Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1322 The Road to Evolution [Subscribe]

The Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon controls the East China Sea. As long as Zhuo Bufan is in the East China Sea, he cannot escape the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon's pursuit.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan never thought of running away.

Instead of running away, he continued to harass the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon.

Whenever he had a chance, he would run under the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon's nose and devour his sea clan.

Zhuo Bufan used guerrilla tactics to perfection.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan saw the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon, he would choose to run away immediately.

Then he would immediately run to the next place and harm the entire sea clan.

After a while, the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon was exhausted by Zhuo Bufan.

"Asshole, this damn guy dared to play with me."

The Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon was annoyed by Zhuo Bufan.

From the beginning to the end, Zhuo Bufan did not fight him head-on, but just kept harassing the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon.

Even if the Sky-Flipping Demon Flood Dragon personally went on the field to chase and kill, he could not catch up with the cunning Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the Divine Sea is so big that Zhuo Bufan can go wherever he wants.

He is alone, and as long as he wants to hide, even if the Demon Dragon has great ability, he can't catch him.

As long as the Demon Dragon relaxes a little, Zhuo Bufan will find the right opportunity and then harm the sea people.

Swallow the sea people of the Demon Dragon.

After a while, the millions of sea people of the Demon Dragon were swallowed by Zhuo Bufan.

And Zhuo Bufan has also evolved unprecedentedly because of this.

Now, a sharp horn has grown on the top of Zhuo Bufan's big fish.

This sharp horn is actually the symbol of dragon transformation, which means that Zhuo Bufan already has the potential to transform into a dragon.

Of course, this alone is not enough, Zhuo Bufan has to devour more lives.

Devour, then evolve, this evolutionary path is endless.

If you can't transform into a dragon, everything will be in vain.

Zhuo Bufan will certainly transform into a dragon and become a saint at all costs.

If he cannot transform into a dragon, then Zhuo Bufan cannot complete the reincarnation mission of this world.

So in his eyes, there is only devouring, endless devouring.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to take risks and repeatedly provoked the four deep-sea overlords.

After provoking the anger of the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon, Zhuo Bufan left the East China Sea and went to the North Sea in order to avoid the edge of the already mad Fantian Demon Flood Dragon.

The overlord of the sea of ​​the North Sea is the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, which has evolved to the point where the whole body has dragon blood.

Before the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon, the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile had already become the deep-sea overlord of the North Sea.

In terms of strength, the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile can be said to be stronger.

However, he met Zhuo Bufan who was not afraid of heaven or earth, and was even more afraid of death.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan entered the North Sea, he started a killing.

Wherever he went, he devoured millions and ate everything.

The Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile in the North Sea had no idea what was going on, because its subordinates did not even have time to report to him.

By the time the dragon-blood shark crocodile reacted, his North Sea had been turned into a mess by Zhuo Bufan.

The dragon-blood shark crocodile has four sea kings under its seat, namely the black sea octopus, the red sea dragon turtle, the dead sea devil whale and the blue sea dragon eel.

The four sea kings are not weaker than Zhuo Bufan's big fish.

The dragon-blood shark crocodile led the four sea kings, and each of them led a million sea creatures, divided into five groups, and encircled and suppressed Zhuo Bufan.

This encirclement and suppression can be said to be unprecedented in scale. The dragon-blood shark crocodile even vowed to capture Zhuo Bufan alive, then skin it and boil a pot of fish soup to drink.

Zhuo Bufan naturally couldn't sit and wait for death. Since he dared to provoke the dragon-blood shark crocodile, he naturally had his own preparations.

Zhuo Bufan learned that the four sea kings under the dragon-blood shark crocodile all had dragon blood. As long as he devoured them, it would be comparable to devouring millions of fish and shrimps.

So Zhuo Bufan's goal in the North Sea this time was not the dragon-blood shark crocodile, but the four sea kings.

Zhuo Bufan used his big fish clone to separate the four sea kings one by one.

Speaking of Zhuo Bufan's big fish clone, we have to mention his current ability.

Zhuo Bufan has now evolved to the eighth level, only two levels away from the tenth-level Dragon God.

At the same time, the four sea kings of the North Sea are also at the eighth level, so Zhuo Bufan is as strong as them.

He may be able to deal with one Zhuo Bufan.

But if he deals with four, he will be more than capable.

So, in order to devour them one by one, Zhuo Bufan used the ability of the big fish clone.

The big fish clone is the ability he gained after evolving to the eighth level.

One or more clones can be separated by differentiation.

The clone has half the power of Zhuo Bufan's original body, and the death of the clone does not affect Zhuo Bufan's original body.

In addition to the big fish clone, Zhuo Bufan also has skills such as summoning fish schools, bubble paradise, swallowing hell, etc.

Among them, the ability to summon fish schools can make fish schools within a radius of 100 miles obey his orders.

However, Zhuo Bufan only used this skill to summon fish as his food.

The ability of Bubble Paradise is to spit out a huge bubble.

There is a psychedelic space in the bubble.

Once trapped in it, you will be lost in the bubble forever and cannot get out.

Zhuo Bufan uses this ability to deal with some very difficult opponents.

And the ability of Devouring Hell is the most domineering ability of Zhuo Bufan, the big fish.

The stomach of Zhuo Bufan, the big fish, is a terrifying hell world.

It has stomach acid that can corrode everything and stomach walls that can absorb everything.

Zhuo Bufan relies on this ability to continuously devour evolution.

This is also Zhuo Bufan's signature skill, which has proven successful time and time again.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also possesses abilities such as breath of destruction, surging waves, swaying dragon's tail, etc.

These abilities can help him fight with ease in this dangerous divine sea.

Zhuo Bufan relied on the big fish clone to lead the four sea kings and the overlord Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile to five directions respectively.

Because the opponent couldn't tell which one was Zhuo Bufan, they had to split up and pursue them.

Among them, the Black Sea Octopus is chasing Zhuo Bufan's true body.

"Black Sea Octopus? This guy seems to be very powerful!"

"Has the strongest self-healing ability in the deep sea as well as terrifying strength and speed."

"The most terrifying thing is that this guy's winding ability is amazing, and the suction cup on his hand can grab anything. I heard that the overlord of the East China Sea is the most afraid of this beast."

"It seems I have to be careful."

It is said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Zhuo Bufan had already collected information about the four overlords and their respective subordinates before this.

After having this information, he can formulate a battle plan.

"I don't have the advantage in terms of size, and my self-healing ability is not as good as this guy. And once we fight, even with my sticky skin, I can't break free from the sucker of this big octopus."

"It seems that I can only use Bubble Paradise to deal with this guy."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a long time and finally decided to use his signature skill Bubble Paradise to deal with the giant octopus.

As the only control ability that Zhuo Bufan has, Bubble Paradise should be able to trap the giant octopus.

"I remember there is a big trench ahead. If I set a trap there, I should be able to catch something."

Zhuo Bufan had already investigated the bottom situation of the North Sea before causing trouble.

We know that there is a huge trench under the North Sea, connecting the East China Sea and the North Sea.

Many large fish migrate through this large trench.

Now, this large trench has become the best place for Zhuo Bufan to lay traps.


Soon, Zhuo Bufan came to the Great Trench.

He quickly dived to the bottom of the trench and started blowing bubbles.

I saw him slowly spitting out the psychedelic energy in his body, and then a huge bubble with a diameter of one thousand meters was formed at the bottom of the water.

Of course, this one bubble was not enough, so Zhuo Bufan blew out more than a dozen bubbles in one breath, covering the entire trench.

After completing the trap arrangement, Zhuo Bufan swam to the surface of the sea again.


As soon as he stepped out of the sea, Zhuo Bufan saw a huge wave not far away heading towards his direction.

The high waves were as black as ink, rendering the entire sea black.

"As expected of a Black Sea octopus, wherever it goes, it turns into a black sea?"

Seeing the Black Sea octopus slowly approaching his location, Zhuo Bufan let out a terrifying big fish breath directly at the opponent.

I saw an air cannon spurting out from Zhuo Bufan's big mouth, then blasting a 10,000-meter-long ravine on the sea level, and finally exploded 10,000 meters away.


That burst of explosion directly exploded the sea surface within a ten-mile radius of the location.

Half of the hundreds of thousands of sea tribes carried by the Black Sea Octopus were wiped out in an instant.

Above the sea, corpses of octopuses of all sizes were floating everywhere.

Upon seeing this, the Black Sea Octopus immediately asked all his men to stay where they were.

It personally took action and killed Zhuo Bufan.

This big octopus is extremely fast, and it can swim over ten thousand meters away in one leap.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately dived into the bottom of the sea and swam towards Daihai Trench.

Seeing this, the Black Sea Octopus chased Zhuo Bufan in the direction of his escape.

Puff puff puff puff!

The big octopus penetrated four or five bubbles in a row.

Finally it realized something was wrong.

Why are there so many weird bubbles under this trench?

Before the big octopus could react, he soon found that his consciousness began to become confused.

The next second, the Black Sea octopus fell into the illusion of paradise created by the bubbles.

The entire octopus's body was curled up together, like a newly born baby octopus.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan's incarnation as a big fish slowly swam up from below the trench.

Looking at the big octopus trapped in the illusion, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Then, the big fish that Zhuo Bufan transformed into grew its mouth and swallowed the big octopus and the air bubbles into his body.

The Black Sea Octopus never imagined that he would be killed so inexplicably.

Until Zhuo Bufan swallowed it completely, he never woke up again.

After the big octopus was swallowed into Zhuo Bufan's body, Zhuo Bufan activated the ability to swallow hell.

Suddenly, the body began to secrete stomach acid capable of digesting everything, and began to digest the big octopus.

As it continued to be digested, Zhuo Bufan's body began to emit a golden luster.

"Sea King-level creatures are indeed different."

"If I can swallow the four sea kings, I believe I can evolve to the ninth level."

After Zhuo Bufan absorbed the giant octopus, he felt that he was one step closer to the next evolution.

Of course, this is not enough.

Zhuo Bufan is still far behind the ninth level.

Perhaps it would be possible to absorb all the four subordinates of the Beihai Overlord.

The further you go on this evolutionary path, the harder it is to evolve.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has no idea how many creatures he has devoured.

But he still hasn't reached the point where he can evolve.

In short, Zhuo Bufan is working hard to seek evolution, and he wants to complete the test of this world as soon as possible.

As a fish, Zhuo Bufan is also a legend.

"So who's next?"

After killing the giant octopus, Zhuo Bufan immediately set his sights on the other three sea kings.

"Oh? One of the clones was killed?"

"Is it the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile? You are worthy of being the overlord of the North Sea, the only ninth-level evolver in the North Sea!"

Zhuo Bufan found that one of his clones had disappeared.

And the one who killed his clone was the overlord of the North Sea, the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile.

The Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile only found out that it was a clone after killing the big fish he was chasing.

"What a damn bastard, you dare to deceive me."

The Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile was furious after finding out that he had been deceived.

Except for the big fish that the dragon blood shark crocodile was chasing, the other three clones have not been killed.

After thinking for a moment, Zhuo Bufan immediately locked his eyes on the second target.

"Red Sea Dragon Ao, an eighth-level evolver, is a big lobster. It is not easy to evolve into a dragon ao."

"As one of the four sea kings under the North Sea Overlord, he has the strongest attack power and absolutely powerful explosive power."

"This guy, I'm afraid it's really hard to deal with."

"But after absorbing the black sea octopus, I also have some of its abilities."

"I shouldn't lose to that guy in terms of strength, but I need to pay attention to the sea-breaking scissors of this dragon ao."

"It is rumored that the scissors hand of this red sea dragon ao can cut off anything, and even split the sea and open the mountain."

"It seems that I need to imagine tactics."

The second red sea dragon ao is also a very difficult opponent for Zhuo Bufan.

Unlike the black sea octopus, it can be subdued by using the bubble illusion.

The Red Sea Dragon's tentacles can see through illusions, so I'm afraid that the Bubble Paradise cannot subdue it directly.

"This dragon is afraid of heat, maybe I can take advantage of this."

Zhuo Bufan made a battle plan again.

"I remember there is an underground dormant volcano group in Zhonghai."

"If we can lead it there, maybe we can kill it."

Zhuo Bufan started to think of crooked ideas again and began to prepare to kill the Red Sea Dragon.

So, his original body went to the underground dormant volcano group in Zhonghai.

At the same time, the clone that he asked the Red Sea Dragon to chase also went in the direction of the volcano group.

A new plot to kill was started again.

He wanted to make the volcano group the cemetery of the dragon.

So, Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to rush to the destination and began to set traps.


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