Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1292 Final Redemption [Subscription Request]

Xu Kuang raised the fire of anger to the limit.

He is Xu Kuang, the Heaven of Anger! The power of anger is infinite.

The angrier he is, the stronger Xu Kuang will be.

Now Xu Kuang has condensed all his anger into his most powerful limit power.

It can be said that Xu Kuang has raised his strength to the strongest.

Now Xu Kuang is blood red and blazing.

The power of the two clones has reached the level of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

In other words, the Heaven of Jealousy is not facing just one incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

It is very likely that there are two.

Fighting against two incarnations of the Heavenly Dao at the same time is also a huge test for Jealousy.

You know, before this, his most powerful opponent was only Mo Chichi.

But Xu Kuang's strength is not weaker than Chi Chitian Mo Chichi

and even stronger than Mo Chichi.

This is definitely a very difficult character for Jealousy.

The real power of Xu Kuang is probably something that even Tyranny would be afraid of.

"Little beast, come on!"

Xu Kuang shouted angrily. Two clones rushed towards Jealous Heaven at the same time.

His body was strong and he crossed the void. He tore the space apart with just the strength of his body.

When Jealous Heaven saw that Xu Kuang had such earth-shaking power, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"This guy actually hides so much strength?"

Jun Zhitian was a little shocked, because Xu Kuang's strength was only above average among the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

And now, he actually showed strength that surpassed all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

The two sides fought back and forth, and a world-shaking battle was held.

Jealous Heaven was shocked to find that his mysterious blade could not cut through Xu Kuang's skin.

This Xu Kuang's current furious form was simply invincible.

No power could shake his status as the God of Wrath.

Even his own zeroing knife could not hurt him.

If Xu Kuang had entered the God of Wrath form earlier, Jealous Heaven might not be his opponent now.

What a pity, it was a pity that he entered the Angry God form only after being slashed by Jealous Sky's Zeroing Knife.

In this way, everything was too late.

"Anger is your power, I really underestimated you!"

"Unfortunately, you have already been hit by my Zeroing Knife."

"Your anger will disappear sooner or later, but my Zeroing Knife is like a maggot attached to your bones, and will always gnaw at your body and soul."

"Next, I just need to wait for you to die, just like Mo Chichi!"

Jealous Sky folded his hands and laughed triumphantly.

Although we can't see the expression under his mask, we can imagine that this guy must be laughing.

And he laughed very proudly.

Obviously, Xu Kuang also found that his cultivation and strength have been leaking.

He also knew that he might not be able to hold on for long.

So he was not afraid, but even more furious.

"I like to wipe out your pride."

"Even if I die, I will crush you to ashes."

The two clones of Xu Kuang shouted angrily, and then they rushed towards Jealousy Heaven at the same time.

Then, it was a set of powerful combos!

Bang bang bang bang!

In the void, Xu Kuang showed his strength as a wide body.

His speed exceeded the limit and exceeded Jealousy Heaven's cognition.

Jealous Heaven couldn't even feel his existence, and was beaten beyond recognition by Xu Kuang, and even the armor on his body began to break.

You know, that armor had fought with Doubt Heaven King Ce and Chi Zhi Tian Mo Chi Chi before.

The power of that armor is self-evident.

However, facing Xu Kuang's rampage, Jealousy Heaven couldn't fight back at all.

All he saw was Jealousy Heaven standing in the void, constantly being beaten passively.

He couldn't even see the shadow of Xu Kuang.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Every punch that hit Jealousy Tian was a devastating explosion.

If it were someone else, he would have been crushed to slag long ago!

But Jealousy Tian was no ordinary person, not to mention that he had a mysterious armor as protection.

It was not easy for Jealousy Tian to resist for so long.

In fact, Jealousy Tian was almost unable to bear it.

He had no strength left to fight back.

Because Xu Kuang didn't give him a chance to fight back at all, he couldn't even see Xu Kuang's shadow, so he had no way to fight back.

But Xu Kuang's power was obviously slowly weakening.

Just as Jealousy Tian said, the power of anger is limited after all, and the Zero Blade is like a maggot attached to the bone.

He will slowly devour Xu Kuang's life and soul.

Xu Kuang began to be unable to do it, and the power of each punch was constantly decreasing.

The ability of the Zero Blade is that the stronger the power used, the more power will be lost.

Xu Kuang's power has begun to weaken.

If this continues, it won't be long before Xu Kuang will completely lose his combat effectiveness.


Xu Kuang saw that time was running out, so he raised his ultimate fist to deliver a fatal blow.


This punch hit Jealousy's chest directly.

A huge hole was blasted directly in Jealousy's chest.

Jealousy's breastplate was completely shattered.

Almost immediately, Xu Kuang's second clone picked up his own Heavenly Dao artifact, the Angry Soul Tower!

"Seal it for me!"

Xu Kuang used the Heavenly Dao artifact to seal Jealous Heaven into the Wrathful Soul Tower.

However, at this critical moment, Jealous Heaven suddenly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, a sharp light flashed.

The next second, a huge Overlord halberd appeared in his hand.

"Extinction Halberd!"


Jealous Heaven suddenly had a halberd in his hand, and then crashed into the Wrathful Soul Tower in Xu Kuang's hand.


Almost in an instant, the Extinction Halberd crashed into the Wrathful Soul Tower.

Buzz buzz buzz!

In an instant, a huge hole was broken in the Wrathful Soul Tower.

Xu Kuang's second clone looked at this scene in astonishment.

"How is it possible?"

"Why do you have another Heavenly Dao artifact?"

Xu Kuang was shocked, because he could feel that the halberd in Jealous Heaven's hand was actually a Heavenly Dao artifact.

On that halberd, there was the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

However, Jealous Heaven clearly had the Heavenly Dao artifact, the Zero Blade.

"The incarnation of Heaven can only have one Heaven artifact, how can you have two?"

Xu Kuang looked at Jealous Heaven in astonishment.

What surprised him even more was that the long halberd in Jealous Heaven's hand actually broke his Wrathful Soul Tower.

You know, the Wrathful Soul Tower is known as the most powerful defensive artifact.

But it was blown up by this Extinction Halberd.

After hearing this, Jealous Heaven couldn't help laughing.

"Do you think I came to hunt you without any support?"

"To tell you the truth, this Extinction Halberd is a Heaven artifact given to me by my father, specially used to deal with you useless Heaven clones!"

"The Extinction Halberd can easily defeat your Heaven artifact."

"So, it's not me who wants to destroy you, it's Heaven who wants to destroy you!"

"If Heaven wants you to die, you have to die!"

"Do you understand?"

Jealous Heaven sneered.

As a killer sent by Daluo Heaven, he was naturally well prepared.

If he wasn't fully prepared, how could he come to hunt the seven Heaven incarnations?

After hearing this, Xu Kuang showed despair in his eyes.

"If the heaven wants me to die, I have to die!"

"What a ruthless heaven, ruthless heaven!"

Xu Kuang roared for the last time.

Then, his originally swollen and powerful body began to weaken rapidly.

Xu Kuang's extreme fury form finally reached the limit.

Things will turn to the opposite extreme. Now he not only has to accept the backlash of power, but also has to bear the zeroing power of the Jealous Heaven Zeroing Sword.

Xu Kuang began to age rapidly, and his soul began to decay rapidly.

An unprecedented sense of fatigue poured into Xu Kuang's soul.

Xu Kuang felt that he was not very good, or he had already felt that his destiny was coming.

"Is it over?"

"My anger is finally going to be extinguished!"

After learning that it was the heaven that wanted to destroy them, Xu Kuang was actually very uncomfortable in his heart.

But at this point, his solution was already doomed.

The power of the two clones has decayed to the extreme.

Jealousy looked at Xu Kuang and felt like he was seeing a hero in his twilight years.

"Xu Kuang, sometimes death is another kind of rebirth!"

"I will accept all your power, you are just living in another way!"

Jealousy revealed an ultimate secret.

The secret is that the reason why he wanted to hunt down the Heavenly Dao clones was actually to merge all the power of these scattered Heavenly Dao clones together.

In other words, although Xu Kuang, the angry sky, died, the angry sky would not die!

Xu Kuang's soul and power will exist in Jealousy's body.

This is what Jealousy said, surviving in another form of life.

After listening to Jealousy's words, Xu Kuang finally compromised.

He no longer had the power to be an enemy of Jealousy.

He closed his eyes silently, waiting for death to come.

Jealousy saw this, without any hesitation, picked up the extinction halberd in his hand, and pierced Xu Kuang's two clones at the same time.

For a moment, Xu Kuang's life and soul began to be devoured by the extinction halberd.



Life and soul are disappearing rapidly. Xu Kuang now had no choice but to wait for death!

Before he died, he seemed to see an old man with a hunched back and a cane walking in front of him.


Xu Kuang recognized the old man, who was the most important guide in his life.

At this time, beside his master, there was another woman and a child.

"Ling Ling, Xiao Shan!"

That was his wife and child.

Then, more and more people appeared around, old and young, men and women.

They held hands and walked towards the distance.

These people walked more and more, more and more.

Slowly, there were crowds of people, and the flow of people was like a weaving.

Seeing this, Xu Kuang was slightly startled!

These people had died long ago. They died in a catastrophe.

And that catastrophe was actually the catastrophe caused by Xu Kuang.

Xu Kuang himself was a cultivator of the human race, who ascended from the lower realm.

He was originally the master of a realm, and the world was a god.

However, Xu Kuang was blinded by anger, and then deceived by the Heavenly Dao.

In the end, he was so crazy that he lost his own world.

All the lives in the world were destroyed by his own hands.

After completing the act of destroying the world, Xu Kuang became the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao and became the Heaven of Anger.

And he also lost this memory.

But now, when the power of Heaven completely disappeared, he recalled all of this, and recalled the stupid things he had done.


Xu Kuang let out his last crazy cry.

"Heaven, you lied to me, damn thief Heaven!"

Xu Kuang now realized that he was not the angry Heaven, he was just the carrier of Heaven's anger.

Heaven put his angry emotions into Xu Kuang's body and soul.

Xu Kuang then realized that he was just a trash can for Heaven's emotions.

"Heaven is ruthless, Heaven is ruthless!"

Xu Kuang was heartbroken and let out his last howl.

He felt that even if he died, he could not make up for his sins.


"Do you understand now that you are just a trash can for Heaven's emotions?"

Judge Heaven sneered.

Xu Kuang was left with sadness at this moment.

The power in his body was absorbed bit by bit by Jealous Heaven.

And he himself had no reaction to this at all.

At this moment, he no longer cared about life or death. What he needed was actually redemption.

He was used by Daluo Tiandao to destroy his world.

It can be said that Xu Kuang had a tragic life.

He looked at the faces of his relatives, and his heart had long been pierced by thousands of arrows.

This was more painful than death.

"Husband, come quickly, we are leaving!"

"Dad, come with us!"

"Disciple, Master has forgiven you."

"Master, you are the God of Madness, you are our pride!"

"Lord God of Madness, let's leave here together!"

"Lord Xu Kuang, we don't blame you, come home with us!"


More and more people are calling for Xu Kuang.

Xu Kuang is the God of Madness in their minds and their belief.

Even if they are destroyed by Xu Kuang in the end.

But their belief is still indestructible.

"Have you forgiven me?"

Xu Kuang thought he was unforgivable, but he didn't expect that everyone forgave him.

Because everyone knew that it was not the real Xu Kuang.

Xu Kuang was just affected by the anger of the Heavenly Dao.

Xu Kuang was just a tool of Daluo Tiandao.

After being forgiven by everyone, Xu Kuang's heart and soul were finally redeemed.

In this way, he finally let go.

"It's time to let go!"

Xu Kuang's heart was redeemed.

He let go of the last obsession, and the whole person began to disillusion.

Finally, he disappeared in front of Jealous Tian.

Jealous Tian looked at the disappearing Xu Kuang and frowned slightly.

"Redemption? Ridiculous!"

"You will not be redeemed, your life has been destined by heaven."

"What awaits you is just another rebirth!"

Jealous Tian looked at the disillusioned Xu Kuang and did not feel very happy.

Because when he saw the redeemed expression of Xu Kuang before he disappeared, he actually felt a sense of fear in his heart. , A fear.

He was afraid that one day he would become a discarded child of the Heavenly Dao like Xu Kuang and others?

Of course, Jealous Tian did not think so much now.

For him, completing the task of hunting all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao is his mission!

And now, he has killed two incarnations of the Heavenly Dao!

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