Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1264 Seven Star Array [Subscribe]

Shun suddenly proposed that the mermaid tribe and the entire Blue Mercury escape from here together.

This idea was so bold that the Great Elder and others even exclaimed in surprise after hearing it.

"Are you not talking nonsense? Are you running away with the entire Blue Mercury?

The great elder asked in surprise.

"Yes! Believe me, only in this way can you escape from the clutches of Mufa Star."

"Haven't you seen it yet?"

"The Star Lord is willing to become a prisoner of Mufa Star just to protect you."

"Believe me, if you manage to escape, then Yu Ji will definitely escape from the clutches of the Shepherd!"

Shun thought that the reason why Yu Ji was forced to join Mufa Star.

It's because Mu Faxing used the entire mermaid clan to threaten Yu Ji.

In fact, what Mu Faxing needs is not the power of the mermaid tribe, they only need a fish girl.

As the Star Lord, Yu Ji, one person is worth the entire mermaid clan.

The reason why Mufa Star Soldiers dispatched a fleet to station around Blue Mercury was to threaten Yu Ji.

Once Yu Ji disobeys, they will let the legion stationed near Blue Mercury destroy the mermaid tribe.

In this way, Yu Ji had to obey Mu Faxing's arrangements honestly.

Regardless of whether this is fact or not, this is just speculation.

Shun's guess is not unreasonable.

In fact, a large part of the reason why the soldiers of Mufa Star left their mistakes on Blue Mercury was to threaten Yu Ji.

If Yu Ji is not honest, Blue Mercury will disappear from this world.

After listening to Ronin Shun’s speculation, the Great Elder

I think what he said makes perfect sense.

"In this case, we have really become a burden to the Star Master."

The great elder's tone was somewhat self-blaming.

After listening for a moment, he said.

"Great Elder, you don't have to be like this!"

"I believe Yu Ji is willing!"

"It is her mission to protect you and the tribe!"

"But now, we have this opportunity to help Yu Ji escape from the sea of ​​suffering, why not help her?"

Shun's implication is that not becoming a burden to Yu Ji is the greatest help to Yu Ji.

As long as Mu Faxing can't use the mermaid tribe to threaten Yu Ji, then Yu Ji will naturally find a chance to escape.

The Great Elder nodded after thinking for a moment.

"It makes sense, what you said makes sense!"

"As long as we all escape, the Star Master will no longer have to be restrained by those guys from Mufa Star."

"The Star Lord is willing to go to Longtan Lake Cave for us. We can't always let the Star Lord protect us, we must also choose to save ourselves."

The great elder woke up.

He agreed to Ronin Shun's proposal and fled with all his clan members.

But at this time, the second elder on the side said.

"Great Elder, there are nearly three billion people in our mermaid clan. How easy is it to escape with all our clan members?"

"We don't have such a huge starship, and we don't have enough energy to allow us to escape."

"I'm afraid this method won't work!"

If it was really so easy to escape, why did Yuji choose to go to Mufa Star in the first place?

There are so many members of the mermaid clan that it is almost impossible to escape.

At this time, Shun said.

"In that case, let's take the entire planet and escape together!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was startled.

"What? Run away with Blue Mercury?"

"Shun, how is this possible?"

"Don't be too wild. Our Blue Mercury is attached to the Haoyan Galaxy. Once it falls out of orbit, the only thing waiting for us is destruction."

"Furthermore, with the technology of our mermaid tribe, it is almost impossible to escape with the entire Blue Mercury."

The elders spoke to each other and rejected Shun's proposal.

At this moment, Shun suddenly grinned and said.

"Everyone, have you forgotten where I come from?"

"I'm from the Ronin tribe!"

After hearing this, the great elder said in confusion.

"The Ronin clan?"

"By the way, you Ronin race are the only race in the chaotic void that can move forward with stars."

Ronin listened for a moment and replied.

"That's right, we Ronin tribe have the technology to control the stars."

"I can help you and escape with Blue Mercury."

Shun is the elder of the Ronin clan, and he masters the core technology of the Ronin clan.

Now that the Ronin star has disappeared, Shun decided to make the Blue Mercury into a new Ronin star.

Of course, Shun's main purpose is to escape with the mermaid tribe.

He wanted to help Yu Ji get through this difficulty.

"Can we really escape?"

The great elder looked at Shun and said.

After listening for a moment, he nodded firmly and said.

"Of course! As long as I have the skills of the Ronin tribe, there will be no problem in escaping with you."

After hearing this, the great elder continued.

"Escape, where can we escape to?"

Someone asked!

Even if you can escape, how can you call home in the vast and chaotic void?

Their mermaid tribe is different from the ronin tribe.

The Ronin tribe is used to wandering, and their nature yearns for freedom and uninhibitedness.

After all, their hearts cannot be settled.

But the mermaid tribe is different.

The people of the mermaid tribe have lived in the water almost all their lives.

If they decide to take the planet with them, how can they solve the problem of ocean freezing?

Moreover, the mermaids are not wanderers, and they cannot get used to a wandering life.

Let them drift in the void and be wanderers forever.

For them, it is indeed impossible.

Shun also understands that he can't ask the mermaids to live a nomadic life like their wanderers from now on.

So he is also thinking about how to settle the mermaids.

"If, I mean if!"

"If you are allowed to live in the star field where the Primitive Star is located, are you willing?"

Shun wants to settle all the mermaids on the Primitive Star!

After hearing this, the elder frowned.

"Are you asking us to join the Primitive Alliance?"

The elders obviously knew that the wanderer Shun had joined the Primitive Alliance.

Shun did not deny his idea.

He said.

"I know that everyone doesn't want to join any forces."

"I also know that the mermaids are a peace-loving race!"

"It's just that the times have changed, and we can't choose our own future."

"The Primarch Alliance is now calling on all righteous races to unite everyone to fight against the rule of the Shepherd God."

"Everyone, let's work together to rescue the Star Lord!"

Ronin Shun suddenly decided to persuade the mermaids to join the Primarchs to fight against the Shepherd God.

On the one hand, everyone can get rid of the control of the Shepherd God, and on the other hand, they can work together to rescue the Star Lord Fish Princess.

However, this time, the elders did not respond to Ronin Shun's call.

Instead, they questioned Shun and said.

"Shun, tell me, what is the difference between joining the Shepherd Alliance and joining the Primarch Alliance?"

The elder asked.

After hearing this, Shun answered excitedly.

"Of course there is a difference! The Shepherd God is delusional and wants to rule the Eternal Star Domain."

"And Yuan Zun decided to go to war with the Shepherd God in order to protect the peace of the Eternal Star Domain."

"To put it bluntly, the Shepherd God represents the villain, and Yuan Zun is the righteous."

"Anyone with a sense of justice should unite to fight against the Shepherd God."

Shun was very excited because he represented justice.

Shun has been fighting on the front line all this time.

His subordinates called him the Shura God of War and said that he was the embodiment of justice.

Ronin Shun himself was almost flattered to the point of forgetting everything.

But the great elder asked at this time.

"Shun, tell me, why do you think Yuan Zun represents justice?"

"Maybe Yuan Zun also wants to rule the Eternal Star Domain?"

"What you heard is just one-sided words from some people, just like we heard the messenger of the Shepherd Star say that the Shepherd God represents light."

"But, in our opinion, both of them are just lunatics who are trying to rule the Eternal Star Domain under the banner of justice!"

The Great Elder is a rare wise man.

No matter how much Shun said, he would not believe that Yuan Zun was just fighting to stop the Shepherd God.

Yuan Zun, like the Shepherd God, has his own ambitions.

Both of them are the yin and yang of the Eternal Star Domain.

The existence of the two maintains the peace of this star domain.

But if one of them is gone, then this peace will collapse.

The other party will inevitably rule the entire Eternal Star Domain.

Shepherd God did overestimate his own strength and took the initiative to cause a war.

But Yuan Zun just wanted to take this opportunity to achieve his own goals.

So, both sides have their own ulterior motives and have no good intentions.

"Shun, you are just like our star master, your mind is too simple!"

"You will easily believe anything others say."

"I don't know what you heard. But what I want to tell you is that if possible, our mermaids don't want to be involved in this war at all."

The elder finally spoke his mind to Shun.

After Shun heard it, he suddenly understood something.

Indeed, what he heard was just the one-sided words of the original star.

Because he believed in Xu Yuan, he had no doubts about Xu Yuan's words.

Of course, it is very likely that Xu Yuan himself did not know Yuan Zun's plan at all.

No one in this world is selfless.

In the past, Shun thought that his clan leader Qiankun was a selfless person.

But Qiankun brought a catastrophe to the entire Ronin tribe for a woman.

If Qiankun had not brought back the two women, how could the Ronin Star have suffered that disaster?

For his own selfishness, Qiankun repeatedly violated the wishes of his clan members.

Finally, the doomsday catastrophe brought to the Ronin.

Shun has always believed that it was Qiankun who brought disaster to the Ronin.

Therefore, he hates Qiankun in his heart.

Returning to the present, Shun thinks that the words of the great elder make sense.

"I understand!"

"You are right. Whether it is Yuanzun or Mushen, you can't trust them easily."

"And I believe that the Star Lord doesn't want to see the mermaids join this war."

"Then let's do this! I will build a seven-star magic circle for the Blue Sea Star, and you can go wherever you want."

"And don't worry, our Ronin's seven-star magic circle will not have any impact on your life. Even if you start wandering in the void, you can provide you with enough sunshine and won't let your ocean freeze."

The reason why the Ronin can keep wandering in the chaotic void is because of the Seven Star Array.

Shun can not force the Mermaids to join the Primarch Alliance

He must help the Mermaids survive this disaster.

"Then you have to hurry up!"

"The people of the Shepherd Star must have discovered that something happened here. They may come back in ten days."

The Great Elder reminded.

Shun nodded after hearing this.

"Ten days is enough!"

"I have the formation diagram of the Seven Star Array. It only takes three days to set up a complete Seven Star Array."

"But before that, I need to find some satellites!"


"Yes, it's the formation base of the Seven Star Array!"

"Leave this to me! You don't need to do anything, just leave it to me."

Next, Shun began his mission.

He pushed seven lifeless stars from other nearby galaxies.

Pushed them into the orbit of Blue Mercury and began to revolve around Blue Mercury.

Then, with these seven stars as the array base, the Seven Stars Array began to be built.

The most important thing in making the Seven Stars Array is the array diagram.

As the elder of the Ronin Clan, Shun naturally carried the array diagram slate of the Seven Stars Array with him.

Then, he buried the array diagram slate in the star core of Blue Mercury and activated the array diagram slate.

For a time, seven rays of light were released from Blue Mercury, connecting the seven stars around the star.

Then, the seven stars connected with each other and began to evolve separately.

Gold, wood, water, fire, wind, thunder, light!

The seven stars each turned into seven pure energy spheres.

These energy spheres can bring all the energy needed for life to the central Blue Mercury.

Thus maintaining the vitality balance of Blue Mercury.

With these seven stars as satellites, Blue Mercury can travel freely in this chaotic void.

This is the core technology that allows the Ronin Clan to make the stars wander.

Seven days later, Ronin Shun successfully completed the arrangement of the Seven Stars Array as agreed.

The mermaids looked at the seven satellite stars outside their own sky, full of surprise.

"Is this the Seven Stars Array that the Ronins are proud of?"

"I never thought that one day, our Blue Water Star would also be protected by the Seven Stars Array."

Shun smiled after hearing this.

"Yes, this is the Seven Stars Array of our Ronins."

"This Seven Stars Array can not only ensure the vitality balance of Blue Water Star, but also serve as a powerful defensive barrier."

"This Seven Stars Array can release a powerful defense network that is enough to withstand a powerful blow from a Shepherd God-level strongman."

"At the same time, the Seven Stars Array can also release a powerful energy strike, comparable to the energy level of Shepherd God and Yuan Zun."

Shun was very happy that the Seven Stars Array of Ronin Star finally shone again on other stars.

The Seven Stars Array was very strong. Even when facing the attack of the three incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, it could resist for a long time.

Although the Seven Stars Array was still disintegrated in the end, its opponent was the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao after all.

And it is the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly God.

You know, even the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun, their strength is at most similar to that of Qiankun in his heyday.

Barely ranked at the bottom of the sign-in incarnation.

From the side, we can see the power of the Seven Stars Formation.

With the Seven Stars Formation, the mermaids can roam in the chaotic void and no longer be threatened by other forces.

"Grand Elder, the formation has been arranged now. I will pass on the method of using the Seven Stars Formation to you."

"You take the tribesmen and leave here first."

The Great Elder asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"Aren't you leaving with us?"

"No, I have more important things to do."

"You are going to the Shepherd Law Star?" The Great Elder guessed

To this, Shun did not deny it.

"Don't worry, Great Elder. I will take care of my own safety."

"At least I will pass on the news of your safe escape to Yu Ji!"

"Just leave with confidence! I will find you. Goodbye!"

After explaining all this, Shun did not stay any longer and immediately disappeared on Blue Water Star.

Next, he had more important things to do.


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