of life.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the wheel of life with a slight smile on his face. He liked this treasure very much.

Zhuo Bufan put the Wheel of Life into his storage ring, and then he took a piece of prismatic crystal from Song Yuan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the transparent prismatic crystal, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"What is this?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that the prismatic crystal was full of a kind of spatial power, but he didn't know what it was for.

He looked at Song Yuan who was completely tied to the ground.

However, Song Yuan gritted his teeth and refused to say anything.

"You won't say it, right? Then you should stay in my world honestly!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he threw Song Yuan into his inner world, which was on the earth.

After Zhuo Bufan lost all the "earth" in Song and Yuan Dynasties, Zhuo Bufan also created a 10,000-meter peak and suppressed it under the mountain.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan did not need to suppress Song Yuan. After all, he absolutely believed in the sealing effect of his Tiantian Seal.

Once sealed, it would be absolutely impossible for Song Yuan to escape unless he took the initiative to break the seal.

"Let's keep it here for now, there is another one waiting for me to solve."

"Let me out, let me out, damn humanity, damn it!"

Behind him were the roars of Song Yuan.

Zhuo Bufan was too lazy to listen to his screams, so he finally put a seal on his face so that he could no longer scream.

In the end, he could only be crushed under that huge mountain.

After Zhuo Bufan pinned Song Yuan down the mountain, he returned to the red giant.

He did not tell Zhang Jing and the others about this matter, so as not to make these people nervous.

After all, letting them know that a terrifying monster that could destroy all of their humanity has entered the world they live in will definitely cause panic.

Although this monster was sealed by Zhuo Bufan.

Returning to the red giant star, Zhuo Bufan dusted himself off.

At this time, the second Void Clan power in the sky came to the surface.

Lou Tie originally planned to wait in heaven for Song Yuan to bring Zhuo Bufan's body back.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no response from Song Yuan.

At first he thought Song Yuan had run away with Zhuo Bufan's body and wanted to ask God for credit alone.

It's not that Lou Tie doesn't trust Song Yuan, it's just that Song Yuan is too cunning.

Thinking of this, Lou Tie made a quick decision and flew down from the red giant star.

However, when he landed on the surface, he saw Zhuo Bufan coming out of the inner world.

Lou Tie was dumbfounded when he saw Zhuo Bufan dusting himself off unharmed.

"How is it possible, your kid is not dead yet?"

Lou Tie was shocked.

"Where's Song Yuan? What did you do to Song Yuan?"

Only then did Lou Tie realize that except for Zhuo Bufan, who was safe and sound, there was no trace of Song Yuan's whereabouts at all.

He radiated the entire red giant star with his soul and found that there was no aura of Song and Yuan on the entire red giant star.

Hearing Lou Tie's question, Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

"Oh! Are you asking your good brother?"

"Don't worry, he is very well. I sent him to a very happy place to play!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lou Tie with a smile and said.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan put his right hand behind his back, and then a black seal quietly appeared on his palm.

"Hey, do you want to play with that good brother of yours?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lou Tie like a tiger seeing its prey.

Although Lou Tie seemed to be a very reckless guy, he was as meticulous as dust. He saw that something was wrong, and there was an air of conspiracy in the air.

"You kid is looking for death!"

Lou Tie didn't say anything, knowing that Zhuo Bufan was planning some conspiracy.

Ever since, he opened his mouth towards Zhuo Bufan.

Inside his mouth, a purple energy ball was gathering terrifying death energy.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was unmoved and instead smiled.

"Oh, it's this move again. This move is so powerful! It almost killed me."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the big move condensed in Lou Tie's mouth and pretended to tremble.

Of course, it’s best to dress up and be afraid.

This Lou Tie's destruction and death light indeed possesses terrifying destructive power.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't possessed the Heaven-Mending Technique, he might not have been able to withstand the previous blow.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan was able to stand here unharmed after enduring two big moves from Lou Tie and Song Yuan was because of the Heaven-Mending Technique he mastered.

Only now did Zhuo Bufan understand why the Heaven-Mending Technique was called the number one magical power in Daluotian.

With the Heaven-Mending Technique, his ability to survive is even stronger than that of the Void Clan.

It is almost impossible to kill Zhuo Bufan.

The only way is to have the sealing technique like Zhuo Bufan.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not an incorporeal body, he has an immunity that even an incorporeal body cannot match.

It is said that when Emperor Wa created the Heaven-Mending Technique, he learned the peerless magical power from this ability of the virtual body.

The power of the Sky Mending Technique naturally goes without words.

In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was not easy for Lou Tie to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, even if Zhuo Bufan faced Lou Tie's killing move again, he remained indifferent.

Zhuo Bufan's indifference was obviously reflected in Lou Tie's eyes.

"This guy has no fear! How so fearless is he?"

"It's weird, it's so weird. Where is Song Yuan? Was he killed by this guy?"

"Damn, that's too careless. This guy escaped from the hands of Heaven. We underestimated his strength too much!"

After some analysis, Lou Tie realized that Song Yuan was wrong from the beginning.

That Song and Yuan people claimed to be smart, but their cleverness was mistaken for them.

They thought that the two Saint Yuan realms could defeat Zhuo Bufan. But if it was really that simple, then why would God send more than a hundred Void Clan powerful men to hunt him down?

There are even seven incarnations of heaven among them!

Wrong, Lou Tie only now realized that his and Song Yuan's cleverness was completely wrong.

At this moment, Lou Tie had already thought of escaping.

Because he had to re-evaluate Zhuo Bufan's combat power.

"Damn, the space crystal is with Song Yuan! I can't pass the message to the king."

Lou Tie only now realized that Song Yuan was not smart, but a complete fool.

It was a huge mistake to hand over the space crystal to Song Yuan.

Now not only is the space crystal with Song Yuan, but even the wheel of life is in Song Yuan's hands.

Now that Song Yuan was captured, Lou Tie couldn't even seek help from Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce.

Lou Tie, who was always reckless on weekdays, thought a lot today.

Imagination is imagination, but the destructive death light condensed in his mouth did not stop.

Just before the destructive death light was condensed, Zhuo Bufan suddenly took out a black seal from behind him-the seal of the sky.

The next second, hundreds of black dragons flew out from the seal of the sky.

When Lou Tie saw the seal, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Damn, it's the Heaven Seal."

Lou Tie recognized the Heaven Seal in Zhuo Bufan's hand at the first time.

It's no wonder that Lou Tie recognized it, because the Heaven Seal is the artifact that the Xu Clan fears the most.

Although all the virtual bodies that have seen the Heaven Seal are sealed in nine out of ten cases.

But there are still a few powerful people who escaped the seal of the Heaven Seal, and described the appearance of this thing, and also put it on the list of the first taboo artifact of the Xu Clan.

"The Heaven Seal, the supreme taboo. Ten thousand dragons are galloping, sealing the sky and sealing the earth!"

Lou Tie recalled the sixteen words that the Xu Clan described about the Heaven Seal. This is the supreme taboo that can seal the sky and seal the earth.

"So that's it, Song Yuan, that idiot, was sealed by him."

Lou Tie finally understood why Song Yuan disappeared, because he had been sealed by the Heaven Seal.

"No, can't resist!"

Lou Tie is obviously not as conceited as Song Yuan.

Seeing hundreds of dragons rushing out of the Heaven Sealing Seal.

He immediately extinguished the killing move he was concentrating on, and then chose to run away without even thinking about it.

He turned into a blue light and quickly escaped from the red giant star.

It can be said that Lou Tie's choice was correct, because if he ran two seconds later, he would be swallowed by the sealed dragon of the Heaven Sealing Seal, and the result would be the same as that arrogant Song Yuan, becoming Zhuo Bufan's sealed item.

Even Zhuo Bufan himself was unexpected about Lou Tie's escape.

Looking at the blue back flying away in the air, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Oh my god, this guy ran away? Escaped so fast?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the other party gave up an opportunity that they thought would kill him, and chose to run away.

Then he thought about it and frowned.

"We can't let that guy run away. He recognized that I have the Heaven Sealing Seal."

"If he runs back and tells the other pursuers, they will definitely be on guard against me, and then I won't have any unexpected killing moves."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the Heaven Sealing Seal must not be known to outsiders, because it was his ultimate skill.

People who know that he has the Heaven Sealing Seal must be sealed.

So Zhuo Bufan looked at the escaping Void Saint Lou Tie, and chased him without hesitation.


Who would have thought that from the beginning, he was being hunted, and now he has become the pursuer.

Zhuo Bufan kept shuttling between the stars, chasing Lou Tie relentlessly.

Lou Tie was also crying at this moment, he was chased by Zhuo Bufan all the way, and he had no temper.

"Damn Song Yuan, this bastard!"

"This brainless idiot is even more stupid than a pig."

Now Lou Tie has already cursed Song Yuan's ancestors in his heart.

Because Song Yuan was captured, his Wheel of Life and Space Crystal were in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Now Lou Tie couldn't ask for help even if he wanted to.

More importantly, Song Yuan had been leading the way all along, and Lou Tie was a road idiot.

Now, he couldn't even find the way back to ask for help.

Now he could only run aimlessly in this chaotic void.

That's why he cursed Song Yuan, he was tricked by Song Yuan.

"Stop, why are you running?"

"I won't eat you."

Zhuo Bufan used his soul to shout at Lou Tie who was running away in front, and Lou Tie gritted his teeth at this moment.

"I don't believe you, this guy has the Heaven Seal, Song Yuan must have been sealed by him."

"No, I must tell other people of the Xu Clan about this as soon as possible, let them be careful of the Heaven Seal in this guy's hand."

Now Lou Tie just hopes to meet other Xu Clan people as soon as possible.

However, in the vast chaos, it is not so easy to meet his kind!

"Hey, aren't you going to catch me? Why are you running?"

"Come and catch me, I will go back with you, don't run."

Zhuo Bufan continued to shout with his soul from behind.

In fact, he was gritting his teeth in his heart.

"I didn't expect this Xusheng to run so fast. With my speed, I can only keep up with him and can't catch up at all!"

Zhuo Bufan has increased his speed to sub-light speed, but he still can't catch up with Lou Tie.

Lou Tie, who was running in front, was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Too arrogant. This bastard is too arrogant."

"If you didn't have the Heaven Seal, I would have killed you alive."

Lou Tie has never seen such an arrogant person in his life.

The humiliation and anger made him furious inside.

"Let's see how long you can run!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and continued to follow.

He knew that escaping would consume energy.

Now the two sides are competing to see who has the most energy reserves.

However, Zhuo Bufan is not worried about not being able to keep up with his Yuan Qi, because he is cultivating Chaos Yuan Qi.

In this chaotic void, there is chaotic energy everywhere, and he can absorb it anytime and anywhere.

But the incorporeal beings are different. They cannot absorb the chaotic energy in the void.

Because their vitality comes from Daluotian, let's call it Luotian vitality for the time being.

Luo Tian Yuan Qi is actually a unique type of Yuan Qi formed after Da Luo Tian transformed the chaotic Yuan Qi.

But all creatures that have cultivated Luo Tian Yuan Qi will be affected by Da Luo Tiantian Dao.

This is also why Zhuo Bufan is not willing to cultivate Luo Tian Yuan Qi.

Because he cannot be controlled by Luo Tian Yuanqi.

So he finally switched to Chaos Yuanqi.

Chaos vitality comes from the chaotic void, which can be called the origin of vitality.

This kind of chaotic energy cannot be absorbed by the virtual body at will.

In order to absorb this chaotic energy, Xu Huang, who had taken over the Yin Sect, specially set up a test base and found an absorption method using the human body as the carrier.

Zhuo Bufan still remembers what the Xu Emperor once said.

He told Zhuo Bufan that it was impossible for the Xu clan beings to directly absorb this chaotic energy, otherwise, this chaotic energy would cause the Luo Tian Yuan Qi in their bodies to riot, causing unimaginable harm.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was convinced that it was impossible for Lou Tie to absorb the chaotic energy in the chaotic void.

The current situation is that Zhuo Bufan can absorb this chaotic energy, but Lou Tie cannot.

In other words, once the Luo Tian Yuan Qi in Lou Tie's body is used up, he will be finished.

Of course, the Luotian Yuan Qi contained in the body of a Void Saint of the Saint Yuan Realm is as vast as the sea, allowing them to survive in the chaotic void for hundreds of years.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must try his best to make Lou Tie consume his energy.

So he began to continuously use his special skills to bombard Lou Tie from behind, forcing Lou Tie to expend his energy to fight against him.

In short, Zhuo Bufan made up his mind to seal this guy, otherwise he would fight to the death.

At this time, a joyful pursuit was staged in the void.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan began to fight back, chasing Xu Sheng.

At the same time, on the other side of the void, on a pale star, a shocking battle was breaking out.

The two saints of the Xu clan, Linfeng and Zheng He!

Following the orders of King Ce of Suspicious Heaven, he pursued one of the six red dots of life.

When they chased the stars displayed by the Wheel of Life, they discovered the life they were chasing.

The opponent was indeed a human being, but it was not the Zhuo Bufan they were chasing.

But the suspicious king Ce ordered them to kill them all if the target was not Zhuo Bufan. Because the Xu clan and the human clan are at odds with each other.

Therefore, Linfeng and Zheng He, the two virtual saints, could not help but kill the blue-haired man above the white star.

The man had blue hair, which was particularly dazzling.

There are strong and powerful muscles all over his body.

On his body, there were layers of energy ripples undulating one after another.

He had already discovered Linfeng and Zheng Heerxu since they entered this starry universe.

At first, the man didn't pay much attention to it because he was practicing and trying to reach a higher level.

But the opponent suddenly came to kill him, and his attack was terrifying and murderous.

Linfeng's sword struck, and countless golden flying swords slashed towards the white star.

And what Zheng He pointed with his spear was to sweep through thousands of armies and cut through the earth.

The entire Baixing was instantly ruined by those two virtual beings.

The blue-haired man saw this and became angry.

"You are seeking death!"

In anger, the man stamped his foot. The white stars under his feet fell apart and turned into countless rubbles.

Zheng He and Linfeng were stunned.

Obviously, they did not expect that the human being in front of them was so powerful.

How powerful it is to crush a star with one foot.

Although the star didn't look very big, the two of them thought that they couldn't destroy it even if they worked together.

"Who are you?"

Linfeng Zheng He Erxu asked.

The two of them were absolutely incomparable to the human being in front of them.

However, the other party didn't seem to give them a chance to explain at all, and he stretched out his hands towards the Erxu.

Among them, Linfeng saw two mysterious marks on the palm of the mysterious man.

The mark looked like a demon opening its huge mouth.

At the same time, the man's clothes began to tear, and Zheng He saw even more terrifying tattoos on the man's body.

And he immediately recognized what kind of creature the tattoo was.

"Chaos Beast, my God, it's Chaos Beast!"

"Does this guy regard the Chaos Beast as the source of his power?"

Chaos beasts are unique existences in the chaotic void.

They are not living beings, but they have mysterious thinking patterns, just like robots with set programs, responsible for guarding the order of the chaotic void.

They are responsible for clearing all harmful substances.

The so-called harmful substances are creatures with powerful strength.

Whether it is human beings, virtual bodies or other lives, once they encounter chaos beasts, they will be chased and killed by chaos beasts until they die.

These chaos beasts are very powerful, and ordinary Saint Yuan realms are not their opponents at all.

So, whenever you encounter a chaos beast, no matter who you are, you will choose to escape at the first time. No one wants to die and wants to fight a chaos beast.

However, the man in front of him has a tattoo of a chaos beast on his body. This guy has obviously killed a chaos beast.

"Not good, can't fight, retreat!"

Seeing the man showing his amazing fighting power, Zheng He was so frightened that he wanted to escape at the first time.

However, it was too late to run.

"Come and die."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Lin Feng and Zheng He, the two virtual saints, were trapped in the air and could not move.

The next second, countless meteorite fragments around began to bombard Lin Feng Zheng He.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The two great saints of the Void Clan had no power to fight back against the impact of these meteorites.

Although they would not be hurt, this situation of being unable to move made them very uncomfortable.

And the next second, something even more shocking happened.

The white star that was previously shattered by the mysterious man, after turning into countless meteorite fragments, was now reassembled to form another huge white star.

Destroy the stars and then recast the stars.

The strength of the mysterious man was beyond imagination.

"Break my white star, then you will become my power!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he pushed his hands away again.

A huge black hole emerged between his palms.

The next moment, the huge white planet in front of him, along with the two great saints buried in it, was directly sucked into the black hole by him.

At this point, the man quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood in the void, with his hands behind his back. Then he looked into the distance and sighed in his heart.

"Trash, it's back again!"


At the same time, at the other end of the distant galaxy.

Sitting in the Star Palace, the Doubtful Heavenly King Ce frowned.

So far, no team has brought back good news.

And on the star path of the Wheel of Life, none of the red dots of life disappeared.

Because the virtual body has no life, they cannot be displayed on this wheel of life, so the Doubtful Heavenly King Ce does not know whether his men have found Zhuo Bufan.

After waiting for a long time, a team finally returned to their base camp.

Wang Ce frowned when he saw this.

Because the team that came back meant that they did not find Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the task he assigned was to crush the space crystal as soon as possible after finding Zhuo Bufan.

In this way, he could find the exact space position and teleport there.

However, Wang Ce still asked again as a routine.

"Can you find the target?"

Wang Ce looked at the two great powers of the Void Clan who came back, one of whom was a real great power in the Daoyuan Realm.

Because of the existence of the Dao Yuan Realm powerhouse, they were very fast.

After hearing this, the Dao Yuan Realm powerhouse hurried forward and answered.

"To reply to the king, we did find a life form after we arrived. But that is not the target we are looking for."

"Didn't kill it?"

Wang Ce asked.

The task he assigned was to kill every other life except Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, the Dao Yuan Realm powerhouse replied.

"To reply to the king, that is not an ordinary life. After seeing us, he ran away as soon as possible, and his speed was extremely fast. We wanted to chase him, but unfortunately the other party was too fast. The most important thing is that we wanted to rush back as soon as possible to report, so we let him go. Please forgive me, king."

After hearing this, Wang Ce touched the star staff in his hand and said.

"Forget it, my target is Zhuo Bufan."

Wang Ce now only wants to catch Zhuo Bufan, as for the others, let them go.

"Is there no news about the others?"

As the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Wang Ce was obviously a little restless.

After that, three teams came back one after another.

So far, four teams have returned, but so far, none of them has found Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems that the guy should be within the remaining two life red dots."

"Wait a little longer!"

Wang Ce frowned slightly, waiting for the last two teams to return.

However, this time, they waited for a long time, but the two teams did not return.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Did something happen?"

Everyone in the hall expressed doubts.

And the Doubtful Heavenly King Ce on the hall frowned even more.

"It seems that they can't come back."

Wang Ce obviously knew that the four Saint Yuan Realm masters of the other two teams had all failed.

"It seems that the guy is in one of the two red life points."

"Liu Cheng, Ning Wu, each of you take three virtual saints and go to hunt down this beast."

"Remember, if the target is not Zhuo Bufan, kill him."

"You must find out what happened."

Wang Ce knew very well that something must have happened to the other four virtual saints.

In any case, one of the remaining two life red dots must be Zhuo Bufan.

As for the other person, Wang Ce didn't know who he was.

However, a new round of pursuit has begun.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan continued to hunt down the Void Saint Lou Tie.

On the other side, Wang Ce of Doubt sent more pursuers to hunt down Zhuo Bufan himself.

A bloody storm will splash the stars and the Milky Way in this chaotic void...

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