Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1208: Slutty woman, scumbag

Originally, Meng Chanyi would be able to fully recover in less than a month under the energy of Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique.

However, for the happiness of her little granddaughter Kaila, Li Po of the Witch God Temple delayed Meng Chanyi's awakening to one year.

In one year, they will do their best to match Kaila with the leader Qiankun.

If they can't do it in this year, then on the day Meng Chanyi wakes up, there may be some earth-shattering changes.

On this side, Qiankun came back and arranged everything, and then began to retreat.

During the retreat, Qiankun strengthened the seal of Li Mei.

What surprised Qiankun was that Li Mei had unexpectedly stopped talking since she was brought to the Ronin Star.

Although Qiankun felt strange, he didn't doubt it too much. After all, Qiankun could sense the weak soul of Li Mei that was sealed.

Of course, Qiankun would never have thought that Li Mei had already secretly possessed half of her soul power to the elder, and even took over the elder's body.

The elder's cultivation was not high, and he had almost no power to resist the soul of Daluo Tiandao.

Of course, Li Mei still did not dare to expose herself after taking over the elder's body.

After all, her original body and the other half of her soul were in Qiankun's hands.

What Li Mei had to do was to lie dormant on this Ronin Star.

Then look for an opportunity to kill Meng Chanyi.

Then find a way to send a signal to Tan Zhitian Hun Dun to locate her location.

Finally, she worked with Tan Zhitian Hun Dun to destroy the entire Ronin Star.

Now Li Mei has completely forgotten her purpose.

She completely forgot that her mission was to hunt down Zhuo Bufan, not to kill Meng Chanyi.

Of course, this woman didn't care about hunting down Zhuo Bufan from the beginning.

For her, it didn't matter whether Zhuo Bufan was dead or alive.

Compared with Zhuo Bufan, she cares more about Meng Chanyi's life and death.

She hid in Ronin Star to wait for an opportunity.

Of course, Meng Chanyi is now completely protected, and it is almost impossible for her to kill Meng Chanyi.

Unless she is willing to risk her identity being exposed.

However, the result is that Li Mei may not be able to kill Meng Chanyi, but will be killed instead.

Three months later, Qiankun came out of seclusion and held an emergency meeting again.

Because before the seclusion, he had instructed the elders to make preparations before the war.

Now is the time to report the results.

The elder Li Mei was cautious, fearing that she would be discovered. Facing Qiankun's inquiry, she answered.

"Chief, the second elder and I have worked out all the specific details before the war, and the enemy strategy planned by the second elder is already very complete. Now as long as the enemy dares to come, we will make him return in defeat."

After Li Mei said this, she smiled coldly in her heart.

In the face of absolute strength, no matter how many pre-war plans there are, they are useless.

Because the one she invited was Tan Zhitian Hun Dun.

A terrifying existence that could easily slaughter a whole universe.

And the people who came were definitely not only Tan Zhitian, but also his twelve Daxu subordinates.

Maybe his own subordinates would come too.

By then, it would be no problem to flatten the entire Ronin Star.

Li Mei now only needs to secretly send a coordinate position to Tan Zhitian Hun Dun when she is almost recovered.

And now, her mental strength has almost recovered.

Recently she has been looking for an opportunity to send the coordinate position to Hun Dun.

Because Ronin Star is always moving, she has to send the coordinate position every once in a while.

After listening to the answer of the great elder, Qian Kun nodded with satisfaction.

Next, the other elders began to report their preparations one by one.

Except for the Sixth Elder who was responsible for finding the Purple Chaos Stone, who had not returned yet.

The Purple Chaos Stone is not easy to find and takes time.

So the Sixth Elder will definitely not be able to come back for a while.

After the meeting report, the leader Qian Kun was very satisfied. The Ronin tribe has made full preparations and is now waiting for the enemy's attack.

Of course, Qiankun naturally puts the safety of the Ronin tribe first.

It would be best if the enemy doesn't come.

Even the witch Li Po came to the meeting this time.

Li Po mainly came to report Meng Chanyi's situation.

She naturally wouldn't tell Qiankun the real situation of Meng Chanyi, but only told Qiankun that even if the woman wakes up, she may lose a lot of memory due to the severe damage to her soul.

Qiankun didn't care about this.

"Amnesia? That's even better! I don't need to know her past. She just needs to remember the good times she will have with me in the future."

Li Mei, who was standing aside, couldn't help but despise Qiankun when she heard these words.

"Tsk, what kind of love saint is this kid pretending to be."

"How can a reckless man like you occupy this woman Meng Chanyi."

It's not that Li Mei looks down on Qiankun, but in her opinion, Qiankun is not worthy of Meng Chanyi at all.

As the most beautiful woman in Daluotian, Meng Chanyi has countless suitors. But Meng Chanyi has never looked at anyone differently.

Because her heart has already been promised to Luotian, who has been dead for a million years.

Perhaps only God can match such a woman.

"Li Po, Seventh Elder. I will give you a task."

"When the beauty wakes up, you will prepare the wedding for me. I will marry this beauty with the highest standards of etiquette of the Ronin clan."

This Qiankun is obviously overly attracted to Meng Chanyi and is eager to marry Meng Chanyi soon.

After hearing this, her childhood sweetheart Kayla trembled all over and her eyebrows were already knitted together.

"Chief, do you really want to marry that woman?"

Keira still said what was in her heart in front of everyone present.

Because she knew that if she didn't say anything, she might not have a chance.

At this time, she must muster the courage to pursue her own happiness.

Seeing Keira suddenly stand up, Qiankun narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Keira, what do you mean?"

"Have you ever regretted what I said?"

After listening to Qiankun's words, Keira was trembling and didn't know what to do.

"I, what I mean is, leader, you are not familiar with this girl. You don't even know her origin. Is it too hasty to marry her so rashly?"

"And, and..."

"And what? Say it!"

Qiankun was obviously a little dissatisfied with Keira who suddenly stood up, because he could hear that Keira was opposed to his marriage to Meng Chanyi.

Keira was indeed stunned for a moment by Qiankun's drink. But for the sake of her own happiness, she still said it without hesitation.

"Besides, isn't it necessary for both parties to be happy when getting married?"

"Even if you want to get married, it depends on whether the girl is willing or not!"

Keira shouted with her eyes closed.

There was nothing wrong with what she said.

Marriage is indeed not a matter of one person. If Qiankun wants Meng Chanyi to be his woman, it must at least depend on Meng Chanyi's consent.

When Qiankun heard this, he was indeed stunned by Keira's question.

But Qiankun is Qiankun. After thinking for a moment, he sat up straight and said domineeringly.

"What? Do you think I'm not worthy of her?"

"I am the leader of the Ronin clan, the lord of the galaxy. Isn't it true that all the people I want to marry are always willing to marry me?"

"I believe that as long as I want to marry anyone, there is no one I won't be willing to marry. That beauty will be happy to agree when the time comes."

This Qiankun was really arrogant. This guy's inexplicable self-confidence made even Li Mei find it ridiculous.

"Don't come here, stinky. This guy must be so stinky and beautiful. Do you really think that he is the kind of person who can win a beautiful woman's arms with a start?"

"I'm going to laugh my head off. You stupid pig. If Meng Chanyi can promise you, I'll go back and remake it."

Li Mei suddenly wanted to see if Meng Chanyi would agree to Qiankun's unreasonable request after waking up.

This Qiankun is confident that any woman he wants will throw himself into his arms.

But Meng Chanyi is not an ordinary woman. Meng Chanyi's obsession in some aspects even surpasses that of Mo Chi Chi, who is famous for her obsession.

In order to wait for the one she loves, she has been waiting for a million years. Even Mo Chichi can't catch up with such longing.

"Suddenly I think this pig head is quite funny. I really want to see what he looks like after being rejected by Meng Chanyi. I will definitely be happy to death."

Li Mei suddenly gave up the idea of ​​murdering Meng Chanyi. Maybe it was the bad taste in her heart that made her want to see Qiankun's disappointed face.

Facing Qiankun's answer, Keira helplessly smiled bitterly.

She really couldn't break Qiankun's inexplicable self-confidence.

Because isn't she just so in love with this person that she can't help herself?

Qiankun seems to be right. As long as he is willing, all the women in the Ronin clan are vying to marry him.

This kind of confidence comes from his identity and status, as well as his absolute strength.

He is such an excellent man and deserves the devotion of all women.

Just when Keira felt helpless, Li Po on the side finally stood up and said.

"My lord, I don't want to go against you. I just want you to think twice about marrying this girl."

"Keira is right. The identity of this girl is unknown now, and her situation is unknown. It is not clear whether she is a friend or an enemy."

"What if she is an enemy?"

"We, the Ronin clan, left that world five million years ago and have multiplied to this day. We survive cautiously in this dangerous and chaotic void."

"We have been able to survive until now, relying on our own vigilance, and of course the bright guidance of leaders in the past."

"Now, the Ronin clan is about to face a crisis. I think we cannot take this girl's sudden appearance lightly."

"So, chief, I feel that it is not too late to make a decision on your marriage to this girl until she wakes up!"

Li Po stood up at this time, obviously speaking for Keira.

Keira looked at Po Li and was deeply moved.

The seventh elder on the side also stood up and said after listening to Li Po's advice.

"Lord Chief, I support Po Li's suggestion."

"After all, our clan is currently facing a powerful enemy. The identity of this girl is unknown, and it is unknown whether she is a trick of the enemy."

"So I ask the leader to think twice..."


Before the seventh elder could finish speaking, Qiankun suddenly slapped his palm on the throne.

"Seventh Elder, what do you mean? Do you think I do things without thinking?"

Qiankun was furious, and everyone present knelt down.

The great elder Li Mei also knelt down reluctantly, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Do you have a brain, pig? When you saw that woman Meng Chanyi, your brain must have been eaten by pigs!"

Li Mei laughed at Qian Kun in his heart.

The other elders were all panicked.

"Chief, calm down. That's not what we mean."

Li Po hurriedly explained.

She has a noble status here and is highly respected. Now only her words can calm the anger of this fool.

"Chief, I watched you grow up and watched you take over the throne."

"I know exactly what kind of person the chief is."

"The chief naturally thinks twice before doing anything. But this girl..."

"Okay, Li Po!"

Before Li Po finished speaking, Qian Kun, who had calmed down, raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

"I know very well what you want to say, and I understand it very well."

"You did this for Kaira, right!"

When Qian Kun took the initiative to break this window paper, everyone present was silent.

And Kayla herself was even more shocked.

"You all think that I and Kayla are childhood sweethearts, and we are a perfect match made in heaven. So you want to match me and Kayla together."

"The reason why you are so opposed to me and Miss Meng is simply because I don't understand your feelings."

"Grandma Li, let me ask you. In your eyes, what is the relationship between me and Kayla?"

When Qiankun asked this question to Grandma Li, Grandma Li also responded boldly.

"I, I think. The leader and Kayla grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and they are a perfect match made in heaven."

Grandma Li is still helping Kayla speak.

After hearing this, Qiankun snorted coldly and laughed.

"Hehe, Li Po, I don't think so. It's true that Kaila and I are childhood sweethearts, but I have always treated her as my own sister, and I have never had any improper thoughts."

"How can you let me marry my own sister?"

When Qiankun said this, Li Po was stunned, and everyone present was speechless.

And Kaila herself raised her head and widened her eyes.

Qiankun's words undoubtedly showed his position and attitude.

He would never marry Kaila no matter what.

Qiankun is not stupid. In fact, this guy has always been pretending to be confused.

Since he took over the position of leader, all the elders have been constantly trying to match him with Kaila.

Qiankun was not tired of it, but in the end he was forced to Yuanli Ronin Star.

After returning from so many years away, he thought these elders would no longer embarrass him.

Unexpectedly, it has become worse and has begun to interfere with his freedom of marriage.

So Qiankun finally couldn't bear it and broke this window paper.

After hearing Qiankun's complaints, Keira was completely desperate.

Thousands of years of waiting, thousands of years of dreams, became extravagant hopes at this moment, all shattered.

She stood up silently, said no more, and turned to leave the hall.

Looking at Keira's lonely back, the great elder Li Mei snorted coldly.

"Tsk, nymphomaniac, scumbag!"


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