Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1272 Heavenly Dao Destroyer [Subscribe]

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce, one of the seven incarnations of Heavenly Dao.

Even the cracks in time and space could not destroy him, but his body was crushed by someone's bare hands.


Wang Ce's angry roar came from the void.

Wang Ce went crazy, his body was destroyed, and only his pitiful soul was left wailing.

However, the true power of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao is hidden in their souls.

So even if his body was destroyed, Wang Ce was not destroyed.

Instead, it completely angered him, allowing him to find an opportunity to use his own Heavenly Dao artifact, the Abandoned Heaven God Staff!

Wang Ce shouted angrily, and then a staff full of skulls flew out from the top of his soul.

The staff was full of skulls.

It quietly floated above Wang Ce's head, and a strange and unpredictable spiritual wave spread from it.

All the skulls shouted mysterious and terrifying spells.

It was like a ghost from hell, wailing in pain.

Each spell can penetrate a person's soul, and then make people begin to feel confused about their own existence.

The Abandoned Heaven Staff, the Heavenly Artifact of Doubtful Heavenly King Ce.

The power of this Heavenly Artifact is called forgetfulness!

People abandoned by heaven will forget the meaning of their existence and doubt their lives.

He will begin to forget the skills he has learned, forget his best skills, forget his relatives, forget his friends, forget his preferences, forget his purpose, forget his name, forget his existence.

Until the end, he completely forgets that he is a person.

The original meaning of the Abandoned Heaven Staff is to be abandoned by heaven.

When Doubtful Heavenly King Ce picked up the Abandoned Heaven Staff in his hand, the mysterious man opposite was stunned at first.

Then he growled.


"Old man, do you want me to forget my mission?"

"What a pity, my mission is destiny. I am a person that even heaven cannot abandon."

After the man growled, he suddenly slapped his ears with both hands.

He slapped a powerful shock force into his ears.

Then he poured it directly into his soul, which made his soul, which was beginning to forget, startled.

Wang Ce, who saw this scene, was stunned for a moment.

"Self-sealed soul? What a cruel little beast."

Wang Ce did not expect that the other party would use this self-mutilation method to remove his artifact ability.

The other party sealed his soul, so that his magic sound could not invade his soul world at all.

"Wang Ce, die!"

When Wang Ce lost consciousness, he saw the other party appear in front of him.

In the hand of the mysterious man, a dagger as thin as a cicada's wing appeared at some point.

It was a gray dagger, with shimmering scales on it, and a kind of energy that made people palpitate faintly.

When it appeared in front of Wang Ce's soul, Wang Ce actually felt fear inexplicably.

"No, this is..."

Wang Ce vaguely discovered something incredible.

But he was not sure.

Seeing that the dagger was about to chop his soul, he actually cut off a part of his own soul with the method of breaking the soul.

Wang Ce cut off his soul at the first moment and escaped.

Just like a gecko cutting off its tail to survive.

After Wang Ce cut off his soul, he fled thousands of miles away in an instant, and the soul he abandoned was cut off by the dagger in the next second.

What was shocking was that the dagger actually absorbed the soul.

Wang Ce could feel that the soul he abandoned was actually absorbed by the mysterious dagger.

"Damn, who is this guy? How could the knife in his hand absorb my soul of the Heavenly Dao?"

Wang Ce was stunned.

He is the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, the strongest creature besides the Heavenly Dao.

His soul represents the sky.

It is impossible to be absorbed by the existence outside the sky.

"Who is it? Who is he?"

Wang Ce was terrified and scared.

His current strength is far less than half of his peak period.

He is no match for the mysterious man now.

"Escape, you must escape, otherwise you will really die."

Wang Ce felt the threat to his life.

He had to escape. If he didn't, today might be his death.

However, it was not easy for him to escape.

His opponent was a mysterious person who came from nowhere.

He was a being that could threaten the life of the incarnation of Heaven.

"When did the Chaos Void have such a powerful creature?"

"Why did he sneak attack me again?"

"Who is this guy?"

For Wang Ce, the most confusing thing now was the identity of the mysterious man.

The other party suddenly appeared in front of him, and then killed him without any explanation.

There was no time to think, so he had to run away desperately.


Can he run away?

The mysterious man appeared in front of Wang Ce's escape path almost in an instant.

Then he stopped Wang Ce.

"Your ending is only death, not escape."

Under the other party's black mask, a pair of cold eyes revealed infinite murderous intent.

The next second, the mysterious dagger in his hand slashed towards Wang Ce.

The two were obviously separated by a thousand meters, but almost in an instant, a knife fell on Wang Ce's head.

"So close yet so far away?"

"Who are you?"

Wang Ce raised the Abandoned Heavenly God Staff in his hand and struck the opponent again.

The moment he struck, he hit the invisible dagger that the opponent had chopped down.

"One cut, ten thousand cuts!"

The mysterious man suddenly shouted coldly, and the next second Wang Ce was completely stunned.

Because he found that the original only one killing intent suddenly turned into ten thousand.

Ten thousand destructive energies chopped on Wang Ce's body.

Wang Ce's soul was instantly dismembered.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Wang Ce let out a miserable cry from the depths of his soul.

The soul of the Heavenly Dao clone was so easily cut off, and it was broken into ten thousand pieces.

"Who are you?"

Ten thousand pieces of broken souls made the same sound.

Wang Ce screamed, he would never believe in his dreams that he would be forced into such a desperate situation.

He had a feeling that he really had no way to escape this time.

But before he died, Wang Ce must find out the identity of the other party.

The other party held a dagger that could destroy the soul of the Heavenly Dao. What a dangerous person he was.

At this time, the mysterious man came to Wang Ce.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know."

"You only need to know that today is your memorial day."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, he pulled out a knife and slashed at Wang Ce.


The moment the knife was slashed, Wang Ce's soul instantly became distorted.

Then it began to be absorbed by the dagger.

"I know who you are!"

"Why? Why does the sky want to kill me?"

Wang Ce felt that familiar power again.

That power was too familiar, because he was the source of that power!

"The Heavenly Dao is ruthless, the Heavenly Dao is ruthless!"


Before Wang Ce died, he transmitted his last soul thought to the public soul channel of their Heavenly Dao incarnations.

For a time, all the Heavenly Dao incarnations heard Wang Ce's words before he died.

The first person to hear this sentence was Mo Chichi, who was closest to Wang Ce.

Mo Chichi was originally looking for the way to the Eternal Star Domain in the maze, but unexpectedly received a message from Wang Ce.

"Heaven is ruthless? What does that mean?"

"Wang Ce, is he dead?"

Mo Chichi found that he could no longer sense Wang Ce's information on the public soul channel.

She stared at the end of the starry sky, and she had a vague feeling that the catastrophe of their incarnation of Heaven was coming.

The second person to sense Wang Ce's information was the Fallen Heaven Li Mei.

Li Mei was at the Eternal Star Domain with the leader of the Ronin tribe, Qiankun.

As a result, at this moment, she suddenly saw Wang Ce's message.

"Heaven is ruthless? Wang Ce is dead!"

"What happened?"

Li Mei was obviously a little confused. It was hard for her to imagine that they, as the incarnation of Heaven, would die. This was incredible.

They were the incarnation of Heaven, and their life span was equal to that of Heaven.

As long as Daluotian was not destroyed, they would not die.

However, Yizhi Tian Wang Ce was indeed dead.

And he died very thoroughly.

"Wang Ce is dead! Who did it?"

Batu and his team also got the information left by Wang Ce later.

However, facing the unresolved fog, no one knew what happened.

"The old guy Wang Ce had his fate cut off by his father a long time ago. He is the only one among our seven Heavenly Dao clones who will be punished by time."

"It's not surprising that he will die."

Batu was not too upset by Wang Ce's death.

And he didn't show any panic.

Wang Ce had his fate cut off by Daluo Tiandao because he made a mistake.

Other Heavenly Dao incarnations have the same lifespan as the sky, but he has a lifespan.

When the time comes, he will die.

This is why Wang Ce wanted to catch Zhuo Bufan so hard.

Because as long as Zhuo Bufan was caught, he could make up for his mistakes and let Daluo Tiandao give him his fate again, so that he could gain the power of lifespan and heaven.

However, Wang Ce died in the hands of a mysterious killer before he could remember to complete his mission.

"Ba Tu, don't be careless!"

"Even if Wang Ce has no fate, he is still the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao. He will not die easily if his life span has not expired."

"And the other party can kill him, I am afraid that his strength is not weaker than our Heavenly Dao incarnation!"

Hateful Heaven Ao Lai reminded Ba Tu.

On the other side, Greedy Heaven Hun Dun was very sad.

"Wang Ce, Wang Ce is dead!"

"How could this happen? Father must be very sad."

Although Wang Ce is an old man, in Greedy Heaven Hun Dun's eyes, he is just a little brother.

"Could it be that kid from the Ronin Clan? He doesn't seem to be dead yet!"

Ba Tu suspected that it was the Ronin Clan leader Qian Kun who killed Wang Ce.

After hearing this, Ao Lai replied.

"It's not clear yet, but we have to be careful."

"Since someone was able to kill Wang Ce, it means he might have the ability to threaten us."

"No one wants to die, so we must be vigilant next!"

"Don't waste any more time, find the natural enemy, and then destroy it. After completing the task given to us by our father, we will return to Daluotian!"

Hateful Tian Aolai seems to be the only one who cares about hunting down Zhuo Bufan.

The others have their own ulterior motives.

Nowadays, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao is also divided and making its own decisions.

In this regard, they obviously haven't discovered that the great terror belonging to their incarnation of heaven has quietly approached them.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan, the current military commander of the Mufa Star, followed the requirements of the Mufa Star and led the Brain Demon Tribe and the Arcane Tribe to attack the Gray Body Star.

He made an agreement with the two star masters of the Brain Demon Clan and the Aofa Clan to meet on the Black Card Star.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously the first to arrive at Black Card Star.

In addition to Zhuo Bufan, he also brought with him a legion of the Mufa clan, with a total of 100,000 Mufa elite soldiers.

These people will all obey Zhuo Bufan's orders.

After Zhuo Bufan and his people stayed in Wuheika for two days, the armies of the Brain Demon Tribe and the Aufa Tribe arrived.

The star master of the brain demon clan is called Sanshou, and he has three faces on one head.

The star master of the Arcane clan is called Auron, a legendary arcanist.

Of course, whether it is Sanshou or Auron, they are just Zhuo Bufan's subordinates now.

They must also obey Zhuo Feifan's orders.

"Military advisor, we are here."

The two star masters each brought their armies to join Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to greet the two Star Masters.

"You two came at the right time. Next, we will discuss how to attack the Gray Body Star."

"My suggestion is to come up with a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the other two Star Lords looked at him and asked.

"How does the great military advisor want to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"I already knew it before you two arrived."

"This gray body life is a life between the body and the soul."

"The reason why life like a gray body is born is because of the original energy of the star core of a gray body star."

"They are not affected by physical damage, but they are afraid of soul attacks."

"They are very good at fighting, and because they are naturally immune to physical damage, they have become one of the most powerful alliances in the Primeval Alliance."

"If we want to disintegrate this gray body, we need the power of the Brain Demon Clan. This is why Lord Shepherd sent the three-headed Star Lord here."

"As for the Arcane people, they are good at soul arcana, so they can also cause certain damage to gray bodies."

"And my suggestion is to take advantage of the warlike nature of the Gray Body. Let the Lord of the Auron Star lead you and the Aofa tribe, and follow me to attract their main Gray Body troops and stay away from the Gray Body Star."

"Next, let's leave it to the Brain Demon Clan to take the opportunity to invade the Gray Body Star and destroy the original energy core inside the Gray Body Star."

"Without this energy core, the gray-body aliens are equivalent to cutting off their roots."

"This will definitely hit them hard."

After Zhuo Bufan told his plan, the other two star masters showed evil smiles.

"Brilliant plan, brilliant plan!"

"I didn't expect that the great military advisor would be so ruthless. The formation commander is neither poisonous nor a husband."

"No wonder the Shepherd God has high hopes for you, our great strategist. You are truly worthy of being our great strategist."

"Then what are we discussing? Let's just follow the strategy of the Great Military Advisor! Leave the task of destroying the Gray Body Star to us, the Brain Demon Clan!"

Three guys who were poisoned by the "MLM organization" started their crazy plan.

And Zhuo Bufan, unknowingly, embarked on the path of a great villain.

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