Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1331 White Lotus [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan watched the white light guiding him in the distance.

So Zhuo Bufan planned to go over and have a look.

He used the remaining energy of chaos to condense into the Clothes of Chaos again, and then flew close to the direction of the light.

When Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the location of the light, he suddenly discovered that what was emitting the light was actually a huge white lotus.

That white lotus flower is probably hundreds of kilometers in diameter and ninety-nine and eighty-one layers high.

The huge white lotus floats quietly in the air, giving people an extremely sacred beauty.

Zhuo Bufan also saw this kind of white lotus for the first time, but this kind of white lotus gave people an unusual feeling.

The closer you get, the more you feel that time is slowly coming to a standstill.

"This is a white lotus made from the white sand of time!"

Zhuo Bufan could tell at a glance that this white lotus was no ordinary thing.

Every particle of dust on it is the white sand of time.

The White Sand of Time can be said to be the most difficult sacred object to collect in the chaotic void.

Because they flow at the bottom of the long river of time, it is difficult for ordinary people to collect them.

However, what Zhuo Bufan didn't expect was that the huge white lotus in front of him was actually made entirely of the white sand of time.

The White Sands of Time here can probably build tens of thousands of save doors.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan cannot use these white sands of time to repair his save door.

Because Zhuo Bufan has tried it before, the save door cannot be repaired.

Save doors are not simply the result of stacking the White Sands of Time.

Later, Zhuo Bufan learned that the archive door was built by Ji Xuanhao with the heart of time.

The heart of time is the foundation, and the white sand of time is just a pile of things to replenish energy.

Every time the save door is used, the Heart of Time will weaken.

In the end, if the Heart of Time dies completely, all Zhuo Bufan's archive doors will collapse.

But now, Zhuo Bufan's archive door is getting closer and closer to collapse.

Now one save door has collapsed. If this continues, all save doors will usher in the day of destruction.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan will no longer be able to save or read files.

Since the archive door cannot be repaired, Zhuo Bufan has no delusions about using the White Sand of Time here to make up for anything.

Besides, Zhuo Bufan couldn't move the white sand of time here at all.

The White Sands of Time here are bound by a mysterious force.

And this power is exactly the same as Zhuo Bufan's power of chaos.

The white sand of time is bound by the power of chaos. I believe that no one can pry away a grain of sand here.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the huge white lotus in front of him with admiration, which was completely made of the white sand of time.

"Who built this? Is it the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan suspected that this white lotus might be the masterpiece of the Lord of Time.

After all, in the entire chaotic void, the only one who can freely use the White Sand of Time is the Lord of Time.

"If it was really created by the Lord of Time, then what exactly is it? What is its purpose?"

Zhuo Bufan began to guess the function of this white lotus.

He flew around the white lotus and carefully observed every detail on the white lotus.

"Perfect, flawless, how could such a perfect masterpiece exist at this time?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and came to the conclusion that it was perfect.

This white lotus is unparalleled perfection.

Zhuo Bufan once heard a sentence when he was learning the art of mending the sky, that is, there is no absolutely perfect existence in this world.

Therefore, the existence of the Heaven-Mending Technique is to make these things perfect.

But now, Zhuo Bufan discovered that Emperor Wa's words were not accurate.

There is perfection in this world, but Emperor Wa has never seen it.

The white lotus in front of me is an existence of supreme beauty, completely without flaws.

Such an existence made Zhuo Bufan even more certain that this lotus flower was almost the masterpiece of the Lord of Time.

Only a being like the Lord of Time can create perfect things.

The Time Lord is a perfect being in his own right.

"Could this thing be the world center of the white world? Or the energy center?"

Zhuo Bufan was very smart. He guessed that the white lotus must have something to do with the white world.

The White World is a world where time flows slowly. This world requires a kind of energy to make time slow down.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, the white lotus in front of you is the center of the entire white world.

Zhuo Bufan's guess was very bold, and of course he believed his own guess.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was still planning to continue his research, he found that his power of chaos was getting weaker and weaker.

"We can't stay any longer. Next time we come, make a reservation first."

Zhuo Bufan left a door to space opened with the energy of chaos beside White Lotus.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan can come here at any time.

After marking the space, Zhuo Bufan left the White World.

Zhuo Bufan, who returned to the Chaotic Void, immediately entered a state of self-recovery.

The extraordinary energy of chaos is not irreversible.

The energy of chaos comes from Gray Lotus, which is the heart of chaos.

It was transformed from the ninth level of the Chaos Creation Technique, which was practiced by Luo Tian, ​​the extraordinary first generation.

The Chaos Creation Art can transform the chaotic energy in the chaotic void into the most primitive chaotic energy.

So Zhuo Bufan only needs to sit in place to recover himself.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan felt that the chaotic energy around him was slowly transformed into a more refined and primitive chaotic energy.

This power constantly replenished his lost energy.

After entering the self-recovery stage, Zhuo Bufan began to think about what Huilian had said to him before.

Huilian once said that if the Chaos Creation Art is cultivated to the peak state, you can directly see the legendary Lord of Time. Maybe I can try it.

Zhuo Bufan plans to cultivate the Chaos Creation Art to the highest level.

However, the Chaos Creation Art is an extraordinary divine skill. Even Luo Tian, ​​who created this skill, has not been able to cultivate this skill to the highest level.

The so-called tenth level is just in Luo Tian's imagination.

When Luo Tian created the Chaos Creation Art, he decided to create ten levels.

Ten is perfect and flawless, and ten is the ultimate number.

Luo Tian hoped that this technique could be cultivated to the ultimate and perfect, so this Chaos Creation Art has a tenth level that does not exist at all.

However, although it does not exist, it does not mean that it is impossible.

Luo Tian is an ultimate genius. Since he created this Chaos Creation Art, it naturally means that this Chaos Creation Art can be cultivated to the tenth level.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan plans to give it a try.

Try to see if it is possible for him to cultivate this Chaos Creation Art to the tenth level.

"How should this Chaos Creation Art be practiced?"

When Zhuo Bufan was about to try to practice the Chaos Creation Art, he found that he had never learned this technique at all.

Huilian once said that he is the Chaos Creation Art, and the Chaos Creation Art is the heart of chaos.

It has practiced for countless years and has long practiced its heart into the Chaos Creation Art.

Now Huilian has become his heart and has merged with him.

So Zhuo Bufan does not need to practice the Chaos Creation Art at all, because he shares all of Huilian's success.

It can be said that now Gray Lotus and Zhuo Bufan are completely one.

However, Gray Lotus did not teach Zhuo Bufan any knowledge about the Chaos Creation Art.

Because Gray Lotus itself is the Chaos Creation Art, it has passed all the results to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan tried to see if he could find a breakthrough from his heart, so that he could see if he could find a way to evolve his heart.

Since his heart is now the ninth level of the Chaos Creation Art, as long as the heart evolves further, it will naturally reach the tenth level of the Chaos Creation Art.

However, it is almost impossible to further evolve the heart of Gray Lotus.

You must know that it took Gray Lotus a full million years to cultivate the Chaos Creation Art from the eighth level to the ninth level.

It is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to cultivate the Chaos Creation Art to the peak in a short time.

So Zhuo Bufan did not force himself. After all, this kind of thing can only depend on chance.

A few days later, Zhuo Bufan's chaotic energy was almost restored.

So he planned to enter the White Realm again to see the white lotus.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was well prepared and would definitely spend some time to study the white lotus.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the White Realm again, he came to the white lotus.

The white lotus was still floating quietly in the air.

Zhuo Bufan changed his angle this time and began to overlook the entire white lotus from the air.

He saw a wide lotus platform in the center of the white lotus.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan tried to fly in.

However, when Zhuo Bufan approached the center of the white lotus, a strong and invisible energy suddenly flew over.


Zhuo Bufan didn't react at all, and the next second he was blown away.

"Chaos Qi?"

After Zhuo Bufan was hit again, he suddenly realized that it was the Chaos Qi that hit him.

Chaos Qi is not an ordinary force, and it is quite uncomfortable to explode on the body.

That is the energy that even time and space cannot stop.

Even though Zhuo Bufan had a layer of Chaos Cloth, he was severely injured by that blow.


Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses and shouted towards the void.

However, there was no breath of life around.

"Could it be that this white lotus is protecting itself?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that perhaps it was the self-protection program of the white lotus that made her regard Zhuo Bufan as an intruder.

"It seems that there must be something in the center of the white lotus."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many mechanisms."

Zhuo Bufan's guess is not unreasonable.

The only hope it sees in the entire white world is the white lotus in front of it.

So Zhuo Bufan must dig out the secret of the white lotus no matter what.

However, the secret of the white lotus is obviously not that simple. It is protected by a powerful force and no one is allowed to approach.

"Try again!"

Zhuo Bufan mustered up the will to fight and approached the center of the white lotus again.

This time, he covered himself with the energy of the chaotic energy, forming a gray armor.

The defensive power of this grey armor was obviously much stronger than the previous Chaos Cloth.

So Zhuo Bufan was determined to go in and give it a try.

So, Zhuo Bufan, equipped with gray armor, rushed into the gray lotus.

Boom boom boom!

Before he got close, several invisible energies exploded.

Bang bang bang bang!

This time, Zhuo Bufan relied on his sharp induction to avoid the first two invisible chaotic energy bombs.

But the third one unexpectedly appeared behind Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan had no chance to react at all, and was directly knocked away.

Then the whole body and soul exploded in the air with a bang.

The chaotic armor that had just condensed on his body was torn into a huge hole.

"It's a bit interesting."

Zhuo Bufan was knocked away for the second time, which forced him to re-examine the powerful ability of this white lotus.

"Can the chaotic energy be played like this?"

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised, because he also mastered the chaotic energy, but his use and understanding of the chaotic energy were obviously not as powerful as this white lotus.

The chaotic energy released by this white lotus cannot be seen, touched, or even felt.

By the time you feel it, you have already been hit by it.

He is like a ball of invisible energy, suddenly exploding beside you, blowing you to ashes.

If Zhuo Bufan had not been protected by the Chaos Armor, he might have been blown to ashes long ago.

"There must be something good in here, I must go in and take a look."

Next, Zhuo Bufan began to invade the white lotus in front of him frantically.

But he was blown away by the energy released by the white lotus again and again.

Soon, the chaotic energy accumulated by Zhuo Bufan was about to be consumed.

So Zhuo Bufan returned to the chaotic void again to accumulate strength.

When the power was fully accumulated, he returned to the white world and competed with the white lotus again.

Zhuo Bufan fought like this, again and again, persevering.

I don't know how long it took, Zhuo Bufan found that he had slowly mastered the method of releasing the invisible and stateless chaotic energy.

"So that's how it is. Chaos is originally empty."

"Nothingness is the root of chaos."

"Creating something out of nothing is the root of all things."

"From nothingness comes something, and only from something can all things be born."

"So chaos is actually nothingness!"

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, the gray armor on his body slowly turned into nothingness.

Not only that, even Zhuo Bufan himself turned into nothingness.

Zhuo Bufan can turn into chaos, allowing himself to completely reach a state where even time and space cannot restrain him.

It is obvious that Zhuo Bufan has already controlled the energy of chaos and reached an unprecedented level.

"Try again!"

This time, Zhuo Bufan came to the white lotus again, and then his body began to slowly become empty.

Until Zhuo Bufan completely disappeared in the air.

Then, Zhuo Bufan sneaked into the white lotus in this state of complete nothingness.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan succeeded, and he finally succeeded in entering the white lotus.

Zhuo Bufan used the method of mastering the chaotic energy that he learned from Bai Lian to successfully blend in.

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