Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1218: Former leader, Tianjiang

Obviously, the plan to send Meng Chanyi away cannot be rushed.

However, with Li Po's assurance, Kaila is obviously more relieved.

After instigating Kaila, Li Mei returned to the palace of the Great Elder.

Originally, she wanted to wait for the good show to start, but after a whole day, she didn't hear anything from the Wushen Temple.

"Tsk, did this woman back down at the last minute?"

Li Mei was dissatisfied, after all, she had been waiting for the news of Meng Chanyi's death.

But now it seems that this plan has obviously failed.

"It seems that we can only wait until Hun Dun and the others come."

"Then join forces with Hun Dun and Mo Chi Chi to destroy this Ronin Star."

Li Mei's plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife failed, and she could only be quiet.

Although she has many tricks, she is now a prisoner after all.

Her body is still sealed by Qian Kun under Tiandang Mountain.

Li Mei is very fortunate that the soul of the great elder she occupied is quite fragile.

So she used her soul clone to temporarily occupy his body without any effort.

However, Li Mei could not temporarily occupy this body forever, and it was even more impossible for her to return to Daluo Heaven with this body.

Her original power was still in her body.

"It seems that I need to find a way to break the seal of Tiandang Mountain."

Breaking the seal of Tiandang Mountain is easy to say.

When Li Mei contacted her body, she found that Qiankun had added more than one layer on top of the seal.

This is the seal cage created by Qiankun at the cost of his own eyes.

Li Mei's soul was injured and extremely weak.

Facing Qiankun's seal, it can be said that she was helpless.

Of course, there is always a way out.

Just when Li Mei was thinking about how to solve the seal of Tiandang Mountain.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of a person gave her hope.

Kayla, the female leader of the Ronin tribe, started her mission after planning with Li Po and others.

What Kayla had to do was to find a way to unlock Li Mei's seal.

Of course, it's not the right time yet. Her purpose of coming to Tiandang Mountain today is to observe the seal.

When the time is right, she will break the seal, and then use a diversionary tactic to send Meng Chanyi away.

Tiandang Mountain is the sacred mountain of Ronin Star and the highest mountain.

In Tiandang Mountain, there are the souls of each generation of Ronin Star leaders suppressing.

So, when Kayla came to the foot of Tiandang Mountain, she was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The one who blocked her was the previous leader of Ronin Star - Tianjiang!

"Kyla, little kid, what are you doing here in Tianjiang today?"

Tianjiang naturally recognized Kayla. After all, when Tianjiang was still alive, Kayla was already an outstanding young generation among the Ronin women.

"Kayla has met Grandpa Tianjiang. Kayla wants to enter Tiandang Mountain. I wonder if Grandpa Tianjiang can let her go?"

After Kayla finished speaking, she took out a piece of blood jade.

When he saw the blood jade, Tianjiang's soul was shaken.

"Li Po? Did she ask you to come?"

"Well, the mother-in-law also said that she had something to tell you and the former chiefs."

After saying that, Kaila spread her hands and let the blood jade in her hand slowly fly up.

Then, the blood jade projected the image of Li Po.

When Tianjiang saw Li Po, he was so excited that he wanted to open his arms and hug her.

At this time, Li Po's influence said.

"I thought I would never come to Tiandang Mountain again. But today, for the sake of the younger generation, I have to come to you with a thick face to ask you for a favor."

When Li Po said this, Tianjiang hurriedly said.

"Li Po, what are you talking about? Why do we need to use the word "ask" between you and me?"

"If you need anything, just tell me. Although I can't leave Tiandang Mountain, I can let Qiankun solve it for you."

"No! What I want you to do is to hide it from the leader."

When Li Po said this, Tianjiang was silent.

Because the clan rules of the Ronin tribe are that no matter what, you must not hide it from the leader.

No one can deceive the leader's wisdom.

However, Li Po must have her reasons for saying this.

So Tianjiang did not ask directly, because he knew that Li Po would explain her intention.

"The thing is, you and I should have watched Qiankun and Kaila grow up."

"When you were still alive, you said that you wanted Qiankun and Kaila to be together, right?"

When Li Po said this, Tianjiang responded immediately.

"Of course, after Qiankun came back, I urged him to marry Kaila as soon as possible."

"But this kid has been making excuses to me. These two days, he thinks I am annoying him and even stopped coming to Tiandang Mountain."

When Tianjiang said this, Li Po felt relieved to tell Tianjiang about their plan.

At least, Tianjiang should help himself and Kaila for her sake.

"Of course he won't come, because the leader has ruined the engagement."

"What? Ruined?"

Tianjiang was stunned after hearing this.

Then he looked at Kaila, who looked aggrieved.

"Girl, did that boy really say that?"

"No wonder, no wonder this old guy hasn't come to Tiandang Mountain recently. It turns out that this guy is too embarrassed to come, right?"

Although Tianjiang is not Qiankun's biological parent, he is Qiankun's closest master.

Qiankun has grown up beside Tian Xian since he was a child. It can be said that in Qian Kun's eyes, Tian Xian is his father.

Moreover, Tianjiang has always included Qiankun as his own child, and even passed the position of leader to him.

The most regretful thing in Tian Jiang's life is that he was not able to see Qian Kun get married while he was still alive.

After his soul returned to Tiandang Mountain, he had been urging Qiankun to marry Keira as soon as possible.

However, Qiankun found an excuse to reject him politely every time.

Recently, he has completely ignored Tianjiang.

Some time ago, Qiankun brought a sealed object, sealed it in Tiandang Mountain, and then disappeared.

Today Tianjiang is still planning to wait for the old boy to teach him a lesson when he comes again next time.

Unexpectedly, Qiankun seems to be afraid of his nagging, and has not come to Tiandangshan at all in recent times.

Now that he saw Po Li and the others coming, Tianjiang knew what the reason was.

"Girl, tell Grandpa Tianjiang exactly what is going on. I will definitely make the decision for you."

Tianjiang will definitely not allow Qiankun to let down Keira.

But in this matter, even if Tianjiang intervenes, it will have no effect.

"Okay, I'm here to see you today. I just don't want you to cause more problems."

Tianjiang looked at Po Li in front of him, somewhat confused by what she meant.

"What does Po Li want to hide from the old boy?"

Tianjiang obviously saw Li Po's intentions, and Li Po did not deny it, but directly admitted it.

"Yes, there are indeed some things we cannot tell the leader."

"This is why I came to you willingly. I hope you won't say anything you shouldn't say to the leader."

Po Li behaved very strongly, after all, it was for the happiness of her granddaughter Keira, so she must be tough this time.

Even if the other party is the former leader Tianjiang, he must shut up.

"Can you tell me what it is? There are some things that I, Tianjiang, will consider on my own."

Tianjiang is the former leader of the Ronin tribe, so he naturally has to consider the Ronin tribe.

It is impossible to fall in line with Po Li and the others just because of personal feelings.

Li Po also knew that this matter could not be hidden from Tianjiang, so she had no choice but to explain it honestly.

"We want to release the virtual clan that the leader sealed."

When Li Po told them the purpose of coming to Tiandang Mountain, Tianjiang was obviously a little surprised.

"Po Li, what exactly do you want to do?"

"The old boy said that this sealed Void clan is very dangerous. Once it is released, it may endanger the entire Ronin clan."

"In order to seal her, Qiankun did not hesitate to destroy his eyes. It can severely damage Qiankun, can you imagine how powerful this sealed object is?"

Tianjiang told Li Po and Keira about the sealed object.

Naturally, they also know the danger of sealed objects, but in order to complete their plan, they can only do this.

"Don't worry, since the leader can seal it once, he can seal it a second time."

"Furthermore, while this Void clan was being sealed, its strength was also constantly declining."

"Even if it escapes the seal, it will still be sealed again later."

Li Po knew very well that the strength of the leader Qiankun must be above that of the Xu clan.

Of course she would not do anything to harm the Ronin tribe, but for her granddaughter Keira and for the future of the Ronin tribe, she had to do this.

The former leader Tian Jiang looked at Po Li blankly and was silent for a moment.

"Can you tell me why you do this?"

Faced with Tianjiang's inquiry, Li Po replied.

"For the future of the Ronin clan."

"There's no need to hide some things from you."

"The leader came back this time with a seriously injured girl."

"He couldn't help but fall in love with this girl, and announced in front of all our elders that he would marry that girl."

"Tianjiang, you should know very well that the blood of our Ronin clan has been passed down by the same clan for generations."

"Qiankun is the best warrior of our Ronin tribe, and his bloodline should be combined with the best woman of the Ronin tribe."

After Tianjiang heard what Li Po said, he said angrily.

"This old boy, why didn't you tell me such a big thing? Does he still regard me as his master?"

"Do you really think that if I die, he will treat me as if I don't exist?"

"No, I have to teach this old boy a lesson. He is not allowed to marry any other woman except Keira."

It can be seen that Tianjiang obviously supports Keira.

After hearing this, Keira was also very moved.

But Li Po stopped Tian Jiang.

"I told you not to tell you this."

"The reason why Qiankun didn't tell you is because he knew you would object."

"In fact, all of us are against it. But you know the character of that child very well."

"No one can change what he decides."

"Don't say you are dead now, you are still alive. Do you think you can change his decision?"

Li Po's words made Tianjiang Soul calm down at that time.

"As long as you don't cause unnecessary problems, you will be the greatest help to our mother-in-law and grandson."

"Then what are you going to do? What do you need me to do?"

Tianjiang is a sensible person, and he also believes that Li Po will not endanger the safety of the Ronin clan.

After hearing this, Po Li asked.

"Can you destroy the seal of the Void Clan?"

Tianjiang heard this and replied.

"The old boy sealed the Void clan in the Infernal Prison at the bottom of Tiandang Mountain."

"Then a ninety thousand heavy seal was imposed."

"Sometimes I have to admit that this old guy is better than his teacher. At my peak, I could only impose 30,000 seals at most."

"It can be seen that the seal this time is very dangerous, otherwise Qiankun would not impose so many seals."

"So, you can't break this seal?"

Li Po didn't want to attack Tianjiang, but Tianjiang's words clearly showed that he was far inferior to Qiankun.

"I can't do it alone, but don't forget that our Tiandang Mountain is the resting place of the leaders of the Ronin Clan."

"There are more than 30 souls of leaders in Tiandang Mountain. If we join forces, it will be easy to unlock the old guy's seal."

"So Li Po, if you really want me to help you, tell me all your plans."

Tianjiang's last sentence was full of confidence.

Indeed, if you rely on the power of the leaders of the past generations, it is not difficult to break the seal of Qiankun.

But if you do this, will it bring disaster to the Ronin Clan?

Therefore, Tianjiang must weigh this issue carefully. First of all, he must fully understand Li Po and their plan.

Li Po and Kaila looked at the soul of Tianjiang. They knew very well that if they wanted to break the seal of the Xu clan, they had to rely on this Lord Tianjiang.

Having said that, it was obviously meaningless to continue hiding it.

So, Li Po and Kaila finally decided to tell them all their plans.

"Well, I'll tell you."

"If you dare to tell Qiankun about this plan, I will never step into Tiandang Mountain again for the rest of my life or even after my death."

This Li Po is actually in a lover relationship with Tianjiang.

However, until Tianjiang died, this steel straight man did not confess to Li Po.

After Tianjiang died, Li Po once said that she would never set foot on Tiandang Mountain.

She waited for this unfaithful man for a lifetime, but she didn't wait for that sentence.

So she wanted this unfaithful man to wait for her answer for a lifetime after his death.

Tianjiang said quickly after hearing what Li Po said.

"Don't worry, I won't say a word to that old guy."

Tianjiang still loves Li Po, but this woman who was once the most beautiful woman in the Ronin tribe is now gone.

After hearing this, Li Po told Tianjiang about their plan to divert attention and lure the tiger away from the mountain.

After hearing this, Tianjiang suddenly realized.

"So that's it, you want to send that girl away, right?"

"If so, I can help you. Leave the seal of the Void Clan to us!"

Tianjiang's mind finally opened up.

After all, they did this for the future of the Ronin tribe.

The Ronin tribe has been wandering in this chaotic void for millions of years, and they can't let an outsider disrupt their peaceful life.

After learning about their plan, the former leader joined them without hesitation.

In this way, the most difficult part of their plan has been solved.

Next, just wait until the day when the plan is launched.


There is something going on at home today, only one chapter

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