Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1210: Void Merchant (Part 1)

The green star in the meteorite formation was actually a new world created by the Tree of Creation.

Zhuo Bufan is quite familiar with this tree of creation, because he also has one in his inner world.

The Creation Tree can create the basic rules needed for a world on its own. Where they take root, there is a world.

Originally, the vitality of the Creation Tree was very powerful, but outside this green star, there was actually a large formation made of meteorite belts, which almost covered up its vitality.

Obviously, this was done deliberately.

The person who made this great formation was definitely not the Creation Number. After all, the Creation Number did not have this ability. Its only ability was to create a new world.

In other words, there is someone else who is making the meteorite formation.

And this person is by no means simple. He may not be as powerful as Meng Chanyi, but he is definitely much more powerful than a Saint Yuan realm like Zhuo Bufan.

At least it was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to conceal the vitality of such a large star.

"It seems that the chance of Dream Fairy appearing here is low! From this point of view, only the No. 3 life red dot has this possibility."

Zhuo Bufan did not move forward because after the encounter with the Soul Eater at the red dot of life No. 1, Zhuo Bufan now became cautious.

It was obviously impossible for Meng Chanyi to exist on the green star in front of her.

"Boy, are you ready to retreat?"

Xiao Xiang felt Zhuo Bufan's intention to leave.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"As expected, the most unlikely is the most likely."

Zhuo Bufan never believed that the red dot of life No. 3 was Meng Chanyi, but looking at it now, this should be the only possibility.

"Don't cause trouble, retreat!"

Zhuo Bufan withdrew the Mercy Sword, then turned to leave.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Friends stay, since you are here, why not stay for a while?"

Zhuo Bufan was immediately stunned and pulled out the Mercy Sword that he had originally withdrawn.

And at this moment, the voice suddenly came again.

"Good sword, good sword!"

"Using the Purple Chaos Stone to convert the sword body is really a generous move."

"Friend, would you like to visit Yi Xing?"

The other party could see at a glance that the Mercy Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand contained a layer of Purple Chaos Stone.

"Sorry, friend, I was passing by here. I didn't want to disturb you, so I just borrowed it."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to cause trouble, let alone be targeted.

He just wanted to find Meng Chanyi as soon as possible.

Since Meng Chanyi is not here, there is no need for Zhuo Bufan to stay long.

However, the other party obviously took a fancy to Zhuo Bufan. Seeing that Zhuo Bufan wanted to leave, he continued.

"Your Excellency, please stay. I see that Your Excellency is moving in a hurry. I must be in a hurry. I am Yi Xing, a void merchant in the chaotic void."

"With me, you can get any information you want, or trade any treasures."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, the Void Merchant has always been honest and honest in his business. He is definitely not a galactic pirate."

"You should also have something you want to ask about!"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned after hearing what the mysterious man said.

But at this time, the little nightmare at his feet said.

"Void merchant, boy, you are so lucky to be a void merchant?"

"Void Merchant, what do you say?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled and said that he didn't expect Xiaoxiang to know about this void merchant.

"Void merchants, they are rare existences in the chaotic void."

"They have various channels of intelligence, and they also hold many of the most mysterious treasures in the Chaos Void."

"In short, void merchants are existences that everyone can meet in the chaotic void."

"Boy, go quickly, little master, I finally met the void merchant, and I want to exchange some treasures with him."

From Xiao Xiang's mouth, Zhuo Bufan learned that this void merchant had an extraordinary origin.

He is in this chaotic void, and he is the person that everyone wants to meet in their dreams.

Even Little Nightmare is thinking about him and wants to exchange some treasures with him.

"Boy, don't you want to find the Lord of Time? Maybe this void merchant knows some information."

Xiaoxiang's words made Zhuo Bufan, who was planning to leave, stop without hesitation.

Although finding Meng Chanyi is a top priority, the whereabouts of the Lord of Time is also a very urgent matter for Zhuo Bufan.

Finding the Lord of Time is his most important task in escaping Daluotian.

"Is it really possible?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe it. He had been searching for so long in the Chaos Void but there was no news about the Lord of Time. He didn't expect that the Void Merchant knew about it.

"Just ask and you will know! Their void merchants rely on selling information and trading treasures to survive."

"Go and have a look! Anyway, this void merchant won't do any harm to us."

Little Nightmare wanted to go take a look. It knew the void merchant better and knew that the void merchant was not a dangerous person.

"In that case, let's go and have a look!"

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, so it would be best for him if the other party knew the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

Ever since, under the leadership of Xiao Xi, Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the green star.

When they got closer, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the green star was indeed covered ten times by a tree of creation.

And at the top of the Creation Tree, there is a city on the tree.

The tree city was enveloped by a soft green glow.

In the center of the city, there was a tall tower. The soul of the void merchant who had communicated with Zhuo Bufan before was radiating from the tower.

"Guests from the depths of chaos, welcome to Yixing."

Along with the voice that resounded throughout the world, a group of black dragons with huge fleshy wings flew towards them.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this.

"Time and space nightmare dragons? Xiaoyan, they are your kind."

The group of dragons that flew over turned out to be time and space nightmare dragons.

The horns on their heads would naturally not deceive Zhuo Bufan.

There were eight time and space nightmare dragons that came, they were fully armed, and they were wearing equipment made of unknown materials.

"They are really the same kind."

If Zhuo Bufan might make a mistake, then Xiaoyan would definitely not make a mistake.

These dragons are indeed time and space nightmare dragons, and they look even bigger than Xiaoyan.

The leading Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was even more astonishingly large, a complete behemoth, equivalent to ten small nightmares.

When the small nightmare saw the other party, it couldn't help showing a trace of timidity.

Of course, only Zhuo Bufan discovered the timidity of the small nightmare.

The leading Space-Time Nightmare Dragon came to Zhuo Bufan and lowered his head to him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan heard the other party's low voice from the depths of his soul.

"My master invites you to the Yi Tower for a chat!"

"Your master?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized.

The master mentioned by this Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was obviously the Lord of Yixing, the mysterious Void Merchant.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that this Void Merchant was quite powerful, and he could actually take all these extremely proud Space-Time Nightmare Dragons as his servants.

You know, the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and the small nightmare is just a cooperative relationship.

"What is the origin of this Void Merchant?"

Zhuo Bufan asked puzzledly.

But since he had already come, Zhuo Bufan did not plan to flee at this time.

So, he took Xiaoyan and followed the group of space-time nightmare dragons to fly towards the central pagoda.

Along the way, Xiaoyan did not dare to say another word.

Obviously, Xiaoyan was shocked by this exaggerated scene.

You must know that each of the eight space-time nightmare dragons in front of him is stronger than him.

The most powerful space-time nightmare dragon is the leader of their race.

Such an existence can rival high-level chaos beasts in the chaotic void.

In other words, this void merchant is fearless even if he encounters a high-level chaos beast.

It can be said that he is rampant and no one dares to stop him.

The reason why Xiaoyan did not dare to speak was that he was afraid that the void merchant would take a fancy to him and then regard him as his ninth space-time nightmare dragon servant.

Before, he was still arrogant about coming to do business with this void merchant, but now he is so scared that he dare not say much.

Zhuo Bufan sensed Xiaoyan's cowardice, so he didn't say much.

Soon, they followed the group of time and space nightmare dragons to the top floor of the central pagoda.

After landing, they saw a group of women with beautiful figures and white feather wings coming up.

They wore thin skirts, their skin was as white as snow, looming, and it made people fantasize.

Zhuo Bufan had never seen such people before, and they must be a race that had left Daluotian.

Not only these women with wings, after entering the hall, Zhuo Bufan also saw various monsters with cow heads and horse faces.

There was a black goat in a butler's uniform, assigning some subordinates to prepare dinner.

A beautiful woman with a human head and a snake body was dancing alone in the center of the hall.

There were also many eight-legged insects with human faces and spider bodies carrying fine wine and delicacies on the table.

There were also many bright birds filled with holy light hovering in the air.


The hall at the top of the entire pagoda was completely a grand banquet scene.

What caught Zhuo Bufan's attention the most was the mysterious man sitting on the throne in the center of the hall.

He wore a black cloak, had six arms, and a white flower mask.

The mask was obviously a divine weapon, covering up all the aura on him.

The most eye-catching thing was the thirty fingers on his six arms.

Because each finger was wearing a ring.

And each ring had a different shape and color.

Needless to say, this six-armed man was the owner of Yixing, the mysterious void merchant.

He was as mysterious as his appearance.

However, after seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others coming, the mysterious man raised two of his six hands and clapped his hands.

At this time, all the strange creatures that were busy in the hall withdrew.

In the end, only the black goat butler and the beautiful snake dancer were left.

"Sir, thank you very much for coming to my Yixing to have a chat."

"Please take a seat and let me show my hospitality."

After the six-armed man finished speaking, the ring on the index finger of his left hand flashed, and then a golden chair appeared behind Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan sat down expressionlessly.

"It is said that this chaotic void has few lives, but I didn't expect that there is such a wonderful little world on this green star."

After Zhuo Bufan sat down, he exclaimed.

He was right. There were actually very few other lives in the chaotic void.

After all, it was impossible for ordinary lives to survive in this chaotic void.

Only those with strong strength were qualified to survive.

However, there were so many lives on Yixing. And what Zhuo Bufan saw was obviously just the tip of the iceberg.

After hearing this, the six-armed man laughed and said.

"Everything you have seen is just my small world."

"I was fortunate to get a seed of the tree of good fortune, and with its power, I perfected the basic rules of the small world."

"Over time, these messy, weird, and weird guys were born."

"But to be honest, they are really ugly. They are simply failed life forms."

The man's words made Zhuo Bufan frown slightly.

"Haha, you are joking. These life forms must be treasures in your hands."

"Let's stop talking nonsense and talk about business! I heard that you are a void merchant. As long as you are willing to pay a certain price, you can find out anything from you!"

"This is also the purpose of my coming to your green planet."

"And you deliberately kept me here, you must have taken a fancy to something on me!"

"I think we can make a deal."

Zhuo Bufan came to this void merchant to make a deal, which is also the purpose of his coming here.

The void merchant was silent for a moment after hearing this.

I don't know what it looks like under the mask, he just smiled innocently.

"I do have a fancy for a treasure on your body, but I don't know if you are willing to give it up."

After the other party finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

The little nightmare behind him hid behind Zhuo Bufan, and the little nightmare obviously thought that the void merchant had taken a fancy to him.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't think so. He stretched out his hand and the dazzling Minsheng Sword appeared in his hand.

"You want this, right?"

Zhuo Bufan took out the Minsheng Sword and pointed it at the Void Merchant opposite him.

There was a sense of tension as the long sword pointed.

The black goat and the beautiful snake beside the Void Merchant stepped forward and took a fighting stance.

But the Void Merchant raised one of his hands and smiled calmly.

"To be honest, this sword that is a fusion of the Creation Wood and the Chaos Stone is only of low quality among the countless artifacts in my collection."

"But your sword is not simple. This piece of Creation Wood must be the Eternal Wood that was born after countless destructions."

"This Eternal Wood can be fused with everything, not just the Purple Chaos Stone, but even the Sand of Time, Space Crystal, Water of Nothingness and other materials can be easily fused."

"The fusion of this sword is the most powerful I have ever seen. In short, it is just a broken sword now, but once it fuses with the Devouring Star Core, it can grow into the most powerful artifact."

"What a good sword, what a good sword!"


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