Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1244 Broken Archive Door [Subscription Request]

At the moment when the Void God Stone was broken, Zhuo Bufan was sucked into it.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan felt his body being torn apart again and again, and his soul was being pulled.

In a burst of pain, Zhuo Bufan felt an unprecedented tearing sensation.

"I want to devour you, I must devour you!"

Zhuo Bufan's will was undiminished. He released his soul and Yuanli without hesitation, wanting to wrap the Devouring Star Core and then devour it.

However, compared to the energy of the Devouring Star Core, Zhuo Bufan's power can be said to be insignificant.

You know, the Devouring Star Core evolved from the cracks in time and space.

The energy obtained by the space-time cracks in a lifetime is comparable to a galaxy.

Zhuo Bufan's energy is really a drop in the ocean compared to the Devouring Star Core.

So, almost at that moment, Zhuo Bufan realized how stupid his idea of ​​wanting to devour the Devouring Star Core was.

He didn't even touch the origin of the Devouring Star Core, and his soul was instantly torn apart.

The whole person didn't even have time to scream, and he was already glorious.



Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that he had come to the archive space that he had not been to for a long time.

"Sure enough, am I dead again!"

"Fortunately, I can still come back here."

Zhuo Bufan was glad that he could still return to the archive space.

However, when he appeared in this archive space again this time, he found that the dark space around him had begun to collapse.

Not only that, when Zhuo Bufan came to the three archive stone doors in front of him.

He suddenly found that they were already mottled.

The ground was full of fallen white gravel.

These gravels were all the white sand of time that fell on the archive doors.

The scene in front of him was obviously not optimistic.

Zhuo Bufan came to the three archive stone doors, and then looked at the locations marked on the three archive stone doors.

The first archive stone door, even the top door frame had completely fallen off.

The stone door was also mottled, as if it could only be pushed open once more.

It was written on it that Zhuo Bufan had just saved.

"Chaos Void - Nameless Star!"

This is the archive saved by Zhuo Bufan after he successfully merged with the Minsheng Sword.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the name on the archive door, but he did not push the door open immediately.

But he turned and walked to the second archive door.

This second archive door was also mottled and was still shedding dust.

Its condition was obviously better than the first archive door.

The place name recorded on the second archive door was called-

"Reincarnation World - Long River of Time!"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned when he saw this.

This second archive was the archive that Zhuo Bufan kept before he ascended from the Yin-Yang World to Daluo Heaven.

Interestingly, Zhuo Bufan did not ascend directly from the Yin-Yang World, but from the Reincarnation World.

Zhuo Bufan was worried that Daluo Heaven was full of dangers, so he actually kept this archive.

"The long river of time, I speculated before that the Lord of Time might be at the origin of this long river of time."

"Does it mean that I can now return to this long river of time and look for the Lord of Time directly?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly wanted to go back to the second save file directly.

Because he had speculated before that the Lord of Time was at the source of the long river of time.

Everything he was doing now was to find the way of reincarnation and return to the long river of time.

And hasn't the passage of this long river of time always been in front of him?

As long as he pushed open the door in front of him, he could go back to the long river of time directly.

But the price of doing so is that Zhuo Bufan will return to the time before entering Daluotian.

That is to say, everything he experienced in Daluotian will disappear.

This made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

"Do you want to restart?"

Zhuo Bufan was really tempted.

He wanted to rush up and push open the second door.

However, when his hand approached the door, he stopped.

"Although my experience in Daluotian was really very frustrating."

"But this is my life after all. I have friends and brothers here, and there is also someone who has been waiting for me for Bai Wannian."

"Can I really give up all this and go back to the second archive door?"

Zhuo Bufan hesitated.

When he thought of Meng Chanyi, Zhou Peng, Chidi, Zhuoyue, and everything he had experienced in Daluotian.

He still had some nostalgia.

And most importantly, Zhuo Bufan was not sure of his guess.

What if the Lord of Time is not in the River of Time?

The most important thing is, even if the Lord of Time is at the origin of the River of Time, how can he go to the source?

If these questions are not investigated clearly, then Zhuo Bufan's entry into this second archive would be completely reckless.

So, Zhuo Bufan stopped.

He stood in front of the second archive door and stopped.

His approach was obviously wise.

Because even if he went to the reincarnation world and the River of Time.

Zhuo Bufan could not find the Lord of Time, he did not have the power to go against the current in the River of Time.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the third archive door.

This third archive door was still mottled.

But the situation was better than the previous two.

Perhaps it was because Zhuo Bufan had never opened this door.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and touched the words on the door frame.

What a familiar three words!

"Mass grave!"

This is the place where Zhuo Bufan was first born.

Zhuo Bufan has kept the archive of the mass grave to this day.

Maybe this archive is meaningless.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has changed from the yellow-haired boy back then to the master of the world, and is even about to become Da Luotian's host of heaven.

With such a powerful life, is he willing to give up all these achievements and return to the mass grave among the dead?

It’s ridiculous!

The archive of mass graves may really be meaningless.

But for some reason, Zhuo Bufan never thought of covering it.

This archive may be a commemoration of the starting point of his life!

Looking at the words "Mass Grave", Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but shake his head.

"My life! It starts from the mass graves!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly, and until the end, he still did not overwrite the archive.

The mass grave is the last trace of his homeland and peace deep in his heart.

Maybe the day will collapse and everything will be irreversible.

Zhuo Bufan at least has one choice.

Choose to start from scratch, choose to be an ordinary ordinary citizen.

Choose a short life of a hundred years, choose an ordinary life with a wife and children on the hot bed.

No matter what is right or wrong, no matter what he has achieved for a long time, no one cares about the collapse of heaven and the reversal of time.

The existence of mass graves represents Zhuo Bufan's opportunity to choose to be ordinary.

But now is not the time to choose ordinary.

Zhuo Bufan's name destined him to be anything but ordinary in his life.

He walked to the first save door resolutely.

"If I try it again, I will definitely succeed."

Zhuo Bufan is ready to re-fuse the Devouring Star Core.

At this moment, he wants to continue his extraordinary life.


When Zhuo Bufan backed away from the first archive door, the entire door collapsed.

The first save door finally collapsed.

However, before it collapsed, it still opened a path for Zhuo Bufan to be reborn.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan had no regrets or anger, just a faint smile.

"No choice?"

Along with the collapse of this first save door.

Zhuo Bufan knew that he would have no choice when he left.

There is only success, no failure!

Even so, he resolutely stepped into the light.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he was back on the nameless star.

Return to the previous save.

Then, he quickly closed his eyes and felt the existence of the save door.

Sure enough, of the original three archive gates, only two were left.

One marks the "River of Time" and the other marks the "Mass Grave".

Zhuo Bufan, no choice!

He didn't even have the chance to start over.

Therefore, he only has one chance to devour this star-devouring core.

If he failed, he would have no choice but to go back and start all over again.

However, for some reason, Zhuo Bufan felt more confident at this moment.

He didn't hesitate, let alone panic.

He crushed the void god stone outside the Devouring Star Core.

The next second, the powerful devouring power of the Devouring Star Core sucked his soul in.


Unexpectedly, this time, Zhuo Bufan's soul did not enter the archive space again.

Instead, it entered a mysterious state.

Zhuo Bufan felt like he had turned into a speck of dust, floating in this boundless chaotic void.

As time goes by, this particle of dust slowly merges with more and more particles.

It started to get bigger and bigger.

Become a little meteorite, and then become a little comet.

Then it is captured by the gravity of a certain galaxy and forms a planet inside.

As time goes by, millions of years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, billions of years...

Time is truly the greatest force.

After the original mote of dust was given the power of time, it swallowed up all the energy in the galaxy where it was located.

It began to release light and energy, and it formed the greatest type of star in the chaotic void - the Hunyuan Star!

Hunyuan Star, the most magical star in the chaotic void.

They accept the power of the Time Lord, and they release the energy of chaos that brings life.

Because of the existence of chaotic energy, there is life.

The power of creation began to be born.

So in the chaotic void, there is no more loneliness.

In the chaotic void, there is life and the most primitive creatures.

The tiny speck of dust that once was is now shining brightly in the chaotic void.

It gives light and vitality to this dark world.

However, as time continues to pass.

Time has given it another power - destruction.

After hundreds of millions of years of glowing and heating, the Hunyuan Star released its chaotic energy.

It began to decline.

When all the chaotic energy in its body leaked, it began the third process of evolution.

It was the power of time that gave him a new form.

The Hunyuan star began to collapse, its mass remained unchanged, and then its volume continued to shrink.

After it shrinks to a certain extent——


Accompanied by a burst of devastating energy, Hunyuan Star, in cooperation with the power of time, blasted a space crack in this chaotic void.

At the same time, a new substance, the Purple Chaos Stone, was born.

Who would have thought that the once insignificant dust would become the most brilliant Purple Chaos Stone in the starry sky.

Of course, the Purple Chaos Stone is just one of the more brilliant links in the evolution of this dust.

The great life of this dust has not ended yet.

After it blasted a space crack in the void.

Under the action of the power of time, it formed the most dangerous existence in the chaotic void-time and space cracks.

Unlike simple space cracks, time and space cracks can distort time.

Here, even the existence of time is distorted.

This time and space crack can even lead to that miraculous world, the reincarnation world.

The world of reincarnation, the world where the legendary Lord of Time lives.

The long river of time flows here.

The more powerful the time crack is, the more likely it is to lead to the world of reincarnation.

Even this speck of dust wants to go to that world and see what the Lord of Time who created it looks like.

So, this speck of dust began to evolve and became a space-time crack.

Then the channel in the crack began to extend continuously.

With the continuous extension of the channel, the space-time crack finally began to take shape and became one of the most powerful existences in this chaotic void.

However, it was ultimately unable to reach the world of reincarnation.

Under the power of time, the speck of dust finally ushered in its last form.

The space-time crack slowly began to collapse, die, and decline.

With the collapse of the power of space-time, the entire space-time crack began to gather and merge.

Everything it devoured could be a star or a galaxy.

All of them were fused into a black stone less than the size of a fist under the power of time.

This is the end of the space-time crack, devouring the star core.

Then, the energy of this star core is too huge and the mass is too strong.

It began to fall, and continued to fall, penetrating the chaotic void space, forming a huge loophole-shaped black hole.

This is the origin of the Devouring Star Core.

From an insignificant dust, it became a Devouring Star Core with the energy of the entire galaxy.

It has carried the tempering of countless times.

If the Minsheng Sword is the unyielding struggle history of a seed.

Then the Devouring Star Core is the perfect life of a dust!

They all grew from the most insignificant existence to the present.

Compared with them, Zhuo Bufan found that his life was even more insignificant.

In his life, he did not suffer the hardships of thousands of heavenly tribulations like the Minsheng Sword.

Nor did the Devouring Star Core experience the baptism of time.

"No wonder, no wonder I had to enter reincarnation in my first life."

"Three lives and three worlds, to sharpen my will?"

"Just like that seed, that speck of dust. Even if they are so small, they will still become legends after countless sharpenings."

"And I, Zhuo Bufan, have experienced three reincarnations, experienced all kinds of life, and sharpened my invincible will."

"My life does not need to be brilliant. My life should be aimed at the host of the Heavenly Dao."

"Sharpening my will allows me to dominate the will of the Heavenly Dao. It seems that this is the meaning of my reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan never expected that he would come from the Sword of Compassion and the Devouring Star Core.

Seeing through the mystery of life, at this moment, his spirit has been sublimated unprecedentedly.

An extremely powerful energy began to infuse his soul and body.


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