Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1435 1435: Control the battlefield

After Zhuo Bufan successfully traded with the Lord of the Demon Abyss, he officially joined the Demon Abyss army.

However, the other party did not have any contact with Zhuo Bufan, and did not even send a small character from the Demon Abyss to contact Zhuo Bufan.

He just told Zhuo Bufan a battlefield and asked him to go to support.

Whether Zhuo Bufan can cooperate with their Demon Abyss tribe obviously depends on whether he can really help their Demon Abyss tribe on the battlefield.

"The location is in the Taotie Sea, 800 miles away from the south end."

"We have a base there in the Demon Abyss tribe, and we are now being attacked by the Sea Dragon tribe."

"If you can repel the Sea Dragon tribe, then I will tell you the address of the Sea God Continent."

"This is also the first step for our cooperation."

After the Lord of the Demon Abyss finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan accepted his proposal without hesitation.

He immediately rushed to the battlefield described by the Lord of the Demon Abyss.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Taotie Sea, he was surprised to see a huge archipelago.

This was undoubtedly good news for Zhuo Bufan. After all, if there is an island, Zhuo Bufan's earth-based arcane magic will have room to play.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Taotie Sea, a pungent smell of blood came from the sea breeze again.

On the sea, the corpses of marine creatures were floating everywhere.

There were hundred-meter-long dragons and deep-sea demon whales as huge as mountains!

All kinds of terrifying deep-sea creatures that were not seen on weekdays were now all turned into corpses floating on the sea.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan released his soul slowly, and then covered the sea surface within a radius of ten miles.

He knew that he had entered a more dangerous area.

He could encounter enemies at any time.

Zhuo Bufan released his spiritual realm to warn those enemies who tried to approach him.

The boat that Zhuo Bufan was riding continued to drift on the sea full of blood.

He was constantly approaching the Taotie Sea. The closer he was to the archipelago, the more stable Zhuo Bufan's heart was.

After all, as an earth-based arcane god, he can only exert his true strength by relying on the earth element.

When Zhuo Bufan approached the island closest to him, his golden body suddenly sensed something.

"There is a battle on the island!"

Zhuo Bufan's soul told him that a fierce battle was taking place on the island.

War was breaking out on the island.

Two forces were fighting, and two very powerful energy bodies were engaged in an arcane duel.

Obviously, these two forces were naturally the Sea Dragon Clan and the Demon Abyss Clan.

And the two powerful energy individuals were the leaders of both sides.

Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the island.

From a distance, he saw two forces fighting on the pirate beach.

One of the forces was the Lizardman of the Sea Dragon Clan.

The other force was the Octopusmane of the Demon Abyss Clan.

The Lizardman had a broad and hard back and a strong and powerful tail.

The big mouth full of venom was filled with terrifying fangs.

The octopus man has a huge mushroom-shaped head and eight tentacles that walk upright.

Their tentacles can also be used as hands. Although they are not as strong as lizardmen, they are more flexible than lizardmen.

"I should help the octopus man!"

Zhuo Bufan came here to disrupt the battle.

Of course, his main purpose is to deal with the sea dragons, so that the sea dragons are too busy to deal with the Jiaozhu tribe.

The lizardmen are obviously one of the forces of the sea dragons, and Zhuo Bufan's goal is to eliminate these lizardmen.

"Look, a human is coming."

On the island, there are many sea tribes fighting and saw Zhuo Bufan coming on a small boat.

For a while, they were full of hostility towards Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan, a human, is neither a lizard man nor an octopus man.

This two-legged beast from the mainland is a recognized enemy of the sea people.

However, the battle between the lizardmen and the octopus men is not a big sensation even with Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

After all, no one on the battlefield cared whether a two-legged beast on land had mixed into the battlefield.

Zhuo Bufan calmly parked the boat on the beach, and then slowly walked onto the island.

At this time, the battle between the two major forces on the beach battlefield had entered a white-hot stage.

There were many corpses lying on the beach.

What Zhuo Bufan found interesting was that the blood of the octopus man was actually blue.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was not here to watch the show, he was a helper invited by the Lord of the Demon Abyss.

So when Zhuo Bufan saw the corpses of the octopus men on the ground.

He finally decided to take action.

Zhuo Bufan put his hands together and immediately launched an arcane spell.


As soon as the voice fell, a violent storm rolled up on the beach of the island.

The powerful storm instantly connected the sky and the earth, and rolled up all the lizardmen and octopusmen on the entire beach.

There was no way, the battlefield was too chaotic, Zhuo Bufan could not help one by one, he could only control the battlefield first.

Under the baptism of the sandstorm, the war between the octopus man and the lizard man got a break for a while.

After all, both sides had to deal with this violent storm at the same time.

"It's that human, he started the storm, hide quickly."

"That human is an arcanist. Please ask an arcanist to deal with him."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan took action, everyone panicked.

After all, arcanists are terrifying existences in the eyes of the people of the Sea Tribe.

Only arcanists can deal with arcanists.

The lizard man and the arcanist among the octopus men stood up at the same time.

Among them, the arcanists of Octopus and Lizardmen are both water-based.

After all, it is on this sea, and basically all arcanists who learn arcane arts are water arcanists.

Facing the sandstorm created by Zhuo Bufan, the two water arcanists released large waves at the same time, spreading towards the coast.

However, Zhuo Bufan immediately created a hundred-meter-high wall.

Blocked the big waves.

Seeing this scene, all the lizardmen and octopusmen present were stunned.

The arcanists on both sides quickly discovered that this human arcanist was not simple.

Very strong, and not averagely strong.

This human arcana master actually used earth arcana to completely suppress them.

"Have you had enough fun? If you have enough fun, I will announce something!"

Zhuo Bufan said calmly and calmly.

He can handle the current situation by himself.

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan undoubtedly brought an abrupt end to a war that was originally a fierce battle.

The lizard men and octopus men returned to their respective camps, and then treated Zhuo Bufan as their enemies.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan looked at the octopus man on the left, and then said to the leader of the octopus man.

"Are you a force from the Moyuan Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan needs to confirm.

The octopus leader looked at Zhuo Bufan and replied.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Human, this is not the place you should come."

Although I know that I am no match for the human being in front of me.

I also know that the entire situation is now controlled by this human being.

But the octopus leader showed no signs of weakness. After all, the backer behind him was the Lord of the Demonic Abyss.

The leader of the lizardmen on the other side also acted very tough.

"Human, do you know what kind of battle you have been involved in?"

"This is a war between the two most powerful forces on the sea. Now that you are involved in the war between the Sea Dragon Clan and the Moyuan Clan, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"If our Sea Dragon Lord finds out, you will never be able to leave the sea alive."

"This sea will be your burial place."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"It seems that you lizard people are indeed from the sea dragon tribe, right?"

"In that case, there's nothing more to say."

"Thorns and thorns."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he immediately clapped his hands on the ground.

Then he released a ten-star arcane spell. All of a sudden, countless earth thorns as sharp as swords, guns, swords and halberds rushed out from the ground, piercing the lizard man in front of them row by row.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff!

Almost instantly, all the lizardmen were pierced by earth thorns.

The impaled lizard man was either dead or maimed. For a time, bursts of screams rang out on the beach, and mourning was everywhere, which made people feel regretful and amazed.

The octopus people behind him were all stunned and a little confused.

They obviously still don't understand what happened, and why this human suddenly appeared to help them, the octopus people, destroy the lizard people in front of them.

The leader of the lizardmen, who was barely alive, looked back at his group and found that not one of them was intact.

All the lizardmen were severely injured by this powerful arcane spell.

Seeing this scene, the lizard man leader was frightened.

"You, what on earth did you do?"

"who are you?"

The lizardman leader looked at Zhuo Bufan and said in horror.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled at the lizard man.

"Me? Go back and tell the leader of the Sea Dragon Clan that I am a rescuer invited by the Moyuan Clan."

"I'm here specifically to come to Xiaomei and your Sea Dragon Clan."

Zhuo Bufan uttered harsh words towards the lizard man leader.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan let the lizard man leader go. He needed this guy to go back and bring a message to the Sea Dragon Clan.

"Go away, don't let me see you again."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked back at the octopus man behind him.

These octopus people didn't seem to realize what happened.

Only the octopus leader asked Zhuo Bufan cautiously.

"Your Excellency, are you really the rescuer invited by the Lord of the Demonic Abyss?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled and said to the octopus man in front of him who was the same height as him.

"Yes, I was entrusted by the Lord of the Demonic Abyss to help you octopus people."

"Now it seems that I have fulfilled my mission and helped you octopus people get through this."

Zhuo Bufan could see that the octopus man's loss was even more tragic than that of the lizard man.

Octopus people are much weaker than lizard people.

Lizardmen are powerful, strong, and have super regenerative abilities.

In this regard, it is definitely not comparable to the octopus man.

The only advantage of octopus people is their flexibility.

But even so, they were still almost completely killed by the lizardmen.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't taken action in time, perhaps more than half of the octopus men would have died by now.

Of course, the leader of the octopus men is also very aware of this.

So it was very grateful for Zhuo Bufan's appearance.

"Thank you very much for your help."

"I'm so sorry, I just treated you as an enemy. I didn't expect you to be the helper invited by our Lord of the Demon Abyss."

"Thank you for saving us."

The octopus people expressed their gratitude to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and laughed.

"I just made a deal with your Lord of the Demon Abyss."

"Okay, since I have helped you drive away the lizardmen, my mission is also completed."

"It's time to go back and report."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that this matter would be solved so easily.

He originally thought that there would be a shocking battle.

But now it seems that he is more suspicious that this is a test from the Lord of the Demon Abyss.


On the other side, the lizardmen who were let go by Zhuo Bufan rushed back to the sea area of ​​their sea dragon clan as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the lizardman leader went to the Sea Dragon Temple in person to meet the Lord of the Sea Dragon.

The Sea Dragon Lord lives under a deep sea trench. No one has ever seen his true face. They only know that he is very powerful and established the entire Sea Dragon Clan. He is the real leader of the Sea Dragon Clan.

After meeting the Sea Dragon Lord, the Lizardman told him everything about his experience on Octopus Island.

When the Sea Dragon Lord heard about Zhuo Bufan, the creatures under the sea trench fell silent.

After a long silence, the voice of the Sea Dragon Lord came from the abyss.

"Human rescue? The Demon Abyss Clan seems to have really fallen. They actually asked for human rescue."

"Humans, what a small and humble life."

"How can they compare with our great Sea Dragon Clan?"

"In that case, send more troops and make sure to take down Octopus Island for me."

The Sea Dragon Lord said to the lizard leader.

After hearing this, the lizardman leader was a little worried.

"Your Majesty, that human is very powerful, his arcane skills are better than mine. We are no match for him at all."

The lizardman leader just survived Zhuo Bufan's hands.

How dare he continue to fight Zhuo Bufan as a defeated general?

At this time, the Sea Dragon Lord under the abyss said.

"Don't worry, I will naturally send someone to deal with that human."

"You just need to take the Octopus Island for me. The Octopus Island is very important to us."

The Sea Dragon Lord continued.

"Gulley, go meet that human and bring him alive to me."

"I want to see how humble a human is, daring to be presumptuous in front of me?"

After the Sea Dragon Lord finished speaking, a dragon man suddenly swam out from under the sea.

The dragon man was covered with black scales, and each scale shone with the glow of arcane quantum.

This is a dragon man arcane master with a level 10 divine ring, and will also be Zhuo Bufan's next opponent.

"God Guli!"

The lizardman leader was very excited when he saw the dragon man named Guli.

It can be seen that he has great respect for Guli.

With Guli's joining, his confidence seems to have doubled.

"With God Guli, I will definitely be able to take over Octopus Island."

"If I can't take back Octopus Island, I will commit suicide on the island and never come back."

The lizardman leader set his own flag...

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