Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1347: Marriage Plan

Zhuo Bufan talked a little and drank the water tribe away.

Of course, he also knew that the Shui tribe would definitely not give up. After all, the holy water that the Shui tribe had been waiting for for hundreds of years was drank up by them.

This is unacceptable to anyone.

Therefore, the Shui Tribe may take some action next, but of course this has nothing to do with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's next goal is to continue searching for the holy artifact.

According to Chi Yan's plan, their next target is the Golden Holy Sword.

As the holy weapon of the Jin clan, the holy sword has the power to cut off everything.

"We need the Holy Sword to cut down the Holy Tree."

"That's why we have to get the Holy Sword."

The holy sword is used to cut off the holy tree, and the holy tree is used to obtain the sacred stone.

The five sacred weapons are mutually reinforcing each other.

Therefore, they are interlocked and must be obtained according to the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

"What are your plans when you get to the Jin clan?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He knew that Chi Yan must have had a plan for a long time. After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"There is indeed a plan, but it's just not mature yet!"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled after hearing this.

"Not mature enough? What's the plan?"

After hearing this, the other party chuckled.

"Hehehe, the plan is very simple! The Fire Tribe and the Gold Tribe are two tribes that are in conflict with each other."

"The Jin tribe needs us, the Fire tribe, but they are also afraid of us, the Fire tribe."

"For fire can melt real gold and it can also shape real gold."

"So the Jin tribe loves and hates us, the Fire tribe, but it can't be said to be hostile."

"In fact, the Fire Tribe and the Gold Tribe often marry each other."

"The Gold Tribe and the Fire Tribe are together, that is a great trial."

After listening to Chi Yan's words, Zhuo Bufan asked impatiently.

"You said so much, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that we have a marriage with the Jin clan!"


Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

"Yes, marriage!"

"I heard that there is an elf princess from the Jin tribe who is not yet married. In the name of marriage, we let the Jin tribe use the holy sword as a dowry, and naturally we can obtain the holy sword without any effort."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized what he said after hearing Chi Yan's words.

"I see, are you planning to sacrifice yourself in exchange for the Holy Sword? I'm really touched."

Zhuo Bufan said.

When Chi Yan heard this, he immediately explained.

"Hey, brother Lieyan, don't talk nonsense. It's not me who wants to get married, it's you!"

"What? Is it me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that he would be betrayed by Chi Yan.

This guy actually wants him to get married.

"Are you kidding? Why should I go?"

Zhuo Bufan refused.

After hearing this, Chi Yan quickly explained.

"There is no other way, you must go. You are now the leader of our Fire Tribe. Only your identity is worthy of the Jin Tribe handing over the Holy Sword."

It turns out that Chi Yan has been encouraging Zhuo Bufan to become the leader of the Fire Tribe for an ulterior motive.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately refused.

"No, this is absolutely not possible. If you want to marry me, it is impossible for me to go. I will just give up the position of clan leader to you."

Zhuo Bufan is a married man now, and it is impossible to marry an elf he doesn't know at all.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to stay in this place for the rest of his life.

He is in this elven world to complete his reincarnation mission.

After hearing this, Chi Yan sighed.

"Hey, do you think I don't want to? But the position of patriarch is not given up just because you want it."

"Brother Lieyan, for the sake of our cause, I have to wrong you first."

"When we get the holy sword, we will leave the Jin clan."

Chi Yan is determined to make Zhuo Bufan a tool for marriage, but Zhuo Bufan refuses to obey even if he is beaten to death.

"Okay, there's no way I can agree."

"If you have no other plans, then I will directly attack the Jin clan and take out the holy sword."

Zhuo Bufan is a principled person. After all, Zhuo Bufan now has two wives, and it is impossible for him to accept a princess from the Jin tribe whom he has never met.

You know, Zhuo Bufan has not even accepted people like Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi who are infatuated with him.

How could it be possible to accept other people so casually?

"Okay, this matter is non-negotiable, you just have to figure it out!"

Zhuo Bufan's resolute attitude made it difficult for Chi Yan to deal with it.

So Chi Yan sighed helplessly and said.

"That's why I said, this is a very immature plan."

"Since Brother Lieyan insists on refusing, there is no other way. I have to take action personally."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

"Well, I will pass on the position of clan leader to you now."

"No, no need. You should continue to be your clan leader."

Chi Yan said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"I will continue to be the clan leader, but what about you? Didn't you say that you have to be the clan leader to marry the elf princess of the Jin clan?"

After hearing this, Chi Yan smiled helplessly.

"Who said that only the leader of the Fire Tribe can marry the princess of the Gold Tribe?"

"Can't the Prince of the Fire Tribe do it?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled knowingly.

"Hahaha, yes, of course."

The implication of Chi Yan's words is obviously that Zhuo Bufan is the patriarch, and he is the son of the patriarch, the prince of the Fire Tribe.

In other words, Chi Yan gave Zhuo Bufan an advantage in vain.

"Hahahaha, great, great! Brother Chi Yan has made such a sacrifice, I will definitely cooperate with you and continue the show."

Chi Yan looked at Zhuo Bufan's proud look and couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"Now you are happy, you got a son for nothing."

"Forget it, this is also a helpless move. In order to become the Elf King, I can make any sacrifice."

It can be seen that Chi Yan's consciousness is very high, even more conscious than Zhuo Bufan.

Even if Zhuo Bufan took advantage of him, he had no complaints.

"Well, next, you will be the prince of the Fire Tribe. As the leader of the Fire Tribe, I will personally come to propose marriage."

"You and I, father and son, will go to the Jin clan in person and we will definitely capture the Jin clan princess and the Jin clan's holy sword."

Zhuo Bufan laughed heartily.

He didn't expect that Chi Yan would have such a plan.

In this way, he doesn't need to make too many sacrifices.

Chi Yan didn't say anything more. It was just acting anyway, so everyone just knew it.

So next, Chi Yan and Zhuo Bufan arranged their identities, and then headed towards the Jin clan's holy land.

A few days later, they arrived at Geshan, the holy land of the Jin tribe!

Geshan is a giant mountain made entirely of swords and other metal weapons.

High on the mountain, there is a sword temple.

That temple is the holy land of the Jin clan and the place where the holy sword is hidden. The destination of Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan.

"Here we are!"

Arriving at the foot of Ge Mountain, Chi Yan and Zhuo Bufan looked up at the Sword Temple thousands of meters above the sky, and couldn't help but marvel.

"It is worthy of being the holy land of the Jin clan. Just at the foot of the mountain, I can feel the powerful edge."

"Fortunately, we are fire elves and have a natural ability to restrain gold."

"If the elves of the Wood tribe or the Earth tribe came here, I'm afraid they would be torn into pieces and cut into pieces by a thousand swords."

Chi Yan sighed.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, but flew forward.

As soon as they approached Geshan, a group of golden elves flew over.

"Stop, the front is the Jin clan's holy land, don't get close."

The other party stopped Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan.

Zhuo Bufan said immediately after hearing this.

"I am Lie Yan, the leader of the Fire Clan. I want to meet with the leader of your Jin Clan. Please inform me."

When the local heard this, he was surprised.

"Chief of the Fire Tribe? When did a leader appear in the Fire Tribe?"

"Yes, doesn't the Fire Clan have a clan leader?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily after hearing this.

"Who said there is no clan leader? I am standing in front of you, can't you see me?"

"If you don't report it, my clan leader will burn your Geshan."

Zhuo Bufan roared angrily, and the eternal fire on his body burned blazingly, making people horrified.

That is the eternal fire, with amazing firepower.

Originally, the Jin tribe was afraid of the Fire tribe, but now that Zhuo Bufan had released the eternal fire, they were naturally frightened and did not dare to stop him.

After hearing this, the Jin clan elves were so frightened that they quickly flew back to Geshan and reported to their clan leader.

Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan were waiting slowly at the foot of the mountain.

Not long after, the Jin elves came back.

"You two, our clan leader invites you!"

After they finished speaking, they lined up in two rows and moved out of the way, opening the way to the top of the mountain for Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan flew to the top of Geshan Mountain with his red flames.

When they arrived at the top of Geshan Mountain, they saw a group of elves standing in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The leader among them is a huge golden elf.

Presumably that must be the leader of the Jin clan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward, raised his voice and said.

"I am the leader of the Fire Tribe, Lie Yan. This is my precious son, the prince of the Fire Tribe, Chi Yan."

"Chi Yan, haven't you met your uncle soon?"

Under Zhuo Bufan's order, Chi Yan had no choice but to pretend to be his son, flew to the Jin clan leader and said.

"Child Chi Yan, I have met my uncle."

The group of seemingly largest elves in front of him was obviously the leader of the Jin clan.

The leader of the Jin clan couldn't help but ask after seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"I've seen the leader of the Fire Tribe. I don't know if the leader of the Fire Tribe is here. What's the point of doing this?"

Obviously, the other party did not believe what Zhuo Bufan said, so they expressed doubts about whether Zhuo Bufan was the leader of the Fire Tribe.

Zhuo Bufan obviously saw what the other party was thinking, and he smiled.

"Does the leader of the Jin tribe think that our father and son are pretending to be the leader of the Fire tribe without even bringing any personal soldiers?"

When the Jin clan leader heard this, he shook his head.

"I don't dare, but I'm just a little surprised."

"Haha, the leader of the Jin clan shouldn't be surprised."

"The leader of the Jin clan should have heard of my fire clan's sacred object, the eternal fire!"

The leader of the Jin clan was surprised when he heard this.

"Eternal Fire?"

"Yes, this is the eternal fire."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly spit out a small flame and landed on the sword mountain on the ground.

The next second, Jianshan started to burn.

The white flame could not be extinguished at all.

The elves of the Jin tribe were horrified when they saw this.

The leader of the Jin clan shouted quickly.

"Your Majesty, please show your respect. I believe you are the leader of the Fire Tribe."

"It is rumored that the leader of the Fire Tribe is a fire elf who has experienced the baptism of eternal fire. Obviously, you have experienced the baptism of eternal fire."

The leader of the Jin tribe now had to believe that Zhuo Bufan and the others were the leaders of the Fire tribe.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the unextinguishable flames on the ground.

That way the eternal fire would not completely burn the Goshan of their Jin Clan.

"I don't know why the Fire Clan leader came all the way to our Jin Clan?"

The Jin Clan leader now had to believe in Zhuo Bufan and his people's identities.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Then I'll tell you clearly, the purpose of our coming this time is for marriage!"


The Jin Clan elves began to exclaim one after another.

"That's right, marriage. My son Chi Yan, who has been baptized by 80% of the Eternal Fire, will become the next chief of my Fire Clan in the future."

"He has the highest blood of my Fire Clan. Such a high blood must be passed down naturally."

"I searched the entire Fire Clan and found that no elf was worthy of my son."

"So I thought that the Jin Clan has an elf princess with a very noble identity and status. In addition, the Jin Clan and my Fire Clan have had a marriage relationship since ancient times."

"So, I think the only one in the world who can be worthy of my son is the princess of the Jin Clan."

"And with such a noble status as the Princess of the Jin Clan, naturally only my son can be worthy."

Zhuo Bufan called Chi Yan "my son" all the time, completely treating him as his son.

Chi Yan on the side kept cursing in his heart, but for the sake of the big plan, he kept swallowing his anger and had to be Zhuo Bufan's precious son honestly.

"Chief of the Jin Clan, I came here in person with full sincerity."

"I don't know what you Jin Clan mean?"

Zhuo Bufan threw the words to the chief of the Jin Clan.

After hearing this, the chief of the Jin Clan fell silent.

It is obvious that the news brought by Zhuo Bufan was too sudden, and the entire Jin Clan was obviously not prepared.

"This, this news is too sudden. Chief of the Fire Clan, can we discuss it carefully?"

The chief of the Jin Clan did not reject Zhuo Bufan immediately, because the conditions proposed by Zhuo Bufan were also an opportunity for the Jin Clan.

After all, the chief of the Jin Clan also wanted to make plans for the future of his Jin Clan.

So he was actually somewhat willing to do this.

Of course, the princess's marriage should be decided by the princess herself, and the chief of the Jin Clan also needs to discuss it carefully with the elders of the Jin Clan.

After all, this is related to the future of the entire Jin Clan.

So, no matter what, the Jin Clan needs some time to think carefully and see if they can agree to Zhuo Bufan's proposal.

Zhuo Bufan also knew that this matter should not be rushed, so he replied.

"Well, I'll give you time to think about it. But please make the most correct decision, Chief of the Jin Clan. After all, this may be related to the future of our two clans."

"Whether the Fire Clan and the Jin Clan can form an alliance in the future depends on your decision, Chief of the Jin Clan."

Zhuo Bufan's last sentence was obviously meant for the Chief of the Jin Clan.

The Chief of the Jin Clan responded after hearing this.

"Don't worry, I will consider this matter carefully and give you a satisfactory answer."

"Please stay in my Sword Temple first, I will discuss with the elders immediately."

"Try to discuss the results as soon as possible."

The Chief of the Jin Clan said, and then sent someone to send Zhuo Bufan and others down.

And he immediately summoned all the ministers of the Jin Clan and began to discuss countermeasures.


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