Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1313 Mutation [Subscription Request]

In order to rescue Ling Xiao, Ronin Shun, Kaila and Long Zhan formed a rescue team.

Kaila and Long Zhan were responsible for controlling Ling Xiao, while Ronin Shun was looking for an opportunity to kill Lyle.

The action began, and Kaila and Long Zhan flew to Mile Star as soon as possible.

After sensing the murderous aura of the other party, Star Lord Lyle appeared in the void.

After seeing Lyle, Long Zhan shouted in shock.

"Lyle, if you know what's good for you, just untie Brother Ling Xiao's puppetry for me, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death and grind your bones to ashes."

Long Zhan and Lyle are old enemies, so when the two sides meet, it must be a life-and-death battle.

In order to show off in front of Kaila, Long Zhan showed more strength in front of Lyle.

After seeing Long Zhan, Lyle snorted coldly.

"Idiot, since you want to save him, come on!"

Lyle didn't waste time talking to Kaila and Long Zhan, and saw a ray of light projected from his eyebrows.

Then, a person walked out from the light. It was Ling Xiao who had become a puppet.

Lyle knew very well that Ling Xiao was the key to his victory.

No matter who the enemy was, as long as Ling Xiao was there, he didn't have to worry at all.

After seeing Ling Xiao coming out, Kaila and Long Zhan exchanged glances.

Then, Kaila rushed out first.

"Ling Xiao, I'm sorry!"

Kaila took the initiative to attack Ling Xiao, and a series of cubic space sealing arrays trapped Ling Xiao.

On the other side, Long Zhan was also responding.

"Fighting of trapped dragons!"

Long Zhan turned into a golden dragon and flew towards Ling Xiao.

For a moment, a huge energy circle circled Ling Xiao.

They didn't want to hurt Ling Xiao, but just wanted to use this method to trap Ling Xiao, so as to give Ronin Shun a chance to kill Lyle in one second.

"Shun, it's now!"

After Kaila saw Ling Xiao trapped, she contacted Ronin Shun immediately.

After hearing this, Ronin Shun instantly turned into a beam of light and flew down from the Ziji warship.

At that moment, Lyle immediately realized the other party's intention.

"Not good!"

"Come back."

Lyle hurriedly wanted to take back the puppet Ling Xiao.

The puppetry of their Mile tribe can completely bind the puppet to the soul of the controller.

So Lyle can instantly retrieve Ling Xiao, so as to prepare for advance defense for himself.

However, when Lyle wanted to retrieve the puppet, he found that his puppet Ling Xiao was trapped by Long Zhan and Kaila.

"Hahahaha, Lyle, you are dead!"

"Being trapped by me, even if it is your puppet, don't think about escaping." Long Zhan laughed triumphantly.

It can be clearly seen that Lyle's face was showing fear at this moment.

"Damn it!"


Seeing the golden light that Ronin Shun turned into coming, Lyle quickly set up a lot of defense.

Because Ling Xiao could not be retrieved, his life was in danger at this moment.

The defense he had gathered was almost destroyed by Lang Yusu in an instant.


Layer almost didn't even think about it and quickly chose to run away.

He fled the battlefield at the fastest speed, but his opponent was Ronin Shun, the fastest man in the Ronin tribe.


Almost in an instant, Ronin Shun caught up with Layer.


Ronin Shun raised his fist and punched at Layer's chest.

At that moment, Layer really seemed to see the word "death" on Ronin Shun's fist.

Obviously, Ronin Shun hated this guy to the bone, and this punch contained all his strength.

One punch was enough to smash Layer into pieces.


With one punch, a huge hole was opened in Layer's chest on the spot.

The whole body was completely penetrated, and a generation of star masters was blown up by a punch.

However, Ronin Shun's punch did not take Layer's life.

Because he said that he would make Layer live a life worse than death.

If Lyle dared to make Ling Xiao a puppet, he would let this man feel the kind of horror that makes even breathing painful.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem!"

Lyle lowered his head and looked at his open chest, he smiled bitterly.

"I never thought that one day, Lyle would become so embarrassed."

I thought Lyle would scream in fear, but I didn't expect this guy to suddenly laugh.


"Interesting, really interesting."

"But do you really dare to kill me?"


As soon as Lyle finished speaking, Ronin Shun grabbed his neck.

"You still dare to be stubborn when you are about to die?"

"Listen to me, the Ronin tribe is not something that a lackey like you can desecrate."

Ronin Shun had experienced a crisis of genocide, so his desire to protect his tribe became stronger.

He would make anyone who hurt his tribe live a life worse than death.

But for some reason, he didn't see any fear in Lyle's eyes.

This Lyle, on the contrary, looked at Ronin Shun with a cold face, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a strange smile.

"Haha, okay, you kill me! But, I'm afraid your people will be buried with me."

As soon as Lyle finished speaking, Kaila and Long Zhan, who were controlling Ling Xiao in the distance, suddenly found that Ling Xiao's body began to explode.

Bang bang bang bang!

His head, his hands, his feet, his body, all began to bombard!


Then, a series of wailing sounds came from Ling Xiao's mouth.

It was his soul that was crying.

Seeing this scene, Kaila felt heartbroken and quickly called Ronin Shun.

"Shun, wait a minute!"

Kaira stopped Ling Xiao who was about to kill Lyle in time, because Kaila had already seen that Ling Xiao's soul had coexisted with that Lyle.

If Lyle died, Ling Xiao would definitely die too.

Ronin Shun saw this scene and the power in his hand increased a bit.

"Damn it, is it you who did this?"

That Lyle looked at Ronin Shun who was furious with thunder and sneered.

"Haha, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"He is not only my puppet now, but also my slave! I have a life and death contract with him. If I die, your friends will be buried with me."

"Don't you want to protect your people? What you are doing now is to kill him with your own hands."

It turns out that this Lyle had bound Ling Xiao to his soul a long time ago.

If he dies, Ling Xiao will also die.

It can be said that now Ronin Shun not only cannot kill him, but also must protect him.

Just as Lyle said, if Ronin Shun kills him now, it is equivalent to killing Ling Xiao with his own hands.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Ronin Shun was so angry that he punched Lyle's head one after another.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

That Lyle was beaten into a pig head by Ronin Shun, and his head was almost blown up.

However, Ling Xiao also let out a series of wails because of this.

"Stop, Shun, stop!"

Kaira called out to Ronin Shun, asking him to stop.

Because she had already felt that every punch of Ronin Shun was actually hitting Ling Xiao.

That Lyle had completely kidnapped Ling Xiao's soul.

After hearing Kaira's call, Ronin Shun finally raised his fist, gritted his teeth, and then retracted his hand.

There was no point in continuing to fight like this.

Seeing Ronin Shun stop, Lyle laughed triumphantly.

"Hehe, continue! Don't hold on."

"Just beat me to death, vent all your anger."

Lyle began to become fearless, because now he could be sure that although Ronin Shun and the others hated him to the core, they did not dare to kill him.

Because the person he kidnapped was very important to them.

"What do you want?"

Ronin Shun was no longer angered by the other party.

He had tried his best to survive the danger of extinction, and now everything was for the sake of his people.

He couldn't hurt Ling Xiao, so he had to suppress his anger.

Lyle sneered after hearing this.

"What? You gave in? Weren't you so arrogant just now?"

"Kill me, don't you hate me? You loser."

Lyle laughed at Ronin Shun.

"You want me to let your friend go, right? Beg me? Kneel down and beg me."

Lyle began to humiliate Ronin Shun, and began to humiliate them to his heart's content.

Ronin Shun looked at the other party's aggressive appearance and gritted his teeth.

"Are you looking for death?"

Seeing Ronin Shun's sudden anger, Lyle was startled at first, and then he laughed again.

"Hahaha, yes, that's the look, the look that wants to kill me."

"Come on, I'm looking for death, I don't want to live anymore, kill me!"

Facing the other party's constant provocation, Ronin Shun gritted his teeth.

Then he slowly exhaled.

"I'll give you a chance. Release Ling Xiao immediately and I can spare your life."

It's impossible to make Ronin Shun kneel down and beg. Ronin Shun is an extremely proud man.

He is willing to let Lyle go, which is his biggest compromise.

At this point, Ronin Shun has no choice. He can't kill Ling Xiao himself.

However, after hearing Ronin Shun's conditions, the other party snorted coldly.

"Boy, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"You are begging me now, understand?"

"Besides, do you think I will let him go? Dream on!"

This Lyle knows very well that his life is now tied to Ling Xiao.

If Ling Xiao is alive, he will be alive. So he can't let Ling Xiao go.

Looking at Lyle's face that looks like he deserves a beating, Ronin Shun was angry.

"Don't be shameless. If you dare to refuse, do you believe that I will make you live a life worse than death?"

"I won't kill you, but I will definitely not let you live well!"

"I will cut you apart piece by piece, and I will slowly study how to separate your souls."

"Don't worry, I have plenty of time. I won't let you die, but I will definitely make you live a life worse than death."

Ronin Shun also threatened Ling Xiao.

After hearing this, Ling Xiao frowned slightly.

But he was not afraid at all.

In the end, he sneered.

"Threaten me? Live a life worse than death?"

"Your friend's soul is connected to me. If I live a life worse than death, he will suffer more pain than me."

"I want to see how powerful your means are."

Now Lyle is simply fearless.

Ronin Shun hated him to the bone, but he had no way to deal with him.

"Shun, what should we do now?"

Kayla looked at the situation in front of her and was also helpless.

Now this Lyle can't be killed, beaten, or tied up!

"I can only be sorry for Ling Xiao!"

"Kayla, take Ling Xiao back by force! Now only we can save him."

If you can't deal with this Lyle, you can only take him back.

Ronin Shun twisted Lyle with one hand and dragged him directly to the Ziji battleship.

Seeing this scene, Lyle suddenly felt condensed in his heart and shouted that it was not good.

Because he knew very well that if he was really taken back by Ronin Shun and the others, they might really find a way to crack it.

Once his puppetry was cracked by them, he would not be far from death.

So Lyle suddenly made a crazy decision.

Just when Kaila was about to take Ling Xiao back to the Ziji battleship, Ling Xiao suddenly began to change.

That's right, Ling Xiao, as a puppet, actually changed.

His body began to expand continuously, as if something rushed out of Ling Xiao's body.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a series of violent explosions, only to see a group of black energy substances burst out of Ling Xiao's body.

Then, those black energy substances began to condense into huge black dragon heads.

Roar roar roar!

With a loud roar, Ling Xiao's body was completely shattered.

In its place, there was a terrifying creature that occupied the void.

It was like a combination of several chaos beasts.

There were dragon heads, elephant legs, tiger claws, and snake necks. It was just like a fusion monster formed by the fusion of chaos beasts.


The fusion monster made a series of strange cries, as if it was crying.

Under the domineering and invincible roar, the trap of Kaila and Long Zhan was instantly broken.

Not only Ling Xiao, but also Lyle, who was caught by Ronin Shun, began to mutate at this time.

His body also began to expand crazily.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Lyle's body also began to explode, one piece after another, and exploded into flowers.

Seeing this, Ronin Shun immediately let go of Lyle in his hand.

Then, Lyle's body also exploded completely.

Immediately afterwards, Lyle's body began to generate a lot of black energy.

On the other side, the fusion monster transformed by Ling Xiao began to fly towards the monster transformed by Lyle.

Then, the two monsters merged together in the void.

Ronin Shun and Kaila and others who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

"How is it possible?"

"Shun, look quickly, those are Ling Xiao's two sealed beasts."

Kaila recognized at a glance that the chaotic fusion monster in the void was Ling Xiao's sealed chaos beast.

Ronin Shun frowned after hearing this.

"There is another one. This is the fusion of three Chaos Beasts."

"I remember that Ling Xiao didn't have a Chaos Beast with a dragon head. What did this guy do to Ling Xiao?"

Seeing Ling Xiao and Nalaier merge into a monster, Ronin Shun and Kaila's hearts were in a knot.

Next, it was destined to be a life-and-death battle.

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