Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1423 Iron-blooded Prime Minister

The energy essence of the Heaven Repairing Stone is the power of faith.

This may be the biggest gain that Zhuo Bufan has obtained in this holy war.

The Heaven Repairing Stone, the ultimate product of the Heaven Repairing Art, can repair the avenue of heaven and earth.

It can revive the dead and regenerate broken arms.

Perhaps in the Yin-Yang world or the Chaos World, Zhuo Bufan does not rely too much on the Heaven Repairing Art.

After all, in the Yin-Yang world, he is the God of Creation.

He can revive any life with just one thought.

In the Chaos World, Zhuo Bufan has even realized the existence of the Devouring Law and the Reincarnation Law.

He is not so dependent on the Heaven Repairing Art.

But it is different here. In this Arcane God Realm, the existence of the Heaven Repairing Stone is very necessary.

Not only is it necessary, but it is also a must.

Because of the existence of the Heaven Repairing Stone, Zhuo Bufan was able to avoid becoming a one-eyed dragon after using the Book of Sacrifice.

It is also because of the existence of the Heaven Repairing Stone that Zhuo Bufan was able to save Selina and the new queen of Famri.

In this world, arcane is not an absolute power.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan came from a high-level martial arts world to a low-level martial arts world.

In this world, Zhuo Bufan felt another sense of existence that he had never felt before.

This world is very real. Even the arcane masters standing at the top of the world can die at any time.

In this world, there is no immortal existence at the top.

It has been less than a month since he came to this world, and he has witnessed the death of three arcane gods with his own eyes.

It can be said that this world is very real, so real that Zhuo Bufan must be cautious.

The feeling of being able to die at any time makes him feel both excited and nervous.

Zhuo Bufan now suddenly understands why the Lord of Time likes to come to this world.

Perhaps only in this world can the Lord of Time feel the meaning of that existence.

Although this world is a low-level martial arts world, it is full of all the fun of adventure.

"Bu Tianshi, I finally found the source of your power."

Zhuo Bufan was a little excited. After all, as long as he knew what the energy of the Bu Tianshi was, his Bu Tianshi would not be exhausted again.

As long as he had the power of the Bu Tianshi, Zhuo Bufan would have a means of self-protection in this world.

So for Zhuo Bufan, it doesn't matter what emperor or throne he is.

His biggest gain is knowing the essential power of the Bu Tian Stone.

Faith, as long as he has enough faith, then the Bu Tian Stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand will always shine.

However, it is not easy to get enough faith.

This world is not like the Yin and Yang world.

Zhuo Bufan has his own power, his own Kuang Men, and his own people in the Yin and Yang world.

His believers and people can provide him with faith all the time, which can help him get enough faith.

But in this world, Zhuo Bufan has no power or energy.

Zhuo Bufan wants to develop believers, but it is obviously not a short time to succeed.

However, Zhuo Bufan has an opportunity in front of him.

If, he thought, he could develop these Famulis in front of him into his believers, then he would not lack faith power in the future.

So Zhuo Bufan looked at the group of people in front of him and fell into a period of thinking.

He already had an idea in his mind, that is, to develop the people of Famli into his believers, which is the kingly way.

Now, the people of Famli are ready to support him as the emperor. As long as Zhuo Bufan is willing, he can easily get the emperor of Famli.

However, in this way, Zhuo Bufan expected that he would not be able to win the hearts of the people.

After all, he knew very well that the people now all supported Selena to be the queen.

Since he wanted to develop believers and win the hearts of the people, he should follow the will of the people and let the people choose their emperor.

So Zhuo Bufan thought about it and realized that he really couldn't be the emperor.

Originally, he didn't want to be the emperor.

So facing Selena's request, Zhuo Bufan still refused resolutely.

"Okay, Selena, I won't sit on the throne of Famli."

"You are the legitimate queen of Famli, and it should be you who does it."

Zhuo Bufan really refused Selena's request.

Selena was stunned after hearing it.

"No, you should be our emperor."

"Before the holy war began, we had already decided. After the holy war, all of us in Famri are willing to serve you as our master."

"So, sir, please don't refuse. We are willing to serve you as the king of Famri."

Selena insisted on making Zhuo Bufan the new king of their Famri.

After all, Selena is also a grateful person.

She knew that without Zhuo Bufan, they would not have won the holy war.

And most importantly, if it weren't for Zhuo Bufan's revolutionary formula, their new country Famri would not have existed at all.

After all, the entire new Famri Empire was built on Zhuo Bufan's revolutionary formula.

Not only Selena, many important figures in Famri present agreed that Zhuo Bufan was qualified to be the king of their new Famri Empire.

Many people even advised Zhuo Bufan.

"Sir, we were wrong before, we shouldn't have questioned you. Now you have led us to win this war and established a new country. We are willing to follow you and build a brand new Famri Empire."

"Yes, sir, our new country has just been established, and there is a lot of work to be done. We need your strength to lead us to build a more complete new country."

"The new country has just been established, and the surrounding countries must be coveting it like wolves and tigers. At this time, we can only rely on you, sir."

"No, I shouldn't call you sir, I should call you Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, we are willing to follow you to death."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the people in front of him and suddenly found that it would be too unkind if he refused.

However, he didn't want to agree.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew very well that these people said so, but in fact they still didn't believe in Zhuo Bufan too much in their hearts.

After all, Zhuo Bufan didn't feel the increase of the energy of the Bu Tian Stone from them.

Zhuo Bufan knew that these people were actually using him.

Because he has the revolutionary formula and the power to protect this land.

They need Zhuo Bufan, a stabilizing force, to stay in the base camp and the Famuri Empire.

In this way, no one dares to trespass into their Famuri Empire.

They have more time to develop and build their own empire.

However, Zhuo Bufan has his own mission.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to be bound here, he still has things to do.

Zhuo Bufan wants to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time.

Facing the current situation, what choice should Zhuo Bufan make?

After careful thinking, Zhuo Bufan finally decided to stay for the time being.

He still decided to prioritize the development of believers.

He needs enough believers to provide him with faith so that his Tianshi can always remain in a state of full energy.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan also realized that if he went out to find Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time at this time, he actually had no clue.

He didn't even know where to go to find clues about Meng Chanyi or the Lord of Time.

So Zhuo Bufan thought about it.

Instead of wandering around like a headless fly.

It is better to stay in Famli for a while, and then find Meng Chanyi through the people of Famli.

For so many years, the people of Famli have laid out their own intelligence network points all over the world.

Zhuo Bufan can completely use these intelligence agencies in Famli to help him collect information about Meng Chanyi.

Of course, the premise is that Zhuo Bufan can gain the trust of the people of Famli and develop these people into his believers.

He can make these people willing to serve him.

It is not easy to do this.

After all, it is not something that ordinary people can do to make a person willing to become their believer.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is not completely without gain.

At least now, their princess Selena of the Famli people respects and trusts him very much.

Selena has completely become Zhuo Bufan’s first believer.

As long as Zhuo Bufan works hard, I believe that there will be more and more believers in the future.

So now, Zhuo Bufan must make his first decision, that is, whether he is willing to stay here.

Zhuo Bufan came to Selena, then looked at Selena and said.

"Let's do this, Selena, I can agree to your request to stay."

"But you must sit on the throne. This is my condition."

Zhuo Bufan proposed a condition, so that he could stay and guarantee his rights.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's condition, Selena looked at the adult in front of her in disbelief.

She didn't expect that there would be people in this world who would be indifferent to the throne of the king.

Selena was born in the kingdom of the rich and powerful, and was used to all kinds of intrigues and people who would do anything for the throne.

From childhood to adulthood, the word she heard the most was power.

Everyone in this world is playing tricks and fighting for their own power and wealth.

However, Selena didn't expect that she would meet someone who didn't care about the status of the king tonight.

Not only Selena, but other Famli people also didn't understand.

After all, in their opinion, this is the best opportunity to gain power.

As long as the other party nods, he will become the new emperor of their Famli.

This is the first miracle in the history of Famuri that a non-Famuri person became an emperor.

This is destined to be recorded in the history books.

"Can you tell me why?"

Selina asked Zhuo Bufan in front of her.

She didn't understand, didn't understand Zhuo Bufan's behavior, didn't understand why Zhuo Bufan would give up the throne that was within his grasp.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"I told you long before the holy war began."

"I have my own mission and task to complete. If I become the emperor of your Famuri, how can I complete my mission?"

"I stay here for my own purpose."

"I can help you build a country, or I can stay here to guard the country. But you must help me find someone."

Zhuo Bufan thought that now was the best opportunity to negotiate terms.

He wanted to find Meng Chanyi, but his own strength was limited after all.

He wanted to use Famuri's intelligence network to find Meng Chanyi.

"I need your intelligence network in Famri around the world!"

"I can give you her portrait, and you can help me find out the whereabouts of this person in secret."

Zhuo Bufan made his request to Selena and the others without hesitation.

Selena answered without hesitation.

"Don't worry, your business is our business. We will do our best to help you find this person."

"In addition to this condition, don't you have any other conditions?"

Selena asked.

In response, Zhuo Bufan just shook his head and said.

"On this condition, the queen of the new country will still be you."

"As for me, if you don't mind, you can let me be a nominal prime minister."

"I am willing to assist Selena, help you, and build your country."

"I have some experience in building a country, and maybe I can provide you with some help."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other.

After a while, Selena, as a princess, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then she said.

"You have helped us so much, it would be too much to just let you be a nominal prime minister..."

"It doesn't matter, I just need this much."

"In fact, I am a person who hates troubles. What king, what prime minister, I just hear that it is all troublesome."

"If possible, I really hope you can not assign any tasks to me. Now, I just want to find a quiet place and have a good sleep."

Zhuo Bufan said to Selena and the others in front of him with a smile.

Selena smiled slightly after hearing this.

"I understand!"

"My lord, I will take you to have a good rest first!"

"Next, the affairs of the new country will still require your help."

Selena and Zhuo Bufan finally had a tacit understanding.

The two of them understood each other tacitly and said no more.

Selena took Zhuo Bufan and left the square.

And the great new country of Famli was officially established at this moment.


Less than a week after the establishment of Famli, more than 20 empires on the entire red earth continent all knew the existence of this "black pearl" in the southwest of the continent.

This "black pearl" embedded in the Red Earth Continent has officially become a contender for this continent.

Several major empire federations have even begun to hold meetings to discuss whether to attack the Famuri Empire.

The pro-war Ex Empire has already stationed troops on the border of the Famuri Empire.

However, they were powerless to deal with Zhuo Bufan's "Elegy of the Earth" for a while.

A few days later, Zhuo Bufan appeared at the All-Continental Empire Conference as the Prime Minister of the New Famuri Kingdom.

And at the conference, he stated that if any empire invaded the Famuri Empire.

He would sacrifice himself and fully release the revolutionary formula of Elegy of the Earth.

At that time, the scope of the revolutionary formula will cover the entire Red Earth Continent.

By then, the gravity of the entire Red Earth Continent will increase fifty times, and everyone except the Famuri people will die!

When Zhuo Bufan made such a declaration, the entire continent was boiling.

They saw the most powerful and iron-blooded prime minister of the Famuri Empire.

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