Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1262: All parties gather together [Subscribe please]

After Mo Chichi jumped into the rift in time and space,

Because the soul cannot bear the tearing of the cracks in time and space,

Her willpower began to grow weaker and weaker.

She used her remaining strength to create an energy shield for herself.

She then passed out.

When Mo Chichi woke up again, he found himself lying in an unknown starry sky.

"Where is this?"

Mo ChiChi woke up from coma and looked around blankly.

At this time, she suddenly remembered something and shouted nervously.

"By the way, I want to go to the Eternal Star Territory."

Mo ChiChi did not forget the agreement between her and Meng Chanyi.

"Separating Knife!"

Then, Mo Chichi summoned his natal artifact, the Separation Knife.

I want to use the separation knife to feel the extraordinary existence.

However, when she tried to find the direction of Zhuo Bufan, she suddenly found that she couldn't comprehend it.

"How can it be?"

"If you can't sense him, is it because the distance is too far?"

Even if they are separated by the separation knife, Mo Chichi can sense the two people who are separated.

But this time, Mo Chichi couldn't sense the location of Zhuo Bufan who was separated from him.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, he couldn't even sense the anger of Tian Xu Kuang.

"Where exactly was I transported to?"

Mo stood in the void stupidly, feeling the disappearing Zhuo Bufan.

Now it was basically certain that he could no longer sense Zhuo Bufan's position.

Then there is only one possibility, Zhuo Bufan is too far away from her.

It's so far away that you can't even sense the other person's presence.

"No, I have to find him as soon as possible!"

Mo Chichi was filled with worries about Zhuo Bufan.

Because there was one thing that Mo Chichi didn't tell Meng Chanyi.

If the two people severed by his separation knife cannot be reunited as soon as possible.

Then the two bodies will no longer be able to fuse.

By then, two extraordinary people may appear.

Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't know what he was about to face.

"Hopefully it's still too late."

Mo ChiChi found a random direction and flew away quickly.

at the same time,

Not far from Mo Chichi,

There was a man and a woman, also looking for something aimlessly in the chaotic void.

This man and woman are none other than Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin clan, and Tianlimei, the fallen one.

The two of them have been wandering in the chaotic void for a long time.

Since the destruction of Ronin,

Qiankun seems to have lost its backbone,

Confused and at a loss.

When Qiankun learned that the Ronin tribe still had a surviving spaceship, he began to search for the whereabouts of the spaceship throughout the chaotic void.

However, the spaceship seemed to disappear out of thin air. He followed Li Mei and searched in the void for a long time, but no clues were found.

"Void merchants, why are these void merchants gone?"

Qiankun has been looking for the Void Merchant recently, because the Void Merchant's intelligence network is very strong, and he must know where their surviving Ronin tribe is.

But Qiankun searched for a long time, but couldn't find even a void merchant.

"How is it possible? Shun told me before that there is a void merchant nearby."

Shun has always been responsible for the relationship between the Ronin clan and the void merchants.

Now Shun doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, Qiankun can only look for the void merchant on his own.

However, it is not easy to find a void merchant.

Because void merchants come and go without a trace.

Moreover, only those recognized by the Void Merchant Sect can find them.

Of course, the more important reason why Qiankun could not find the void merchants was because most of the void merchants had returned to the Void Chamber of Commerce.

Zhuo Bufan made a big fuss at the Void Chamber of Commerce, causing the Chamber of Commerce to sound the alarm.

So now basically all the void merchants have returned to the Chamber of Commerce.

These void merchants cannot be found outside.

"Damn it!"

"I was always contacting these void merchants before, but now I want to find these guys, but I can't even find their shadows."

Qiankun seemed very helpless.

After hearing this, Li Mei comforted her.

"Don't worry, didn't you say that Keira's Jade of Life was not broken?"

"This means Keira and the others are safe now."

From the incident with the Ronin clan until now, Li Mei has always been by Qiankun's side.

Along the way, Li Mei calmed down Qiankun's countless angry outbursts.

Li Mei also knew that what she could do for Qiankun was limited, and she could only help Qiankun find his tribe.

Li Mei also said that once Qiankun finds his tribe, he will naturally leave.

This is the agreement between Li Mei and Qian Kun.

Qiankun agreed to follow Limei.

Although in his heart he hates the incarnation of Heaven so much that he is even sworn in with it.

But Li Mei didn't do anything.

On the contrary, Li Mei was always with him when he was at his lowest.

"How about we go to the Eternal Star Territory!"

"The Eternal Star Territory is the cradle of life, and void merchants will definitely be found there."

Li Mei suggested going to the Eternal Star Territory.

Qiankun frowned deeply after hearing this.

"Eternal Star Realm?"

"Yes, I have a hunch that your people may have gone to the Eternal Star Territory."

Li Mei only said these words to comfort Qiankun.

As for whether the survivors of the Ronin tribe are in the Eternal Star Territory, no one knows.

But one thing can be confirmed, it is indeed easier to find clues when going to the Eternal Star Territory than staying here.

"It's so vast and chaotic that I don't know where to find my people."

Qiankun has no idea now, he just wants to find his clan members as soon as possible.

So whenever there is any clue, he will try it.

"Okay, let's go to the Eternal Star Territory."

Finally, Qiankun agreed to Limei's proposal.

Li Mei said happily after hearing this.

"Fortunately, I have done space positioning near the Eternal Star Territory before. Let's go there now."

Li Mei and the others passed by the Eternal Star Territory before.

However, Qiankun insisted on coming to this starry sky to look for the void merchant, so they missed the Eternal Star Territory.

Fortunately, Li Mei kept an extra eye on her.

She opened the door to space, and then the two of them rushed towards the Eternal Star Territory.

at the same time,

On the other side of the void, there is also a person who is working hard for the survivors of the Ronin tribe.

This person is the Seventh Elder, Shun!

Shun learned the whereabouts of the Ronin survivors from the Void Chamber of Commerce.

Knowing that the survivors were in the Eternal Star Territory, Shun immediately rushed to the Eternal Star Territory.

With the help of Yi Tianxing, Shun came to the Eternal Star Territory.

However, as soon as Shun entered the Eternal Star Territory, he encountered the same problem as Zhuo Bufan.

That is, he was also caught up in the battle between Mufa Star and Primarch Star.

However, Shun joined not the Mufa Star, but the Original Body Star.

In a Star Wars game, Shun met Xu Yuan, a general from the original planet.

The two hit it off immediately and became close friends.

Xu Yuan saw that Shun could freely control the Chaos Beast and learned that Shun was a great Ronin.

After Xu Yuan learned about Shun's experience, he decided to help Shun find the survivors of their Ronin clan.

After all, the Eternal Star Territory is very large, it can be said to be endless.

If no one helps Shun, finding his own clansmen will definitely be harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

Since Xu Yuan agreed to help him find his tribe,

In that instant, Xu Yuan also agreed to help them fight on the original body star.

Shun joins the battle voluntarily.

Moreover, he is instantly brave and good at fighting, and can be said to be invincible on the battlefield.

He now has a high prestige on the original body planet, and even has a special title, called Shura Martial God.

Shun released the hatred in his heart in this battle.

So now Shun is really killing people without blinking an eye, and has completely become a Shura Martial God.

Now it's not just on the primordial planet,

Even in Mufa Star, he is famous.

And Xu Yuan, commander of the Third Legion of the Primarch Star, regarded him as his best brother.

"Shun! Don't worry, I have sent out my own Harrier Army and are looking for the whereabouts of your people throughout the Chaos Void."

"My Harrier Army is on our original planet. It is one of the best intelligence corps."

"I believe it won't take long to find your tribe."

On a black spaceship in the chaotic void,

Xu Yuan, commander of the Third Legion of the Primarch Star, came to the deck.

I saw a worried look on his face.

He knew what Shun was worried about.

After listening for a moment, he gratefully said to Xu Yuan.

"Thank you very much, Brother Xu Yuan!"

"Don't worry, I won't forget the promise we made."

"You help me find the clansmen, and I will help you fight against the Mufa Star."

Shun will not accept help from others in vain.

In this regard, Xu Yuan said with a smile.

"Brother Shun, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter."

"I help you purely because I want to help you. It's not because I want you to join our original planet."

"I believe that even without your help, we, the original planet, will win."

"We, the original body star, do not want to rule the entire Eternal Star Territory, we just want to ensure the peace of the world."

It can be heard from Xu Yuan's words that the original star does not seem to intend to rule the Eternal Star Territory.

The reason why they are enemies of Mufa Star is actually to protect the development and peace of the Eternal Star Territory.

The Eternal Star Territory is a sacred place, sacred and inviolable.

The Primarch Star is a native life star born from the Eternal Star Domain.

Of course, Mu Faxing is also an original star.

However, Mufa Star chose to rule, while Primarch Star chose to protect.

Therefore, from the beginning, Mu Faxing was actually the villain.

It was precisely because Shun heard the whole story that he decided to help the original star.

Help the original planet and defend its homeland.

"By the way, Brother Xu, I may have to leave for a while."

"But don't worry, it won't take long before I'll be back on the battlefield."

Shun suddenly wanted to leave.

After hearing this, Xu Yuan did not ask where he was going.

He just said to Shun.

"Go! There is no need to report this kind of thing to me."

Xu Yuan is a very cheerful person.

After listening to it, I was very moved.

"Thank you, Brother Xu!"

"Why are you thanking me? Before I leave, I will give you a gift."

After Xu Yuan finished speaking, he took out a gemstone similar to jasper from his storage ring, and then said to Shun.

"Brother Shun, if you need help, crush it!"

"Even if it's beyond the galaxy, I will definitely arrive as soon as possible."

Xu Yuan really treated Shun as a brother.

After Shun received the jade from Xu Yuan, he was touched.

"Thank you!"

Shun was very lucky that he had a group of friends who were willing to help him.

Whether it was Zhuo Bufan, Yi Tianxing, or the current Xu Yuan.

Shun had friends to help him throughout his life.

"Hahaha, why do you say that, brother Shun! The brothers I, Xu Yuan, recognize are brothers who are worth going through life and death with."

"As long as you say a word, I will go through fire and water for you."

Xu Yuan was straightforward and generous, and Shun admired him deeply.

"Okay, I will not be polite when the time comes."

"Then brother Xu, goodbye."

Shun said, without too much reluctance.

Instead, he quickly disappeared on Xu Yuan's spaceship.


The reason why Shun wanted to leave Xu Yuan's spaceship was not to find his own people.

He had no clues about his people, so he didn't know where to look for them at the moment.

Shun's destination was Blue Water Star, the mermaid tribe.

Shun had not forgotten the woman on Blue Water Star, Yu Ji.

Shun had received the order of Qian Kun to find the void merchants in the chaotic void.

So he traveled thousands of miles to the Eternal Star Domain.

However, as soon as he arrived in the Eternal Star Domain, he met a high-level Chaos Beast.

Shun was no match for the Chaos Beast at all, and was severely injured by the Chaos Beast on the spot, and almost died in the mouth of the Chaos Beast.

Fortunately, Yu Ji appeared at the critical moment and saved him.

After that, Shun stayed in Blue Water Star for a long time to heal.

At the same time, he also formed an indissoluble bond with the ignorant girl Yu Ji.

Of course, neither Shun nor Yu Ji expressed their feelings in the end.

They all knew that they had love for each other.

But no one said that sentence to break that layer of paper.

So in the end, Shun left Blue Water Star, and they did not become lovers.

But after Shun left, he regretted it.

He knew that he loved Yu Ji deeply in his heart.

So, Shun wanted to take this opportunity to return to the Eternal Star Domain to formally confess to Yu Ji.

Coincidentally, Xu Yuan's spaceship was not far from Blue Water Star.

So Shun quickly arrived at Blue Water Star.

He thought he could see Yu Ji, whom he had been thinking about, again.

But when Shun came to the vicinity of Blue Water Star, he found that there were warships from Mu Fa Star around Blue Water Star.

Seeing this scene, Shun did not approach immediately.

"Why are the guys from Mu Fa Star here?"

Shun killed many Mu Fa Star people on the front battlefield, so he was very familiar with the warships of Mu Fa Star.

He could be sure that the warships surrounding Blue Water Star were the forces of Mu Fa Star.

"Could it be that these guys are planning to attack Blue Water Star?"

Such a thing made Shun suddenly angry.

"Damn it, we can't let these guys occupy Blue Water Star!"

Shun was not only for Yu Ji, but also for the peace-loving mermaids.

So he immediately rushed out without hesitation.

"Eight Gods, destroy them!"

Shun released the Chaos Beast Eight Gods Seat sealed in his body as soon as he rushed out.

I saw a huge octopus-like creature suddenly crossing the entire void.

This Eight Gods Seat was the middle-level Chaos Beast that Zhuo Bufan helped Shun to subdue.

Its image was similar to an octopus with eight claws.

So Shun called him Eight Gods Seat.

The power of Eight Gods Seat is naturally beyond doubt.

At the beginning, Zhuo Bufan and Shun could be said to have used a lot of strength to seal it.

After all, it was a middle-level Chaos Beast.

When it appeared in this starry sky, it instantly destroyed all the Mufaxing warships stationed around Blue Water Star.

This scene directly alarmed the entire mermaid tribe and Mufaxing people.

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