Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1351 Chapter 1351: Saving the Holy Tree

After Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan separated, they took the holy sword to the Mu clan.

The Wood Clan is located in the eternal forest in the north, and there is a map in the notes Chi Yan gave to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful for Chi Yan's help, and he would never forget Chi Yan's kindness.

After driving for more than half a month, Zhuo Bufan finally saw a green oasis.

However, when Zhuo Bufankang entered the oasis, he discovered that the oasis was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

The trees here look strange and crooked, and the whole forest gives people a lifeless feeling.

"Found it! This is the Eternal Forest."

Although Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised, he didn't think much and entered the Eternal Forest directly.

However, as soon as Zhuo Bufan entered the forest, he felt a dark vision.

"Are you being watched?"

Zhuo Bufan said slightly confused.

He could feel dozens of pairs of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

"Come out! Is it interesting to hide?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense and faced the enemy directly.

Now, no matter who is in front of him, he will cut it with one sword.

On the road to becoming the Elf King, Zhuo Bufan is not afraid of any obstacles.

"I say it again, come out of those who are hiding in the dark. Otherwise, don't blame me for using force."

The holy sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand slashed forward, sweeping away a forest in an instant.



Under Zhuo Bufan's pressure, the elves hiding in the darkness flew out one after another.

"Don't do anything, we don't have any harm, no harm."

At this time, a group of green elves flew out from behind the chopped trees.

When Zhuo Bufan saw those elves, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Wood Clan?"

"What do you guys from the Wood Clan want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan came here just for the Wood Clan. Unexpectedly, he met the elves of the Wood Clan as soon as he entered the eternal forest.

After hearing this, the Wood Tribe elves looked at each other one after another. They didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, an elder elf suddenly flew out from among the group of elves.

The other party looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then said respectfully.

"Excuse me, is the sword in your hand a holy sword?"

The other party's words are very humble, making people unable to get angry or refuse.

So after listening to the other party's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan said bluntly.

"What's going on? Do you want to come and rob me?"

"You guys are so sneaky, what are your intentions?"

Zhuo Bufan remained vigilant, after all, this was the territory of the Wood Clan.

I broke into this eternal forest alone, so I had to stay vigilant.

After hearing this, the elder elf of the Wood tribe said quickly.

"No, we are not here to rob!"

"Just, I just want to ask you a favor!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned.

"Help? What help?"

The elder elf replied.

"Can we borrow the holy sword in your hand?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his breath suddenly became empty again.

"Borrow it? Still want to grab it?"

Zhuo Bufan never believed in the word borrow. In his mind, this word meant robbery.

The elder elf was frightened and quickly explained.

"No, we really are not robbing it, we are really just borrowing it."

Zhuo Bufan sneered and said.

"What if I don't borrow it?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe what the other party said. The holy sword is his only weapon, and he cannot lend it to others easily.

The elder elf looked slightly disappointed after hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer.

“We really just wanted to borrow it!”

"Please, without the Holy Sword, we, the Wood Clan, will be doomed."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up and he felt that there was something in this sentence.

"What did you just say? Without the Holy Sword, your Wood Clan will be doomed?"

"Did something happen to you, the Wood Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

After hearing this, the elder elf immediately replied.

"Yes, the sacred tree of life guarded by our Wood Clan is sick."

When Zhuo Bufan heard that the Tree of Life was sick, he immediately became nervous.

"What's going on? Why is the holy tree sick? Tell me clearly."

Zhuo Bufan came here just for the Tree of Life. If the Tree of Life was gone, wouldn't his journey have been in vain?

It doesn't matter if he walks away in vain. What's more important is that without the Holy Tree, can he still collect its five sacred weapons?

If you can't collect the five sacred artifacts, can you still become the Elf King?

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is now more concerned about what happened to the Tree of Life than anyone else.

After hearing this, the elf elder quickly replied.

"It's like this. Not long ago, the Tree of Life suddenly became sick, causing the trees in the entire forest to begin to die."

"The Tree of Life is the sacred tree of our Wood Clan, the existence that our Wood Clan elves rely on for survival."

"If this continues, I'm afraid eventually all the trees in the forest will die."

"We really want to save the Tree of Life, but what happened to the Tree of Life? We can only cut open its bark and see the heart of life."

"However, the bark of the tree of life is extremely hard. Only the holy sword of the Jin clan can cut through the entire world."

"I once had the honor of seeing the holy sword in the Golden Clan, and it was the one in your hand! However, I also know that no one can pull out the holy sword of the Golden Clan."

"So our Wood Clan has actually given up hope."

"But now, you have brought the holy sword. Is the one in your hand really the holy sword?"

The elder elf looked at Zhuo Bufan and said, he wanted to confirm whether the one in Zhuo Bufan's hand was the real holy sword.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply.

"So that's why the whole forest feels strange. Is the tree of life sick?"

Then Zhuo Bufan looked at the holy sword in his hand.

Only the holy sword in his hand can cut the bark of the holy tree and check the condition of the heart of life.

It can be said that the holy sword in his hand is now the doctor's scalpel.

Whether the holy tree can be saved depends on whether Zhuo Bufan is willing to perform surgery on the tree of life.

"If you can agree to lend us the holy sword, you can ask us to do anything."

In order to save the tree of life, the Wood Clan also risked everything.

After all, the Tree of Life is their mother tree. If the Tree of Life dies, the Wood Clan will also be doomed.

Now the Wood Clan and the Tree of Life are in a relationship of coexistence and death.

So no matter what, they have to save the Tree of Life.

At the moment, the only hope is the holy sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand, so in order to make Zhuo Bufan agree to lend the holy sword, they can agree to all of Zhuo Bufan's conditions.

After listening to the words of the elf elder, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Since you want to save the Tree of Life, it is not impossible to lend it to you."

"Really?" After hearing his words, the Wood Clan elves became excited.

But Zhuo Bufan waved his hand.

"I haven't finished yet!"

"I can lend it to you, but even if I lend it to you, you don't have the ability to use this sword."

"Only the elves who have pulled out the holy sword are qualified to use it!"

"That is to say, in the entire elf world, except for me, no other elves are qualified to use the holy sword."

"So, you can take me to find the Tree of Life, and I will help you operate on the Tree of Life."

What Zhuo Bufan said was true, without any deception. He is indeed the only elf who can use the holy sword.

After all, he pulled out the holy sword, and the holy sword has its own sword soul and will recognize its master.

So, the only one who can save the Tree of Life is Zhuo Bufan.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the elf elder hurriedly said.

"Really? Then can you go with us?"

"As the great elder of the Wood Clan, I will solemnly invite you to our Wood Clan Holy Land."

It turned out that this elf elder was actually the great elder of the Wood Clan.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"Yes, since you sincerely invite me, I can help you save the sacred tree."

In fact, Zhuo Bufan came for the sacred tree, so of course he was willing to go with him.

This way, Zhuo Bufan would not have to look for it everywhere.

After hearing this, the elder of the Wood Clan was so excited that he burst into tears.

"Great, without further ado, please follow us to the sacred land of the Wood Clan."

"Lead the way!"

So, Zhuo Bufan, led by the elder of the Wood Clan, began to go to the sacred land of the Wood Clan.

They came to a waterfall, and then they saw the elder took out a wooden stick from somewhere, and then drew circles at the waterfall.

As the elder of the Wood Clan drew circles faster and faster, a huge circular hole slowly emerged in the waterfall.

"Inside this waterfall is our home of the Wood Clan."

"Benefactor, please come in!"

Surrounded by the elves of the Wood Clan, Zhuo Bufan entered the waterfall.

When they passed through the waterfall and a tunnel,

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's eyes were suddenly clear.

At the end of the tunnel, there was a vast paradise on earth, a world beyond the boundary.

There were beautiful scenery that could not be seen outside.

In the center of this small world, there was a huge tree, towering between heaven and earth.

On the tree, there were countless wood elves, circling and flying.

"Look, benefactor, that is the sacred tree of our wood tribe."

"Now the entire wood tribe, under the leadership of the saint, is trying to save our tree of life."

After the explanation of the great elder, Zhuo Bufan realized that the reason why these wood elves were circling around the tree of life was to treat the tree of life.

On weekdays, the tree of life gave the power of life to these wood elves.

Now that the tree of life is seriously ill, these elves began to feed back and wanted to save the tree of life.

However, the fundamental reason for the tree of life is that there is a problem with the heart of life. If you want to solve this problem, you can only repair it from the inside.

It is almost impossible to save the tree of life from the outside.

This is why the Great Elder found Zhuo Bufan.

The Great Elder wanted Zhuo Bufan to peel off the outer skin of the Tree of Life to see what happened in the heart of the tree.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan, led by the Great Elder, came to the bottom of the holy tree.

This holy tree is indeed amazingly large.

Zhuo Bufan estimated that the trunk diameter of this holy tree is probably 100 meters long.

Such a huge holy tree, its vitality is so terrible. However, now the holy tree is seriously ill, and the leaves on it have actually begun to fall.

All the elves of the wood tribe are desperately trying to rescue the holy tree, hoping to save it with their meager strength.

When they came under the tree, Zhuo Bufan saw that there was a group of tree houses on the holy tree.

These tree houses are the habitats of the wood elves.

"Benefactor, please wait a moment, I will go in and report to the saint!"

After the elder finished speaking, he flew to the largest tree house in the tree house group.

Obviously, the person living in that tree house is the most noble person of the wood tribe, the tribe leader saint.

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, but just waited honestly.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the wood tribe needed his strength now.

So after he saved the holy tree, he might be able to legitimately obtain the life force he wanted from the holy tree.

According to Chi Yan, only by obtaining life force from the Heart of Life can one go to the Tu Clan to obtain the Holy Stone.

Because the Holy Stone is too terrible and can devour all power, including life.

If there is no strong life force, then once you get close to the Holy Stone, you may be wiped out.

"Wait until I save the Holy Tree, and then obtain life force from the Holy Tree. I believe that these Wood Clan elves will not refuse at that time."

Zhuo Bufan agreed to save the Holy Tree, and naturally he also had his own conditions.

Soon, the Great Elder flew towards Zhuo Bufan with a group of elves.

The leading elf gave people a maternal glow.

Obviously, she is the Holy Maiden of the Wood Clan.

And the Great Elder of the Wood Clan had already introduced before Zhuo Bufan guessed.

"Let me introduce you, this is the Holy Maiden of our Wood Clan."

"Your Majesty, this is the Holy Sword Envoy. Look at the sword behind him, it is the Holy Sword of the Gold Clan."

After hearing the words of the Great Elder, the Holy Maiden frowned and asked.

"Are you sure that's the Holy Sword?"

"I'm sure. I've seen the Holy Sword before. It's exactly the same. And I've just witnessed the power of the Holy Sword. It's definitely the Holy Sword."

After hearing this, the Saint nodded with satisfaction.

Then, she flew to the tablecloth Fu'an like a float, and then said respectfully.

"Hello, Lord Holy Sword Envoy. I'm the Saint of the Wood Clan and also the Clan Leader of the Wood Clan."

"Now, the Holy Tree that the Wood Clan relies on for survival is seriously ill!"

"As a Saint, I beg you to help our Wood Clan, save us, and save the Holy Tree."

"As long as you can save the Holy Tree, no matter what conditions you say, we will agree, and we will do our best to help you complete it."

The Saint's attitude was very sincere, and even Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved after hearing it.

After hearing it, Zhuo Bufan agreed without hesitation.

"I promise you!"

"Let's go, take me to see the holy tree now, let's discuss how to save it!"

Zhuo Bufan had no reason to refuse the saint's request.

After all, he also had his own purpose.


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