Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1275 Transaction [Subscription Request]

Zhuo Bufan followed the three Gray Stars to the Gray Star.

The gray star is filled with dim energy.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan entered Gray Star, he felt that his power was completely suppressed.

There is an energy in the gray star that can suppress his cultivation.

After inhaling it into the human body, Zhuo Bufan felt that the cell activity in his body was significantly reduced.

Even Zhuo Bufan's induction of chaotic energy has decreased a lot.

Zhuo Bufan seemed a little worried about the suppressed chaos energy, because if a war broke out, he might not even be able to protect himself.

So he seemed a little cautious, fearing that these gray-body aliens had evil intentions.

After all, I am alone, rushing into the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

He didn't know if there was any danger in this gray star.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan noticed that the energy on the gray star had no effect on the gray star people.

"Obviously, this energy should come from the gray star core."

"The gray-body aliens also rely on this mysterious energy to survive."

"It seems that except for the Gray Stars, all other creatures will be suppressed after entering the Gray Star."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy for Sanshou and the others to capture Gray Star!"

Zhuo Bufan thought in his mind.

The mysterious energy in the gray star can suppress all other life.

Once the Brain Demon clan members enter the Gray Star, they may be in bad luck.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must tell the brain demon clan members this news.

The purpose of Zhuo Bufan coming to Gray Star is to investigate the specific information in Gray Star.

Then prepare for the next war.

Zhuo Bufan recorded this information.

Next, under the leadership of Hula and the others, Zhuo Bufan came to a gray steel royal city.

"We are here, and ahead of us is the most sacred holy land of our Gray Body tribe, Gray Castle!"

"I, the Star Master of the Gray Body Clan, sit in this Gray Castle."

After hearing what Hula said, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"Okay, take me to see your Star Master. I want to make this deal with your Star Master personally."

Zhuo Bufan strengthened his courage.

Since he would have to meet the Lord of Gray Star sooner or later, there was no need for Zhuo Bufan to be weak here.

When he followed Hula and the others into Gray Castle, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the creatures in this world did not like to live in houses.

They like to live in trees, living on big gray trees.

Strictly speaking, gray-body aliens are not humans, they can only be regarded as strange creatures.

Zhuo Bufan followed Hula and the others all the way through gray forests one after another.

Wherever he passed, there were many other gray-body aliens following him.

Zhuo Bufan felt the aura of greed from them.

These guys obviously wanted to do evil to him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan himself seemed very calm.

Facing these gray-body aliens, he looked calm and pretended to be a well-informed void merchant.

Void merchants are already well-informed, so it is impossible for them to behave abnormally just because of this little gray-body star.

"Here we are."

At this time, Hula who was walking in front suddenly stopped, then pointed to a huge towering tree not far away and said.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"The Divine Tree of Creation?"

Zhuo Bufan could tell at a glance that this tree was the divine tree of creation that he had seen before.

However, this divine tree of creation seems to be affected by the power of Gray Star, and is not as huge as other normal divine trees of creation.

The Divine Tree of Creation is a divine tree that can create life and rules in the void of chaos.

With this tree, a world can be created.

The reason why this gray star can create gray-body stars is largely because of this divine tree of creation.

Obviously, the core energy of gray stars alone is far from enough.

Only with the Divine Tree of Creation can such a strange life be born.

Gray-body stars, to put it bluntly, are the energy products of the divine tree of creation and the core of gray stars.

When Zhuo Bufan followed Hula and the others to the foot of the divine tree of creation.

I saw a few tree vines hanging down from the branches in the clouds.

Then they grabbed hold of the tree vines and began to climb online, just like riding an elevator.

Soon, they climbed above the treetops.

There is actually a castle on the top of this huge divine tree of creation.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"This is Graycastle?"

"Yes, this is our Gray Castle! Your Excellency, please wait here for a moment. We will go and report to the Star Master."

After Hula and the others finished speaking, they left Zhuo Bufan on the tree branch avenue.

Then they walked towards the gray fortress not far away, which was made entirely of branches.

After they left, Zhuo Bufan found an opportunity and began to tell the three brain demons outside the world about what he saw and heard on the Gray Star.

After receiving Zhuo Bufan's instructions, Sanshou and others stationed themselves in place.

They would never dare to act rashly before receiving orders from Zhuo Bufan.

"Three of you, please pay attention. There is a mysterious energy above the Gray Star that can suppress your cultivation."

"If you want to attack the Gray Body Star in the future, you must be mentally prepared."

Zhuo Bufan told Sanshu and the others about the mysterious energy above Gray Star.

After listening to three songs, he said that he would definitely obey Zhuo Bufan's instructions.

"Okay, I'm going to meet the Lord of Gray Star right away, and we'll make contact later."

Zhuo Bufan said no more, because what he had to face next was the Lord of Gray Star.

If you're not careful, you may be exposed.

If the Lord of Gray Star discovers that he is not a void merchant but a spy from Mufa Star, then Zhuo Bufan will be dead.

It can be said that the current Zhuo Bufan is playing with fire and dancing on the tip of the knife.

Of course, he is relatively calm now.

Not long after, Hula and the others came out after entering Gray Castle.

Then they saw Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and hurriedly greeted him.

"Three of you, what do you, Lord of Gray Star, mean??"

Hula cheered slightly in anticipation.

"Your Excellency, our Star Master has decided to meet you. As long as you are willing to sell all your Purple Chaos Stones to us, we will definitely give you a fair price."

Zhuo Bufan could tell that these people really wanted his Purple Chaos Stone.

Purple Chaos Stone is the most important strategic resource in the Chaos Void.

Especially in times of war, almost everyone wants to collect and store them.

Although the Gray Body is powerful, they will become stronger if they have equipment made from the Purple Chaos Stone.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan chuckled and said.

"Well, take me to see your Star Master!"

"I'm sure it will be a good deal."

After Zhuo Bufan calmed down for a moment.

Then he followed Hula and the others into the Gray Castle in front of him.

After entering Gray Castle, Zhuo Bufan felt a powerful energy coming from inside.

It felt like a powerful creature was breathing.

That is the heartbeat of the Lord of Gray Star and the destiny of the entire world.

Under the pressure of that energy, Zhuo Bufan felt even more stressed.

Soon, they entered the hall of Graycastle.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the Gray Castle hall, he suddenly saw a huge gray giant sitting in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan saw that the opponent was wearing a gray armor and was wrapped in a layer of gray mist.

Under the cover of that gray mist, he looked very mysterious.

Without too much introduction, Zhuo Bufan knew that the giant in front of him must be the Lord of Gray Star.

At this time, the other party suddenly spoke.

"I am the Lord of Gray Star, Clay!"

"I heard that you are a rare void merchant who possesses the Purple Chaos Stone that our Gray Star urgently needs."

"Since you are here, you must be ready to trade with me, Gray Star."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"Dear Lord of Gray Star, I am the void merchant Zhuo Bufan."

"I heard that the Eternal Star Territory has been in constant war recently. I think there should be an urgent need for Zanlu resources like the Purple Chaos Stone here."

"So I didn't want to be hundreds of light years away from the starry sky, so I brought all the Purple Chaos Stones and came to the Eternal Star Territory specifically to find a suitable partner."

"The Lord of Gray Star is unparalleled, dominates the void, and is invincible in the world."

"If you can trade with a powerful person like the Lord of Gray Star, you will naturally wish for it."

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star laughed.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a well-informed void merchant."

"I respect all void merchants, so I will definitely give you a fair price."

"Then please take out all your Purple Chaos Stones, and we will decide on the next transaction."

The Lord of Gray Star and Zhuo Bufan really seemed to be doing business now.

Everything seemed to go very smoothly, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a lot more at peace.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"Dear Lord of Gray Star, you should know that the Purple Chaos Stone is hard to come by."

"Even a Purple Chaos Stone requires a chance to obtain it."

"And only one Purple Chaos Stone is needed to create a unique and rare artifact."

"I don't have many Purple Chaos Stones, only ten thousand!"

"Is the Lord of Gray Star confident in taking over this business?"

When the Lord of Gray Star heard this, he was immediately stunned.

"Ten thousand purple chaos stones?"

They also exclaimed in other Hula.

"There are so many?"

They all know that the Purple Chaos Stone is very precious and rare.

Just like Zhuo Bufan said, even a small purple chaos stone is very precious.

What's more, a total of 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones, this is a big deal!

You must know that they previously accepted a mission from the Lord of Gray Star, asking them to go to the void to find no less than a thousand purple chaos stones.

In other words, their mission is a thousand purple chaos stones.

But Zhuo Bufan brought 10,000 coins this time.

The Lord of Gray Star was stunned at first.

Then he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Very good, very good, very good!"

"Your Excellency is indeed a void merchant, and you actually own so many Purple Chaos Stones."

"I'm afraid that in the entire void, only you void merchants have such a large inventory."

"Maybe we should have gotten to know each other a long time ago, so I wouldn't have to worry about these little rocks."

The Lord of Gray Star was overjoyed. For the ten thousand purple chaos stones sent by Zhuo Bufan, it was a timely help for them.

"Wait a minute, respected Lord of Gray Star, don't be too happy."

"It's true that I have 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones, but can you Gray Star pay enough to get this amount of Purple Chaos Stone?"

Zhuo Bufan knows how rare this Purple Chaos Stone is.

You have to know that even the Void Merchant Yi Tianxing didn't have Purple Chaos Stone at the beginning.

Zhuo Bufan's batch of Purple Chaos Stones is definitely a rare treasure.

Of course, since it is a treasure, it needs a sufficient price to be exchanged.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the other party was silent.

The Lord of Gray Star then remembered that they really didn't have any precious things in Gray Star that could be exchanged with this Void Merchant.

However, the Void Merchant follows the principle of equal exchange.

If he can't pay enough, then the other party can cancel the transaction.

These 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones must not be given up.

Does it need to kill people to get the treasure?

The Lord of Gray Star quickly gave up this idea.

Wanting to kill people and steal treasures is too stupid.

You have to know that the other party is a void merchant, and the power behind the other party is called the Void Chamber of Commerce.

The president behind the Void Chamber of Commerce is one of the strongest people in the entire Chaos Void.

Even Mu Shen and Yuan Zun dare not act wildly in front of the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

If he kills the people of the Void Chamber of Commerce, then the next day it is likely to bring a catastrophe to his Gray Star.

The Lord of Gray Star will not doubt the strength of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

He will not doubt whether the Void Chamber of Commerce will find out that he killed people and stole treasures.

After all, the Void Chamber of Commerce has the spies of the Void Worms, but they are all over the Chaos Void.

There is no secret that their Void Chamber of Commerce does not know.

Therefore, the Lord of Gray Star gave up the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures at the first time.

If they can't kill people and steal treasures, then they have only one choice, which is to trade.

However, 10,000 Purple Extreme Chaos Stones are too precious.

The price required is probably something that he, the Lord of Gray Star, dare not imagine.

The most important thing is that their Gray Star does not produce any precious resources.

So there is actually nothing valuable on Gray Star that can be traded with Zhuo Bufan.

"Sir, to be honest, I didn't expect you to have so many Purple Chaos Stones."

"Can I only buy one thousand? Because there is really no treasure on my Gray Star that can be shown."

In the end, the Lord of Gray Star had to give in.

He didn't have the strength to trade with Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Respected Lord of Gray Star, I know that you can't trade enough treasures with me on Gray Star."

"But you don't have to worry."

"For me, the Void Merchant, the most important thing is never a rare treasure."

"Since I chose to trade with you on Gray Star, it means that you have what I need on Gray Star."

The Lord of Gray Star was stunned when he heard it.

"Then what do you need?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"I need your secret."


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