Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 135: Nameless Dynasty [10-6, please subscribe]

The cunning Zhuo Bufan returned to Yunmeng Realm again and appeared on the soul altar of the "Seal True Name 205" camp.

The soul altar here is located on the edge of a cliff.

Zhuo Bufan did not linger too much, and with a thought, he summoned the soul book.


The soul book opened and stopped at the fourth page.

"Come out, Xiaohei!"

Zhuo Bufan summoned the black light falcon horse, then jumped on the horse's back, and the horse flew towards the next destination without stopping.


For more than a month, the entire Yunmeng Realm was reverberating with the voice dominated by "Seal True Name".

Above the sky, there would be a report almost every hour or so, sometimes even once every half an hour.

Zhuo Bufan was almost crazy about plundering and occupying the soul altar.

"Mine, mine, all mine."

Every time Zhuo Bufan occupied a soul altar, Tianzun would reward 10,000 soul power for the basic construction of the camp.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan waste these precious soul powers on decoration?

He took them all for himself, and then began to plunder other soul altars endlessly.

In just one month, Zhuo Bufan's number of soul altars had spread all over the land of Yunmeng Realm.


The sky thundered, as if the sky coughed, and then a report came.

"Report, 'One Thousand and Twenty-Four Sealed True Names' has been established, and 10,000 soul power points are specially awarded for the basic construction of the camp."

Tianzun's voice was like thunder, and after a roar in the sky, it slowly disappeared.

At this moment, the people of Yunmeng Realm were numb, and they didn't even want to look up again.

"Has it reached one thousand and twenty-four? This guy is really crazy, he can't stop, right?"

"Who is the builder of this 'Seal True Name'?"

"I don't know, it's not me anyway."

Su Hong and Mo Qiu have been walking together, and they have not gained nothing in the past month.

At least the second camp "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" was established by them.

The purpose of their establishment of "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" is to continue the destiny of the four seasons.

The two did not plunder the soul altar as crazy as Zhuo Bufan, or their subconscious was not as cunning as Zhuo Bufan.

They listened to the words of the Yunmeng Realm Tianzun and used the soul power they received as rewards for the basic construction of "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter".

In this way, they did not have much soul power to use, let alone riding the black light falcon horse bought with 30,000 soul power like Zhuo Bufan, and plundering soul altars everywhere.

"It's been more than a month, and that guy still hasn't stopped. Is he going to plunder all 8,000 soul altars in Yunmeng Realm?"

Su Hong said speechlessly.

After hearing this, Mo Qiu smiled slightly and replied, "Then he has no chance."

"Recently, other people have entered Yunmeng Realm. Yesterday, I found people from Poison Demon Island around the No. 12 "Seal True Name" camp."

"And over the past month, more than a hundred forces have established camps in Yunmeng Realm."

Zhuo Bufan is still plundering soul altars frantically, but the existence of Yunmeng Realm is finally no longer a secret.

The big guys in the cultivation world have discovered the existence of Yunmeng Realm and opened up the passage to Yunmeng Realm, sending their disciples into Yunmeng Realm to plunder resources.

But after these newbies entered Yunmeng Realm, some died and some were injured, and they couldn't play this dangerous world at all.

The newbies were shocked by the "Seal True Name". Almost all the soul altars they found had been occupied, and almost all of them had the same name, the Seal True Name, plus a string of serial numbers.

Therefore, the newbies nicknamed the seal's true name, the Nameless Dynasty.

The name of the Nameless Dynasty spread throughout the Yunmeng Realm, and finally even reached Zhuo Bufan's ears.

"Nameless Dynasty? Haha, quite interesting."

Zhuo Bufan sat on the 1024th soul altar, chewing on the ham of a freshly roasted level 36 two-headed Nether Tiger, and said contentedly.

Then, Zhuo Bufan summoned the Soul Codex.

The Soul Codex floated in front of him and turned over.

He stopped after turning to the third page, which was the Yunmeng Map, recording his current location.

"I am now in the north of the Yunmeng Realm. I have already circled half of the entire Yunmeng Realm."

"After returning to the starting point, we should plunder the soul altar in the center."

Zhuo Bufan discovered the distribution of soul beasts in the Yunmeng Realm during the more than one month of plundering the soul altar.

The closer to the center, the higher the level of the soul beast, and the more dangerous it is.

He divided the circular continent of Yunmeng Realm into three levels: the outer layer, the middle layer, and the inner layer.

The soul beasts in the outer layer are basically from level 1 to level 30.

The soul beasts in the middle layer are from level 30 to level 60.

As for the soul beasts in the inner layer, they are basically above level 60.

Zhuo Bufan once tried to enter the middle layer without knowing whether to live or die, but was killed many times.

He had to go back again and again, and finally occupied three soul altars near the middle layer with difficulty.

Later, Zhuo Bufan did not continue to seek death, but decided to occupy the soul altars in the outer layer of Yunmeng Realm first.

Now he has occupied half of the outer layer.

More importantly, he is almost invincible in the outer layer.

Because Zhuo Bufan has upgraded his life and death sword to: level 55.

The current information about his natal Horcrux, the Sword of Life and Death, is as follows:

The natal Horcrux: Sword of Life and Death

Horcrux level: fifty-five

Soul power consumption: five thousand points

Required for Horcrux promotion: 325,700 points

A level 55 sword of life and death consumes 5,000 soul points each time it is used.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan instantly kills all soul beasts below level 55. In the entire outer layer, he was already invincible.

Even so, Zhuo Bufan still has nearly six million soul power left.

Every time he occupies a soul altar, he will be rewarded with 10,000 soul power.

It can be said that the fastest way to obtain soul power currently is to occupy the soul altar.

He has his own considerations for the remaining soul power, which is to use it to improve his spiritual realm.

After all, the existence of Yunmeng Realm is to help immortal cultivators improve their souls.

More than six million soul power is enough for him to ascend to the fifth level of soul, the Yuanshen realm.

However, Zhuo Bufan now has no time to improve his soul. The top priority is to occupy the soul altar.

"It's time to get to work."

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Black Light Falcon Horse and rushed towards the next destination quickly.

In less than half an hour, the Black Light Falcon Horse flew to a giant tree.

The giant tree was at least three to four hundred meters in diameter, towering into the clouds. It was a forest of single trees and looked quite abrupt in a forest.

Its trunk is bare, but its crown is extremely dense. The branches are also so huge that it feels like a city could be built on its crown.

According to the instructions of Yunmengtu, there is a soul altar just above the tree crown.

Just when Zhuo Bufan arrived, he discovered that there were three mysterious men in black robes running towards the soul altar in the center of the tree crown.

"Did someone get there first?" Zhuo Bufan frowned upon seeing this.

"That's okay. As long as it hasn't been occupied yet, whoever gets it first belongs to whoever gets it."

Zhuo Bufan drove the black light falcon horse and swooped towards the crown of the giant tree.

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