Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1284: Winning over [Subscription]

In the Eternal Star Domain, the two camps are now on par with each other.

With the addition of Qiankun and Limei, the Pastoral Alliance is even more powerful.

And with the addition of Tiandao incarnations such as Batu, the Primarch Alliance seems to have taken their overall combat power to a higher level.

In contrast, the Primarch Alliance has three Tiandao incarnations.

Among them, Batu is undoubtedly the strongest in the Eternal Star Domain.

Of course, Batu and his men are not something that Yuan Zun can dispatch.

Their only target is Zhuo Bufan.

If Yuan Zun can help them find Zhuo Bufan, then Batu and his men can help Yuan Zun kill the Shepherd God.

In order to meet Batu and his men, Yuan Zun even came out of retreat in advance.

For this, Yuan Zun was seriously injured.

However, Yuan Zun's timely appearance also made Batu and his men very satisfied.

After all, they came to help Yuan Zun, not Yuan Zun's subordinates.

Even Yuan Zun had to lower his status to be received by Batu and his men.


"Please rest assured, we are now in the same alliance."

"I will send most of the troops to find the whereabouts of the natural enemy you mentioned."

"I wonder if the three masters know the appearance of this person? I will issue a wanted notice throughout the star region."

Yuan Zun was willing to pay any price to please Tyranny.

Yuan Zun knew very well that Tyranny was far stronger than him.

He must not offend these masters in front of him.

Once he offended them, it would probably bring disaster to their original body star.

Yuan Zun was very sensible and knew what the other party needed, so he agreed to it.

After hearing Yuan Zun's promise, Tyranny nodded with satisfaction.

"We have no intention of getting involved in the battle of your Eternal Star Domain."

"In fact, Lord Luo Tian is looking forward to the future of your Eternal Star Domain."

"After all, in the vast chaos and void, if there is only Lord Luo Tian, ​​it would be extremely lonely."

"Now that we have your Eternal Star Domain, Lord Luo Tian can be regarded as having a kind."

"So Lord Luo Tian has always asked us not to interfere with the development of your world."

"However, if you can help us find our natural enemy. Then in return, we can help you gain the dominance of the Eternal Star Domain."

Batu naturally knows how to win people's hearts.

He wants to find Zhuo Bufan, and it is obviously not enough to rely on the three of them alone.

But they can use the power of others.

For example, with the power of the Yuan Zun in front of them.

It can be said that they are now using each other.

Yuan Zun is using them, and they are also using Yuan Zun. Both sides use each other and get what they want.

"Don't worry, sir. We will do our best to help you find the natural enemy you mentioned."

"Our Primarch Alliance has a very good reconnaissance force, and it also has a certain connection with the Void Merchants."

"So it is not difficult to find the natural enemy you mentioned."

Batu was surprised when he heard it.

"Can you contact the Void Merchants?"

Batu and his men have been looking for Void Merchants.

These Void Merchants are elusive, and it is harder to find them than to ascend to the sky.

But if they can be found, then it is not difficult to find Zhuo Bufan.

So, when Batu and his men heard Yuan Zun say that they, the Primarchs, can find the Void Merchants, they are more confident in finding Zhuo Bufan.

"Very good, if you can really find the Primarch Alliance, then I will help you to eliminate the Shepherd God."

Yuan Zun smiled proudly when he heard it.

"Don't worry, the task of finding Zhuo Bufan will be handed over to us."

"If I can't find Zhuo Bufan, I am willing to die to apologize!"

This Yuan Zun has worked hard to gain the trust of Tyrant and others, and he spared no effort.

After hearing this, Tyrant and others laughed.

"Hahaha, very good, very good. It seems that cooperating with you is indeed the right decision."

"I can see that cooperating with you will definitely not let me down."

For a while, Yuan Zun also followed suit.

The two sides colluded and formed a conspiracy.


Of course, it's not just Yuan Zun, his mortal enemy Mu Shen was also not idle.

Qian Kun and Li Mei joined the Mu Fa Alliance because the Mu Fa Alliance promised to help them find the survivors of the Ronin.

After receiving this news, Mu Shen almost didn't think much, and immediately came out of retreat to personally receive Qian Kun and Li Mei.

Mu Shen originally wanted to use his own ability to subdue Qian Kun and Li Mei.

However, when he saw Qian Kun and Li Mei with his own eyes, he realized how stupid this idea was.

Because Qiankun and Limei are too powerful.

The aura they release is inviolable.

And the most terrifying thing is that the Shepherd God feels that the strength of both Qiankun and Limei is not inferior to his.

In other words, the two people in front of him are enough to kill him.

So the Shepherd God did not dare to be presumptuous in front of them.

So, the Shepherd God began to put down his high and mighty posture and became very low-key.

"You two, welcome to my Shepherd Alliance."

"With your help, my Shepherd Alliance will surely win a great victory."

The Shepherd God is still looking forward to Qiankun helping him to regain the world.

But after hearing this, Qiankun snorted coldly.

"Who told you that I want to help you regain the world?"

Qiankun has become very indifferent since his Ronin star was destroyed.

Seeing the Shepherd surrounded by holy light, he just snorted coldly.

Qiankun was used to seeing the arrogant Tyranny, so he didn't have the slightest fondness for this arrogant guy.

Seeing this, the Shepherd quickly explained.

"Don't get me wrong, your Excellency, I am not asking you to join our Pastoral Alliance and become my subordinates."

"I want to cooperate with you."

"Your Excellency should be Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe! I have heard of your name for a long time."

"Many years ago, Your Excellency led your Ronin tribe across our Eternal Star Territory, creating countless legends."

"I have always admired you very much, and I have long wanted to see Qiankun, the legendary leader of the Ronin clan, with my own eyes."

"It's a great honor to meet you now."

"Your Excellency, I now solemnly want to cooperate with your Ronin clan."

"I heard that you are searching for the location of your Ronin tribe in the Eternal Star Territory."

"Don't worry, your Excellency, we, the Animal Husbandry Alliance, have our eyes all over the Eternal Star Territory, and it will be easy to find you Ronin clan."

"And I know a few void merchants, and they must also have news about your Ronin clan."

"I am willing to do my best to help you find your tribe."

This shepherd found a way to communicate with the universe.

That is to help Qiankun find his tribe.

As expected, when Qiankun heard the words of the Shepherd God, he frowned slightly.

"Are you serious?"

When the faun heard this, he immediately replied.

"Of course, don't worry, Your Excellency, I will help you find your tribe unconditionally."

This is what the Shepherd God said. In fact, anyone who is not a fool knows that this Shepherd God wants to win over Qiankun.

How could Qian Kun not know?

"If you can help me find the clansmen, I can help your Animal Husbandry Alliance deal with this difficult enemy."

Today's Qiankun, after fusing dozens of Chaos Beasts, is no longer as powerful as the Qiankun that could not even block Tyranny's move during the Ronin War.

Today's Qiankun can compete with Tyranny.

Plus if Li Mei is involved, then Qiankun and the others don't have to be much weaker than Tyranny.

In this way, the three heavenly avatars formed an alliance with Yuan Zun.

Qiankun and Limei formed an alliance with the Shepherd God.

Of course, if they want experts like them to help, the most important thing they have to do is to help these experts and find the person they want to find.

Yuan Zun immediately dispatched all his intelligence organizations to find Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

The Shepherd also sent half of the holy envoys to help find the whereabouts of the Ronin survivors.

Both sides are trying their best to find the target that the other party is looking for.

Because both sides were looking for people, the war between the Law-Muslim Alliance and the Primarch Alliance unexpectedly gradually weakened.

After all, both sides gathered all their forces together to look for Zhuo Bufan and the Ronin clan.

The number of confrontations on the battlefield began to decrease.

At the same time, outside Mufa Planet, Ronin Shun has been looking for opportunities to sneak into Mufa Planet and want to rescue Yu Ji.

However, the defense of Mufa Star is too strong, and because I am the God of War of the Primarch Alliance, it is not easy to sneak into Mufa Star.

And just when Ronin was thinking about how to enter Mufa Star.

Suddenly one day, he discovered a corpse floating in the sky.

At first, Ronin Shun thought it was some soldier who died in battle.

However, when he got closer to the other party, he discovered that the other party turned out to be an incredibly beautiful woman.

And Ronin Shun discovered that she was not dead yet, and there was still a glimmer of hope.

However, all the strength in her body was quickly lost.

"How could this happen? Her injuries are beyond repair."

Ronin Shun tried to help the other party repair it, but he soon discovered that the other party's injuries were terrible, and he had a power that he could not understand.

That is a wound that cannot be repaired by oneself.

Obviously, the mysterious woman this ronin suddenly met was none other than Mo Chi Chi.

Mo Chichi was seriously injured and dying because he was killed by Jealousy.

She tried her best to reach the Eternal Star Territory, and then wanted to look for Meng Chanyi or Zhuo Bufan who might be here.

Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan both master the art of mending the sky.

As for Mo Chichi's injuries, it was obvious that only the Sky Mending Technique could save him.

So Mo Chichi actually came not only to see Zhuo Bufan, but also to save himself.

"This girl looks so familiar, as if I've seen her before somewhere."

Ronin looked at Mo ChiChi and felt that Mo ChiChi looked familiar.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

After all, Ronin Shun and Mo Chichi only met once. They didn't have much communication, and they didn't even meet each other.

So it's normal for Ronin Shun to not be able to remember it for a moment.

And at this moment, Mo ChiChi slowly opened his eyes.

"You, who are you?"

The moment Mo Chichi opened her eyes, she saw Ronin Shun, and she immediately escaped from Ronin Shun's arms.

Then, Mo Chichi suddenly showed murderous intent.

The moment Ronin felt Mo Chichi's murderous intent, the scene of Mo Chichi taking action to protect Zhuo Bufan from Qiankun on Ronin suddenly rang out.

"Wait a minute, girl. I'm not a bad person. I'm from the Ronin clan. We've met before."

Ronin instantly thought of Mo ChiChi, but Mo ChiChi had no impression of him.

"The Ronin clan? Are there any new survivors?"

Mo Chichi looked at Ronin Shun, feeling a little surprised.

After all, the Ronin clan had already been wiped out in that battle.

Mo Chichi's words made Ronin Shunya feel a little sad.

Ronin listened for a moment and replied.

"I left my body alive just to take revenge."

"I think about it, you and those people are actually the same group, right?"

"So are we enemies now?"

Ronin Shun looked at Mo Chichi with hostility.

After Mo Chichi listened, he shook his head and said.

"I'm not on the same page as those people!"

"I sympathize with you about what happened to the Ronin clan!"

Mo Chichi explained that she didn't want to fight Ronin Shun here.

Ronin Shun looked at Mo Chichi's weak appearance and frowned.

"You were seriously injured, was it done by your kind?" Ronin immediately thought that Mo Chichi was injured by Tyranny and the others.

After Mo Chichi listened, he replied.


Of course Mo Chichi was injured by his kind, but it was not Tyranny, but another kind, Jealousy.

"So you will kill each other too!"

"I believe you. You helped us during the battle to defend Ronin."

"So I believe you."

Ronin Shun is not a person who repays kindness with hatred.

Back then, Mo Chichi and Li Mei joined forces to protect Ronin Star and fight against their kind.

Ronin Shun was still very touched by this.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi didn't say much, but just frowned slightly.

She saw the unusually brilliant star not far away.

The stars shrouded by nine giant rings make people fascinated.

"That's Mu Fa Xing?"

Mo Chichi shouted excitedly.

Mo ChiChi searched for Mufa Star, but when she was about to reach Mufa Star, she fainted.

After waking up, she didn't expect that Mu Faxing was right in front of her.

"Yes, this is Mufa Star in front of you."

Ronin Shunya said.

Mo JiDe became even more excited after hearing this.

"That's great. It doesn't take much effort to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere!"

"Are you waiting for me?"

Mo Chichi said, preparing to fly towards Mufa Star.

But at this moment, Ronin Shun stopped her.

"Girl, what are you going to do? Mu Faxing can't just go in."

Ronin Shun knew how terrifying this Mufa star was.

However, this was not a problem at all for Mo Chichi.

No matter how scary Mu Faxing was, she had to go.

"Get out of the way, I have to go."

"No! The Mage Alliance is fighting against the Primarch Alliance. If you visit so suddenly, I'm afraid you will be regarded as an enemy."

"Do you want to start a war with Mufa Star?"

After Mo Chichi listened, he shook his head and said.

"I don't want to start a war, I just want to confirm whether the person I'm looking for is on this star."

"That won't work either, it's too dangerous!"

"I must go."

Mo Chichi refused to listen to the explanation and flew directly to Mufa Star.

As a result, as soon as Mo Chichi approached the defensive area of ​​​​Mufa Star, a battle began!

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