The Silver Winged Eagle King, on behalf of Tianzun Lanying, announced to all the orthodox sects in the entire martial arts conference.

He was once the leader of the Tianmo Sect, the world's number one demon, and came here today to participate in the martial arts conference.

All the sect leaders who heard the news were stunned.

They were stunned at first, and then in an uproar.

"What a joke, a demon wants to attend our leader conference, wishful thinking."

"Do you think that changing the name of the Heavenly Demon Sect to Tianzun Mountain can cover up the fact that you are a demon sect?"

"What tricks do you want to play? If you want to fight, then fight. Why do you have to pretend here?"

"That's right. Since Lan Ying is known as the best in the world, why does he have to attend the leader conference?"

"I think they are here to find trouble today. They want to disrupt our leader conference, so they must be planning a bigger conspiracy."

"In that case, what are you waiting for? Fight with them."

"That's right. Anyway, the ultimate goal of this leader conference is to form an alliance and fight against the Demon Sect together."

"Since the Heavenly Demon Sect has fallen into the trap, we will let them have no way back."

These so-called righteous people suddenly became excited and wanted to unite to fight against the dragon battleship in the sky.

At this time, the Silver Winged Eagle King suddenly became furious.

He flapped his wings and started a violent storm.

"You guys, it seems that you are drinking too much and then you have to drink too much!"

"Our Tianzun can come to your alliance meeting today to give you face. Shame on you, believe it or not, I will kill all of you?"

The Eagle King obviously has not changed from the previous demonic state.

After all, they are demons, born with demonic nature.

Although Zhuo Bufan has forced the people of the sect not to do evil again.

But these demons are born violent, and once they are angered, they will easily gather the demonic nature in their bodies.

Seeing that the Eagle King suddenly became demonic and was ready to kill.

The righteous people on the ground scolded him.

"Look, this guy is really a hypocrite. His true colors are exposed so quickly."

"What he said about turning from evil to good is really bullshit."

"I think they are afraid of being rubbed in the back, so they changed their names to demons. But demons are demons after all, and they can't hide their bloodthirsty side."

"Demons can't change, because they are born evil."

Everyone on the field began to denounce the demons.

Listening to these people scolding demons, the Eagle King finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'm going to kill you."

Just when the Eagle King was about to start a massacre, suddenly an extremely heavy momentum descended from the sky.


The powerful momentum, like a mountain, pressed on everyone's shoulders.

Everyone present knelt down at the first moment.


The screams came from all around.

It was not only the oppression brought by the body, but also the pain in the soul.

Even the Eagle King fell directly from the sky to the ground.

Obviously, the force he endured was the strongest, and almost 80% of the force fell on him.

The incredibly powerful energy pressed the Eagle King directly to the ground, unable to move.

The Eagle King had no choice but to lie on the ground, his cheek pressed tightly against the ground, and then begged for mercy.

"Please spare me, please spare me!"

Obviously, only one person in the audience could release such a powerful power, and that was the Heavenly Lord Lanying, the strongest person in the world today.

"It's the Heavenly Demon Lanying, the Heavenly Demon Lanying!"

The power of the Heavenly Demon was almost overwhelming.

Even though the people present were all the top figures in the righteous path, no one could resist the Heavenly Demon Lanying.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is a symbol of invincibility in this world.

This kind of invincibility is not as simple as being the best in the world.

This kind of invincibility means that the second in the world is not worth mentioning in front of him.

It's like the gap between a cultivator and a martial arts master.

This world is not really a world of immortal cultivation, but at most a world of martial arts.

However, Lan Ying's strength has broken through the ceiling of this world and reached the level of immortal cultivators.

It is equivalent to saying that Lan Ying alone has turned the entire martial arts world into a world of immortal cultivation.

Lan Ying is so powerful that he is unmatched, and this is called invincible.

Zhuo Bufan is distressed because of this reason.

He is too strong, so strong that he can destroy the entire righteous path with his own strength.

Now, almost all the righteous masters have gathered in Wanjian Villa.

However, they are facing the pressure of Lan Ying, just a kind of pressure, and they can't breathe.

You know, the target of this pressure is not these leaders, but the Eagle King.


Just when everyone was having difficulty breathing and panicking.

Only a figure was seen slowly falling from the sky.

Behind him, two rows of maids as beautiful as fairies were scattering petals on the side.

"It's the devil, the devil has come."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan coming, everyone was terrified.

They knew how terrifying the devil was, and everyone was like being struck by thunder, unable to move for a moment.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan slowly descended and landed on the ground.

"Lord Tianzun, please spare my life, Lord Tianzun, please spare my life!"

Eagle King, who was lying on the ground, begged for mercy, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could spare him.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly frowned.

Bang bang bang!

Eagle King's hands exploded and turned into two pools of blood, spreading all over the ground.


The Eagle King let out a scream, and everyone else present felt extremely frightened.

At this time, Tianzun Zhuo Bufan slowly spoke.

"Eagle King, what did I just tell you?"

"Don't be rude, don't be rude! How come you are like the Dragon King and like to turn a deaf ear to my words?"

"I, Tianzun Mountain, am the most dignified sect. Don't we have any etiquette?"

To everyone's surprise, they did not expect that the Demon Lan Infant fell from the sky and scolded the Eagle King.

At this moment, the Eagle King wanted to cry but had no tears.

But in order to survive, he quickly kowtowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Heavenly Lord. I know I was wrong. I know I was wrong."

"My subordinates just don't want my Tianzunshan reputation to be slandered by these guys who don't know how to praise me, so, so..."

"So what?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly shouted angrily.

"It seems you still don't understand!"

"Is it respect that comes from the suppression of power?"

"That's just fear. They will only be obedient to you on the surface, but secretly they will still belittle you as worthless."

“If you want to be respected, you can’t do it through force.”

"Do you understand?"

If it wasn't for the reincarnation mission, why would Zhuo Bufan be chatting with these people here.

It is not easy to rewrite the entire Demon Sect.

He needs to change the world's view of the Demon Sect, which is even more difficult.

In short, there is a long way to go, and Zhuo Bufan still has a lot to do.

This reincarnation task was not as simple as he imagined.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's teachings, the Eagle King immediately knelt down and kowtowed to apologize.

"I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong!"

"I also ask for your forgiveness, Lord Tianzun. I will definitely remember your teachings."

"I, Tianzunshan, will convince others with my virtue from now on and will never force myself."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his eyes lit up and he said.

"That's right, what a man who convinces others with virtue. Remember this word. From now on, this word will be my lesson from Tianzun Mountain!"

"Eagle King, I hope you will keep this lesson in mind."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he waved his hand gently.

The broken arm of the Eagle King actually began to grow again.

Everyone present was stunned.

"Life and death, flesh and bones! What kind of power is this?"

These righteous masters all looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment.

Is this kind of fairy-like ability really possessed by a big devil?

After Zhuo Bufan restored the Eagle King's hands, the Eagle King stood up and said.

"Thank you, Lord Tianzun, thank you very much!"

"Lord Tianzun is indeed unparalleled in martial arts and invincible in the world."

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at everyone present and said.

"Everyone, I'm Lan Ying, the master of Tianzun Mountain!"

"I believe you all already know the purpose of coming here this time."

"That's right, I want to attend the Alliance Leaders' Conference. Is it possible?"

Zhuo Bufan clasped his hands and said to everyone present with a smile on his face.

Everyone present looked at Zhuo Bufan and didn't know what to say for a moment.

A group of people looked at each other, looking at each other.

At this time, everyone looked at Zi Xiao, the owner of Wanjian Villa.

As one of the initiators of this alliance leader conference, Zi Xiao obviously can decide whether the demon in front of him is qualified to participate in the alliance leader conference.

Zi Xiao looked at everyone in Zhou Wei's eyes, feeling isolated and betrayed.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at Zi Xiao in front of him and smiled.

"You must be the owner of Wanjian Villa, the owner of Zixiao Villa!"

"I heard that Wanjian Villa is the initiator of this alliance leader conference."

"I saw on the convening notice that heroes from all over the world are welcome to attend the Wulin Leaders Conference."

"Lan Ying is not talented. He thinks he still has some skills. He wants to participate in this conference. I wonder if Master Zixiao will agree?"

Zhuo Bufan looked directly at Zi Xiao and said.

At this moment, Zi Xiao was completely stunned.

He did not expect that this Lord Demon would target him alone.

At this moment, he didn't know what to do.

Because Zi Xiao held this martial arts leader conference from the beginning, in fact, to select the leader, and then summon the world's heroes to attack the demon sect.

Now, the biggest demon sect leaders have come to visit, and they shocked everyone when they appeared on the scene. Who dares not to obey now?

If I refuse here, I'm afraid I will be eaten alive by this big devil!

Zi Xiao knew his own strength very well. He might not even be able to defeat an Eagle King, let alone the terrifying demon in front of him.

However, if he agrees, how should he explain it to the righteous disciple behind him?

On this day, the devil came to participate in the martial arts conference, and eventually became the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Then wouldn't their martial arts conference become a big joke?

It doesn't matter if you agree or not. At this time, the owner of Wanjian Villa is playing with fire and self-immolation. He is unable to get off the horse.

"This, this! I need to discuss this with the other heads."

"If you don't have any ill intentions when you come this time, maybe we can have a good discussion."

Zi Xiao finally thought of a way to ease the situation.

After seeing what the demon had done before, he thought that the demon should have no ill intentions, so Zi Xiao felt that the demon might have come with sincerity.

In any case, stabilize the situation first, and then discuss with others.

No matter what the result of the discussion is, everyone will shoulder it together.

Zhuo Bufan laughed and said after hearing this.

"Of course!"

"Please rest assured, sir, I have come here with no ill intentions this time."

"And I have decided to change the entire Demon Sect and make it rewrite and return to the right path."

"I came to participate in the martial arts conference this time just to let the world know our determination to reform the Demon Sect."

"Please come!"

Zhuo Bufan said, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Zi Xiao nodded quickly after hearing this.

"Okay, then please wait outside with your disciples, I will go in and discuss with the masters first, and will give you a reply as soon as possible."

Zi Xiao said, and quickly led all the masters into the villa.


Wanjian Villa, in the conference hall

The scene at this time was very quiet and tense.

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to do.

After all, none of them dared to come up with an idea now.

This might be related to the life and death of everyone. If it is not done properly, it might all be ruined.

Finally, Zi Xiao couldn't help it. He slapped the table and said.

"Everyone, at this time, do you still want to remain silent?"

"If you really have no objection, then I will have to go out and tell that devil to let him attend this alliance leader meeting."

After Zi Xiao finished speaking, the head of the sect wearing yellow clothes on the side hurriedly said.

"In this case, then my Jinshan Sect will have to withdraw from this alliance leader meeting."

"Withdraw?" Zi Xiao was stunned for a moment.

At this time, another head of the sect wearing black robes on the side also said.

"My Zhengqi Sect will also withdraw from the alliance leader meeting."

The two major righteous sects, Jinshan Sect and Zhengqi Sect, unexpectedly decided to withdraw from the alliance leader meeting at the same time.

The remaining other sects also began to decide to withdraw from the alliance leader meeting one after another.

"I quit!"

"I quit too!"

"Then I quit too."

One after another, they decided to quit the Alliance Leader Conference. When Zi Xiao saw this scene, his scalp suddenly went numb.

"Quit? Everyone, are you kidding me?"

"Do you really think you can get away with it?"

"Didn't you see the strength of that demon?"

"Believe it or not, if you quit the Alliance Leader Conference today, your sect will disappear from this world tomorrow."

"I'm not exaggerating, you're just too naive."

"That demon clearly wants to be the leader of the martial arts world. If you don't let him have a good time, do you think you can have a good life?"

This Zi Xiao obviously thought that Zhuo Bufan came for the position of leader.

He just wanted to have a taste of being the leader.

So this time, they had to agree, whether they agreed or not.

After hearing this, the other leaders were silent again.

"Everyone, since you all remain silent, don't blame me for being arbitrary."

"Then I will go out and tell Lan Ying that I agree to let him participate in this martial arts leader conference."

Zi Xiao said, and walked out without saying anything more.


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