Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1268 The Road to Reincarnation [Subscription Request]

Zhuo Bufan never expected that he would meet Gao Yangxu one day.

Perhaps this was destined.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered the first time he met Gao Yangxu in the cultivation world.

Gao Yangxu seemed very mysterious.

He told Zhuo Bufan that he did not belong to this world.

He also said that he and Zhuo Bufan were the same kind of people.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan thought Gao Yangxu was also a time traveler.

But now Zhuo Bufan understands that Gao Yangxu is not a time traveler, but a reincarnation.

"Good brother, how many years have we not seen each other since we parted in the cultivation world?"

Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him, still with tears in his eyes.

Zhuo Bufan sighed after hearing this!

"It's been many years since we last met, so long that I can't remember the time."

Zhuo Bufan was a little emotional.

After all, he and Gao Yangxu were not ordinary friends, but sworn brothers.

To be precise, they were Zhuo Bufan's only sworn brothers.

Since Gao Yangxu, Zhuo Bufan has never sworn brotherhood with anyone.

Because Zhuo Bufan was afraid of losing a brother.

Now seeing Gao Yangxu again, Zhuo Bufan was so happy.

"I never thought that we would meet here!"

"Where did you go that year?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He looked for Gao Yangxu everywhere in the cultivation world that year.

But Gao Yangxu seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth and disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan always thought that Gao Yangxu was dead.

He was sad for the brother he had lost.

Unexpectedly, many years later, the two met again in the chaotic void.

Such a fate is a miracle.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's question, Gao Yangxu did not hide it.

He told Zhuo Bufan about his own affairs in detail.

It turned out that Gao Yangxu was really a member of the Samsara Clan.

And he was not an ordinary member of the clan, but the guardian of the road of reincarnation.

The reason why he came to Daluotian and appeared in the cultivation world.

It was because he received the revelation from the Lord of Time, asking him to find the Lord of Reincarnation.

However, Gao Yangxu was thrown into the world of cultivation by the Lord of Time.

And all his memories and cultivation were erased.

So Gao Yangxu never told Zhuo Bufan his identity.

Because he didn't even know what his identity was.

Until later, during the chaos of the demon world in the world of cultivation.

Gao Yangxu realized the true meaning of saints in the world of cultivation.

Then he found out that the so-called Lord of Reincarnation was himself.

After Gao Yangxu became the Lord of Reincarnation, he was sent back to the Reincarnation Clan by the Lord of Time before he had time to say goodbye to Zhuo Bufan.

So Gao Yangxu has not formally said goodbye to Zhuo Bufan until now.

Although they didn't say goodbye, they met again after all.

"So that's it, so, brother, you are the Lord of Reincarnation now?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about reincarnation.

He only knew that reincarnation existed.

After all, I have reincarnated three times, and I am the reincarnation body.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh. I am not the Lord of Reincarnation yet."

"I am just the reincarnation of the Lord of Reincarnation. I need to accept the trial and get the recognition of the Lord of Time before I can become the Lord of Reincarnation again."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"May I ask, brother, what is the relationship between the Lord of Reincarnation and the Lord of Time?"

Gao Yangxu thought for a moment after hearing this, and then answered.

"Master and servant relationship!"

"The Lord of Reincarnation is one of the three servants of the Lord of Time."

"The Lord of Reincarnation controls the past, the Lord of the Void controls the present, and the Lord of Prophecy controls the future."

"These three are the three servants created by the Lord of Time."

"And I am the reincarnation body of the Lord of Reincarnation, and I am considered the servant of the Lord of Time."

"Of course, I am not qualified to be the servant of the Lord of Time now."

Gao Yangxu said calmly.

Zhuo Bufan also learned from his bad words.

It turns out that the Lord of Time has three servants.

The Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of Void, and the Lord of Prophecy.

The three main gods who control the order of time are just servants of the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised. What kind of existence is this Lord of Time?

The Lord of Time is mysterious and powerful.

He is the origin of everything in the world. He created all living beings and everything.

Zhuo Bufan told Gao Yangxu about his idea of ​​finding the Lord of Time.

After Gao Yangxu heard it, he learned so many secrets of Zhuo Bufan.

"So that's why, no wonder I found an extraordinary aura on you when I first met you, Brother Zhuo."

"So you are a reincarnation body, and you have reincarnated for three lives."

As the reincarnation body of the Lord of Reincarnation, Gao Yangxu naturally knows more about reincarnation than others.

Reincarnation is actually a power of the past.

Only those selected by the Lord of Time are qualified to reincarnate.

But the Lord of Time will not let a person reincarnate twice.

If this happens, it means that the Lord of Time has been paying attention to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, I understand your determination to meet the Lord of Time."

"I am afraid you will be disappointed with something."

"The road to the reincarnation world collapsed a long time ago."

When Gao Yangxu told Zhuo Bufan that the road to reincarnation had collapsed, Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

"No? How could it collapse?"

Zhuo Bufan has been looking for the Lord of Time.

Finally, we got clues and whereabouts.

But now the only road to reincarnation in the world of reincarnation has collapsed.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was a little frustrated, Gao Yangxu explained.

"Actually, this road to reincarnation collapsed because of me."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan looked at him intently.

"My previous reincarnation master neglected his duties and failed to protect the path of reincarnation."

"As a result, the path to reincarnation was deliberately damaged."

"The Lord of Time punished me by sending me into reincarnation."

"Only by repairing the path of reincarnation can I return to my original world. Only then can I regain my divine status."

Zhuo Bufan asked immediately after hearing this.

"Is this road to reincarnation so easy to collapse? It can be considered damaged."

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu shook his head.

"I actually don't know the specific things."

"But the Lord of Time is indeed very angry because of this matter."

"He also sent me, the Lord of the Void, and the Lord of Prophecy into reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan frowned silently.

"Hey! Actually, I don't know what exactly happened."

"But one thing is certain, the road to reincarnation has really collapsed."

"And now I have been repairing the path of reincarnation."

"Brother Zhuo, why don't you follow me to reincarnation, and I'll let you see with your own eyes what the current path of reincarnation is like."

Gao Yangxu knew that only if Zhuo Bufan saw it with his own eyes would he believe that the road to reincarnation could collapse.

It's not that Gao Yangxu doesn't want to help Zhuo Bufan, it's just that he is really powerless.

When Zhuo Bufan heard that he could go to the Samsara Clan, he certainly did not refuse.

"Okay, I also want to see what the legendary road to reincarnation looks like."

Zhuo Bufan came all the way to find the way to reincarnation, so naturally he couldn't give up at this time.

And he also wanted to see what the world Gao Yangxu lived in was like.

Gao Yangxu laughed when he saw Zhuo Bufan agreeing happily.

"Okay, it just so happens that we brothers haven't seen each other for many years, so we're going to get drunk today."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he put his hand on Zhuo Bufan's shoulder, then turned around and rushed towards the Samsara Star Territory with King Zhuo Bufan.

When the two of them came to Gao Yang Yinyin, they were talking and laughing.

The little girl was already stunned.

"Brother, you, what are you two doing?"

"This bad guy bullies me, why are you hooking up with this bad guy?"

Yinyin obviously hasn't understood the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and her brother.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Yinyin, he narrowed his eyes and smiled at her.

"So you are my eldest brother's sister."

"So, you can be considered my sister."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Yin Yin said to her angrily.

"Bah, who is your sister? I am not your sister. You murderer."

The other party looked at Zhuo Bufan angrily.

Gao Yangxu on the side saw this and immediately scolded.

"Xiao Yin, don't be rude!"

"Now I would like to formally introduce to you that his name is Zhuo Bufan, and he is my sworn brother!"

"From now on, you must respect him as much as you respect me."

"I am your brother, so he will also be your brother, do you understand?"

Gao Yangxu did not allow others to be rude to his brother, even if this person was his sister.

Yinyin didn't expect that her brother would ask her to recognize a bad guy who bullied her as his brother.

The little girl was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

"Humph, you are no longer my brother. I don't have an idiot brother like you. Gao Yangxu, you idiot."

"I'm going to tell my sister-in-law that you will never see her again."

After Yinyin finished speaking, she drew a circle in the air angrily.

Then a white hole appeared.

Then she got in.

Seeing this, Gao Yangxu sighed helplessly.

"Hey! Brother Zhuo, I made you laugh."

"My younger sister, despite looking at her, is already a tall and graceful girl."

"But she is inexperienced and has a simple mind. So as much as it offends you, you must not be as knowledgeable as him."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Brother, you are too worried. Your sister is my sister. I will treat her as my own sister from now on."

"By the way, brother, are you married?"

Zhuo Bufan learned from Yinyin.

Gao Yangxu already has a family background.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu smiled and pretended to be mysterious.

"You know her, she comes from your world of cultivating immortals!"

Gao Yangxu said she was obviously his wife.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised after hearing this.

"Is it from our cultivation world?"

"When did you hook up with a girl in our cultivation world?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Gao Yangxu would find a wife in the world of cultivation, and she was also someone Zhuo Bufan knew.

But among the women Zhuo Bufan knew, no one had ever seen Gao Yangxu.

"let's go!"

"You'll know when you get home."

Gao Yangxu didn't show off either.

I saw him picking up the golden spear in his hand, and then drawing a circle in the air.

A white hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

"This is the only way to enter the reincarnation star field."

"Without the guidance of our Samsara clan members, no one can enter the Samsara Star Territory."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more, but followed Gao Yangxu into the white cave.

After getting into the white hole, Zhuo Bufan only felt that he had entered a vast white world.

He followed Gao Yangxu closely.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the white light in front of my eyes slowly weakened.

Instead, there was a gorgeous starry sky.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the starry sky again, his eyes couldn't help but become brighter.

It was a galaxy as bright as a whirlpool.

It's like a palette that brings together all the colors Zhuo Bufan is familiar with.

There are even many colors that Zhuo Bufan has never seen before.


"This is the most beautiful starry sky I have ever seen."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Gao Yangxu on the side listened and replied.

"This is the place where our reincarnation clan lives in the void of chaos."

"This starry sky is also the most important protection in my life."

"Brother Zhuo, look there!"

Gao Yangxu suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the star beam in the center of the maelstrom.

It was a black and white intertwined light beam.

The star beam passed through the center of the vortex, and the light penetrated the entire sky.

"what is that?"

Zhuo Bufan felt the familiar energy in the holy light.

That power is the time power of his save door.

Gao Yangxu said.

"That is the path of broken reincarnation."

"Originally, the black and white holy light was the passage to the world of reincarnation."

"But then it shattered and turned into ten trillion broken stars."

"My mission now is to collect all these broken stars and recast the path of reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked after hearing this.

"Ten trillion broken stars? Recast?"

"How many years will this take?"

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu replied.

"I've been using it for almost three hundred years now!"

"However, only less than one ten thousandth of the broken stars were collected."

"If you want to collect them all, it will probably take more than three million years!"

"Three, three million years?"

Zhuo Bufan was startled by this time.

What is the concept of three million years? This is simply unimaginable.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood what a grueling mission Gao Yangxu had been doing over the years.

It takes three million years to build a road to the world of reincarnation.

"Three million years?"

"How could I wait three million years?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to go to the world of reincarnation, but if there is no way to reincarnation, how can he go there?

Do you want him to wait for Gao Yangxu for three million years?

He couldn't afford to wait, and he didn't want to wait.

Zhuo Bufan could only find other ways.

"Yes, three million years! It's not long, it's not short!"

"Compared to the Lord of Time, it may only be a blink of an eye."

“But for us, it’s for the rest of our lives!”

Gao Yangxu didn't want to spend three million years recasting the path of reincarnation.

But if he doesn't do something, his people will never be able to leave this dark starry sky forever.

This starry sky looks beautiful.

But for the reincarnation tribe, it is the most terrifying curse!

For the sake of his people, Gao Yangxu must recast the path of reincarnation.

At this time, his responsibility is also his mission!

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