Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1381 Ji Xuanhao and Ji Linglong

Mo Qiu and Su Hong were originally the envoys of the Four Seasons, Mountains and Rivers and the Twenty-Four Solar Terms.

Since the disbandment of Four Seasons Mountain and River, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms went their separate ways, while Mo Qiu and Su Hong bought the original August Tower Chuangui and lived happily ever after.

They just didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would find them suddenly, so the two of them were a little surprised after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

Especially when they heard Zhuo Bufan say that he wanted to rebuild Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, they were even more incredible.

"Rebuilding Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers?"

"However, Four Seasons Mountain and River has been disbanded. Tai Sui personally disbanded it. We can only obey."

Mo Qiu said.

Su Hong on the side also replied at this time.

"That's right, Tai Sui said that our Four Seasons Shanhe has provoked many enemies from the good and evil factions, and now the good and evil factions cannot tolerate our Four Seasons Shanhe. So disbanding is the best choice."

"But Tai Sui also said that one day, the mountains and rivers of the Four Seasons may be reborn."

Zhou Yi also knew what Mo Qiu and Su Hong said.

When Four Seasons Mountain and River was at its most glorious, it suddenly disbanded.

It was because Siji Shanhe was too ostentatious that he killed many big shots of good and evil.

So that in the end, both good and evil forces began to surround and suppress the people of Shijishanhe.

In addition, at that time, Tai Sui used Bai Emperor's Yunmeng Pearl to create the Yunmeng Realm.

So Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers was dissolved.

It was only later that Zhuo Bufan found out that Tai Sui, the leader of Siji Shanhe, was actually his sister Ji Linglong.

But this time, Zhuo Bufan came just for Ji Linglong.

That's why Zhuo Bufan said those words to Mo Qiu and the others.

He hoped that Mo Qiu and the others could rebuild the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, for no other reason than to retain Linglong.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan later realized that the reason why Linglong disbanded Siji Shanhe was not because she was afraid of the revenge of good and evil.

You know, at that time Ji Linglong was already one of the best in the world.

Even the master of the Talisman Temple is no match for her.

Therefore, Ji Linglong definitely did not disband Four Seasons Shanhe because of fear of revenge from good and evil.

She must have other wishes.

After Lenovo, Ji Linglong re-established a Tianyi Sect.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan guessed that the reason why Ji Linglong disbanded Siji Shanhe was mostly to find herself.

Although this is just speculation, Zhuo Bufan believes that it has a lot to do with him.

This time, Zhuo Bufan got inspiration from Emperor Xuan.

His last reincarnation mission was probably to make up for his regrets.

Therefore, he came here to make up for his regrets, and he wanted to protect the mountains and rivers of the four seasons for Linglong.

"Okay, you two, I will go find Tai Sui now and convince her to rebuild the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers."

"Go find the other twenty-four solar terms envoys, and then call everyone to gather at the August Tower."

"Believe me, I can definitely bring Tai Sui back."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Mo Qiu and Su Hong looked at each other, and then they nodded in response.

"I understand. Then I'll trouble you, senior, to find Tai Sui. Let's go find the other disciples."

"By the way, senior, if you want to find Tai Sui, you can go to the Temple City in Zhongzhou."

"Tai Sui should have gone there."

Mo Qiu reminded.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked up to the north, then nodded in response.

"Sure enough, is she there?"

Zhuo Bufan had actually guessed where Linglong was.

Shortly after Linglong disbanded Four Seasons Shanhe, he re-established the Tianyi Sect in Temple City.

Therefore, Linglong must have gone to Temple City to prepare matters related to the Tianyi Sect.

"Okay, I'll go to the Temple City now. When I find Tai Sui, I will bring her back."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and left the August Tower, then flew towards Zhongzhou Temple City.

With Zhuo Bufan's current strength, it wouldn't take long to reach Zhongzhou Temple City across the void.

When Zhuo Bufan came to Temple City and saw the familiar city, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

"Temple City, I'm back."

Since the temple city was destroyed, this was the first time Zhuo Bufan saw such a complete temple city.

He did not expect that even the Temple City would be perfectly restored in this world of reincarnation.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan arrived in the sky above Temple City, all the anti-air cannons on the walls of Temple City opened fire and attacked him.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and turned all threats into a wisp of autumn wind.

Now Zhuo Bufan's cultivation has surpassed that of a saint and reached the realm of Hedao.

Therefore, there is currently no opponent for him in the entire world of cultivation.

So when Zhuo Bufan appeared in the sky above Temple City, all the big shots in Temple City couldn't help but stand on their backs.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to release his soul and find Linglong's whereabouts.

Suddenly, a man in black robe came across the sky and stood in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"My Lord, Feng Wanli, of the Talisman Temple, has met my senior. May I ask, what is your purpose for coming to my temple city?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing the other party's name.

"Claim the Lord of the Palace?"

Naturally, he recognized Feng Wanli, the master of the palace.

He is the current head of the Talisman Temple, and he is also the person who has been guiding Zhuo Bufan in his cultivation since he joined the Talisman Temple.

Feng Wanli can be regarded as half of his teacher. Of course, during the Temple Change, Feng Wanli fought with Linglong in the sanctuary and eventually died.

So Zhuo Bufan came here not only to save Linglong, but maybe he could also save Feng Wanli in front of him.

"Senior, do you know my name?"

Feng Wanli was a little surprised.

After he felt an unprecedentedly powerful aura, he immediately flew into the sky.

I didn't expect to see this god-level existence in front of me.

He had never seen the young-looking young man in front of him, but he did feel a power that was so powerful that it was suffocating.

After listening to Feng Wanli's inquiry, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"It's nothing. Don't worry. I didn't come to Temple City to do anything terrible. I just came to catch up with an old friend."

"If you are busy, Your Majesty, you can go and do your own business."

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of disturbing other people, his only goal was Linglong.

He didn't want to reminisce with Feng Wanli, after all, Feng Wanli didn't know him.

So Zhuo Bufan will not waste time sealing Wanli here anymore.

After hearing this, Feng Wanli nodded and replied.

"I understand. If senior needs anything, just come to Temple City to find me. Feng Wanli will definitely do his best to help senior."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he laughed.

"Don't tell me, I might really want your help with something."

When Feng Wanli heard this, he was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Senior, please tell me, what's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Have you ever heard of the Palace Master, Tianyi Sect?"

Feng Wanli was shocked when he heard this.

"Tianyi Sect? Could it be that the senior is...?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Would you believe me if I said I was the founder of the Talisman Temple?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Feng Wanli immediately frowned.

"Senior, please stop joking. The founder of my Talisman Temple, Lord Haotian, was a figure tens of thousands of years ago."

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

“I really don’t believe it, forget it if you don’t believe it.”

Zhuo Bufan really did not deceive Feng Wanli. He, Zhuo Bufan, was the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao.

And Ji Xuanhao was really the founder of the Talisman Temple back then.

The predecessor of the Talisman Temple was the Tianyi Sect.

Feng Wanli obviously knew this, so he was a little surprised after hearing the name Tianyi Sect.

"Master of the Hall, maybe the Tianyi Sect will reappear in the world soon. I hope you won't stop it when the time comes. This is what I want your help with."

When Zhuo Bufan saw that Feng Wanli was still alive, he knew that Linglong had not established the Tianyi Sect yet.

But thinking about it, the Tianyi Sect should be re-established soon.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Feng Wanli didn't know how to answer for a while.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Feng Wanli's troubled expression and said.

"Forget it, you can take care of yourself!"

"What I just want to tell you is that the leader of the Tianyi Sect is my closest relative. If she is harmed, then I don't mind destroying the entire Talisman Temple."

Seeing that Feng Wanli was hesitant, Zhuo Bufan turned from a request to a threat.

After Feng Wanli heard this, he replied on the spot.

"Senior, please don't worry, I know what to do."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"That's good. The master of the palace is a person who understands current affairs."

"In fact, I am also helping you. I have already calculated that you will be in trouble in the future. You will die at the hands of the leader of the Tianyi Sect."

"Of course, as long as you don't provoke her, your life will not be in danger."

"Okay, I've finished what I need to say, goodbye!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he disappeared instantly.

Feng Wanli was slightly startled when he saw this.

"Is Tianyi Sect finally coming back to the world?"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a strong person behind Tianyi Sect. It seems that the rise of Tianyi Sect will be unstoppable."

"I hope Tianyi Sect will not bring disaster to this world."

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan quickly arrived at a building in the temple city.

"Nong Yue Lou, I didn't expect that I would come back again."

The area Zhuo Bufan came to was called Nongyue Tower, and it was an intelligence agency secretly established by the Tianyi Sect.

On the surface, this Nongyue Tower is a romantic place, but it is actually an intelligence organization established by the Tianyi Sect in the Temple City over the years.

Who would have thought that the Tianyi Sect, the archenemy of Temple City, would establish an intelligence organization next to the temple?

When Zhuo Bufan came to Nongyue Tower, he did not go to the front yard in front of flowers and under the moon, but went directly to the backyard.

He knew that the backyard of Nongyue Tower was the real location of Tianyi Sect.

And the backyard is not a place of romance, there is a dragnet that is difficult for ordinary people to break into.

There are masters ambushing you everywhere. ,

When Zhuo Bufan fell into the backyard garden, a group of women with special skills rushed out from around him.

They surrounded Zhuo Bufan and blocked his way.

"Who is here? Are you trespassing on a private restricted area? Report your name immediately."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled.

"Ji Xuanhao is here, asking to see the owner of Nongyue Building, Ji Linglong."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to beat around the bush and directly stated his purpose.

And he specifically mentioned the name Ji Linglong, the owner of Nongyue Building.

Everyone present looked at each other in confusion after hearing this name, wondering who the man in front of them was talking about.

Because they don't know the real name of the original poster.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the air.

"Let him in."

After hearing this voice, all the women present made way for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and went deep into the backyard.

After he passed through a long pavilion, he came to a secluded courtyard.

Outside the courtyard, a beautiful woman in a white dress was waiting.

After seeing the other party, Zhuo Bufan quickly thought of the other party's name in his mind.

"You are Miss Su Yao! Long time no see."

Zhuo Bufan recognized this outstanding woman. Her name was Su Yao. She was the deputy owner of Nong Yue Tower and the deputy leader of Tianyi Sect.

Of course, Su Yao did not know the man in front of her, so when she heard Zhuo Bufan calling her name, she was a little surprised.

"Senior, do you know me?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"Of course I recognize Su Huanzhen, the famous Su Huanzhen of Nong Yue Tower."

"If I'm not mistaken, my sister Ji Linglong is in this courtyard!"

Zhuo Bufan has used his soul to sense that there is another person with an extremely powerful soul in the courtyard.

Although that soul is not as powerful as his own, it is already extremely powerful compared to Su Yao.

So Zhuo Bufan almost didn't need to guess that the person in the courtyard was the sister he had been looking for, Ji Linglong.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Su Yao quickly replied.

"Senior, please!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan entered the courtyard without thinking too much.

When he entered the courtyard, he immediately felt a pressure coming.

But that pressure was not painful for Zhuo Bufan.

"Linglong, seeing your brother, don't you come out to talk?"

Zhuo Bufan directly preconceived, making Ji Linglong think that she was the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao, whom she had been looking for with great difficulty.

However, Ji Linglong was not so easily fooled.

Zhuo Bufan responded with a shout.

"Where did you come from, you wild dog? You dare to pretend to be my brother, you are looking for death."

Sure enough, Ji Linglong didn't believe Zhuo Bufan at all, and attacked Zhuo Bufan without saying a word.

However, the difference between Ji Linglong and Zhuo Bufan's strength was a world of difference.

She was no match for Zhuo Bufan at all, so Zhuo Bufan easily subdued Ji Linglong.

"I am really Ji Xuanhao, why don't you believe it?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Ji Linglong to be so cautious.

After hearing this, Ji Linglong heard a voice from inside the house and shouted.

"My brother has been dead for tens of thousands of years. You want to pretend to be my brother, your crime is unforgivable."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan realized that his preconceived ideas were unnecessary.

Indeed, Ji Xuanhao had been dead for a long time, and he shouldn't pretend to be Ji Xuanhao.

"I didn't make it clear just now. What I want to say is that I am the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao."

"Reincarnation, do you understand? I used to be Ji Xuanhao, but now I am called Zhuo Bufan."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the people in the room fell silent.

After a long silence, a voice suddenly came again.

"One moment you say you are my brother Ji Xuanhao, and the next moment you say you are my brother's reincarnation Zhuo Bufan!"

"How are you going to prove that you are my brother's reincarnation?"

Ji Linglong seemed very cautious.

But the question she asked was very crucial. How could Zhuo Bufan prove that he was the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao?


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