
Zhuo Bufan looked at the reverse scales emitting blue light, and there was a simple black hairpin stuck in it.

On the hairpin, purple energy light flows.

"Is a hairpin so powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the hairpin and fell into deep thought.

He didn't expect that such a small hairpin could hurt such a powerful chaos beast.

You must know that the Chaos Beast is the guardian of order in the void. Even if the incarnation of Heaven comes, the gains and losses must be weighed.

And a little saint like Zhuo Bufan even gave up resistance in front of the Chaos Beast.

"Let me try and see if I can pull it out."

What Zhuo Bufan can confirm is that this hairpin is indeed the source of the Chaos Beast's wail.

It hit the reverse scale on the forehead of the Chaos Beast without any bias.

This reverse scale is very important to the Chaos Beast. It can be said to be the source of power of the Chaos Beast.

If this hairpin is not taken away, sooner or later, this chaotic beast will disappear into the chaos.

"What a violent force. I don't know if I can do it."

Zhuo Bufan wrapped the chaotic energy in his hand, and then tried to grab the hairpin.

However, when Zhuo Bufan's hand came close to the hairpin, the purple energy flowing on the hairpin suddenly became manic.

They turned into streaks of purple electricity and got between Zhuo Bufan's fingers.


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but screamed, the pain piercing his soul.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the chaotic energy in his body was evaporating rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying scene occurred. Zhuo Bufan saw that his right hand, which he used to touch the hairpin, began to fragment into pieces and turned into powder, undergoing a mysterious disintegration.

"Not good!"

He screamed secretly, and then decisively cut off his right hand.

I have to say that Zhuo Bufan was very cruel to himself.

After cutting off his right hand, the corrupted half of the arm floated away like smoke.

But the remaining body stopped decaying in time.

After that, Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven-Mending Technique to complete the right hand.

But this time, when he looked at the hairpin in front of him, he was obviously a little big-headed.

Taking out the hairpin might not be as easy as he imagined.

"What kind of energy is above this? It's so terrifying!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted secretly.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the power behind the hairpin, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Looking at the hairpin carefully, there is nothing on the hairpin except the radiant light.

"This should be a woman's weapon."

Zhuo Bufan naturally did not believe that any man would use hairpins as weapons.

If it is a woman, then this woman's strength is not simple.

Being able to defeat such a powerful Chaos Beast with just a hairpin was something that very few people in the field that Zhuo Bufan knew could do it.

"Could it be her?"

Zhuo Bufan suspected that it might be the hairpin left by Meng Chanyi.

Of course, this is just suspicion.

No matter who left the hairpin, Zhuo Bufan must pull it out.

Only by pulling it out could he leave the realm of this chaotic beast.

"I hope this Chaos Beast can keep his word."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the Sealing Seal and pointed it at the hairpin in front of him.

"Try the power of the Sealing Seal and see if you can seal the strange power on this hairpin."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he used his Yuan Power to activate the energy in the Sealing Heaven Seal.

Soon, nine finger-sized sealed dragon souls flew out from the seal.

After the dragon soul got close to the hairpin, it turned into runes, and then formed a rune chain, and began to try to seal the hairpin.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely excited when he saw this scene.

"It works. It seems that the Sealing Seal can seal the mysterious power on this hairpin. It just takes a while."

Zhuo Bufan could see that the energy inside the hairpin was like a powerful demon, tearing apart his seal shackles with all its fangs and claws.

Fortunately, his seal had a certain effect. Although it was very slow, the violent energy in the hairpin was indeed slowly contained bit by bit.

This sealing process takes some time, Zhuo Bufan can only wait patiently.

However, time waits for no one.

Zhuo Bufan's head is sealed with a mysterious hairpin.

On the other side, the two Yuan realm great masters under the Suspicious Heavenly King Ce each came with three Void Saints to chase Zhuo Bufan.

Among them, the direction that Daoyuan Realm Xu Zun Ning Wu was heading was exactly the direction where Zhuo Bufan was.

The three Xu Sages who followed Ning Wu were Gou Tu, Xu Yu, and Lan Ke.

Ning Wu holds the Wheel of Life in his left hand and the Space Crystal in his right hand.

Once he saw Zhuo Bufan, he would immediately crush the space crystal to locate the space and open a space passage for the suspicious King Ce.

"We're almost there. The red dot of life hasn't moved since just now. It seems like the other party must have encountered something."

Ning Wu pointed to the Wheel of Life in his left hand and said.

"Could it be that Song Yuan and Lou Tie have trapped each other?"

A Xusheng wearing a black cloak asked at the side.

The direction they were chasing was exactly where Lou Tie and Song Yuan were.

Upon hearing this, Ning Wu slowly shook his head.

This Ning Wu is a gray mist, wrapped in white clothes, imprisoning the virtual body, and looks a little weird.

"We don't know what the situation is yet."

"Once we find out that we are the target we are going to hunt down later, we will crush the crystal as soon as possible."

"If not, then prepare to get rid of the other party."

"Remember, the other party may be an expert who killed Lou Tie and Song Yuan. We must work together to get rid of it."

Although this Ning Wu is a powerful Daoyuan realm, he is not conceited. He is very cautious because he knows very well that Lou Tie and Song Yuan have not yet returned, and they have probably encountered something unexpected.

If the opponent is not Zhuo Bufan, then it is very likely that he is a rare strong man.

Because he doesn't know the opponent's specific strength, even Ning Wu must be careful.

Soon, they arrived at the starry sky where the red dot of life they were chasing was located.

But at this moment, they were blocked by an invisible energy barrier.

"What's going on? This space is blocked?"

Ning Wu stepped forward and indeed felt an energy barrier that was impossible to get close to.

They tried to break through the barrier, but the other party remained unmoved.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Soon, deep in the souls of all the Void people, there was a terrifying roar that frightened them.

With the appearance of this roar, they suddenly trembled.

Deep in his soul, he thought of an existence at the same time.

"No, it's a Chaos Beast!"

Ning Wu shouted immediately.

"Chaos beast? Lord Ning Wu, what should we do now? Should we invite the king?"

Naturally, they have heard about the power of the Chaos Beast.

As the guardian of order in Chaos, the Chaos Beast will devour anything it thinks may affect order and balance.

After hearing this, Ning Wu shook his head.

"Not yet, we haven't determined yet whether this red dot of life is the person we want to pursue."

"Your Majesty can only make one ultra-long-distance space shuttle every day. If we are not chasing Mr. Zhuo, then it will be equivalent to wasting this opportunity for the King. At that time, if we let the real Mr. Zhuo on the other side If you escape, we will be blamed."

"Calm down first, it's just a Chaos Beast, don't be too panicked."

This Ning Wu is obviously not as panicked and afraid of the Chaos Beast as the other Void Saints.

After all, he is a virtual master in the Daoyuan realm. Even if he cannot kill the chaos beast, he still has the ability to protect himself.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to check whether the red dot of life in this Chaos Beast is extraordinary.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who was in the Chaos Beast's territory, was patiently pulling out the mysterious hairpin for the Chaos Beast.

But at this moment, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky, and Ning Wu and other powerful figures of the Void clan appeared in the light curtain.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Damn, you caught up so quickly?"

"This time there are four of them, it's hard to deal with!"

Zhuo Bufan was secretly terrified, and his eyes fell on that Ning Wu.

"Seeing that the Chaos Beast is still so calm, it seems that he should be a Dao Yuan realm expert."

"This is not good. We must leave this place before they rush in!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the hairpin being sealed in front of him.

"At this rate, there will still be at least more than half an hour."

"Brother Chaos Beast, can we discuss it? Those guys are coming for me, can you keep them out of your domain?"

"Otherwise, once I am captured, there will be no one to help you take out these thorns."

"As you can see, I am almost successful, so please ensure my safety no matter what!"

Zhuo Bufan said this deliberately because he actually wanted the Chaos Beast to protect him.

The Chaos Beast also understood what Zhuo Bufan meant. In fact, even if Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything, the Chaos Beast would have protected Zhuo Bufan well, because at the moment, only Zhuo Bufan could take out the thorn on its reverse scale.

It has already felt that Zhuo Bufan is about to succeed.

Therefore, facing those Void masters who were chasing after them, the Chaos Beast immediately chose to launch a counterattack.

Buzz buzz buzz!

In the void, waves of terrifying turbulence occurred out of thin air.

The next second, Ning Wu and Daxu were trembling and uneasy.

"Sir, this Chaos Beast is probably going to attack. What should we do?"

Before they could react.

Suddenly, terrifying black whirlpools appeared around them.

These black whirlpools came suddenly, biting half of Gou Tu's body.

Before Na Gou Tu could recover, half of his body had been swallowed up.

"No, everyone, be careful and prepare to fight."

Facing this sudden battle, none of the Daxu present dared to take it lightly.

Because this is a Chaos Beast, the guardian of order in this chaotic void.

"Let me break down this barrier."

After finishing speaking, Ning Wu, Xu Zun of Daoyuan Realm, flew out a black spear, and then blasted directly towards the domain barrier of the Chaos Beast.


A harsh piercing sound shook the entire void.

However, what greeted him were countless energy vortices that were simply invisible.

These whirlpools suddenly descended around the Ning Wu, and then began to devour his body crazily.

Don't be bitten by this guy, this beast is not to be feared.

After Ning Wu finished speaking, the long spear swept out, shattering the stars in the sky. The energy vortex of the chaos beast was chopped and exploded one by one in the void.

It caused a violent energy bombardment.

"Lan Ke, I will break a hole later, you immediately enter this field and see if the red life dot is the target we are looking for."

Ning Wu knew that continuing to fight would be meaningless.

The most urgent task is to determine whether there is someone they are looking for, Zhuo, in the chaos field of the chaos beast.

If it is really Zhuo Bufan, then he will choose to crush the space crystal and ask Wang Ce to help.

If Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce comes, then the chaos beast and Zhuo Bufan will be taken down together.

With Ning Wu's current strength, it is still a bit difficult to deal with a chaos beast.

After hearing this, Lan Ke on the side quickly responded.

"I understand. Please do it, Lord Ning Wu!"

"Okay, remember, I can only open it for a moment. You must confirm whether the person inside is the target as quickly as possible."

"Take the space crystal. Once you are sure that it is the target we are looking for, crush it."

After Ning Wu finished speaking, he handed the space crystal to the Lan guest.

This scene was seen clearly by Zhuo Bufan in the domain.

"No, I don't have time!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that once they broke through the domain of the Chaos Beast, he would be finished.

Zhuo Bufan looked back at the hairpin that had not been completely sealed.

"It's too late, the Heaven Repairing Hand!"

Zhuo Bufan integrated the peerless magical power Heaven Repairing Technique into his hands, and then grabbed the hairpin without hesitation.

The moment his hands touched the hairpin, the purple burning thunder began to corrupt his hands.


His hands began to turn into ashes.

But a moment later, the ashes began to be reborn under the influence of the power of the Heaven Repairing Technique.

So, Zhuo Bufan still held the hairpin tightly in both hands.

"It's almost too late, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and shouted.

He knew very well that if he didn't pull out the hairpin, the Chaos Beast would never let him go.

But time was almost too late, because outside the domain, Ning Wu was holding a spear and was gathering a peerless killing move. The terrifying Luo Tian Yuan force gathered at the tip of the spear.

Ning Wu used his strongest attack to tear apart the Chaos Beast's domain barrier.

He saw his spear come out like a dragon.

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, the spear in his hand emitted a shocking brilliance, and it slashed fiercely on the Chaos Beast's domain barrier.

Then, a small crack appeared in front of them.

"Now, go!"

Seeing the crack appear, Ning Wu shouted to Lan Ke on the side.

Lan Ke heard it, took the space crystal, and rushed into the Chaos Beast's domain.

At this time, the crack that Ning Wu had blown out with all his strength was healed. Ning Wu and the others were stunned when they saw this.

"Oh no, I underestimated the power of this Chaos Beast."

"I hope the person inside is the target we are looking for."

After Ning Wu finished speaking, he looked at the completely healed crack. They had completely lost contact with the Lan Ke.


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