Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1230 A strong enemy attacks

Qiankun abdicated, and he chose Meng Chanyi.

Of course, Meng Chanyi herself didn't know all this. Qiankun treated her like a beautiful canary and kept her in his back garden.

Meng Chanyi didn't even understand what marriage was.

She only knew that after marrying Qiankun, she would be able to return to Daluotian.

Now Meng Chanyi's memory only included the time she spent in Mazu Mountain in Daluotian.

She even forgot the person she had been waiting for for millions of years.

Perhaps it was because the million-year wait was too hard, so she chose to forget.

"Have you really forgotten me?"

In the back garden, Meng Chanyi sat in the pavilion in a daze. I don't know what she was thinking.

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared behind Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi looked back and saw the person coming.

"Li Mei!"

Since Li Mei got rid of Qiankun's "conquest", she really stayed in Ronin Star honestly.

She didn't run away, let alone choose revenge.

Now her state of mind has changed in a different way.

She can even live in the same space with her old enemy Meng Chanyi in harmony.

You know, in the past, once Li Mei saw Meng Chanyi, it would be a world war that shocked the entire space.

The result of the war is either you die or I die.

But now, Li Mei is actually staying with Meng Chanyi safely.

Li Mei even feels sorry for Meng Chanyi.

How proud and powerful Meng Chanyi used to be. She was praised as the first person under the Queen Wa.

She is the most beautiful and powerful woman in Daluotian.

Now, her mind is so simple that she can even be deceived into marriage by a boring man.

Li Mei really wants to see what will happen if Qiankun really marries Meng Chanyi?

What will happen when Meng Chanyi's memory is restored?

In short, Li Mei doesn't want to do anything now.

Looking at Meng Chanyi's silly look, she shook her head helplessly.

"Meng Chanyi, Meng Chanyi, your life is really a joke!"

Although Meng Chanyi is her enemy, Li Mei knows everything about him.

After all, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

Li Mei knows that Meng Chanyi has waited for that person for a million years, waiting for him for three lifetimes.

I am afraid that no one in Daluotian can compare with Meng Chanyi in such love.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Meng Chanyi is the most infatuated person.

But now, Meng Chanyi has completely forgotten that man. I don't know whether this is good or bad for Meng Chanyi.

"Li Mei, why are you here?"

Just at this time, Qiankun suddenly appeared in the back garden.

After seeing Qiankun, Li Mei nodded slightly.

Now seeing Qiankun again, Li Mei is no longer the timid one before.

After all, Qiankun's blood power can no longer suppress her. Now Li Mei is completely free.

Although her strength has not yet recovered to its peak, no one on the current Ronin Star can stop her from going.

Li Mei saw Qian Kun coming and said.

"Isn't it possible for me to come and go as I please on Ronin Star now?"

"But don't worry, I won't pose any threat to you Ronin Star now."

"I just want to see what your future will be like, Qian Kun?"

Li Mei was frank about her interest in Qian Kun.

Qian Kun shook his head after hearing this.

"It's up to you! But I hope you won't bother Chan Yi again. My wedding with her is coming soon, and I don't want to cause any trouble at this time."

"I've given up too much."

Li Mei naturally understood Qian Kun's words.

Qian Kun gave up not only his throne for Meng Chan Yi, but also his ordinary cultivation.

It can be said that Qian Kun really gave up a lot for Meng Chan Yi.

But Meng Chan Yi herself was completely unaware of it.

Only Li Mei could see that Qian Kun was just wishful thinking from beginning to end. In fact, Meng Chan Yi had no love for Qian Kun at all.

Of course, Qian Kun didn't care so much.

Qiankun only wanted to get Meng Chanyi. Perhaps only by marrying Meng Chanyi as soon as possible could he put down his worries.

Seeing Qiankun's deep affection, Li Mei was actually a little entangled.

He thought for a while and said to Qiankun.

"Actually, I came to see you today. I have something to say to you. Come with me."

Li Mei looked at Qiankun and said.

Qiankun frowned after hearing this.

"What can't be said here?"

"Let's go and say it!"

Li Mei obviously had something to say behind Meng Chanyi's back.

Qiankun frowned when he saw this.

"Okay! Let's talk in the front yard."

Qiankun said, and took Li Mei to the front yard.

After arriving at the front yard, Qiankun looked at Li Mei again and said.

"Now you can tell me, what is it?"

Li Mei said after hearing this, "Are you really going to marry Meng Chanyi?"

When Li Mei asked this question, Qiankun rolled his eyes at her, and then turned around and was about to leave without looking back.

Obviously, he thought Li Mei asked a nonsense question.

He paid so much, didn't he just want to get Meng Chanyi?

"You are always so arrogant, can you listen to me?"

Li Mei saw Qian Kun turned around and left, and was obviously angry.

Qian Kun snorted coldly when he heard it.

"I thought you would ask some questions, but it's so stupid."

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"I can give everything for her, do you still think I'm sincere to her?"

Qian Kun questioned Li Mei.

Li Mei responded: "Of course I won't doubt your sincerity to Meng Chanyi, I just want to tell you, do you understand her?"

When Li Mei asked this question, Qian Kun was obviously silent for a moment.

After the silence, he responded.

"Does it matter? She has lost her memory, and from now on her memory will only be the happy time with me. I don't need to know his past, and she doesn't need the past either."

Li Mei has seen Qian Kun's tyranny for the first time.

But now, she still thinks Qian Kun is a bit naive and ridiculous.

"Hehe, what a naive man. Do you really think her past is unimportant?"

"If that's the case, then I can say nothing."

"I want to see what will happen to you, a self-righteous guy, in the future."

Li Mei didn't want to say more, after all, Qiankun was hopeless for him.

This man was too arrogant, and he would pay the price one day.

And Li Mei's words made Qiankun suddenly feel that he was too self-righteous.

He calmed down and stopped his steps.

Then he looked at Li Mei behind him and said.

"What do you want to say? Say it!"

In the end, Qiankun couldn't control his curiosity and asked Li Mei about Meng Chanyi's past.

After listening, Li Mei smiled.

"Meng Chanyi is not as simple as you think. Do you really think you can start over with her?"

"She was originally the saint of the throne of Wahuang, one of the three emperors of Daluotian, and also the most perfect woman in Daluotian."

"I'm not afraid of hitting you. The real Meng Chanyi is definitely not as strong as you can be. She is so powerful that no one can match her."

It was the first time that Li Mei admitted Meng Chanyi's strength in front of outsiders.

"Don't look at me with suspicion. I know Meng Chanyi better than anyone else."

Qian Kun replied when he saw this.

"I don't care whether she was powerful in the past."

"Of course you don't care, but have you ever thought that Meng Chanyi actually has someone she loves?"

When Li Mei said this, Qian Kun's heart trembled.

He knew very well that a woman as outstanding as Meng Chanyi would definitely have admirers.

He also thought that Meng Chanyi might also have someone she loves.

So Qian Kun was actually quite afraid in his heart, which is why he didn't want to know Meng Chanyi's past.

"Maybe you don't want to know Meng Chanyi's love history, but I still want to make it clear to you."

"There has always been someone living in Meng Chanyi's heart."

"She waited for that person for a million years, waiting for him for three lifetimes."

"Do you still feel indifferent now?"

When Qiankun heard that Meng Chanyi had waited for that person for a million years, he was indeed shocked.

What kind of affection is this to make a person wait for so many years without hesitation?

"Maybe you still feel indifferent, then I might as well tell you again, if Meng Chanyi recovers her memory, then she will leave you without hesitation."

"Have you ever thought that from beginning to end, it was just your wishful thinking?"

Li Mei hit Qiankun unceremoniously. Instead of being ruthlessly abandoned by Meng Chanyi in the future, it is better to let him be mentally prepared now.

"Haha, your words are really hurtful."

"But I believe I can impress her."

After listening to Qiankun's answer, Li Mei just shook her head helplessly.

"You are really stubborn. Do you think Meng Chanyi has no suitors in the past one million years of Daluotian?"

"There are so many people who are better than you and more infatuated than you. I don't know how many men are willing to die for Meng Chanyi, and even sacrifice their lives."

"Compared with that, what you did is really not worth mentioning."

"So, you want to impress that heartless woman, it's just a dream."

Li Mei knew it best. Meng Chanyi couldn't fall in love with Qian Kun, even if Qian Kun was willing to die for her.

Qian Kun was destined to be a tragedy from the moment he fell in love with Meng Chanyi.

Before, Li Mei had a mentality of watching a play, wanting to see Qian Kun's end.

But now, she just felt pity for Qian Kun.

She couldn't bear to see Qian Kun step by step towards destruction.

After listening to Li Mei's persuasion, Qian Kun still said firmly.

"If that's the case, I don't mind. So if you really want to persuade me, then give up!"

Qian Kun said, no more to Li Mei, but turned back to the back garden.

He also understood that he might end up with nothing.

But Qian Kun was too obsessed with Meng Chan Yi, he was willing to give up everything for this woman, so even if it was a tragedy destined from the beginning, he accepted it.

Watching Qian Kun go away, Li Mei just shook her head helplessly.

"Ah, stupid man."

Li Mei felt sorry for Qian Kun.

Seeing Qian Kun leave, she turned around and left.


As a result, Qian Kun entered the back garden and found that Meng Chan Yi had disappeared.

"Where is she? Chan Yi, Chan Yi?"

Qian Kun immediately released his soul, radiating the entire Ronin Star, and found that Meng Chan Yi had disappeared.

"She was still there just now, where could she go?"

"It's Kayla, it's Kayla's breath, she took Chan Yi away."

Qian Kun soon discovered that Kayla had quietly entered the back garden.

Qian Kun was stunned, he didn't expect Kayla to take Meng Chan Yi away.

Kayla hated Meng Chan Yi to the bone, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't do something else.

However, Qian Kun soon discovered that there were no signs of fighting in the back garden.

"There are no signs of fighting, Chan Yi must have been deceived."

"Not good, they must have left Ronin Star."

Qian Kun said, turned into a black light, and flew out of the sky.

After flying out of Ronin Star, Qian Kun immediately began to search for the direction in which Kayla fled.

Soon, he found that Kayla and Meng Chan Yi fled in the opposite direction of Ronin Star.

"Found it, in that direction."

After finding Kayla and Meng Chan Yi, Qian Kun chased after them without hesitation.

As expected, Kayla took Meng Chan Yi away, and she told Meng Chan Yi that she knew where Daluotian was.

So Meng Chanyi believed her lies and followed her to escape without hesitation.

However, with Kaila's ability, she could not escape Qiankun's pursuit.

Although Qiankun lost half of his cultivation, he was still not comparable to Kaila.

After flying millions of miles, he finally caught up with Meng Chanyi and Kaila.

"Damn, how can it be so fast?"

Kaila didn't expect that Qiankun's speed was still so fast.

"Kaira, stop right there."

Qiankun used soul transmission to warn Kaila from behind.

After hearing this, Kaila ignored Qiankun and continued to run away.

"Kaira, do you think I will like you if you do this?"

"I said, I have always regarded you as my sister, you disappoint me so much."

Qiankun now doesn't know whether to hate or resent Kaila. In short, Kaila has disappointed him terribly.

After hearing this, Kaila responded.

"I should be the one who is disappointed, as should the entire Ronin tribe."

"You abandoned our entire tribe for her. You are too selfish. You are not the Qiankun I know."

Kaira's soul was crying. She might be the most disappointed.

"What do you want to do?"

Qiankun was anxious.

"Become your leader again. She doesn't belong to you after all. I will take her back to her world now."

After saying this, Kaira suddenly sped up with Meng Chanyi.

It was obviously impossible for her to compromise.

Just when they were about to be caught up, Kaira suddenly saw a red starry sky battleship appeared in front of them not far in front of them.

When Kaira radiated her soul towards the starry sky battleship.

At that moment, she felt the extremely powerful soul power on the starship.

"What is that?"

Kaira stopped with Meng Chanyi.

At this time, Qiankun also caught up with Meng Chanyi and Kaira.

Similarly, he also saw the starship.

The deep red ship body contained terrible energy fluctuations.

Seeing this, Qian Kun also frowned slightly.

"Not good, a strong enemy is coming."


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