Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1250 Devouring Law [Subscribe]

The Void Chamber of Commerce is a very powerful organization in the chaotic void.

The Chamber of Commerce can stand in the void for hundreds of millions of years, and it is definitely not something that Zhuo Bufan can overturn.

Zhuo Bufan created his own Devouring Divine Body, which is indeed worthy of being proud of the universe.

But with his current ability, it is obviously too much to overthrow the Void Chamber of Commerce.

You know, the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce is someone who can use the legendary god-level chaos beast as a mount.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce obviously has a high status in the Chaos Void.

His strength is probably not inferior to that of the Three Emperors.

As for the origin of this president, few people know.

Zhuo Bufan single-handedly fought against thousands of void merchants from the Void Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that one horse can equal a thousand, and its strength is terrifying.

However, these void merchants are just small players after all. When the president of the Chamber of Commerce appears, it means that extraordinary and powerful enemies have also appeared.

The president of the Void Chamber of Commerce controls the highest level of law power.

There are levels of law power.

For example, the power of law in the Yin and Yang world is even the lowest level of law power.

Because this type of law power is limited to small plane worlds like the Yin and Yang world.

Once you ascend to a higher plane world like Daluotian, everything you have practiced will be lost and you will have to start from scratch.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who was once able to turn his hands into clouds and rain in the Yin and Yang world, control the heaven and earth, and master countless laws, could only practice again.

The power of law in Daluo Tiandao can only be regarded as a high-level power of law.

Because there is a chaotic void above Da Luo Tian Dao.

Daluo Tiandao was born from the Lord of Time.

Therefore, the power of laws mastered in the Chaos Void is higher than that of Daluotian Laws.

The president of the Void Chamber of Commerce is one of the people who controls the most fundamental laws of the chaotic void.

The law of equivalent exchange!

This law acts on the entire chaotic world, including Da Luotian.

After Zhuo Bufan swallowed up all the void merchants' attacks,

It is digesting that terrifying and powerful energy.

At this moment, the president of the Chamber of Commerce appeared and used the power of law towards Zhuo Bufan.

For a time, Zhuo Bufan's soul was trapped by the Chamber of Commerce President's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that he was not in the Yuxu Palace of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

But in a space that he is extremely familiar with.

"Archive space?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three gates of rebirth in front of him and was a little surprised.

That’s right, three seats, not two.

Moreover, the three gates of rebirth are still intact. Just like how he saw it at the beginning.

"What's going on? Am I under an illusion?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately thought that he was under some illusion.

But when he knew very well that there were only two save doors left in his save space.

Moreover, the remaining two save doors are already mottled and may break at any time.

Therefore, he can be sure that everything he sees in front of him is most likely false.

It's possible that he fell under someone's illusion.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was so self-righteous, a strange voice suddenly came from his mind.

"The young man chosen by the Three Emperors!"

"Are you willing to trade your most precious things for these three gates of faith in front of you?"

When the mysterious voice sounded, Zhuo Bufan himself was slightly startled.

"Use my most precious food in exchange for these three gates in front of me?"

"What do you mean, what do you want from me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand. Could the three gates in front of him be restored?

Judging from the meaning of this mysterious voice, it seems that as long as you pay the price, you can restore the three archived gates to their original state.

But Zhuo Bufan was not so easily fooled.

He knew intuitively that this must be a trap.

So Zhuo Bufan answered resolutely.

"Why should I choose?"

"I don't choose!"

Zhuo Bufan refused to take this multiple-choice question.

But the other party said.

"You didn't give up the option or you would never leave this world."

When the other party vowed that Zhuo Bufan had to make a choice, Zhuo Bufan immediately frowned.

He raised his hand and a black hole opened in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan resolutely pushed out the black hole.

For a moment, the black hole rushed toward the three save doors in front of it.

Directly swallow up the three save doors.

"This is my choice."

Zhuo Bufan used his actions to tell that guy his determination.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the three save doors that were supposed to be swallowed up actually reappeared in front of him.

"How can it be?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, this was definitely something he didn't expect.

He once again used dozens of black holes, trying to swallow up the entire space.

However, Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that he was doing useless work.

"This is not a simple alien space, this is the power of laws."

Zhuo Bufan obviously realized something.

"And it's not just a simple power of law. The level is probably higher than the law of Heavenly Dao of Daluo Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan had gone through so many battles, so he still had some experience.

He felt at the first moment that he was facing an opponent who was definitely not an ordinary one.

It was not an ordinary illusion either.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan calmed himself down quickly. He had to calm down now.

Only when he was calm enough could he continue to think about the next battle.

At this time, the other party's voice came again.

"I just want you to choose, make your choice!"

The other party insisted on letting Zhuo Bufan make a choice.

"Let me give up my most precious thing and restore the three gates of rebirth to their original state?"

"Sorry, I won't give up what I cherish."

"As for these three gates of rebirth, they are the witnesses of my choice all the way here."

"So, I won't exchange."

In the end, Zhuo Bufan gave up using his cherished things to exchange for three complete gates of rebirth.

Although he didn't know what his cherished things were.

But Zhuo Bufan could vaguely feel that once he chose to exchange, he would definitely regret it.

After Zhuo Bufan made his first choice, he shouted immediately.

"I have made my choice. Please let me out immediately."

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that the other party could let him out.

Suddenly, the three gates of rebirth in front of Zhuo Bufan disappeared.

Then, three people appeared at the original positions of the three gates of rebirth.

When they appeared, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Bai Su, Xuan Su, Chan Yi!"

The three people who appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan were Bai Su, Xuan Su, and Meng Chan Yi.



"Zhuo Lang!"

The three women shouted at the same time, making Zhuo Bufan look panic.

Speaking of which, Zhuo Bufan had not seen Bai Su and Xuan Su for a long time.

When they met again, the longing in his heart came like a tide.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help running towards them.

However, when Zhuo Bufan took the first step, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Is it an illusion again?"

"What do you want to do again?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted into the air.

He knew that this must be the mysterious man's plan, and he was still under the power of the other party's law.

Just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

Suddenly, the other party said.

"You can choose two people to appear in front of you immediately."

"As a price, the third person will lose all memories of you."

Facing the second choice, Zhuo Bufan was once again at a loss.

He could choose to see two of the three women immediately.

But the price was to let the third person forget him.

Using the longing of one of them in exchange for Zhuo Bufan's emotional satisfaction, this is an equal exchange.

This time, Zhuo Bufan really didn't dare to choose.

Whether it was Bai Su, Xuan Su, or Meng Chanyi.

They were all waiting for him.

No matter who it was, the death of that longing was the greatest cruelty for them.

"Why should I choose? What do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan was furious again.

He directly released dozens of soul-eating wolves, biting towards the dark and empty space.

At the same time, dozens of black holes began to devour the surrounding space frantically.

He used his energy to bombard the darkness again and again.

Zhuo Bufan was really angry.

However, facing his rage, the other party was completely indifferent.

He did not respond to any of Zhuo Bufan's irritability.

Only after Zhuo Bufan vented his anger did he sit down calmly.

After the second attempt, Zhuo Bufan obviously knew.

If he did not make a choice, he really could not get out.

However, it was too cruel to ask Zhuo Bufan to choose to erase a person's memory.

He had seen Meng Chanyi's memory loss.

Meng Chanyi, who lost her memory, had no goals and directions in life.

She had waited for Luo Tian for millions of years, and millions of years of longing, and Zhuo Bufan had to erase it with his own hands. Zhuo Bufan really couldn't do such a thing.

And asking Zhuo Bufan to erase the memories of Bai Su and Xuan Su was even more impossible.

Bai Su was the first woman Zhuo Bufan loved in his life.

From the moment he met Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not live without her in his life.

Zhuo Bufan also made a lot of efforts to pursue Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan truly loves Bai Su, and he and Bai Su have a daughter together.

She is also Zhuo Bufan's only biological daughter, Nian Nian.

Zhuo Bufan can't let Bai Su lose her memory of him.

The same is true for Xuan Su.

Xuan Su loves Ji Xuanhao deeply, so he waits for Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, that is, Zhuo Bufan.

He also waited for hundreds of thousands of years.

It can be said that Bai Su is his lover in this life.

And Xuan Su is his lover in the previous life.

Meng Chanyi is his lover in the first life.

Three lives, three lovers, three relationships, three misses.

These are the feelings that Zhuo Bufan can't give up the most and can't give up the most!

This choice is tantamount to taking his life for Zhuo Bufan.

For a while, he couldn't make a choice at all.

He had to sit on the ground, dazed silently.

And the other party didn't urge Zhuo Bufan to make a choice.

Because in this law, he himself could not interfere with Zhuo Bufan's choice.

So, Zhuo Bufan simply sat down.

He began to think about the next response.

"I can't choose."

"I have no right to erase a person's memory and thoughts."

This time, Zhuo Bufan really had no choice.

"It seems that I can only find another way to crack it!"

"Since my Devouring Divine Body can't deal with the law in this chaotic void."

"Then I can only find another way to crack the law with the power of the law."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to comprehend a more powerful law of the chaotic void here.

Before, when Zhuo Bufan was in the Yin and Yang world, he had the experience of comprehending the law.

The law he comprehended at that time was called inverted reincarnation, which could make the two reverse and exchange in an instant.

It is a law power that defeats the strong with the weak.

However, the law of inverted reincarnation only applies to the Yin and Yang world.

It is no longer valid in the more advanced Daluotian world.

Not to mention the chaotic void beyond Daluotian.

Therefore, what Zhuo Bufan wants to comprehend now is the power of the law that surpasses the past.

The power of the law that belongs to the chaotic void.

"The law of inverted reincarnation that I comprehended in the Yin-Yang world was mainly due to my understanding of entering the reincarnation world many times."

"Now I am best at swallowing power."

The understanding of the law is generally the field that one is good at.

Zhuo Bufan is probably best at swallowing power now.

Whether it is swallowing matter or swallowing souls.

Zhuo Bufan's understanding of swallowing is definitely better than anyone else.

Now he swallows black holes with ease.

But this is not the limit of swallowing. Zhuo Bufan knows that the limit of swallowing is to swallow time together.

Just like the crack in time and space, this is the law of swallowing that Zhuo Bufan is looking for, a powerful force that can swallow other laws.

If Zhuo Bufan can comprehend this law of swallowing, maybe he can swallow the law he is facing now.

So Zhuo Bufan calmed down and began to comprehend the origin of his devouring power.

He wanted to comprehend the law of devouring here.

It was far from enough to rely on the Devouring Divine Body alone. Only when he fully mastered the Devouring Law could he become stronger than ever before, surpass his previous life, and even surpass Luo Tian.

It can be said that no one is more suitable for comprehending the Devouring Law than Zhuo Bufan now.

Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Divine Body, in a sense, is the closest to the Devouring Law.

Therefore, as long as Zhuo Bufan is willing, he can combine the ultimate devouring power with the Devouring Divine Body to achieve the supreme Devouring Law.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, and then emptied his soul.

Devouring black holes began to appear around him.

These black holes were quietly devouring all the matter in this mysterious space.

Light, darkness, sound, air, Yuanli...

Under this feeling, Zhuo Bufan quietly comprehended the arrival of his ultimate power.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that he could succeed and successfully comprehend the most powerful Devouring Law.

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