Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1341 World of Beasts

Zhuo Bufan finally found the world of reincarnation, but was eventually blocked from it.

Although it was a bit regrettable, Zhuo Bufan had to face this reality.

The current situation is that if Zhuo Bufan still wants to enter the world of reincarnation, he must find his other half of the clone and merge with it.

"Now it is certain that Fairy Meng should be in the world of reincarnation."

"Knowing that she is temporarily safe, I am relieved."

"But next..."

Zhuo Bufan's second clone began to get anxious.

Because it is definitely not easy to merge with the first clone.

Both parties are unwilling to fulfill each other and want to be the only Zhuo Bufan. In this way, there will definitely be a fight to the death.

The current situation is very clear, that is, Zhuo Bufan's two clones can only determine the dominance of both parties by who is stronger and who is weaker.

So they have an agreement to fight.

However, Zhuo Bufan's second clone has not practiced further during this period of time.

But he has been busy looking for the world of reincarnation and Meng Chanyi.

However, Zhuo Bufan's first clone is working hard to practice.

Zhuo Bufan's first clone has mastered the law of devouring, and now he is working hard to practice the second law of reincarnation.

Once the law of reincarnation is successfully practiced, Zhuo Bufan's second clone will definitely not be his opponent anymore.

And now, Zhuo Bufan's first clone has already practiced to the tenth world in the reincarnation tower.

That's right, when Zhuo Bufan's second clone was trying to find the reincarnation world, Zhuo Bufan's first clone had unknowingly practiced to the tenth reincarnation world.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has passed the reincarnation test of nine worlds.

Tree world, fish world, ghost world, insect world, flower world, bird world, giant world, Shura world, ancient world.

And now, the world where Zhuo Bufan is is called the world of ten thousand beasts.

In this world, Zhuo Bufan has transformed into a Kunpeng that covers the sky and the sun.

In this world, all he has to do is to continue to evolve and become stronger, until he stands on the top of the God King Mountain and becomes the pinnacle of the world of ten thousand beasts.

At present, Zhuo Bufan is already a Kunpeng, one of the nine most powerful beasts in the world.

In this world of ten thousand beasts, there are nine beasts.

Including Zhuo Bufan's Kunpeng, there are also Canglong, Zhuque, Baihu, Xuanwu, Qilin, Dixiang, Haijiao, and Zongzu!

The nine beasts are all terrifying existences that can destroy the world.

Especially Zhuo Bufan, in just less than a hundred years, he has grown from a small swallow to the fourth-ranked Kunpeng.

Among the Wing Clan, he is second only to Zhuque.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is getting closer and closer to his top position.

However, recently, Zhuo Bufan's rapid progress has attracted the attention of beasts such as Zhuque.

Especially Zhuque, it is the head of the Wing Clan and the Supreme of All Ages. It has always been the most powerful representative of the Wing Clan.

But the recent appearance of Kunpeng has caused Zhuque's reputation in the Wing Clan to begin to decline.

Especially Kunpeng has been constantly punishing evil and promoting good in the past hundred years, and has won the hearts of the people.

And Zhuque has always been high and mighty, and it is difficult for him to be close to the people.

Therefore, in the minds of many members of the Wing Clan, Kunpeng's status has risen sharply, and it seems that he has already replaced Zhuque.

After Zhuque learned about this situation, a sense of crisis came over him.

Zhuque knew very well that his status had been shaken. If he did not do something, he would eventually be replaced by Kunpeng.

Therefore, Zhuque decisively found Kunpeng and challenged him to a battle.

And Kunpeng Zhuo Bufan agreed without hesitation.

For a time, the news of Kunpeng's battle with Zhuque quickly spread throughout the world through the spread of the Wing Clan.

In this world of ten thousand beasts, all beasts began to pay attention to this battle.

This battle is not only the strongest decisive battle in history, but more importantly, this battle will change the pattern of the beasts, change the ranking of the beasts, and even determine who the beast god is.

As Kunpeng's Zhuo Bufan, there is naturally no reason to refuse.

Because the purpose of his reincarnation in this world is to become the beast god.

Only by becoming a beast god can he complete his reincarnation test in this world.

Zhuo Bufan has gone through the reincarnation test of nine worlds along the way.

Success along the way, without any failure.

So this time, she will still write her own undefeated myth.

"Have you heard that the great god Suzaku has challenged the great god Kunpeng! The battle will start at the beginning of next month on the South China Sea."

"I heard that this battle will determine who is the boss of the Wing Clan. If the great god Suzaku wins, then the great god Kunpeng must cut off his wings and get out of the Wing Clan. And if the great god Kunpeng wins, then the great god Suzaku must give up the position of the king of the Wing Clan."

"So no matter what, this battle may affect the world situation. I want to watch this battle."

"Then I will go too. How can I not go to such a wonderful battle?"

There are many similar conversations. The whole world, billions of creatures and beasts, are all paying attention to this battle.

Even other beast kings have joined in watching this battle.

The one that attracts the most attention should be the leader of the sea clan, the sea dragon!

The sea dragon ranks third from the bottom among the nine beast kings.

Its strength is average, not very strong. It has no power to intervene in the battle between Suzaku and Kunpeng.

So she had no choice but to give up her own waters in the South China Sea, and let this sea area become the battlefield for Zhuo Bufan and the Suzaku to fight.

And the other beast kings will probably come to watch the battle at that time.

By then, the entire South China Sea will become the focus of world attention.

For a time, a large number of beasts went to the South China Sea.

Whether flying in the sky, running on the ground, or swimming in the water, everyone wanted to witness who was the king of the winged tribe, Kunpeng or Suzaku.

Three days before the start of the war, hundreds of millions of beasts had come to watch the battle on the coast of the South China Sea.

The other seven beast kings arrived early, waiting for the start of the war.

Finally, on the day when the war started, thunder rolled over the South China Sea.

Countless beasts looked up at the sky, looking forward to the appearance of the great god.


Accompanied by a terrifying thunderous roar, the white clouds above the sky were instantly dyed red like blood, and the flames were like fire.

The beastmen who saw this scene exclaimed.

"It's the great god Suzaku, the great god Suzaku is here."

Suzaku, the god of fire, the divine beast that controls fire.

Its appearance is often accompanied by earth-shaking destructive flames.


A terrifying scream pierced the eardrums of countless beastmen.

Immediately after, a ball of terrifying sky fire fell from the sky.

With the fall of the sky fire, a huge flame bird spread its wings and floated above the South China Sea.

"The Suzaku is here."

The moment he saw the flame bird, Qinglong said not far away.

The arrival of the Suzaku made the beastmen boil, and countless beasts began to exclaim and roar at the Suzaku in the sky.

That was praise and admiration for the Suzaku.

"The Vermillion Bird is here, but where is Kunpeng?"

The White Tiger God calmly looked at the void.

The day of the battle has arrived, but only the Vermillion Bird has come, and there is no sign of Kunpeng.

"Maybe it is afraid!"

The Black Tortoise God on the other side explained.

In its opinion, Kunpeng will definitely not be the opponent of the Vermillion Bird.

Although Kunpeng had just defeated it not long ago, the Black Tortoise ranked fourth, just below the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and Vermillion Bird.

It is precisely because of the battle with Kunpeng that the Black Tortoise knows Kunpeng better.

"Xuanwu, you have fought with that Kunpeng, how strong is it?"

The one who asked the question was the Kirin, the beast in the clouds.

Among the original eight beasts, only the Black Tortoise had fought with Kunpeng.

The Black Tortoise is the only beast that knows Kunpeng's fighting power.

So it is not only the Kirin that is concerned, but other beasts are also concerned.

All the beasts gathered around, or pricked up their ears, and began to listen to what the Black Tortoise said.

After hearing this, the Black Tortoise snorted coldly.

"Kunpeng is just so-so. If I hadn't been careless, I would never have lost to him."

Xuanwu said only one sentence to prove that he was not a weakling. He just lost to Kunpeng because of carelessness.

Obviously, Xuanwu was arrogant and didn't tell the truth.

In fact, only he knew that the battle between him and Kunpeng was a complete crushing defeat.

"At least in my opinion, Suzaku will never lose to it."

Finally, Xuanwu said a word of encouragement.

He was optimistic about Suzaku and thought that Suzaku would defeat Kunpeng. Of course, this was his inner thoughts. Deep down, he hoped that Suzaku could kill Kunpeng.

In this way, he could return to the fourth place.

After listening to what Xuanwu said, all the beasts present probably understood Kunpeng's combat effectiveness.

They all thought that Kunpeng's strength was just slightly stronger than Xuanwu at most, as Xuanwu said.

If that was the case, then he would not be Suzaku's opponent.

You should know that Suzaku is much stronger than Xuanwu, and most importantly, Xuanwu is good at defense, and its attack ability is not good.

But Suzaku is different. Suzaku and Kunpeng belong to the same wing tribe and are also fire beasts.

So Suzaku should be much stronger than Kunpeng.

This seems to be the deepest thought of all the divine beasts.

Now, they only need to wait until Suzaku defeats Kunpeng, then everything will be over.

However, Suzaku has already appeared, but Kunpeng has not come yet.

"Why hasn't Kunpeng come yet?"

"Yes, is he afraid?"

"I think he is probably afraid of the great god Suzaku, so he is backing down at the last minute!"

"That's really funny, hahahaha!"

"It's really boring. I thought I could witness an unprecedented war, but I didn't expect to meet a coward who is greedy for life and death."

Just as the beasts next to them were talking, the whole sky suddenly became hideous.

Then, pieces of thunder exploded in the air.

Countless lightning sparks began to fall from the sky.

"Here it comes!"

"Finally here, Kunpeng is coming soon."

Seeing the movement in the sky, all the beasts knew that it was the Kunpeng they had been waiting for, who was about to make a brilliant appearance.


A burst of thunder fell from the sky, and then a huge head emerged from the clouds.

The head was as huge as a mountain.

When it appeared in the air, the hundreds of millions of beasts present were shocked.

"Wow, so big, so big!"

"When did Kunpeng become so big?"

"This bite will probably swallow the entire South China Sea!"

Kunpeng's size was beyond everyone's imagination.

Even Xuanwu was dumbfounded, because he found that Kunpeng was even bigger than the one he had encountered before.

"Is this Kunpeng?"

Seeing that Kunpeng only showed half of his face, he had already covered the sky and the sun.

All the beasts present were secretly shocked.

Of course, size has never been a symbol of strength.

It is not that the bigger the size, the stronger the strength. At least the blue dragon, white tiger and other beasts did not feel cowardly after seeing Kunpeng.

And when Zhuque saw Kunpeng again, he rushed up without hesitation.


Accompanied by the scream of Zhuque that shocked the world and made ghosts cry.

Immediately afterwards, violent flames spewed out of its mouth.

The raging fire instantly covered the entire sky, wrapping the chaos above the sky in a sea of ​​fire.

As soon as the Vermillion Bird met, it started fighting without saying a word.

It is the beast of the God of Fire, possessing the fire of destruction that can destroy everything.

When the fire of destruction covered the entire sky, it seemed that the end of this battle was doomed.

"So powerful, is this the true strength of the Great God of the Vermillion Bird?"

"The Great God of the Vermillion Bird is worthy of being the beast of the God of Fire. No other beast can survive in this raging flame."

"That Hun Dun is probably in danger."

In the eyes of countless beasts, the flame of destruction of the Vermillion Bird is obviously more powerful.

Kunpeng seemed to have no other means to deal with the flame of destruction.

However, at this moment, the flame of destruction above the sky suddenly began to slowly extinguish.

The beasts who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

"How is it possible? That fire that covered the sky has gone out?"

"Isn't the fire of the Vermillion Bird a fire that is said to never go out?"

"Look, it's Kunpeng, the great god Kunpeng, and it is devouring the fire of the Vermillion Bird."

At this moment, some beastmen saw that all the destructive flames above the sky were converging in one direction.

Until the flames began to go out, everyone only saw that the fire of the Vermillion Bird above the sky was actually swallowed by Kunpeng.

That's right, Kunpeng swallowed the flames of the Vermillion Bird completely with his gluttonous mouth.

This made the Vermillion Bird itself stunned.

It was the first time that the Vermillion Bird saw that there was a beastman who dared to swallow its flames!

You know, his Vermillion Bird fire can burn everything.

If Kunpeng swallowed it into his stomach, it would definitely burn his stomach.

Needless to say, Kunpeng would definitely die in his own hands in the end.

However, the Vermillion Bird underestimated Zhuo Bufan and the Kunpeng beast.

Just when Zhuque was smug and thought he could burn Kunpeng to death.

Suddenly, Kunpeng opened his mouth again.

Then, from his mouth, a terrifying fire wrapped in lightning came out.

"Give it back to you! Catch it!"

The outside of the fireball was wrapped with black lightning.

The lightning contained energy that could destroy everything.

The Zhuque was hit by the lightning ball before he could react.

The next second, the sky over the entire South China Sea exploded directly.

The sea level dropped by a hundred meters in an instant, and countless creatures were wiped out in an instant.

And Zhuque was killed instantly on the spot.

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