Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1240 The Final Battle (5) [Subscribe]

The chaos of greed is the greedy will of Heaven.

Even Daluo Tiandao has a greedy will.

Some people may think, since God is already the supreme being, why does it need to be greedy?

In fact, although heaven is the supreme existence, it is not the most powerful existence.

There is another power that exists in the sky, and that is the Lord of Time.

No matter how powerful the incarnation of heaven is, it still needs to be controlled by time.

The power of time cannot be controlled even by Daluo Tiandao.

Even the way of heaven will eventually be sanctioned by time one day.

It can be said that the Lord of Time is an existence that is superior to the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

That's why Daluo Tiandao is greedy and covets the power of time.

The Heaven of Greed is Daluo Heavenly Dao's greed for the Lord of Time.

It is greedy for the power of time, so his incarnation, Chaos, has the power to turn back time.

The chaotic time goes back, directly changing the situation of the battle!

Tyranny, who had been sealed into the Moon Knife, woke up again.

Time returned to before the two sides fought, which meant that all Mo Chichi's previous hard work was in vain.

Mo Chichi's hard work to give Zhuo Bufan the opportunity to escape was all in vain.

"Hahahahaha, Chaos! You finally have some effect."

"Well done, he is indeed his father's most precious son."

"I, Tyranny, am willing to call you big brother here."

Tyranny was obviously quite proud at this moment, especially when he saw the ugly expression on Mo Chichi's face.

Mo Chichi looked at Hun Chaos with a rather helpless expression.

"Brother, in the end, are you still going to be my enemy?"

Now that the world is upside down, the sun and the moon are interfering, and time is flowing backwards, Mo Chichi seems very helpless.

At this point, she had no choice but to try her best to fight again.

Just when Mo Chichi was already a little overwhelmed, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and grabbed her shoulder.

"Miss Mo, Zhuo is indebted to someone!"

"Leave the rest of the battle to me!"

Zhuo Bufan was not a fool. He had already seen that Mo Chichi was fighting for him!

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why Mo Chi Chi did this, Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved when he saw Mo Chi Chi's self-blame and complaint.

Zhuo Bufan knew that he might not be able to defeat these incarnations of heaven in front of him.

However, he can't let a woman protect him.

When Mo Chichi heard this, he shook his head.

"No, even if you use the power of the Soul Eater, you will not be their opponent."

"My eldest brother's time reversal is already very difficult to deal with, not to mention that Tyranny has not yet used his true power."

Mo Chichi knew how much Zhuo Bufan weighed. What Zhuo Bufan was proud of was the soul-eating ability he had acquired.

The soul-eating ability is indeed very strong, and it is indeed the nemesis of the incarnation of heaven.

However, in the face of absolute power, Zhuo Bufan's strength is not enough yet.

"Do you believe me?"

Mo Chichi suddenly whispered to Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned and said!

"Of course I believe you, what are you going to do?"

Mo Chichi had done so much for him, and if she still didn't believe in him, she would be a bit arrogant.

"Well, I'll be relieved with your words."

Mo Chichi seemed to have made a decision.

I don't know what he is going to do. Anyway, Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi can only rely on her to escape this disaster.

"Don't be crazy, you are still wishful thinking!"

"I think you're not infatuated, you're simply an idiot!"

"It's hard for me to imagine what means you would use to escape this disaster from me and Chaos!"

Now it is certain that Chaos and Tyranny are completely on the same side.

What Mo Chichi has to face now is the two strongest existences among the seven incarnations of heaven.

Mo Chichi believed that, let alone her, there was probably no one in the entire Chaos Void who could withstand the combination of these two people.

"Chichi, you disappoint me so much!"

"Betrayal of father, unforgivable, unforgivable."

Greedy Sky Hunchao's current mood is very unstable.

Betrayed by his most trusted sister, Chi Chi, the Chaos Assassin wanted to destroy everything in sight.

Deep love, deep hatred!

"Brother, Chichi has never betrayed you."

Mo ChiChi didn't want to explain, because she knew that Hun Chao couldn't understand her mood at the moment.

"What nonsense are you talking to this traitor?"

"How dare you use the Infinite Moon Palace on me is an unforgivable crime."

"Don't be crazy, you idiot, proud of God's Grip!"

As soon as Tyranny finished speaking, he suddenly headed towards the killing general Mo Chichi.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the world was sealed. He wanted to seal Mo Chichi and Zhuo Bufan in this world at the same time.

However, at this moment, Mo Chichi suddenly took action again.

"Are you going to use the moon knife again?"

"Stupid woman, the same trick, do you think it will still work for me?"

Seeing Mo Chichi use the Moon Knife again, Tyranny was shocked this time.

"Aotian Tyrant Body!"

The magical skills that Tyranny is proud of are not restricted by any power under this Tyrant body.

Even if he was hit by Mo Chichi's moon knife, he would not be harmed at all.

Tyranny was confident that he could withstand a single slashing move from Mo Chichi's Moon Sword.

However, it turned out that Tyranny was obviously inferior to Mo Chichi in his scheme.

He thought Mo Chichi would cut him with a knife, but at this moment, Mo Chichi suddenly drew his knife and turned around, cutting Zhuo Bufan with a knife.

That knife directly cut Zhuo Bufan in half.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened instantly, and he was extremely shocked.

His body was divided into two, and then the two parts of the body began to disappear in the air.

When he saw Zhuo Bufan disappear, Tyranny suddenly realized.

"No, stop her quickly, this woman wants to send her natural enemy away!"

Tyranny obviously didn't expect that Mo Chichi would use the power of the Moon Knife to send Zhuo Bufan away.

The law of the Moon Knife is called separation. Anyone who is cut by the Moon Knife will have his body and soul completely torn apart.

This point cannot be stopped even if the time of chaos is reversed.

After all, the law of separation is different from the power of the Infinite Moon Palace.

The Infinite Moon Palace is a kind of ability, and the Law of Separation is an absolute law bestowed by the Heavenly Dao.

Just like the time of chaos can't flow backwards, it can't let the disappeared Xu Kuang return.

When Mo Chichi slashed at Zhuo Bufan, it was destined to be too late.

As Zhuo Bufan's body gradually disappeared, his consciousness became more and more blurred.

In the end, he only had one eye left, looking at Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi.

At that moment, all the unwilling emotions surged in his heart.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan was unwilling, and he still couldn't escape with Meng Chanyi in the end.

He also let another woman fall into prison.

"Too weak, am I really too weak!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhuo Bufan was really too weak.

That level of battle was no longer something he could participate in.

These Heavenly Dao clones might be able to affect him with a big move and then kill him instantly.

Mo Chichi was a smart person, and her choice to send Zhuo Bufan away was undoubtedly the best choice.

The battle here is not something Zhuo Bufan can participate in.

"Meng Chanyi, I'm sorry, I can only send one person away!"

"I hope he's fine!"

Mo Chichi looked back at the remaining Meng Chanyi. She had done her best to send Zhuo Bufan away.

However, she no longer had the energy to send Meng Chanyi away.

You know, using this kind of heavenly rule is very energy-consuming.

But at this moment, Meng Chanyi behind her suddenly spoke.

"You've done a good job!"

"We are all relieved after sending him away."

When Mo Chichi heard Meng Chanyi say this, she couldn't help but look back.

She found that Meng Chanyi's aura was obviously different.

"You, you responded?"

Mo Chichi saw that Meng Chanyi was still wrapped in a layer of energy from the Heaven Repairing Technique.

Obviously, the Heaven Repairing Technique that Zhuo Bufan used on Meng Chanyi before had completely completed Meng Chanyi's missing soul.

Meng Chanyi smiled and looked at Mo Chichi and said.

"I never thought that one day, you and I would fight side by side!"

The reason why Meng Chanyi lost her memory was because of Mo Chichi.

Before she lost her memory, she and Mo Chichi were enemies.

After waking up from her memory loss, she and Mo Chichi became comrades-in-arms.

Perhaps, this is fate.

"Although I haven't fully recovered yet, I'm almost there. At least I have regained the skill of repairing the sky."

When Mo Chichi heard this, he smiled and said, "Then I'm relieved. With the skill of repairing the sky, we won't lose this battle!"

Mo Chichi smiled at Meng Chanyi.

The two women looked at each other and smiled happily at the same time.

The two enemies became comrades-in-arms in a life-and-death battle at this moment.


Suddenly, the space around them began to collapse!

Batu was angry. He couldn't stand Mo Chichi's betrayal again and again.

He wanted to kill this woman and clean up the mess.

"Be careful!"

Meng Chanyi waved her hand and cast a halo of the skill of repairing the sky on Mo Chichi.

Then she faced Tyranny's wrath again and threw out a golden bug in her hand.

"Eternal Cicada!"

For a moment, the golden cicada instantly passed through the heavy energy barriers and hit Tyranny with a bang.

Tyranny's arrogant body was broken in seconds!

"Meng Chanyi, have you finally made a move?"

Meng Chanyi, who Tyranny had always been afraid of, suddenly made a move at this moment.

This made Tyranny know that the next battle might be even more difficult.

"Hundun, clean up the house! Leave this woman Meng Chanyi to me!"

Tyranny ordered Hun Dun on the side.

On this side, he went straight to Meng Chanyi.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

As they spoke, the two turned into two rays of light and fought together.

Every collision was a collapse of the sky and the earth. The space had already been destroyed and shattered, and black holes were born one after another.

Don't look at Meng Chanyi's delicate appearance. Once she fights, she is quite fierce and fierce, not inferior to Tyranny at all.

As expected, he was the one that even Tyranny was worried about.

On this side, Mo Chichi, who had sent Zhuo Bufan away, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, her opponent was Tan Zhitian Hun Dun.

Since she had chosen to betray, there was nothing to say.

"Chichi, you disappoint me so much!"

"Do you know what the consequences of betraying us and betraying your father are?"

"Chichi, I will judge you on behalf of my father!"

Hun Chaos is a fool, or rather a stubborn person.

He wants everything to happen according to his ideas.

In his mind, loyalty to heaven always comes first.

Then there is the hope that brothers and sisters can live in harmony.

Now, Meng Chanyi has betrayed Heaven and her companions.

In Chaos' mind, this is a grave sin and is unforgivable.

"Chichi, I will judge you in the name of my brother! Get old!"

After Chaos finished speaking, his mouth suddenly opened wide.

At that moment, Mo Chichi felt that his lifespan was being devoured crazily.

Chaos controls the power of time and can speed up or reverse time at will.

He accelerated the flow of time in Mo Chichi, causing her to start aging rapidly. This is the power of time.

"Wu Chi, change!"

Mo Chichi had no fear of having her lifespan devoured. She shouted low and her whole body immediately entered the Wu Chi state.

The moon knife in her hand suddenly grew longer, forming a huge crescent moon corona behind her.

call out!

She turned into a ray of moonlight and rushed towards Chaos without hesitation.

This battle between brother and sister finally started.

The Ao Tian Ba ​​Tu fights against the saint Meng Chan Yi, and the Mo Chi Chi fights against the Greedy Heaven Hun Chaos.

On the other side, the final battle between Li Mei and Ao Lai also begins.

Li Mei's Heavenly Bone Sword is known as the most powerful unsealing artifact.

The Heavenly Bone Sword has twelve sections, each section possessing powerful power.

Each time you unlock a section, your abilities will be doubled.

The fully unlocked Sky Bone Sword can open up the world and is a true heaven-defying artifact.

The power of the Sky Bone Sword to cut through the void made Ao Lai feel a powerful threat.

Ao Lai had no choice but to use his own divine weapon of heaven, the dragon ball!

I saw Ao Lai open his mouth and spit out a blood-red dragon ball.

This dragon ball is no ordinary thing, it absorbs all the hatred in the world.

The more you absorb, the more powerful you become.

This dragon ball has absorbed so much power so far. If it explodes, it will be enough to shatter the three thousand worlds of Daluo Tiandao.

It can be said that this is the ultimate battle between artifacts.

Sky Bone Sword versus Dragon Ball! Ao Lai looked very confident.


Ao Lai roared angrily, and the small dragon ball began to grow in size instantly.

It radiates almost at the speed of light.

Seeing this, Li Mei opened three sections of the Heavenly Bone Sword angrily and slashed towards the enlarged dragon ball.


This sword cut cut a huge hole in the dragon ball.

Then Li Mei's whole body was sucked into the dragon ball.

"Stupid Li Mei! Since you want to fight me, I will grant your wish."

"Into my dragon ball!"

After Li Mei was swallowed into the Dragon Ball world, Ao Lai's laughter came from outside.

Within the Dragon Ball, countless resentful spirits filled with hatred began to invade Li Mei's soul.

These souls could not be killed or chopped off, they just kept torturing her soul.

"You're such a shy turtle, kill me!"

Li Mei shouted angrily, and the Heavenly Bone Sword in her hand reached the sixth level again!

This time, with one strike of the sword, the sky collapsed and the earth split apart, as if splitting a ray of light from the chaotic sky.

However, the world of Dragon Ball is boundless.

Li Mei's sword disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

Li Mei looked at the resentful spirits in the sky and closed her eyes silently.

Her opponent is Tian Ao Lai of Hatred, a being more powerful than Qian Kun.

She must be calm enough to maybe have a chance of success.

In short, after Zhuo Bufan was sent away again.

Three shocking battles broke out in this void!

This battle alarmed the guardians of order in the void.

They didn't know it yet, but dozens of chaos beasts were already gathering towards the starry sky.

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