Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1426 1426: Alliance between two countries

After three days of sailing, Zhuo Bufan and his ship finally arrived at the Feiniao Islands where Jiaozhu Kingdom is located.

Although Jiaozhu people can live under the sea thousands of meters below.

But they usually live in the islands above the sea level more often.

In the center of Feiniao Islands, there is a huge island.

On the island, a stone city was built.

This stone city is the capital of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Jiaocheng!

When Zhuo Bufan set foot on the territory of Jiaocheng, he realized that this country was more backward than he had imagined.

There is no science and technology here. Compared with Famli, it is a completely primitive society.

Jiaozhu people live in stone houses made of stones that look like caves, and the streets are full of fish and dried fish they dry.

This is the capital of Jiaozhu Kingdom, and it looks like this.

It can be seen how backward Jiaozhu Kingdom is.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood why the people of Jiaozhu Kingdom wanted Famli's scientific achievements.

They also want to make progress and don't want to live this backward life anymore.

Cooperating with Famli is undoubtedly their most wise choice.

Only in this way can their Jiaozhu country develop at the fastest time and speed.

The development gap between their sea races and land races is really too big.

"Great Sage! As you can see, we Jiaozhu people still live a relatively primitive life compared to people on the mainland."

"Because the sea is relatively closed and not suitable for academic research. So far, we are much behind the mainland."

"That's why we will try hard to cooperate with Famli."

"There is a wandering scholar on our island who told us about Famli."

"After we learned that Famli is the best technological empire on the mainland, we came here to seek cooperation as soon as possible."

"Alliance will be the best choice for us and Famli."

The elder who was traveling with him said to Zhuo Bufan.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly and felt that what the other party said made some sense.

"Well, I agree with you."

"Now Famli does need to cooperate with a resource-rich country like yours."

"I heard from the empress that your Jiaozhu Kingdom brought a lot of seabed resources that are not available on the mainland to our Famli this time."

"The scientists in Famli are quite satisfied with the resources you provide."

"One of the most important reasons for my visit to Jiaozhu Kingdom this time is that I want to see the national conditions of your Jiaozhu Kingdom."

"Cooperation is inevitable, but as for how to cooperate, I still need to discuss with your king in person."

Although Zhuo Bufan came to Jiaozhu Kingdom for Meng Chanyi.

But he did not forget what he promised Selena.

After hearing this, the accompanying elder nodded to Zhuo Bufan.

"I understand! Then please follow me into the royal city."

"I think our majesty should have already welcomed the holy carriage outside the city gate."


Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed the elder and came to the outside of the royal city.

The more he walked into the royal city, the more prosperous the surrounding buildings became.

Although they are still stone buildings, they are obviously becoming more and more neat and taller.

Not only the buildings on both sides, but also the road under your feet is getting wider and wider. When you walk to the back, you don’t know when a layer of red carpet has been laid under your feet.

This red carpet extends all the way to a white city wall not far away.

Behind the white city wall, there are buildings as white as ivory.

And at the foot of the city wall, there is a group of Jiaozhu people.

These Jiaozhu people obviously waited there early, waiting for Zhuo Bufan and his arrival.

The leading Jiaozhu man was wearing a gorgeous golden yellow robe.

Although he still had a human head and a snake body, he could faintly see some shadows of the human emperor.

At this time, the Jiaozhu elder beside him whispered to Zhuo Bufan.

"Great Sage, the one in front is the current king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, Emperor Hongbo!"

"I have already sent a letter to the emperor to tell him that we are back. I think it is only after the emperor that such a grand scene will be arranged. Welcome to your arrival."

After hearing the elder's words, Zhuo Bufan did not say much, but calmly walked towards the emperor Hongbo.

When the two sides were still a hundred meters apart, the emperor Hongbo suddenly swam towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Your Excellency must be the prime minister of the Famli Empire!" "Welcome to visit my Jiaozhu Kingdom!"

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the king of the other party would actually come to greet him in person.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan a little.

"Your Majesty can come to greet me in person, I am officially unworthy!"

Zhuo Bufan noticed that Hai Hongbo in front of him was different from ordinary Jiaozhu people.

On his head, the elder had two horns, showing his unique kingly aura.

It can be seen that this Emperor Hongbo seems to be very easy-going, and he is not at all embarrassed with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has always treated people in a way that he returns courtesy with courtesy and violence with violence.

The other party is kind and polite to him, so he naturally returns courtesy.

And Hai Hongbo has been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally the envoy of the Famli Empire has come.

He wants to complete the cooperation between the two countries more than anyone else.

What he didn't expect was that the Famli Empire would actually send a prime minister to negotiate.

In this way, he will be more confident about this alliance.

"Respected Prime Minister, the banquet has been set up in the palace. How about we go inside the palace and eat and chat?"

Hai Hongbo said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and then said.

"Okay, I have heard on the way here that your Jiaozhu country has a very delicious dish called Jue Yixian. Today, we must taste the taste of the world's best freshness."

The two sides walked into the palace while chatting and laughing.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would chat so well with a king.

The two sides came to the banquet and soon drank and talked happily.

Until the end, King Hai Hongbo was drunk unconscious.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not drink much. He knew very well that he came to this Jiaozhu country alone, and there might be dangers lurking around him at any time.

So he needed to stay awake at all times and not drink too much.

After a dinner, Zhuo Bufan also found a place to stay in Jiaozhu Kingdom temporarily.

At the dinner, Zhuo Bufan learned a very important piece of information from the drunk King Hai Hongbo.

A piece of information about why Jiaozhu Kingdom chose to cooperate with Famli Empire.

That is, Jiaozhu Kingdom encountered a crisis, a crisis of big fish eating small fish and big countries swallowing small countries.

Jiaozhu Kingdom is just a small one among hundreds of empires on this sea.

Rather than saying it is a lord with only a dozen islands.

There are many island countries like Jiaozhu Kingdom on the sea.

They often fight each other and plunder territory.

Jiaozhu Kingdom used to rely on its own strong individual combat capabilities to defend its own land from being invaded.

So Jiaozhu Kingdom is a relatively stable island country among many maritime empires.

However, in the past ten years, the situation in the South China Sea has become increasingly tense.

After hundreds of years of mutual conquest, several superpowers have emerged in the sea.

They were like sharks in the sea, and began to ferociously prey on all kinds of weak prey.

Jiaozhu Kingdom did not expect that they, as a once powerful sea tribe, were now about to become the bottom of the food chain.

The population of Jiaozhu Kingdom was too small after all. Facing the mighty sea battle of millions, they were simply unable to resist.

So, at this time, Jiaozhu Kingdom thought of asking for help from the mainland.

In fact, they did not look for the Famli Empire at first.

Instead, they wanted to cooperate with a powerful empire like Ex as a target.

However, the Ex Empire did not take Jiaozhu Kingdom seriously at all.

The Ex Empire did not want to get involved in the war in the sea for a tiny place that it could not even manage.

So in the end Ex rejected Jiaozhu Kingdom.

Not only the Ex Empire, but other slightly larger land countries did not want to cooperate with the small island country.

Later, Jiaozhu Kingdom also found some small countries on land, but these small countries themselves were in danger, so how could they have the power to cooperate with Jiaozhu Kingdom.

What's more, Jiaozhu Country is an island country, and there are many racial differences between island countries and land countries.

So until the end, Jiaozhu Country did not find any better partners.

At this time, they learned that there was a newly established Famuri Empire on the land.

This Famuri Empire was once the most powerful technological empire on the continent.

However, due to its sparse population and insufficient combat power, it was finally destroyed by the Ex Empire.

The Famuri people became the lowest people on the continent.

Now the re-established Famuri Empire is surrounded by a gravity field and completely cuts off contact with other countries on the continent.

In this way, the opportunity for their Jiaozhu Country has come.

So Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Country, sent people to contact the Famuri Empire and wanted to cooperate with the Famuri Empire.

Therefore, Hai Hongbo was full of expectations for the Famuri Empire.

It can be said that no one is more looking forward to the cooperation between the two empires than him.


Zhuo Bufan passed on the national conditions and some information he learned about to the nearest intelligence department of Famuri through the sound transmission stone.

In Zhuo Bufan's opinion, Jiaozhu Kingdom is a country that can cooperate.

Zhuo Bufan plans to help Famli Empire and Jiaozhu Kingdom complete the alliance first.

Then look for clues about Meng Chanyi.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan discussed the cooperation between the two countries with Hai Hongbo, the king of Jiaozhu Kingdom, every day.

The cooperation between the two sides is not just verbal talk.

It also requires practical actions.

The first stage of cooperation is material cooperation.

Because Famli Empire is a coastal empire, and the coastal waters are just the seas of Jiaozhu Kingdom.

Now Famli is in urgent need of a large amount of meat food.

Fish is obviously the best choice.

The first stage of cooperation between Jiaozhu Kingdom and Famli is the simplest meat supply.

Jiaozhu Kingdom is responsible for driving the fish in the sea area to the seaside for the coastal fishermen of Famli Empire to catch.

Famli Empire will build various fish processing plants along the coastline, which are responsible for supplying fish to Central Yundu and other cities.

In this regard, Jiaozhu Kingdom is unrewarding! It can be said to be free help.

Hai Hongbo is very smart and knows that cooperation needs to be long-term.

They must show enough sincerity to allow the Famri Empire to provide them with the best science and technology.

The second stage of cooperation is resource cooperation.

For Famri, the biggest attraction of Jiaozhu Kingdom is their seabed resources.

In the sea, there are countless resources that are not available on land.

These resources play a very important role in scientific research.

Famri wants to reach the peak of its scientific level in the fastest time.

Then they must have the best materials.

According to the contract, Jiaozhu Kingdom will provide a batch of materials from the sea to Famri Empire every month.

And this time, Famri needs to give some returns.

For example, some scientific materials, some scientific and technological knowledge, and sending some scholars to Jiaozhu Kingdom to teach some scientific knowledge, etc.

Since it is to cooperate, there must be more in-depth cooperation.

Therefore, the third stage of cooperation between the two countries is the exchange of some core technologies.

And the most core technology is undoubtedly the arcane.

The arcane of Famri and the arcane of Jiaozhu Kingdom have their own merits.

Especially the arcane of Famri, which contains revolutionary formulas that can change the rules of the world.

Of course, for now, the third stage of cooperation is not yet the right time.

The timing is not yet ripe, and the two countries still need a long time to run in.

In short, Zhuo Bufan and Hai Hongbo have discussed a lot about the alliance between the two countries in the past few days.

Basically, a multi-faceted cooperation agreement has been reached.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan was relieved.

After communicating with Hai Hongbo in the past few days, Zhuo Bufan also learned something about the Great Sage Tianmeng.

What Zhuo Bufan didn't expect was that the Great Sage Tianmeng was Hai Hongbo's younger brother, Hai Tianmeng.

Tianmeng has been very smart since he was a child, deeply loved by the people, and very respected in the tribe.

Even the former king Hai Tianbo cultivated Tianmeng as his successor.

After his death, he even passed his Tianbo Pearl to Tianmeng.

However, Tianmeng didn't want to be a king.

He even took the initiative to give the throne of king to his brother, the current Hai Hongbo.

After Hai Hongbo got the throne, he decided to let his brother Tianmeng become the Great Sage of the Sea God Temple.

In this way, all the people of the entire Jiaozhu Kingdom will be managed by the two brothers in the future.

However, Tianmeng had no intention of the Great Sage position.

After getting the Tianbo Pearl, Tianmeng disappeared directly.

This disappearance lasted for more than 20 years, and there has been no news since then.

So, when Hai Hongbo learned that the Tianbo Pearl was now in Zhuo Bufan's hands, the first thing he did was to ask Zhuo Bufan where his brother Tianmeng was!

How could Zhuo Bufan know where his brother was? He was also looking for the Saint Tianmeng!

Although the Saint Tianmeng was like a mysterious man who disappeared without a trace.

However, as Zhuo Bufan stayed in Jiaozhu Kingdom for a longer time, he began to vaguely discover that the Saint Tianmeng and the entire Jiaozhu Kingdom did not seem as simple as they seemed.

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