Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 119 The Call from the Holy Lord (Part 2) [Please recommend]

When Zhuo Bufan and the others entered the hall, all the powerful bosses in the hall stood up one after another to welcome Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Lou behind him.

"How does it feel like you have entered the den of tigers and wolves?"

Zhuo Bufan walked into the hall, and there were eager eyes from all around.

Of course, there is no need to be nervous when Mr. Lou is with Zhuo Bufan, and the purpose of these people coming is not to do anything to him, but to form a good alliance.

There were about a dozen people present, and they were basically sect leaders, lords of a city, or talisman lords.

His identity and status are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, now, Zhuo Bufan is not only able to sit on an equal footing with them, he can even occupy a high position.

"I didn't expect that the deputy palace master actually came in person. It seems that the temple attaches great importance to this honorable person."

"Yes, our Talisman Temple has not given birth to a venerable person for almost thirty years. Everyone thinks that the development of Talisman has reached a barrier or limit. The appearance of this young lord at this moment will undoubtedly make the development of Talisman Temple another step. Stepped up a notch.”

"What is the identity of this young lord? Have you found out?"

"You are looking for death. You dare to investigate the past of an honorable person in private. I advise you not to investigate. All you need to know is that he is now the youngest young honorable person in the history of our Talisman Temple."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and Lou Lao walking through the main hall, several castle masters sitting at the bottom started talking among themselves.

They came from other Guocheng Talisman Forts with the purpose of meeting this young venerable man.

After seeing the extraordinary Zhuo Bufan, they all touched their beards with satisfaction and nodded.

"Everyone, Mr. Fu lived up to his trust and invited the young gentleman to the Holy City."

"Mr. Zhuo Zun, Master of the Hall, please take a seat."

Fu Hongchen specially made room for Zhuo Bufan, allowing Zhuo Bufan to sit in the middle of the three seats on the main hall stage, while Mr. Lou sat on the left side.

These two positions are obviously the two highest-status positions in the hall.

As the Lord of the Holy City, he only sat on the right side of Zhuo Bufan, ranking third.

His Highness obviously had no dissatisfaction with this arrangement, and Mr. Lou did not show too much restraint. He just sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

An expert is indeed an expert, not a human being at all. Even if there are fine wines, elixirs and spiritual fruits on the table in front of him, he remains unmoved.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, couldn't help but swallow after seeing the delicacies placed in front of him.

"Are these guys going to start corrupting me?"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

Once your status is elevated, the people and things you come into contact with are completely elevated to a level that is unimaginable.

Bang bang!


Fu Hongchen clapped his hands gently, and for a moment, the harpist at the back of the banquet played the harp and the music filled the air.

Two rows of dancers wearing pink long-sleeved dance skirts walked out gracefully like butterflies on lotus steps.

For a time, the harp and harps were singing in harmony, and the demons were singing and dancing. In the main hall, there was laughter, laughter, and cheers.

After dancing to a song, the lingering sound lingers!

At this time, Fu Hongchen stood up again and said.

"Since ancient times, heroes have been born from young men. Today, we are fortunate to have invited the young master from the Talisman Temple. Before the banquet begins, I would like to suggest that the young master say a few words to start the banquet."

As soon as he said this, everyone in His Highness responded and asked Zhuo Bufan to stand up and say a few words.

"I can't handle it!"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly nervous. He picked up a luminous cup and stood up.

This was the first time that he spoke in front of so many big guys. His current status is too high, and his character has not changed yet, or in other words, he has not adapted to his current status and status.

It feels like a nouveau riche suddenly being invited to a high-end cocktail party. There was something clearly out of place in his behavior.

"Just go for it!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that there might be more and more cases like this in the future, after all, his identity had already reached this point.

Zhuo Bufan picked up the wine glass and stood up.

Mr. Lou who was sitting nearby opened one eye slightly and looked at Zhuo Bufan. He wanted to see how Zhuo Bufan dealt with the situation before him.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, just as he was about to start speaking.

Suddenly, his soul trembled!

It was as if a big hand reached out from the void and tightly grasped Zhuo Bufan's soul.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul and body were being pulled into the void by the big hand that covered the sky.

"Damn, it's coming!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, and in the next second, he disappeared into the main hall of the Holy City of Fire Cloud City.

That's right, he disappeared, disappeared for no reason!

Many big guys present were dumbfounded. Even Lou Gai couldn't help but sit up in shock.

"What happened?"

"Why did you disappear suddenly?"

"Young Master, where have you gone?"

These characters, who were all important figures in front of others, looked around each other blankly at this moment. Finally, everyone's eyes fell on the biggest boss on the stage.

Lou Gai stared at Zhuo Bufan who suddenly disappeared with his eyes widened, and couldn't help but say in shock.

"Able to reach thousands of miles away and capture people in the void! Could it be that person?"

Even Lou Gai looked shocked, obviously he was surprised by the person he guessed.

Thousands of miles away, the void takes people!

What kind of powerful person is this, able to achieve such great powers?

Mr. Lou did not call him by his name, but spoke the name of the powerful one. In the main hall, everyone looked at each other blankly.

The young venerable man suddenly disappeared from the Holy City. This incident was extraordinary!

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan only felt a flash before his eyes, and the next second he appeared in a bright underground palace, still holding the luminous cup in his hand.

The reason why I am sure this is an underground palace is because the top of my head is still hard soil. Underfoot are tiled khaki square bricks.

There are dozens of pillars around which two people are hugging each other. The pillars are inlaid with various self-luminous mineral stones. The entire underground palace was illuminated extremely brightly.

In front of you is a high platform with stairs on both sides to climb up.

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyes again and saw that people were constantly being teleported to the underground palace all around.

"A call from the Holy Lord?"

Zhuo Bufan reacted subconsciously and recalled what Duan Xinghe had said before. The Holy Lord can unconditionally teleport everyone in the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers to the location designated by her.

And this transmission obviously came without any warning.

Some people were teleported while eating, some were teleported while practicing, and some were even teleported while taking a bath, and appeared naked in the underground palace, causing bursts of screams.

And right in front of Zhuo Bufan, a Risheng was also teleported.

He knelt devoutly in front of Zhuo Bufan, clasped his hands together, and knelt down.

"Ancestor, ancestor, you must protect me and pass the annual meeting assessment of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers!"

Zhuo Bufan looked awkwardly at the man in front of him who was kowtowing to him, and couldn't help coughing twice.


The man looked up and saw a face that was extremely familiar to Zhuo Bufan.

"Your mother, Lao Zhuo, why are you here?"

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