Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1315 Qiankun kills Lyle

When Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin clan, appeared in the void, the entire space was trembling and quiet.

On the Ziji battleship, Keira stared dumbfoundedly at De Qiankun coming out of the space gate.

She couldn't believe it because she always thought Qiankun was dead.


Keira looked at the world in front of her, feeling so excited that she was even speechless.

This was not just because of the joy of seeing her fellow tribesmen, but more importantly, she saw that Qiankun was still alive.

For Keira, nothing excites him more than seeing Qiankun return.

"Keira, I found you."

Qiankun looked at Keira in front of him and also cried with joy.

He flew onto the Ziji battleship and hugged Keira.

To Qiankun, Keira is as important as her own family.

So Qiankun was naturally excited to see Keira here.

However, despite the excitement, Qiankun did not forget the purpose of his appearance here.

"Keira, where is Shun? I feel his life force is disappearing. Has Shun been here?"

Qiankun is more concerned about Shun Ronin, who is in a life crisis at this moment.

When Keira heard this, she immediately reacted.

Then she grabbed Qiankun's shoulders and shouted nervously.

"Qiankun, Shun and Lingxiao were all devoured by the fusion monster in front of them."

"What should we do? You must save them!"

Keira pointed at the huge fusion monster in the void in front of her and said.

Qiankun had actually discovered that fusion monster a long time ago, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, meeting old friends is the happiest thing in the world.

However, now Qiankun heard that Ronin Shun and Ling Xiao had been devoured by the fusion monster, and their lives were even in danger.

Naturally, he could no longer turn a blind eye to this fusion monster.

"Ling Xiao, is Ling Xiao here too?"

Qiankun also seemed extremely excited after hearing the name Ling Xiao.

Because Ling Xiao is his apprentice, Qiankun loves this apprentice very much.

When Qiankun was forced into desperation because of Meng Chanyi's incident, he even did not hesitate to pass all his power to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao also became the new leader of the Ronin clan for a time.

In fact, Qiankun has always regarded Ling Xiao as his successor. To Qiankun, Ling Xiao is like his own child.

Now, Qiankun learned that his best brother and his favorite apprentice were both devoured by the fusion monster, and his life was even in danger.

So for Qiankun, anger is inevitable.

He couldn't bear to destroy the fusion monster in front of him now.

"give it to me."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the fusion monster in the void.

The fusion monster at this moment is devouring the surrounding starlight.

It is still getting stronger, still devouring, and still evolving. Especially after absorbing Ling Xiao's power, this fusion monster obviously became more terrifying, and even the entire void space began to distort and deform.

After Qiankun saw this scene, he snorted coldly.

"Where did this monster come from? It actually possesses the power of a high-level Chaos Beast."

Qiankun looked at the fusion monster in front of him, not too shocked. After all, the high-level Chaos Beasts had the strength to fight for Qiankun from a long time ago.

Not to mention Qiankun who has now become the Lord of Chaos Beasts.

After Qiankun integrated the power of the input Chaos Beast, he now has the strength to challenge the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Even a god-level Chaos Beast dares to fight with it, so Qian Kun is not afraid of the fusion monster in front of him that has just evolved to a high-level level.

Qiankun took a step forward and shouted angrily.

For a moment, a terrifying soul sound wave shook away.

From Qiankun's body, the roars of dozens of chaotic beasts erupted.

The roars of so many chaos beasts directly alarmed the fusion monster that was devouring the stars.

At the same time, it also alerted Lyle inside the fusion monster.

From the skin of the fusion monster, a tentacle slowly grew out, and on the tentacle, there was a face.

That face was none other than the monster who created this fusion monster, Lyle.

At this moment, Lyle's heart was extremely swollen.

Because he had just defeated Ronin Shun, who was still arrogant before.

Before his transformation, he was not a Ronin Shun who could defeat his enemies with one move.

But after the transformation, Ronin Shun was no longer his opponent.

Now Lyle's strength has reached the top of the Eternal Star Territory. That is the realm of the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun.

And when fused into the monster's body, he has the power of a ruler.

Therefore, when Lyle looked at the world in front of him, he just regarded him as an opponent that he didn't even care about.

"Another stupid human?"

"You and those two guys are in the same group?"

Lyle looked at the world in front of him and said.

After hearing this, Qiankun's eyes turned cold, and even the surrounding space became extremely cold.

"I will give you a chance to die well and release my brothers and apprentices. I can give you dignity."

"Otherwise, I will make you burn into ashes and become a scum in the void!"

Qiankun was as domineering as ever, and his tone, not angry but intimidating, was chilling.

After hearing this, Lyle in front of him became even more frightened.

But the pride and arrogance in his heart made him not afraid at all.

"What an arrogant guy! Are all of you Ronins so arrogant?"

That Lyle looked at Qiankun in front of him and was furious.

Because in his opinion, both Ronin Shun and Qiankun thought they were invincible.

Especially Qiankun in front of him, who thought too much of himself, and such people made Lyle the most angry.

"Since you want to save your friends and your apprentice. Then come in!"

While speaking, Lyle slowly opened a hole in the chest of the fusion monster.

Then, the boiling hot lava inside was revealed.

Obviously, Lyle did not completely underestimate Qiankun.

Because the energy of Qiankun just now did make him a little palpitating.

Although Lyle was a little annoyed by Qiankun's arrogant behavior.

But it is undeniable that he recognized Qiankun's strength.

In his opinion, Qiankun is a domineering strong man. Such a person should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Lyle decided to be conservative and trick Qiankun into his own world.

As long as Qiankun entered his world, he could dominate his life at will.

Lyle believed that in his world, he was invincible, and even Qiankun could not be his opponent.

After listening to Lyle's words, Qiankun snorted coldly.

"It seems that you have made a choice, so I will fulfill your wish."

As he spoke, Qiankun drilled into the body of the fusion monster.

When he saw Qiankun flying out, Keira couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Qiankun, don't go!"

Keira saw with his own eyes that Ronin Shun entered the body of the fusion monster and never came out again.

Obviously, there was another Qiankun in the body of the fusion monster. Keira was worried that Qiankun would be like Ronin Shun and never come back.

However, no matter how Keira shouted, he could not save Qiankun because Qiankun had already drilled into the body of the fusion monster.

At the same time, the fusion monster closed the hole in its chest, which cut off Qiankun's retreat.

Seeing this scene, Kaila couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, Li Mei on the side said.

"Don't worry, the current Qiankun is different from the past. There are very few opponents in the entire chaotic void."

"The monster in front of him is not his opponent."

Li Mei obviously believes in Qiankun's strength. After all, she has watched Qiankun step by step to the present and become the invincible strong man.

Even if it is the most powerful Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu among the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, Qiankun has the power to fight.

Therefore, Li Mei is not as worried as Kaila.

At this time, Kaila noticed Li Mei who also walked out of the void.

"Is it you? Aren't you one of those evil people? Why are you with Qiankun?"

Kaila looked at Li Mei viciously.

And Li Mei didn't respond much to Kaila's hateful look.

"They are them, I am me. I have long been away from them."

Li Mei's life has changed since she met Qiankun.

Now, she is willing to follow Qiankun and become the silent guardian beside Qiankun.

Therefore, even in the face of Kaila's questioning, Li Mei did not respond much.

"No matter how you argue, you are our enemy."

"I can't beat you now, but one day, I will take revenge on you damn guys."

Kaila obviously can't forgive Li Mei's group of people who are the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

In this regard, Li Mei said no more.


On the other side, Qiankun killed into the body of the fusion monster.

Soon, the other party's triumphant laughter came from the air.

"Hahahaha, stupid Ronin! You go in if I let you go in. Do you know where you went in?"

Lyle's face appeared in the air again.

Seeing that Qiankun ignored him, Lyle continued.

"You idiot, it turns out that the Ronin are all fools, no wonder they were exterminated."

"You bunch of fools, what qualifications do you have to survive in this void."


As soon as Lyle finished speaking, Qiankun suddenly appeared in front of his face and punched it to pieces.

"Shut up!"

Qiankun punched Lyle's face to death, and the whole space fell silent for a moment.

However, Lyle did not die.

Soon, faces flew out of the void again.

More and more fake faces appeared in the air, causing Qiankun to look at them sideways.

"It hurts so much!"

"Were you so proud just now that you killed me with one punch?"

"Are you thinking that I am weak and not your opponent at all?"

"Do you want to laugh wildly and think that you are invincible?"

"Stupid, stupid!"

"In my world, you can't kill me. You can only be my slave."

"I want you to die, and you die!"

"Kneel down."

As soon as Lyle finished speaking, the gravity in the whole space suddenly increased. And it increased madly by geometric times.

Lyle wanted to use the powerful gravity to make Qiankun kneel down.

However, no matter how strong his gravity becomes, Qiankun remains as still as a mountain.

"You guy, kneel down for me."

Lyle was furious again, and gravity increased hundreds of times again.

But Qiankun remained unmoved, instead showing an indifferent smile.

"You, you guy. Die!"

Lyle looked at Qiankun's appearance and was quite angry.

In a rage, he commanded all the energy in the space, and then moved toward the universe.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

For a moment, the entire space was filled with bombing sounds.

In the end, the entire destroyed space was really completely destroyed. A series of bombing sounds came one after another, causing a mess.

The bombing continued for dozens of minutes, with no intention of stopping.

This Lyle intends not to give Qiankun a chance to breathe, he wants to punish Lyle in his own destruction space.

However, the power of Qiankun once again exceeded Lyle's imagination.

"Is that so? If you want to kill me, do you think too highly of yourself?"

Qiankun has no intention of fighting back now, because for him, the Lyle in front of him is not worthy of his serious action.

But after seeing the arrogant gradient of Qian Kun, Na Lyle became furious.

"Die to me!"

"Space sanctions!"

Lyle once again launched an attack on Qiankun, and this time cracks appeared in the entire space like broken mirrors, tearing away towards Qiankun.

This is Lyle's spatial ability control over the destruction of space.

He can completely shatter and then reorganize the space power in the entire space.

In other words, in the body space of this fused monster, Lyle exists like a creator.

So Lyle has absolute dominance here, and he can even control the space inside.

I have to say that this Lyle is quite perverted and powerful.

However, the person he met was Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin clan, a god favored by the Chaos Beast.

Seeing that the surrounding space was constantly tearing apart towards him, a huge black turtle suddenly rushed out from Qiankun's body.


The black turtle roared loudly, and its defensive power was so powerful that it caused the space force that was torn apart to stop abruptly.

That's right, this black turtle's defense can even resist space tearing.

After seeing this scene, Lyle couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't expect that his most powerful space tearing would not cause any harm to Qiankun.

Next, an even more incredible scene happened.

Seeing the world in front of him, a divine sword suddenly flew out from between his eyebrows again.

Puff puff puff puff!

The divine sword spun around in the air, and then transformed into a god holding a thousand-mile war sword.

Immediately, the Sword God Seat's sword swung, cutting off all the faces around him, as well as the space and even the body of the fusion monster.

Keira and others outside the fusion monster saw that the body of the fusion monster was completely broken open from the inside.

The light illuminates the entire void, shocking people's hearts and souls.

But this time, the one who yelled was finally hurt.

He let out a heart-rending scream.

After watching the clown perform for so long,

Qiankun finally decided to take action!

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