Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1304: Survivors of the Ronin Tribe [Subscribe please]

For the two superpowers in the Eternal Star Domain.

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan and the incarnation of Heaven is just a trivial episode.

Because the battle between Yuan Zun and Shepherd God has not ended, the two camps are still fighting for the ownership of the Eternal Star Domain.

Originally, Shepherd God planned to win over Qiankun, and Yuan Zun planned to win over the incarnation of Heaven.

But now these two forces have disappeared in the battle of Gray Star, so the Eternal Star Domain has once again returned to the past.

Back to the beginning of life and death, fighting each other.

The awakened Eternal Heavenly Dao once again stood by and watched.

This battle for hegemony in the Eternal Star Domain soon swept the entire star domain.

Wars can be seen almost everywhere.

And in this starry sky full of war, there is a comet shuttling through the Eternal Star Domain.

The long tail of wisdom releases bright light, illuminating the surrounding starry sky.

And on the dark side of this comet, a black warship is docked. .

This warship is the surviving members of the Ronin tribe that Ronin Shun and Qiankun have been looking for with great difficulty.

When they escaped from Ronin Star, they used up all their energy to open a space channel and then traveled to the Eternal Star Region.

After arriving in the Eternal Star Region, they found that there were dangers everywhere and wars everywhere.

Now, on this spaceship, there are only two masters left, the former female tribe leader Kaila and Qiankun's chief disciple Lingxiao.

In fact, their strength is much worse than that of ordinary star masters.

In other words, if they encounter enemies at the level of star masters, they will never be opponents.

This is why Kaila and Lingxiao have been trembling and cautious.

They know that there are enemies everywhere in the Eternal Star Region, and there are strong people at the level of star masters everywhere.

Now they are shouldering the difficult mission of revitalizing the Ronin tribe, so no matter what, they must protect the fire on the warship.

There are almost only some young children left on this warship.

They are the future of the Ronin tribe, and even more so the hope of the Ronin tribe.

Kaila and Ling Xiao have been able to hide until now thanks to this comet.

So far, no one has discovered that the survivors of their Ronin tribe are hiding behind this comet.

If possible, Ling Xiao and Kaila may hide behind the comet with their tribesmen forever.

However, their Ronin tribe also needs to survive.

The materials on the warship are almost used up.

This Ziji warship is not their Ronin Star, and there is no Seven Star Array to provide eternal supplies.

So once the resources are used up, what awaits them will be despair.

On the Ziji warship, Kaila and Ling Xiao have begun to feel distressed about this matter.


"Sister Kayla, what should we do next?"

"The materials on the warship may run out in a few months."

"If we can't find new resources, the warship may be paralyzed and the children may go hungry."

Ling Xiao called Kayla sister Kayla. After all, he was Qiankun's apprentice and respected Kayla very much.

As the female tribe leader, Kayla has very strong ruling and management abilities.

So Kayla has been the backbone of the survivors until now.

Even Ling Xiao has to obey Kayla's orders.

So, among all the survivors, Kayla's pressure can be said to be the greatest.

At the beginning, she witnessed the destruction of the Ronin Star with her own eyes, and she left with the hope of the Ronin in despair.

So, Kayla is the most self-blaming and responsible person.

Her heart is more entangled than anyone else.

Sometimes, the living are the most difficult people.

Kayla has hardly slept every day now. She thinks about how to lead her people to survive every day.

It can be said that after Qiankun was gone, Keira became a member of the Ronin tribe.

Now Keira knows how hard Qiankun worked.

The position of the Ronin tribe leader is not easy to sit. Because it represents a great responsibility.

Now, the Ronin tribe has encountered an unprecedented crisis again, and it is time for Keira to make a decision.

Keira looked at Ling Xiao in front of her, and then closed her eyes silently.

Then, she sighed and said.

"In fact, the star we are carrying will soon enter the gravitational orbit of a huge galaxy."

"At that time, we will have to abandon this star and escape."

"So, before this comet enters the gravitational orbit of a huge galaxy, we must find enough energy."

Keira told Ling Xiao the trajectory of the comet she had recently observed.

The comet they are on will soon be captured by a huge galaxy.

At that time, the comet may be destroyed.

So they have to leave before the comet is destroyed.

But now their warship has no power.

All signs indicate that Kayla and the others are facing an unprecedented crisis.

Ling Xiao, who heard the news, frowned and was at a loss.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that our dignified Ronin tribe would end up like this one day."

Ling Xiao is the most outstanding talent of the new generation of Ronin tribe.

Since he was born, he was told that the Ronin tribe is the greatest race in the chaotic void.

The Ronin are the proudest race in the Chaos Void.

Because no other race can live like the Ronin, wandering and living freely.

However, the Ronin, who yearn for freedom, are now bound to a small comet and are at a loss.

"It's ridiculous!"


Ling Xiao punched the alloy door hard, making a heavy sound.

Seeing Ling Xiao so indignant, Kaila quickly comforted him.

"Ling Xiao, don't lose faith and hope."

"You are Qian Kun's apprentice, and you will take over the position of the chief of the Ronin tribe in the future."

"Do you still remember the legends passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors?"

"At the beginning, our ancestors fled from the Three Emperors Star Region with less than a hundred tribesmen, and then wandered in the entire chaotic void for a living."

"Who would have thought that the one hundred people in the past have become hundreds of millions of people in our generation."

"Our ancestors were able to carry forward the Ronin tribe, why can't we?"

"Ling Xiao, believe in yourself and believe in everyone. The Ronin tribe can only rely on us."

Kaira obviously thought that Qian Kun and all the others were dead.

Now, she only has the future of the entire Ronin tribe in her heart.

So, she no longer has any illusions about Qian Kun.

After listening to Kaila's words, Ling Xiao knew that he had too much negative energy just now.

So he said quickly.

"Sorry, Sister Kayla, I was too negative just now."

"You are right, I am the only disciple of the master, and now is the time for me to take responsibility."

"I can't retreat, and I won't retreat."

"Next, let's work hard for the future of the Ronin!"

After Ling Xiao agreed, his thoughts became clear, so he became more determined.

Seeing Ling Xiao regain his confidence, Kayla smiled with relief, and then she nodded.

"In fact, I have a way to help us get through this difficult time."

"It's just that it will be very dangerous."

Kayla said.

Ling Xiao was excited when he heard it.

"Sister Kayla, what is the way? Tell me quickly, no matter how dangerous it is, we should try it. After all, there is no situation that is worse than now."

Kayla nodded after listening to Ling Xiao's words.

"You are right, there is indeed no situation that is worse than now."

"So, we may take a risk."

Ling Xiao also nodded and said: "Sister Kayla, just say it with confidence! I'm ready."

Now Ling Xiao obeys Kayla's words.

After hearing this, Keira hurriedly said.

"That's right!"

"Soon, this comet will enter the gravitational orbit of that huge galaxy."

"I have detected it with a life detector, and there is life in that galaxy."

"With life, there is matter and energy."

"So, when the comet enters the orbit of that huge galaxy, we will immediately go to the stars with life to find matter and energy."

"After finding matter and energy, we will immediately leave the comet and leave that galaxy."

After Keira finished her plan, Ling Xiao thought for a moment.

Then he nodded and said.

"Okay, let's do as Sister Keira said."

"But I have a request."

"What request?" Keira asked.

After hearing this, Ling Xiao replied.

"I hope that at that time, I will go to find supplies alone! Sister Keira, you stay on the battleship and wait for me to come back."

Keira was stunned when she heard it.

"What? You go alone?"

Keira obviously didn't expect Ling Xiao to put forward this condition.

And Ling Xiao seemed very determined, he replied.

"Yes, I will be able to go alone at that time. Sister Kaila, you need to stay and protect the children."

"If, I mean if. If something happens to me, the children will be handed over to you."

"No, no. You..."

Kaira was about to say something when she heard it.

But Ling Xiao stopped her immediately.

"Sister Kaila, listen to me!"

"I know you are worried about me. But if we encounter some extreme enemies. If both of us get into trouble, what should we do with the children?"

"If something happens to me, you will take care of the children. If something happens to both of us, the children will really be finished."

Ling Xiao's words made Kaila frown deeply.

Obviously, Ling Xiao's concerns are not unreasonable.

The two of them are now the only ones who can protect these children.

Once something happens to them, the children on the boat will be finished.

So, one of the two must stay, just in case.

"Then I will go, you stay!"

Kaira said quickly.

Obviously, Kaila didn't want Ling Xiao to take risks. Ling Xiao is Qian Kun's only disciple, and he is also the future hope of the Ronin.

If Ling Xiao gets into trouble, how can he face Qian Kun?

So, Kayla decided to go by herself without hesitation.

However, Kayla would think so, and Ling Xiao also thought so.

In Ling Xiao's view, Kayla is the future of the Ronin.

So no matter what, Kayla can't get into trouble. He is also willing to use his life to protect Kayla and the children.

"No, sister Kayla! Don't argue with me about this matter."

"I'm better in terms of speed. If I want to escape, it will be easier."

"So leave it to me to look for supplies when the time comes."

"And we can't live without you. As long as you are here, they won't feel afraid."

But Keira was also determined.

"No, absolutely not. This plan was proposed by me, so I should implement it."

"Stop talking, leave the rest to me."

"Stop talking, just decide like this!"

Keira insisted on completing the task herself.

She stopped talking nonsense to Ling Xiao and returned to her room alone.

Obviously, Keira has made up her mind and cannot change her mind.

Looking at Keira's leaving figure, Ling Xiao frowned slightly.

Finally, he slowly exhaled and said.

"Sorry sister Keira!"

"Forgive me for acting on my own this time!"

After Ling Xiao finished speaking, he suddenly walked towards the rear of the battleship.

Not long after, I saw a small spaceship flying away quickly from behind the Ziji battleship.

Obviously, Ling Xiao knew that he could not defeat Keira, so he chose to make his own decision.

Alone, he rushed towards the galaxy where the comet was about to arrive.

For Ling Xiao, if he could do something for his people, even if it was the last thing, he would do it without hesitation.

Ling Xiao left, and the next day, Keira discovered that Ling Xiao had disappeared on the battleship.

"Have you found it? Have you found Ling Xiao?"

Keira asked all the children on the ship.

The children shook their heads one by one and said that they had never seen Ling Xiao.

At this point, Keira naturally understood that Ling Xiao went to that galaxy alone.

"This idiot, why is he so stupid?"

"If something happens to him, how will I explain it to Qiankun?"

After Kayla learned that Ling Xiao had left, she was furious.

However, now that things had happened, she had no time to blame Ling Xiao.

what to do?

Keira is in a difficult position.

Are you going to look for Ling Xiao?

If you go to look for Ling Xiao, what should the children do?

Ling Xiao was right, one of them must stay, otherwise the children would be in danger.

It can be said that Ling Xiao has no choice over Keira.

When he decides to leave, Keira's plan will start.

Today, Keira can only guard this Ziji battleship and wait for Ling Xiao's return.

"You must come back!"

Keira said looking into the distance.

She had never had such hope that Ling Xiao could come back soon.

At this moment, Ling Xiao was heading into the distance with determination without any hesitation.

At this time, as Qiankun's disciple, he must shoulder his responsibilities to protect his people and the future.

"About to arrive!"

A bright starry sky appeared in front of him, and the light in the starry sky was infinite.

Ling Xiao could feel that there was life in this starry sky.

Where there is life, there is energy and there are materials.

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