Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 142: Trance [10-3, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan, who had personally experienced the Great Sun Torture Room, suddenly had the idea of ​​using the Great Sun Torture Room to break the wall.

Under the leadership of the Lord of Fubao in Tianxiang City, he came to the Great Sun Torture Room in Fubao.

Familiar room, familiar scene, familiar feeling.

The practice of "Great Sun Breaking Wall Sutra" requires the most powerful sunlight to fuse the soul, sublimate the soul, transcend the constraints of the body, and allow the soul to travel through the sky and the earth.

"Lord, please."

Zhuo Bufan told the Lord of Tianxiang Castle the purpose. Of course, he had saved the file before, and he could read it at any time if something unexpected happened.

He did not believe that all the Lords of the Castle were businessmen, so Zhuo Bufan still trusted the Lord of Tianxiang City in front of him, at least he did not dare to murder a venerable person.

After entering the Great Sun Torture Room, Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged.

After memorizing the key points of practicing "Great Sun Breaking Wall Sutra", he began to instruct the Lord of the Castle to open the Great Sun Torture Room, and directly opened it to the highest level of four.

The castle lord didn't know what Zhuo Bufan was going to do, but he just followed the orders of the master.

He directly turned the Great Sun Torture Room to the fourth gear, and for a moment, the powerful light instantly filled the entire room.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan seemed to be in the sun. This Great Sun Torture Room was like a small sun. The light was already so strong that it was unimaginable, and the temperature was even more terrifying.


Before practicing, Zhuo Bufan saved a file!

His intuition told him that this practice was another life-and-death test.

It was definitely not as simple as imagined for the soul to transcend the body. Even if it was not a life-and-death situation, there would be a risk of death.

After the save was completed, Zhuo Bufan suddenly shouted.

"Soul, leave the body."

The soul left the body and was exposed to the extremely strong sunlight for a while.

That feeling was like jumping into a boiling oil pan, full of great scorching energy.

The whole soul was constantly baptized, as if it had fallen into the eighteen levels of hell and suffered the torture of each level of hell.

The road of cultivation is so difficult and arduous. For mortals to transcend and become immortals is a road full of hardships.

Not everyone can bear the pain of baptism, especially those who practice "Da Ri Po Bei Jing".

"Da Ri Po Bei Jing" is the peerless magic skill of Jiu Yang Shen Zong to impact the realm of divine wandering, and the process is full of hardships.

Because of the difficulty of cultivation, the inheritance of this sect cannot be continued. This is why it disappeared in the long river of history.

But once it is practiced, the soul will no longer be bound, and the sky will be the sky and the underworld will be the five elements of heaven and earth.

When breaking free from the shackles of the body, the more difficult the pain is, the stronger the soul will be in the future, and the less obstacles will be encountered.

This is an unwritten rule for entering the divine wandering.

Many cultivators, even if they have passed the realm of divine wandering, their souls will still be bound by many constraints, such as the soul-transforming bottle.

Shang Xingdao was killed by Zhuo Bufan with the soul-transforming bottle.

But if a person who has practiced the "Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra" wanders out, ordinary soul-transforming bottles will not be able to do anything to him, unless the ability of the soul-transforming bottle is strengthened to a certain extent.

Since it is a practice, then the most powerful soul must be cultivated.

So Zhuo Bufan still only chose the "Great Sun Wall-breaking Sutra", and his soul suffered in the terrifying and terrible burning light.

The soul was screaming and roaring to break free from the shackles.

Just when he was about to succeed, the boundless heat wave hit again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear it after all, his soul dried up, screamed, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.


There was a buzzing sound in his mind, and Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again and came to the save space.

"Come again!"

Now he is more and more fearless of death.

Since he has been prepared to reload the file, Zhuo Bufan is no longer as hysterical as before.

Push open the save door and return to the beginning of practice again.

The second breakaway practice begins again.

Next, Zhuo Bufan continued to endure the burning pain of his soul, allowing his soul to slowly adapt.

He failed three times in a row, but each time he persisted longer than the previous one.

Finally, it was the fourth time to reload the game.

This time, Zhuo Bufan took a long breath and slowly released his soul. Under the sunlight of the fourth level, his soul no longer roared in pain like before.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A series of crisp sounds exploded in the depths of his soul, as if the chains were being broken apart.

After enduring great pain, Zhuo Bufan's soul finally merged with the light, as if his soul had turned into light, air, and part of the energy of this world.

His soul broke free from the shackles of his body and was sublimated and detached.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that his body seemed to be just a shell, and his entire consciousness and power were completely integrated with his soul.

For him, the current body was no longer necessary. He could completely abandon his body and survive in this world.

Of course, the body is not useless.

Only with a body can one be called a living being and can do more meaningful things.

In any case, he succeeded, and his cultivation officially entered the realm of divine wandering.

Now he is also a master of the fourth level of divine soul.

Compared with body training, Zhuo Bufan actually cares more about the cultivation of the soul. During this period, he did not even practice the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

Because in his opinion, the soul can take over the body and have six channels in the later stage. To put it bluntly, when it comes to the final ascension to become an immortal, it is also necessary to shed the shell and ascend to the immortal world. Only the soul can enter the so-called immortal world.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan regards the cultivation of the soul as more important.

This is also why he desperately plundered the soul altar in Yunmeng Realm, because Yunmeng Realm is a world that can strongly enhance the strength of the soul.

If he only practiced in the immortal world, he might not be able to effectively improve his soul for hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of years, just like other people.

The previous soul improvement was more dependent on the soul power fed back by the Holy Lord when he joined the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers and entered the Holy Lord's Palace.

And later, after joining the Talisman Temple and becoming a Venerable, the soul energy fed back by the Talisman Temple.

With these two huge soul energies, he was able to reach the Yang Realm.

But for the next practice, he could only rely on himself. No sect would bless him with soul, and even if there was, it would be insignificant.

And the restart of Yunmeng Realm undoubtedly gave Zhuo Bufan an opportunity to take off.

When Zhuo Bufan left the Dayi torture room, he was sweating profusely.

Although he didn't know what happened, the lord of Tianxiang City still congratulated Zhuo Bufan.

Because he could see that what Zhuo Bufan was going to do had been successful.

"Thank you, lord. I will go to the Peony Garden to clean up first. Please keep the things you promised me confidential."

Zhuo Bufan explained before leaving.

After hearing this, the lord nodded and said, "I understand. Please rest assured, your identity will remain silent."

"Thank you!"

Zhuo Bufan said nothing more, left Fubao, and rushed back to Peony Garden.

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