Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1248 Void Worm [Subscribe]

When Yi Tianxing brought Zhuo Bufan and Shun to Yuxu Palace.

They found that the Yuxu Palace was full of mysterious information balls.

In the center of the palace, there was a golden ocean of information.

On the ocean of information, there were many magical creatures that Zhuo Bufan had never seen before.

These creatures had huge heads and dozens of tentacles, and they felt like the jellyfish that Zhuo Bufan was familiar with.

They floated quietly in the golden sea of ​​information.

"They are void worms that are responsible for processing intelligence classification!"

"They are responsible for the intelligence processing of the entire Chamber of Commerce."

"There is a very special soul induction between void worms."

"All void worms share the same soul, so they almost master all the information in this chaotic void."

Because the void worms share the same soul, the information they master is the same.

The information obtained by each void worm will be shared with the same soul.

In this way, they can share the information perfectly.

"Countless void worms share the same soul. How powerful is this soul."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a business in his mind and asked.

"Do these void worms have a mother?"

"The soul shared by all void worms is actually the soul of the mother, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Yi Tianxing nodded in response after hearing this.

"Yes, the void worms do have a mother."

"Whoever controls the mother of the void worm will become the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce."

"So this mother of the void worm is naturally in the hands of the president of our Void Chamber of Commerce."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes after hearing this, as if he had some plans.

He didn't ask any more questions, because Shun was anxious to find out the news of the survivors of their Ronin tribe.

So Yi Tianxing continued to lead them to the Yuxu Palace.

When they arrived at the central reception, a void worm flew towards them.

The void worm floated in the air, like a white jellyfish.

Yi Tianxing saw this, raised the ring on the thumb of his first right hand, and then touched the forehead of the void worm.

Then, the void worm suddenly spoke.

"No. 1589 Void Merchant Yi Tianxing, welcome to Yuxu Palace."

That ring should be the identity certificate of the ninth generation Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing is a registered merchant of the Void Chamber of Commerce, so naturally he has many privileges that Zhuo Bufan and others do not have.

"Meet Xiaoguan!"

The Void Worm in this palace has another identity, that is Xiaoguan.

The so-called Xiaoguan is the person who is responsible for intelligence transactions.

"Yi Tianxing, what intelligence do you want to know?"

The Xiaoguan asked.

At this time, Yi Tianxing gave up a seat and let Shun take a place.

"Shun, tell it your needs, and it will give you the answer."

After hearing this, Shun walked to the Void Worm that was floating in the air and taller than him and asked.

"I want to know where the survivors of the Ronin are now?"

"How can we find them as quickly as possible."

The question that Shun cares about most now is only this one.

After hearing this, the Xiaoguan replied.

"I know where the survivors of the Ronin tribe are, but what price do you want to exchange?"

In the Void Chamber of Commerce, as long as you give enough price, you can get the answer you want.

But now Shun has nothing, he has nothing, so he can't come up with anything worth exchanging.

But Yi Tianxing is worthy of being Shun's best friend.

Just when Shun didn't know what to do, Yi Tianxing suddenly took out one of his rings and handed it to the Xiaoguan.

"Xiaoguan, I think this thing should be able to exchange your information."

After hearing this, the Void Worm stretched out a tentacle and then wrapped Yi Tianxing's ring around it.

"The Void Ring contains an independent world."

"The price of this ring is worth the information you want."

"Come forward, I will send you the answer you want."

The Void Worm accepted Yi Tianxing's deal.

At this time, Shun also stepped forward.

The Void Worm suddenly stretched out two tentacles and placed them on both sides of Shun's temples.

Then, it directly transmitted the information Shun wanted to Shun's brain.

For a moment, Shun saw a starship moving slowly in the void.

That starship was the Purple Extreme Battleship of their Ronin Star.

"Found it, they are heading towards the Eternal Star Region."

Shun found the whereabouts of his people from that intelligence.

He seemed very excited and couldn't wait to find his people.

"I'll go find them now, right now."

"Brother Zhuo, will you go with me?"

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"I'm sorry, Brother Shun, I also have someone I want to find."

"You go first!"

Shun didn't beg too much after hearing this.

After all, Zhuo Bufan also has his own way to go, and he can't force him to go with him to find his people.

"I understand!"

"Well, Brother Zhuo, let's part ways now!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"We will meet again, take care of yourself, Brother Shun."

"Yes, we will definitely meet again."

"See you later!"

"See you later!"

Zhuo Bufan and Shun parted ways.

Yi Tianxing, who was standing by, saw this and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, I'll go see Brother Shun off first."

"Go ahead, Brother Yi, don't worry about me. I'll leave after I get the answer I want."

"If I have a chance, I'll come to your Yixing as a guest."

Zhuo Bufan also expressed his farewell feelings to Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll be in Yixing, waiting for Brother Zhuo's visit."

"By the way, before we part, I have something to give Brother Zhuo."

After Yi Tianxing finished speaking, the third hand on his left waved in the air, and then a black Panlong seal appeared in his palm.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned when he saw this.

"Sealing Heaven Seal?"

Yi Tianxing smiled after hearing this.

"That's right, now it's back to its original owner."

"Ah? You want to return the Heaven Seal to me?"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little surprised, after all, he had exchanged the Heaven Seal for the Devouring Star Core.

"Could it be that Brother Yi wants to exchange it back for the Devouring Star Core?"

Zhuo Bufan was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

After all, he had completely merged the Devouring Star Core.

Zhuo Bufan now merged with the Devouring Star Core and could not be separated.

Yi Tianxing smiled after hearing this.

"No, Brother Zhuo, don't worry. I won't take back the Devouring Star Core, and I also know that it should not be taken back."

Yi Tianxing obviously knew that the Devouring Star Core had been merged by Zhuo Bufan.

"Then why did you return the Heaven Seal to me?"

Yi Tianxing replied after hearing this.

"This thing has no meaning to me."

"The sealing power inside is unique, cannot be copied, and has no effect."

"To me, it is no different from a piece of stone. But for Brother Zhuo, it is more memorable."

Yi Tianxing studied the Heaven Sealing Seal and found that the sealing material inside the Heaven Sealing Seal cannot be copied.

The person who made this Heaven Sealing Seal is a genius, and it can be said that it is a unique existence in the entire Chaos Void.

However, the sealing effect of the Heaven Sealing Seal is almost used up, and the current Heaven Sealing Seal can only be regarded as a piece of exquisite stone.

Yi Tianxing is willing to return the Heaven Sealing Seal to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan took over the Heaven Sealing Seal, he was deeply moved.

"Thank you, Brother Yi, please accept this too."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand.

In his palm, a bright ball of light began to condense.

"Is this the core of a star?"

"Yes, this core was specially made by me, and I will give it to you as a parting gift to Brother Yi."

When Zhuo Bufan devoured the star, he left behind this core.

This core is the most important source of energy in the chaotic void.

Although it is not as good as the Devouring Star Core, it is also a very rare thing.

Zhuo Bufan only has three.

But Yi Tianxing refused.

"No, Brother Zhuo should leave this thing to Xiaoguan as the price of exchanging information."

"I should have told you about the Devouring Star Core. It is just a hot potato for me."

"Now that you have obtained the Devouring Star Core, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for you."

"See you later!"

Yi Tianxing is a direct person. If he says no, he doesn't want it.

The Devouring Star Core was given to Zhuo Bufan as a gift for free.

After that, he followed Shun and left Yuxu Palace.

Leaving Zhuo Bufan behind, he turned around and looked at Xiaoguan again.

Then Zhuo Bufan handed the Eternal Star Core to the Xiaoguan and said.

"I want to know where my other half is?"

"Also, where is my companion Meng Chanyi now?"

"And how can I find the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked three questions in a row.

After the Voidworm received the Eternal Star Core from Zhuo Bufan,

it weighed the value and said.

"Your Eternal Star Core can only be exchanged for the answers to the first two questions."

"As for the news of the Lord of Time you want to ask, the value of this alone is not enough."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he heard it.

Then, he turned his palm again, and saw another light ball in his palm.

"One is not enough, then two!"

Zhuo Bufan took out two Eternal Star Cores and wanted to exchange for the news of the Lord of Time.

However, after the other party took over the Eternal Star Core, he said.

"Not enough!"

This time, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

"Not enough?"

Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to take out his last Eternal Star Core.


Zhuo Bufan only had three Eternal Star Cores.

This is also the biggest price he can pay.

When Zhuo Bufan handed the third Eternal Star Core to the Xiaoguan,

he did not expect that the Xiaoguan said again.

"Not enough!"

This time, Zhuo Bufan had changed from frowning to glaring.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that three Eternal Star Cores are not enough to know the news of the Lord of Time?"

"Not enough!"

The answer to Zhuo Bufan was still that cold voice.

"Are you kidding me?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was teased.

But the other party still said coldly.

"Not enough, unless you take out the Devouring Star Core you got to exchange."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this sentence, he immediately understood.

I fell into this guy's trap.

"It turns out you were trying to trick me!"

"Then I won't inquire about the Lord of Time. I just want to know the whereabouts of my significant other and Meng Chanyi."

"Return the other two Eternal Star Cores to me."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to Xiaoguan to take back the two eternal star cores.

Because this guy said that Zhuo Bufan only needs one eternal star core for the first two questions.

But the other party regretted it at this time.

"The rules of the Chamber of Commerce are that you cannot go back on anything you exchange."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, the anger he had been suppressing suddenly burst out.

"Are you convinced of me?"

"I only give you one chance to return my eternal star core!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party wanted to play rogue with him.

No matter what the other party's purpose was, this moment completely angered Zhuo Bufan.

Facing the furious Zhuo Bufan, the other party remained indifferent.

"The rules of the Chamber of Commerce are that you cannot go back on anything you exchange."

"I think you are looking for death!"

Zhuo Bufan was completely angered.

He backhanded the swallowing black hole and radiated towards the Xiaoguan Void Worm.

The void insect didn't even react, and was swallowed directly by Zhuo Bufan's black hole in the next second.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's three eternal star cores naturally returned to her own hands.

"Soul Eater!"

He didn't intend to let go of the void insect, but instead swallowed it directly to strengthen his soul power.

However, when Zhuo Bufan swallowed the void insect, he found that the other person's soul suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, the void worms share the same soul.

Therefore, it is not that easy for Zhuo Bufan to devour their souls.

Once the insect mother discovered that Zhuo Bufan was devouring the soul of the void insect.

He would abandon the void insect as soon as possible to protect his soul.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan wanted to devour the soul of this void insect.

It can only swallow the soul of the insect mother together,

Then when the time comes, he will naturally get the answer he wants.

After Zhuo Bufan killed the void worm instantly, he immediately attracted other void worms.

In the main hall, the alarm was also sounded immediately.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's behavior violated the rules of the Chamber of Commerce.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was surrounded by void insects that were taller than others.

These void insects are flying densely in the air, and all their tentacles are condensing the power to destroy other people's souls.

This void insect specializes in attacking other people's souls. Like the Soul Eater, it likes to use other people's souls as its own food.

In fact, all the information obtained by the void insects was collected after they devoured the souls of other creatures.

Devouring other people's souls will naturally inherit other people's soul information.

It can be said that the soul shared by these void insects is actually the aggregate of countless souls they collected.

This is an absolute treasure.

If Zhuo Bufan could swallow the soul of this void insect,

Then he will become the most powerful and knowledgeable person in this chaotic void.

"You guys have completely pissed me off."

Zhuo Bufan originally didn't want to go on a killing spree, but these void insects were harmful to him, so naturally he couldn't just invite them.

"Come on! Become my food!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, dozens of swallowing black holes appeared in the entire palace.

Suddenly, a powerful devouring force began to sweep through the entire palace.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously ready to eat the entire Yuxu Palace.

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