Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1376 Either you die or I die

:The clones of Heavenly Dao, all of them were killed

Zhuo Bufan did not remove the seal of Bai Su's memory.

Because that seal was set by Bai Su herself, if it was forcibly removed, it might cause irreparable pain to Bai Su.

So Zhuo Bufan could only hint at it and let Bai Su work hard to remove the seal.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered that Bai Su had removed the seal herself before.

At that time, Bai Su had just given birth to her and Zhuo Bufan's daughter Bai Zi Nian.

As a result, she happened to be hunted down by Wang Xingbadao.

In order to protect her daughter and the Su Nu Sect, Bai Su fought a life-and-death duel with Wang Xingbadao.

It was at that time that Bai Su completely removed the seal on her body.

When the seal was completely removed, Bai Su remembered her life experience.

Similarly, she also remembered the person she had been waiting for, Ji Xuanhao.

And Zhuo Bufan is now going to play the role of Ji Xuanhao.

That's right, this time Zhuo Bufan does not intend to build a relationship with Bai Su from the beginning.

He wanted to tell Bai Su that he was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation.

In this way, Bai Su would instinctively accept him.

Of course, the premise is that Bai Su can successfully recall her life memories.

So, Zhuo Bufan plans to take Bai Su with him to find memories and unlock the seal.


On the other side, outside the Samsara Tower, Zhuo Bufan's second clone is on the road to hunt down Jealousy Heaven.

In any case, he has to kill Jealousy Heaven to avenge Mo Chichi.

It is also the only redemption he can do now.

For him, the most important thing now is not to compete with the first clone for the title of the real master.

What he has to do is a kind of redemption, self-redemption.

If Zhuo Bufan does not kill Jealousy Heaven, then he will never be able to forgive himself.

He left the Samsara Star Region and came to the place where Mo Chichi's breath disappeared last.

When he arrived, Jealousy Heaven had disappeared.

In the void, only the energy breath left by Mo Chichi remained.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the void, feeling the weak energy, and crying endlessly in his heart.

"I'm sorry!"

At this moment, he could only say sorry weakly.

In his mind, he kept thinking about his first meeting with Mo Chichi.

Their first meeting was not a life-and-death battle.

It was a mutual rescue.

Because of her love affair, Mo Chichi had feelings for Zhuo Bufan that she shouldn't have.

Since then, Mo Chichi couldn't help but fall in love with Zhuo Bufan.

Even for Zhuo Bufan, she didn't care about her life!

Zhuo Bufan might not have thought that the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao who came to hunt him down actually fell in love with him. What a ridiculous fate.

Later, in the Ronin Clan War, Mo Chichi used the separation knife on Zhuo Bufan to protect her.

It was this knife that made this fate step into an irreversible abyss.

Two Zhuo Bufans, two different personalities.

Mo Chichi, just fell in love with that heartless guy.

It can only be said that this is Mo Chichi's fate.

From the beginning, when she developed feelings for Zhuo Bufan, her life was destined to be a tragedy.

"If I can do it again, I will never let go again."

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and said.

The fool now repented, but it was too late.

Zhuo Bufan collected the last remaining energy belonging to Mo Chichi in the void.

He didn't know if this would be useful, maybe just a thought.

Maybe one day Mo Chichi could be resurrected, that would be fine.

Zhuo Bufan obviously still had fantasies in his heart. He wanted to resurrect Mo Chichi.

Whether this was a dream or not, at least for him, this would be better.

After collecting all the remaining energy of Mo Chichi, Zhuo Bufan left the void and began to chase in the direction where Jealousy Tian left.

And at this moment, Jealousy Tian was on his way to kill Li Mei.

Although he was severely injured by Mo Chichi's desperate behavior before.

But after devouring all of Mo Chichi's power, Jealous Sky's current state has recovered to the peak, even beyond the peak.

Every time Jealous Sky devours an incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, his own power will increase exponentially.

This is not just a calculation of one plus one equals two, but far greater than two, even twenty.

So after devouring Mo Chichi's Heavenly Dao power, Jealous Sky not only recovered from his own injuries, but also became more terrifying.

Now he only lacks the power of the last fallen sky, Li Mei.

As long as he absorbs Li Mei's power, he can be said to be almost invincible.

In the entire chaotic void, the number of people who can stop him can really be counted on one hand.

So now Jealous Sky is very eager to find Li Mei.

After killing Mo Chichi, he has lost his patience.

He really wants to feel how powerful he will become after collecting all the powers of the Heavenly Dao incarnations.

In the heart of Jealous Sky, there is even a bold idea.

One day, he will devour the Daluo Heavenly Dao, he will become the master of the chaotic void, and even all the great worlds.

He will become the existence that transcends time.

Although this is a bit wishful thinking, now that he has gathered all the negative emotions of the Heavenly Dao, he has completely become a dark collective.

For him, the only thing left now is the Fallen Heaven.

As long as he devours Li Mei, he will complete the final fall.

Once he is completely fallen, he will be invincible.

"Wait until I devour all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, then I will kill Zhuo Bufan."

"I will replace him, and then go find the Lord of Time on his behalf."

"I want to gain the power of the Lord of Time, and gain power beyond everything."

Jealous Heaven, obviously has gone crazy.

He looked at the compass in his hand and found that the last red dot suddenly appeared in the compass star map.

Jealous Heaven immediately showed an extremely proud smile on his face.

"Found it, my last prey."

Jealous Heaven stretched out his tongue and made a disgusting licking motion.

The next second, he disappeared from the spot.

When Jealous Heaven appeared again, he instantly came to Li Mei and Qian Kun.

At this moment, Li Mei and Qian Kun were on their way to find Jealous Heaven.

Unexpectedly, the two sides met as they wished so soon.

Jealous Heaven looked at Li Mei and laughed.

"What? Are you looking for me?"

Jun Zhitian found that Li Mei, who had already escaped, suddenly returned. It was obvious that she was looking for him.

After seeing Jun Zhitian, Li Mei rushed forward without saying a word and fought with him to the death.

"Beast, you are still stupid and stupid."

At this moment, Li Mei's heart had long been blinded by hatred.

She even showed her ugliest side in front of Qiankun.

Li Mei's fallen form was the form she was most reluctant to show.

Because it was too ugly, she even swore that she would never use the fallen form again, and she didn't want Qiankun to see it.

But now, Li Mei, who was completely blinded by hatred, only wanted to avenge Mo Chichi, and he didn't care about so much.

In the fallen form, she completely became an ugly monster.

But at this moment, in Qiankun's view, she was the most affectionate, moving and touching scene.

Jun Zhitian looked at Li Mei killing him and smiled triumphantly.

"What an ugly monster!"

"Are you so ugly?"

Jiushitian laughed at Limei.

At this time, Qiankun on the side also opened fire at full power, releasing all the chaos beasts hidden in his body.

"Shut up!"

Qiankun raised a fist that was enough to smash the formation, and then punched Juzhitian heavily.

That circle carried all the chaos beasts and his own angry power.

"Die for me."

That was the strongest blow Qiankun could use at present.

However, Qiankun's fist shadow stopped before reaching Juzhitian's range.

Juzhitian suddenly turned his head and looked at Qiankun.

"You bastard, you are looking for death."

With just one look, Qiankun felt that his soul was like being scraped by a razor.


The next second, all the chaos beasts hidden in Qiankun's body began to roar like crazy.

Those chaos beasts were completely crazy, and they began to tear Qiankun's body one by one, trying to escape from Qiankun's body.

Obviously, the look from Jealousy Heaven just now made those Chaos Beasts crazy.

Qiankun also screamed.

Bang, bang, bang!

His body began to explode, and the souls of Chaos Beasts drilled out of his body.

Soon, Qiankun's whole body seemed to have been suddenly taken away from his soul, and the light in his eyes began to fade, and finally only a grayish white was left.


Seeing this scene, Mo Chichi ignored Jealousy Heaven and flew towards Qiankun.

She hugged Qiankun, and then looked at him who was already dying.

Tears began to drip like beads.

Qiankun held his last breath, stretched out his hand, smiled at Li Mei, then stroked Li Mei's face and said.

"I love you, I don't regret it."

After Qiankun finished speaking, the last ray of light in his eyes completely disappeared.

Li Mei looked at Qiankun, whose eyes were already dim, and revealed a terrifying murderous aura all over her body.


"I'm going to kill you."

Li Mei turned around and looked at Jealousy Tian.

Jealousy Tian was laughing at this moment.

"Oh, I sent you two last words with good intentions, and you still blame me?"

"If you want to blame someone, just blame you for being too weak. Do you understand?"

Jealousy Tian said to Li Mei with a gloomy smile.

Although this guy's face was hidden under the dark mask.

But it can be felt that the face under the mask is so ugly.

Li Mei didn't say much, she rushed towards Jealousy Tian desperately.

Gathering all her strength, just to complete the last blow.

However, watching Li Mei's desperate attack, Jealousy Tian just shook his head slowly and said carelessly.

Jealousy Tian opened his hands, and he didn't seem to intend to fight back at all.

And Li Mei naturally didn't intend to miss this opportunity. She gathered all her strength and gathered the final edge between her sharp fingers.


Li Mei's hands finally pierced through Jun Zhitian's chest.


Li Mei, who saw this scene, showed an extremely excited look on his face.

He thought that he had won the battle by piercing Jun Zhitian's body.

However, the next second, Jun Zhitian suddenly clasped his hands together and hugged Li Mei tightly in his arms.

"It's almost done!"

"You have done well, so let's do it!"

"Become one with me!"

Jun Zhitian's hand was getting tighter and tighter.

This kind of tight pressure is not only a squeeze on the body, but also a squeeze on the soul.

Jun Zhitian wanted to squeeze Li Mei's soul deeply into his own soul.

This is a very cruel way to die, and it is extremely painful for Li Mei.

She widened her eyes and began to bleed from all seven orifices.

She could only make uncomfortable sounds from her mouth.

"Chi Chi, Qian Kun!"


Li Mei knew that she was powerless. For her, perhaps piercing Jun Zhitian's body was already a victory and a revenge.

She stared blankly at Qian Kun's body floating in the air not far away, and her eyes became more and more blurred.

She could feel that her soul was squeezed, torn, and forcibly ravaged, and then stuffed into Jun Zhitian's soul.

"It's over!"

When Jun Zhitian said these three words, Li Mei's body instantly disintegrated and turned into ashes.

At this point, all the original seven avatars of the Heavenly Dao were killed.

They were all killed by the Heavenly Dao killer, Jealous Heaven.

Jealous Heaven absorbed Li Mei's soul and showed a satisfied expression.

Just as Jealous Heaven was enjoying the terrifying growth brought by Li Mei's Heavenly Dao power.

Suddenly, a terrifying murderous intent came from behind.

Jealous Heaven immediately turned around and punched out.


What greeted his fist was another terrifying fist.

"It's you, Zhuo Bufan!"

Jealous Heaven was shocked, and then ecstatic.

He saw Zhuo Bufan blasting over like a ray of light right in front of him.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan came, and he found Jealous Heaven.

However, he was a step late, and Jealous Heaven had already killed Li Mei and Qian Kun.

Zhuo Bufan saw Qian Kun's body floating in the void, and he frowned deeply.


Knowing that he was late again, Zhuo Bufan was furious.

The chaotic energy around him turned into thousands of sharp edges, slashing towards Jealousy.

Jealousy was not afraid when he saw this, but calmly dealt with the terrible chaotic energy.

Zhuo Bufan took back Qiankun's body while dealing with Jealousy, and then put it into the world inside his body.

"Today, either you die or I die!"

Zhuo Bufan roared, then raised his fist, condensed all the chaotic energy, and punched Jealousy.

Jealousy immediately condensed a shield to block in front of him, but Zhuo Bufan's fist was so terrifying that he smashed the shield with one punch, and finally smashed his mask firmly.


That punch directly smashed the mask on Jealousy's face.

You know, that mask has never been destroyed after so many fierce battles.

Now Zhuo Bufan smashed it into slag with one punch.

When the mask was broken, the face under the mask slowly appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at it carefully and was shocked.

"It's you, Ni Cangqiong?!"


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