After returning the Holy Grail of the Water Tribe, Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan started to rush to the next target.

Their next target was the Eternal Torch of the Fire Tribe.

According to Chi Yan, the Elf King had left five holy artifacts.

Each of the five major tribes obtained a holy artifact, and the Holy Artifact of the Fire Tribe was the Eternal Fire.

Because the Eternal Fire never extinguished, it could ensure that the Fire Tribe would always be strong.

"This time we don't need to steal the Eternal Fire, we just need to stay in the Eternal Fire for a while."

"We are fire elves, and after being baptized by the Eternal Fire, we will become even more powerful."

Chi Yan said so.

According to his plan, this time they would not steal or rob.

To put it bluntly, they would get into the Eternal Fire and refine it.

Although they did not steal or rob, it was definitely more difficult to get than the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail only needed to drink water, but the Eternal Fire had to be baptized in it.

Even though they were fire elves of the Fire Clan, they still felt miserable when facing the baptism of the Eternal Fire.

Of course, this kind of pain was nothing to Zhuo Bufan, he believed that he could get through it.

"Brother Lieyan, the baptism process may be painful, so you need to be mentally prepared."

Chi Yan did not forget to remind Zhuo Bufan.

In response, Zhuo Bufan just smiled calmly.

He had no problem, but it was hard to say whether Chi Yan could pass the baptism.

Next, they continued on their way, flying all the way in the scorched earth desert.

After two days and two nights of flying, they came to an underground abyss in the center of the desert.

From a distance, the abyss was full of underground magma.

The diameter of the entire abyss was nearly a thousand meters, which was very huge.

And in the abyss, there were actually lava barriers.

"We are here. This is the holy land of the Fire Clan, Androva!"

"We Fire Elves usually practice here."

It was obviously not the first time that Chi Yan came here, so he was familiar with this place.

Zhuo Bufan did not say much, but followed Chi Yan obediently into the abyss.

Soon, they flew into the abyss.

The strong geothermal heat made them feel the surging power.

However, they were fire elves, and they did not feel much about this strong geothermal power, and even enjoyed it.

After all, everyone was a fire elf and possessed the power of fire.

How could a fire elf be afraid of fire?

"Brother Lieyan, follow me."

At this time, Chi Yan took Zhuo Bufan deep into the abyss.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan saw many fire elves flying in and out.

These fire elves did not seem to care about them, the outsiders.

Because for the Holy Land of the Fire Clan, as long as they were fire elves, they could enter and exit freely at will.

Under the leadership of Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan and his friends finally came to the deepest part of the abyss.

In front of them was a huge magma lake.

The entire magma lake was still bubbling with hot bubbles, which looked very scary.

If ordinary people entered this place, they would be scared to death.

But they were all fire elves. For fire elves, this magma lake was the same as a freshwater lake for humans.

"The eternal fire is under this magma, let's go down now."

Fire elf Chi Yan said to Zhuo Bufan behind him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan grabbed him and asked.

"Are we going down like this? Don't you make any preparations?"

"Prepare for what?" Chi Yan asked back.

"Of course, we are going to find a way to get the eternal fire! Are we just going in so brazenly?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

After hearing this, the other party laughed.

"Of course we go in with open arms."

"Brother Lieyan, you don't know yet! We have no king in the Fire Clan. All fire elves are the guardians of the Eternal Fire."

"Of course, the Eternal Fire belongs to all fire elves."

"We can freely enter the Eternal Fire for baptism."

"No need to sneak around like a thief."

Being called a thief by a thief, Zhuo Bufan looked unhappy.

"Okay, you lead the way."

"Then follow me closely."

Then, under the leadership of Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan followed him into the magma lake.

After entering the magma lake, rolling heat waves hit.

Originally thought it was just a bath, but Zhuo Bufan found that the water was unusual.

As a fire elf, he dared to feel the heat, and it was very scorching.

"Here it comes! Brother Lieyan, do you feel it? The heat of the Eternal Fire."

"We have to work harder."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, he began to lead Zhuo Bufan into the magma lake.

As they continued to dive, Zhuo Bufan felt the temperature was getting higher and higher.

That kind of heat made him feel uncomfortable.

"It's so hot! This temperature is probably many times hotter than ordinary magma."

As a fire spirit, Zhuo Bufan was already a little unbearable.

Chi Yan was not feeling well either, he gritted his teeth and said slowly.

"Keep going, brother Lieyan, victory is just ahead."

"We haven't touched the eternal fire yet, don't give up."

They haven't touched the eternal fire yet, but they are already too hot.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan discovered that there were many fire elves floating in the magma lake.

"Are they practicing?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"Yes, because they can't stand the powerful power of the eternal fire, but they also want to absorb the energy of the eternal fire. So they have no choice but to stay in this magma lake to practice."

"But in this case, it will be difficult for them to receive baptism. Even if they stay there for hundreds of years, they will not be able to pass baptism."

"We have a mission, so we can't take a bath here. The best way is to enter the eternal fire directly and then accept the trial of the eternal fire."

This Chi Yan's attitude is very firm, he is determined to be baptized by the eternal fire.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he naturally did not flinch. The two began to sneak underground into the magma lake.

The depth of this magma lake exceeded Zhuo Bufan's expectations.

Zhuo Bufan felt that this magma lake was at least a thousand meters deep.

The further down you go, the more terrifying the temperature becomes.

As a fire elf, he was so extraordinary that he felt like he was about to burn. He forgot that he was a flame.

"We are almost there, we will reach the bottom of the magma lake soon. Brother Flame, can you still hold on?"

Chi Yan shouted towards De Zhuo Bufan behind him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Of course, no problem."

"Okay, let's rush down at once."

At this time, Chi Yan only heard a low drink.

The next second, he and Zhuo Bufan frantically dived towards the bottom of the magma lake.

The two worked together, and finally penetrated directly from the bottom of the magma lake.

When they penetrated the bottom of the magma lake, they suddenly discovered that there was a cave at the bottom of the magma lake.

Here, there are all terrifying flames, and there are raging fires everywhere.

These flames are more powerful than the flames on Zhuo Bufan and the others.

What's even more terrifying is that these flames are actually devouring the flames on Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Is this the eternal fire?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

He already felt that the fire in his body was about to be swallowed up.

"No, this is not the eternal fire yet. This is just the flame outside the eternal fire. We have to enter the heart of the fire."

"Brother Flame, use the power of holy water, otherwise we will not be able to get close to the heart of the eternal fire."

At this time, Chi Yan roared.

Then it decisively released the power of the holy water.

For a moment, Chi Yan's body was covered with a layer of water-like flames.

The water-like flame, like red molten iron, protected Chi Yan.

Let the eternal fire outside not be able to invade at all.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he immediately learned Chi Yan's method and used the power of holy water to protect him.

Sure enough, after using the power of the holy water, Zhuo Bufan immediately discovered that the flames could no longer engulf the fire in his body.

"No wonder, no wonder the first holy artifact you looked for was the Holy Grail. It turns out that only by using holy water to gain strength can you get close to the eternal fire, right?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"Yes, water defeats fire. This is the unchanging law among our elemental elves."

"So the only thing that can restrain the eternal fire is holy water."

"That's why I was the first to look for the holy object. It must be the Holy Grail."

This Chi Yan is not a fool, he is carrying out his plan to become the Elf King step by step in a planned way.

"Brother Lieyan, there is eternal fire ahead, you have to be careful."

"Holy water can only protect us from being swallowed up by eternal fire. As for the baptism of eternal fire, it is unstoppable."

While he was talking, Zhuo Bufan only saw a group of pale lotus flowers not far away in the world of flames.

That pale lotus is the eternal fire.

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan saw such white flames.

This is the eternal fire, the power that the Fire Tribe protects from generation to generation.

"Brother Lieyan, I'll go in first."

After Chi Yan saw the eternal fire, he got in without any nonsense.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan heard the screams from Chi Yan.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts me to death. It burns me to death, it burns me to death."

Chi Yan let out bursts of heart-rending roars in the eternal fire.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

Then he didn't think much and resolutely got into the white lotus-shaped flame.

As a result, as soon as he entered, Zhuo Bufan felt the pain of burning his soul.

That kind of pain made him couldn't help but roar.


Zhuo Bufan has tried his best to survive countless pains and sufferings so far.

However, he rarely encountered this kind of soul burning and continuous pain.

That feeling is that people are always on the verge of collapse. But it also prevents you from breaking down on the spot.

However, Zhuo Bufan's endurance is indeed remarkable. After all, Zhuo Bufan had practiced a technique that allowed him to escape death, so Zhuo Bufan was indeed far superior to ordinary people in terms of endurance.

Even though Chi Yan screamed heartbreakingly, Zhuo Bufan just snorted slightly.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

Next to him, Chi Yan was screaming.

Finally, at the end, he couldn't bear the pain and ran away, escaping from the eternal fire.

But Zhuo Bufan was as steady as a mountain, motionless.

Because Zhuo Bufan deeply understood that only after experiencing such hardships could his soul be sublimated, he could pass the test of reincarnation, and master the power of reincarnation.

"I am, God!"

In order to cheer himself up, Zhuo Bufan shouted inexplicably.

This shout made Chi Yan, who was outside the flame, excited.

Chi Yan obviously didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan actually had such strong endurance.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan fighting so hard, Chi Yan finally mustered up the courage again.

The next second, he got into the eternal fire again and began to accept the baptism of the eternal fire again.


As soon as he entered, Chi Yan screamed.

Sure enough, he still couldn't bear it.

"I am also a god!"

He shouted like Zhuo Bufan, trying to cheer himself up.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan on the side calmed down instead.

Then, the flames on Zhuo Bufan's body slowly turned pale.

"So strong, brother Lieyan, are you going to complete the baptism?"

Lieyan knew very well that the process of baptism was to slowly be assimilated by the eternal fire.

The flames on his body slowly turned white.

So, when Chi Yan saw this scene, he did not escape.

"If that's the case, I can do it, I can do it!"

So, Chi Yan used his last strength to persist until his soul was about to collapse.


Finally, Chi Yan shouted.

With the end of the shout, Chi Yan fainted directly.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's red flames began to slowly turn white.

At the same time, he found that his soul was sublimated again.

Now his soul has become extremely powerful.

As time passed, Zhuo Bufan finally completed the baptism of the eternal fire, and the flames on his body completely turned white.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that Chi Yan beside him was already dying.

"No, this guy can't hold on."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and directly pulled Chi Yan out of the eternal fire.

Then he gave some of his own power to Chi Yan.

With Zhuo Bufan's help, Chi Yan quickly woke up.

When Chi Yan woke up, he suddenly found that the flame on his body had also turned white.

However, it was not completely pale. Compared with Zhuo Bufan, his baptism was not complete.

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive!"

"Brother Lieyan, you saved me, right?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, just replied.

"Your baptism is not complete, do you want to try again?"

There was still some red flame on Chi Yan's body.

After hearing this, Chi Yan looked at the eternal fire burning in front of him, and then he shook his head.

"No, the Eternal Fire will not let me in again. My trial is over. Whether I have received a perfect baptism or not, it is over."

"Although I have not received a perfect baptism, I have completed 80% of the baptism, which is enough."

This Chi Yan is very cheerful, and he has already accepted this ending with pleasure.

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