Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1220 The seal is lifted

A sage on Ronin Star once predicted that Ronin Star will experience a doomsday catastrophe in the near future.

Calculating the time, it will be within this hundred years.

A hundred years may seem long, but compared to the history of the Ronin Clan, it is just a blink of an eye.

In short, the sage's prediction is true, and they will indeed experience a catastrophe.

And it will not be a hundred years later, but three months later.

Of course, the Ronin Clan is ready for battle.

However, there are still some restless people in the clan who are carrying out their little plans.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Po also accelerated the recovery of Meng Chanyi's injuries according to the plan.

During this month, Qiankun came to the Wushen Temple to visit Meng Chanyi almost every day.

Li Po saw it and felt a little bit reluctant.

Sending Meng Chanyi away is indeed for Kaila's good.

But this is too unfair to Qiankun.

Qiankun finally met a woman he loved deeply.

Li Po could see that Qiankun was really in love. She began to doubt whether her approach was correct.

But now, they seem to have no choice, because Kaila has begun to urge.

Kaila is obviously impatient. If Qiankun and Meng Chanyi continue to stay together, sooner or later, there will be more accidents.

So Kaila also gave Li Po a final ultimatum, hoping that Li Po would start the plan immediately.

On this day, Qiankun came to the Wushen Temple as usual to visit the unconscious Meng Chanyi.

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Qiankun simply never gets tired of looking at her, and the more he looks at her, the more he likes her.

He can't describe the beauty of Meng Chanyi in words, anyway, Meng Chanyi completely captured his mind.

Coming to the bed, Qiankun slowly sat down.

At this time, Li Po came out of the room with a bowl of refreshing soup in her hand.

Meng Chanyi's body has actually recovered almost, just missing this bowl of refreshing soup.

Seeing Qiankun coming, Li Po holding the refreshing soup, not knowing what to do.

"Mrs. Li, I see that this beauty has almost recovered. Why hasn't she woken up yet?"

Qian Kun didn't know the truth, he just wanted Meng Chanyi to wake up earlier.

After hearing this, Mrs. Li shook her head.

"Although this girl's holy body has recovered, her soul has been severely damaged. I'm not sure whether she can wake up."

Mrs. Li didn't want to give Qian Kun too much hope.

Because once they send Meng Chanyi away, it will be a big blow to Qian Kun.

Mrs. Li didn't want to hurt Qian Kun, but she had no choice.

After hearing this, Qian Kun frowned slightly.

Looking at Meng Chanyi, he sighed helplessly.

"Who on earth has harmed you, the beauty, to this state?"

"When I know who did it, I will definitely crush him to ashes."

This Qian Kun has completely regarded Meng Chanyi as his own woman.

Of course, this is just his wishful thinking.

From the moment he fell in love with Meng Chanyi, it was destined to be a tragedy.

"Qian Kun, do you really love this girl?"

Li Po's heart was obviously moved. She didn't want to see Qian Kun so upset.

They were both children who grew up under her care. If she had to break up one person's happiness to fulfill the happiness of another person.

Is it really worth it to do this?

What's more, even if Meng Chanyi and Qian Kun were separated, Qian Kun would never fall in love with Kaila.

Li Po could see this. Qian Kun really regarded Kaila as his sister.

After hearing this, Qian Kun looked at Li Po and nodded firmly.

"Mother-in-law, I, Qian Kun, have never loved a woman so deeply. Since I saw her, I have fallen in love with her uncontrollably."

"My heart and even my soul tell me that I have decided on this woman in this life."

"I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that my bloodline will not be continued."

"But please rest assured, I have already chosen an heir. When the time is right, I will pass on my own bloodline power to the heir."

When Qian Kun said this, Li Po was stunned.

"Silly child, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"You are in your prime. Who else in the Ronin tribe is qualified to be our leader except you?"

"Don't talk nonsense. We will never agree to it, and your master will not agree to it either."

Li Po didn't expect that Qian Kun would go to such an extent for this woman.

"Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory explanation."

Qian Kun has made up his mind. He is willing to give up everything for Meng Chan Yi, including the position of leader.

Loving beauty but not the country is a dangerous idea.

This made Li Po, who originally had compassion, suddenly determined her goal.

"It seems that Kaila is right. If we don't send this girl away, our tribe will be in danger!"

"This leader is busy with official duties, so I will go back first."

"Grandma, my beauty, I will leave it to you to take good care of."

Qian Kun didn't know what Li Po was thinking, so he didn't think that Li Po would betray him.

After Qian Kun got up and left the Wu Shen Temple, Li Po finally stopped hesitating and contacted Kaila.

"Girl, ask your Grandpa Tianjiang to prepare to release the seal!"

Kaira, who was far away in Tiandang Mountain, was overjoyed after hearing the message from her mother-in-law.

"Mother-in-law, you finally figured it out."

Kaira was very happy because she had been waiting for this sentence.

"Don't get involved in this matter. After telling Tianjiang, you will leave Tiandang Mountain immediately."

"I will join forces with your seventh mother-in-law to send this girl out of Ronin."

Because of Qiankun's dangerous idea of ​​"loving beauty but not the country", Li Po became determined to send Meng Chanyi away.

After hearing this, Keira responded.

"No, mother-in-law, we have to do it together. I was the one who proposed this."

"We can't leave everything to you now."

Naturally, Keira was unwilling, but Po Li had her own considerations.

"Okay, girl, after this incident, the leader will definitely hold us accountable. Even if he gets angry again, he won't do anything to us old ladies."

"You are different. If he finds out that you are involved in this matter, he may ignore you for the rest of his life."

"Do you want to be ignored by him for the rest of your life?"

Li Po thought very carefully. Since she wanted to bring Qiankun and Keira together, this matter could only be done by old people like them.

After hearing this, Kayla was deeply moved.

"Mother-in-law, if this happens, Keira will feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, kid, as long as you are happy, everything your mother-in-law does is what she should do."

"Hurry up and leave Tiandang Mountain. The next step will be left to your Grandpa Tianjiang."

From the beginning, Li Po had no intention of involving Keira in this matter.

However, because Keira wanted to kill Meng Chanyi, she had to step in to let Keira know their plan.

Now, when the plan begins, Li Po has not assigned any tasks to Keira at all.

She will not let Keira get involved in this matter, she is willing to bear everything by herself.

Keira understood Li Po's intention, so naturally she couldn't let Li Po's thoughts go to waste.

"Mother-in-law, Keira will never forget your great kindness."

After Kayla finished speaking, she passed Li Po's message to Tianjiang, the guardian spirit of Tiandang Mountain.

After Tianjiang received Li Po's message, he also said the same to Keira.

"Girl, your mother-in-law is right. You don't have to interfere in this matter, the old boy won't do anything to us."

"If you intervene, he will vent all his grievances on you."

"Let's go quickly. I will soon join forces with other ancestors to break the seal."

Tianjiang urged Keira to leave.

After hearing this, Keira flew away and returned to her palace.

Next, she just needs to wait for the good news.

After Keira flew away, Tianjiang immediately joined forces with other leader souls to break the 90,000 seals on Li Mei.

And another soul of Li Mei was already possessing the great elder.

In his own palace, he is eating and drinking well.

Suddenly, the bald elder's body became stiff, and the maids beside him were all startled.

"Great Elder, are you okay?"

A little maid asked from the side.

At this time, the great elder Li Mei curved his lips slightly, then waved his hands.

"You guys go down first! I'm tired."

After Li Mei dismissed everyone present, she began to seriously sense her own body.

She found that her sense of the body was getting stronger and stronger.

It was obvious that the seals on his body were being unlocked layer by layer.

"Hahahahaha, although I don't know what you are playing at!"

"But since you plan to let my aunt go, my aunt will definitely repay you well when the time comes."

Li Mei obviously didn't know about Li Po's plan.

But Li Mei knew very well that they indeed planned to unlock the seal of their own bodies.

Once the seal is released, Li Mei will immediately escape.

After she reunites with Hun Chaos and the others, she turns back and destroys the Ronin Star.

"Hahahaha! Stupid humans! You are seeking death."

"My aunt can finally escape from your clutches, and my aunt will definitely come back to repay you."

Li Mei couldn't wait any longer.

She rushed out of the great elder's palace and rushed towards the location of Tiandang Mountain.

As the seals continued to be unlocked, she began to feel her true identity more and more clearly.

"That's it, keep going, my aunt will finally be liberated."

"Die Qiankun, stinky Qiankun, just wait for me, my aunt will definitely tear your little bastard into pieces."

Li Mei's heart was shouting excitedly.

Meanwhile, at the Witch Temple.

While Po Li instructed Tianjiang to unlock the seal of Li Mei, she fed Meng Chanyi the awakening soup in her hand.

After being fed the Xingshen Decoction, streaks of white light began to appear on Meng Chanyi's body.

The light began to swirl around her body, and finally poured into her mind.

"It's almost done. Once this dose of decoction is taken, you will wake up in a few moments."

After Po Li fed Meng Chanyi the decoction, the seventh elder also ran in at this time.

The Seventh Elder knew about Po Li's plan, and he was the most critical person in Teacher Zhang.

Because she is responsible for guarding the Witch Temple, if the Seventh Elder is not dealt with, Po Li will not be able to take Meng Chanyi away.

"Mother-in-law, are you ready?"

After the seventh elder entered the main hall, he saw Po Li filling Meng Chanyi with the awakening soup.

Seeing the seventh elder entering the hall, Li Po said quickly.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the seal from Tianjiang."

Po Li and the Seventh Elder were obviously ready to escape with Meng Chanyi at any time.

On the other side, Tianjiang, the former leader of the Ronin tribe, led all the predecessors to crack the seal of the universe bit by bit, under the deception of Qiankun.

Ninety thousand seals are indeed a lot.

However, the souls of all the leaders of the past are responsible for unlocking the seal.

So it is not difficult to unlock the seal.

Only ninety thousand seals were unlocked layer by layer.

"There are only ten thousand left, almost!"

"Stop unlocking the seal at the last hundred, and let the seal break through the seal by itself."

Under Tianjiang's instructions, the final seal was not completely unlocked, but a hundred seals were left.

The purpose of doing this is to make the seal make a noise when it breaks through the seal, attracting the attention of Qiankun.

And Li Mei brought the body of the elder and rushed to Tiandang Mountain.

His soul instantly left the body of the elder and went into Tiandang Mountain.

Then, her original body and clones worked together to break the last 100 seals at the same time.



Accompanied by a loud noise, Tiandang Mountain emitted energy fluctuations that shocked the entire Ronin Star.

"Hahahahaha, I'm out, I'm out."

After being sealed by Qiankun for half a year, the fallen Li Mei finally escaped again.

However, Li Mei was not too proud, she had not really escaped from danger yet.

Because the Ronin Clan still had Qiankun.


Li Mei didn't even think about it, and chose to run away at the first time.

She had just broken the seal, and her strength was less than 30% of her peak period. Now, she was definitely not Qiankun's opponent.

She needed to find Hun Dun and Mo Chichi, and then join forces with them to avenge her.

"Little beast, wait for me to come back, I must destroy your Ronin Star."

Li Mei turned into a beam of light and flew away from Ronin Star.

As a result, at this moment, when she passed through the Ronin Star Realm Wall, she was sensed by Qiankun.

Qiankun frowned immediately.


Without time to think, Qiankun disappeared from the spot.

The next second, he appeared in front of Li Mei.

Li Mei, who was originally planning to escape, saw Qiankun suddenly appear and gritted her teeth.


Swish, swish, swish, swish!

As soon as the voice fell, Li Mei split into hundreds of clones, and then began to run in all directions.

"Want to escape? Come back to me."

Qiankun began to chase closely, and he naturally couldn't let Li Mei go.

Once this woman was let go, it would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

But if Li Mei wanted to run, it would be really not an easy task to catch her.

As a last resort, Qiankun mobilized the Seven Stars Formation of Ronin Star and dispatched all the Purple Extreme warships.


"Let's go too!"

Everything was going exactly as planned.

When Li Po saw the sky of Ronin Star, bursts of battle explosions broke out.

She did not waste time, but joined forces with the Seventh Elder, secretly taking Meng Chanyi, who had not yet fully awakened, away from Ronin Star.

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