Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1242 Ending [Subscription Request]

The Ronin tribe left the current Daluotian world five million years ago.

In order to survive, the tribesmen kept wandering in this chaotic void.

In the process of wandering, they mastered the powerful power of blood.

Gained the power to seal the Chaos Beast.

It can even affect the most powerful creature in the chaotic void to a certain extent.

But even so, the Ronin people still have a hard time surviving in this world.

Now, the Ronin tribe has encountered the greatest crisis in history.

"Clan leader, our seven-star formation is about to be unable to hold."

The Third Elder and the Fourth Elder are responsible for guarding the Ronin tribe's seven-star formation.

But now, of the seven satellites, only three are left, and the rest of the stars have been shattered.

As the current leader of the Ronin clan, Ling Xiao led the entire clan and decided to fight to the death.

"Sixth Elder, now I give you an order in the name of the leader of the Ronin clan."

"Immediately lead the old and weak in the clan to board the Wandering battleship and leave the Ronin planet!"

Ling Xiao has obviously felt that they can't hold on for long.

Even the ace of their Ronin clan, the Ziji Fleet, has begun to collapse.

In order to protect the fire, Ling Xiao ordered the sixth elder Shun to lead the fire and the old and weak in the clan to leave Ronin.

Obviously, the Ronin Star cannot be saved. At least they have to leave the spark of the Ronin tribe behind so that the Ronin tribe will never be extinguished.

After listening for a moment, he said.

"Ling Xiao, the task of protecting the fire is left to you, the new clan leader!"

"Leave this place to me, I will replace Qiankun and protect everyone."

Shun had no intention of running away.

In his opinion, it is more appropriate for the younger generation Ling Xiao to be given the task of protecting the fire.

The other elders also unanimously agreed.

"Hurry up, Ling Xiao. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

"Remember, leading the tribe, you must live strong."

At Shun's urging, Ling Xiao boarded the Wandering spacecraft.

On this side, Li Po from the Witch Temple also asked Keira to take the female tribe on board the ship to escape.

"Keira, remember, the female clan is the foundation of our Ronin clan!"

"Take everyone to live well, do you understand?"

Kayla held Li Po's hand and cried.

"Mother-in-law, come with us quickly!"

Li Po shook her head and said.

"No! I have lived enough. This time, let me accompany you all and stick to the end!"

"Let's go!"

Under Li Po's urging, Ling Xiao, Kaila and the others finally escaped from the Ronin planet with Fire and a group of Ronin children.

"They are trying to escape, stop them quickly!"

Seeing the Ronin clan's spaceship escaping, Daluotian's Void clan powerful men launched a full-force attack one by one, blasting towards the entire Ronin planet!

For a time, all the remaining members of the Ronin tribe gathered strong determination to protect the fire, and moved towards the beams of destruction without hesitation.


Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, the entire Ronin Star turned into nothingness in this cold and lonely chaotic void.


Qiankun, who was fighting with Ao Lai, suddenly sensed the destruction of Ronin Star and let out a heartbreaking howl.

Just when Qiankun was about to rush over to rescue him.

In anger, Ao Lai stopped Qiankun and Limei.

"Want to leave?"

"Can you walk away if you destroy my dragon ball?"

The countless innocent souls released by Ao Lai turned into walls that cut off space, completely isolating the entire world.

But at this moment, an all-inclusive sword light broke through all the walls of resentful spirits.

But he saw that the Heavenly Bone Sword in Li Mei's hand had been activated to the tenth level.

"Go quickly, leave this to me."

Li Mei asked Qiankun to rush to support his people.

But he stayed to deal with the powerful enemy Ao Lai in front of him.

"Has it reached the tenth stage?"

Ao Lai saw that the Heavenly Bone Sword in Li Mei's hand had already opened up the tenth section of the path, and immediately lost the arrogance he had before.

The Heavenly Bone Sword is called the Backbone of Heaven.

This is an indomitable artifact that represents the absolute power of heaven.

When Tiandao created Limei, his original intention was to make Limei the most powerful clone of Tiandao.

Therefore, the heavenly artifact it gave to Li Mei was also the strongest.

If Li Mei hadn't been struck by Meng Chanyi's sword, perhaps she would be the strongest in history now.

"Ao Lai, do you want to try the power of my twelve-level Heavenly Bone Sword?"

"Even I don't know how powerful the Twelve-stage Heavenly Bone Sword is."

Li Mei raised the Heavenly Bone Sword in her hand, and saw that the joints of the Heavenly Bone Sword began to explode one by one.

Li Mei has obviously decided to stop Ao Lai at all costs.

Seeing this, Ao Lai opened his mouth and swallowed the damaged dragon.

"It seems that the Ronin clan has been destroyed, there is no need!"

"What's the harm in leaving him alone! He will only die in pain for the rest of his life."

"He will become the person who hates me the most in this world."

"The more he hates me, the stronger I become."

"Absorbing his hatred will only make me stronger!"

"So, it's not a big deal to keep him alive."

The hateful Tian Ao came, and he strengthened himself by absorbing the hatred of the people in the world.

He created slaughter and made Qiankun hate him to the core.

Qiankun, who was trapped in hatred, would become his eternal slave.

Ao Lai stopped, which made Li Mei feel relieved at the same time.

Because Li Mei knew that if she really went to war with Ao Lai, the result would be a fight to the death.

This was not a good result for anyone.

They, the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, left Daluo Heaven and came to this chaotic void, not to wipe out the Ronin.

Their ultimate goal was to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Destroying the Ronin was just a matter of convenience.

I didn't expect so many disturbances to occur, and even involved the fratricide among the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

Now, Zhuo Bufan was not destroyed, but the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao were torn apart.

Li Mei and Mo Chichi were considered to have officially betrayed them.

And after the Heavenly King Ce of Doubt, the Heavenly Xu Kuang of Anger was also exiled to some unknown place.

So, in Ao Lai's view, this was an absurd war.

There are no winners, all losers.

The most ridiculous thing is that the natural enemy they were chasing escaped, escaped!

Zhuo Bufan actually escaped!

On the other side, when Qiankun arrived at the Ronin Star.

He had already discovered that there was only a piece of wreckage left on the Ronin Star.

Qiankun was stunned when he saw this scene.

"How could this happen?"

"How could this happen?"

Qiankun was stunned and could not speak.

"You bastards!"

The next second, a thunderous force burst out from Qiankun.

A skylight penetrated the entire chaotic void.

The surrounding space was annihilated, and even time was affected.

The four chaotic beasts on his body projected out, reflecting the entire world.

The four chaotic beasts began to be affected by Qiankun's anger and frantically attacked the powerful people of the Void Clan.

At the same time, the powerful aura burst out from the chaotic beasts summoned more and more chaotic beasts to attack this starry battlefield.

Tyranny, who was originally fighting with Meng Chanyi, suddenly stopped.


The moment he stopped, he was hit by a purple-gold hairpin from Meng Chanyi, which pierced through his forehead.

At the same time, the purple-gold hairpin pierced through his forehead and nailed the soul of Batu to the void.

Batu was inferior to Meng Chanyi after all. He immediately waved his arm and a black dragon spear appeared.

"Batian Spear"


Accompanied by a burst of arrogant dragon roars, the tip of the Batian Spear blocked Meng Chanyi's second soul-slashing nail!

"The law of no second!"

"Meng Chanyi, stop fighting!"

After Batu blocked the second soul-slashing nail, he finally decided to call a truce.

The law of no second second is a very magical law. If you cause secondary damage to the same place, you will kill the enemy.

No matter how powerful the enemy is.

And Meng Chanyi's law of no second second has obviously been practiced to the limit.

If Batu had not blocked Meng Chanyi's second soul-slashing nail in time, he might have died here.

Meng Chanyi saw Batu stop, so she also stopped.

Because Meng Chanyi had already discovered that there was a large army of Chaos Beasts heading in their direction.

"Let me stop, but you release Mo Chichi!"

Meng Chanyi had just discovered that Mo Chichi was captured by Chaos during the battle.

Mo Chichi had helped her, so she should help her.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan was cut by Mo Chichi's moon knife, and Mo Chichi was needed to help Zhuo Bufan recover.

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, the second soul-slashing nail in her hand was ready.

Obviously, if Batu disagreed, they might start a war at any time.

"Mo Chichi is a scum of my clan and a traitor to the Heavenly Dao. We must take her back to accept the punishment of the Heavenly Dao."

Batu said sternly.

Meng Chanyi is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense.

On the contrary, she likes to speak with strength.

Just like when she went to war with the eldest disciple of Fuhuang in Futian Mountain because of a disagreement.

Things that can be solved with strength will never be wasted.

Therefore, Meng Chanyi threw the second soul-severing nail without hesitation.

The moment the second soul-severing nail was thrown out, it turned into two, two into four, four into eight, and then eight into thousands.

For a moment, countless soul-severing nails and hairpins attacked Batu like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

Batu looked at the countless soul-severing nails coming, and his soul was terrified.

He knew very well that each of these soul-severing nails had the power to destroy a star.

With just this one strike, Meng Chanyi could destroy a galaxy.

This Meng Chanyi was serious.

"Batian, reincarnation!"

Batu let out a long roar, and the Batian gun in his hand began to rotate, forming countless black holes in front of him.

All the soul-severing nails were sucked in by the black hole.

"Too slow!"

But at this moment, Meng Chanyi suddenly appeared behind Batu, holding a soul-severing nail in his hand, and attacked the back of Batu's head.


At that moment, Tyranny actually chose to self-destruct.

After a thunderous roar, Tyranny's soul instantly flew through the sky.

"That's enough, Meng Chanyi. I agree to your request. I will let Hun Dun release that scum Mo Chi Chi."

"The Chaos Beasts are coming soon. If we continue to fight, no one will be able to escape."

By using self-destruction to protect himself can be said to have exhausted all means.

Let Chaos release Mo ChiChi.

"Hun Chaos, let that traitor Mo Chichi go."

Tyranny sent a message to Hun Chaos.

"No, Chichi betrayed her father. I want to take her back to face the crime."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll let you go. Otherwise, none of us will be able to leave today."

Tyranny is now obsessed with Meng Chanyi. If Mo Chichi is not released, she will definitely not be able to leave.

After hearing Tyranny's words, Hun Chaos spoke.

"Well, I feel that a large number of Chaos Beasts are already heading here, we'd better go first!"

Chaos responded towards Tyranny.

At the same time, Chaos opened his mouth, and Mo Chichi immediately escaped from his huge Chaos mouth.

"Brother, thank you very much."

Seeing this, Huan Chao replied.

"You go away, Chichi. Next time I see you, I won't let you go."

As the older brother, Hun Chao actually still wants to protect his sister.

If it really wanted to take Mo Chichi back to Daluotian to be judged by heaven, it would be very reluctant to let him go.

"Brother, see you later."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he headed in the direction of Meng Chanyi.

On the other side, Meng Chanyi, who watched Mo Chichi escape, finally stopped pestering Tyranny.

Tyranny, on the other hand, took everyone and fled from this star field.

Because they have felt that a large group of Chaos Beasts are coming in their direction.

Among them there are many Chaos Beasts with high-level status and even God-level status.

Chaos beasts at the divine level are comparable to the incarnation of heaven.

For Tyranny and the others, the Ronin clan has been almost wiped out, so there is no need to stay here.

Next, they will chase Zhuo Bufan, who was sent away by Mo Chichi.

They believed that Zhuo Bufan should not have escaped very far.

Similarly, Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi also left immediately.

They must find Zhuo Bufan before Tyranny and the others.

This is a pursuit that concerns Zhuo Bufan's life and death and the future of Daluotian.

So they had no time to look for Li Mei and left the battlefield first.

On the other side, Li Mei and Ao Lai were in a stalemate for a while.

After Ao Lai received Tyranny's order to retreat.

He looked at Li Mei and said.

"Li Mei, you betrayed your father and will be punished sooner or later."

"Let's end this battle here. See you later!"

Ao Lai finally chose to leave.

Seeing Ao Lai disappear, Li Mei breathed a sigh of relief.


She thought of Qiankun, and then she couldn't wait to pursue the location of Ronin Star.

However, when Li Mei arrived, he found that the entire Ronin Planet had been completely broken into a pile of meteorites.

Qiankun knelt on the soil that was once the Ronin Star, and all four chaos beasts around him were released.

At this moment, Qiankun Zheng is completely rampant and out of control.

The four chaos beasts sealed within his body bared their teeth and claws, roaring crazily.

Seeing this scene, Li Mei flew towards Qiankun regardless of her own safety, and then hugged the frantic Qiankun tightly from behind.

"That's enough. I know the pain in your heart. That's enough."

Li Mei wanted to comfort Qiankun, but at this moment, Qiankun had simply lost his mind.

Until, dozens of chaos beasts appeared in this star field.

They were attracted by the light that Qiankun released that shook the world and made ghosts and gods cry.

Then it circled around the divine light reaching the sky.

These chaotic beasts did not launch an attack on Qiankun.

Instead, they were attracted by the sad feelings conveyed by Qiankun.

They began to merge into the divine light, and then entered Qiankun's body.

These chaotic beasts actually voluntarily became the power of Qiankun.

They feel Qiankun's sadness and resentment, and they want to help Qiankun take revenge.

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