Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1448 1449: Island Turtle Caesar

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Federer and left the casino.

He didn't want to waste a second and had to find the Island Turtle Caesar as soon as possible.

Something was obviously wrong with the old madman Federer, who was yelling and screaming along the way.

Before leaving the city of Erault, the old madman said that he had a stomachache and wanted to go to the toilet.

"Brother, this little brother, I may have drank too much and my stomach is full of alcohol."

"I want to go for a convenience."

The old madman Federer begged all the way, but Zhuo Bufan really had no choice but to let the old madman solve the problem before leaving the city.

After the old crazy Federer entered the toilet, he laughed.

"This guy is still too naive. How can he let people in at a place like Turtle Island?"

"Brother, I will accept the money. As for the matter on Turtle Island, there is nothing I can do to help!"

"We are destined to meet again."

After the old madman finished speaking, he suddenly transformed into a gray mouse.

Then the old crazy Federer got into a ventilation duct next to the toilet and prepared to escape.

However, just when the old madman was about to escape through the ventilation duct, he found that the ventilation duct was blocked by mud.

When the old madman saw this, he immediately backed out of the pipe. As a result, when he exited the pipe, he fell into an iron cage.


The iron cage was locked and closed, and then the old madman felt himself being lifted up.

He took a closer look and saw Zhuo Bufan holding an iron cage in one hand and looking at him with a smirk on his face.

"Old man? Do you think I will fall for the same trick a second time?"

"You will indeed turn into a mouse, but that's okay. It's much easier to screw a mouse than a human being."

Zhuo Bufan obviously knew that the old madman Federer would transform and run away. Fortunately, he was prepared.

After Federer turned into a mouse, Zhuo Bufan put him in an iron cage.

Then Zhuo Bufan threw the rat into the water with its cage and tortured the old madman.

"Old guy, my patience is getting worse and worse now."

"You better take me to Turtle Island honestly, otherwise I will throw you into the water and drown you."

When Zhuo Bufan lifted Federer out of the water for the last time, Federer finally regained consciousness and quickly begged for mercy.

"Brother, be merciful, be merciful."

"I say, I say anything."

Seeing that the old lunatic finally decided to tell the truth, Zhuo Bufan no longer made things difficult for him.

"Okay, now tell me how to get to Turtle Island."

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

After hearing this, the old madman sighed.

"Brother, it's not that I won't take you there, it's just that places like Turtle Island are not accessible to ordinary people."

"That's a cursed place. Going there will only bring misfortune."

"I promised Caesar not to reveal his location to others. If I really take you to find Caesar, it will definitely kill me."

The old madman began to beg for mercy. He obviously had his reasons, otherwise how could he be willing to suffer such physical pain.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't care about this at all.

He came to this old madman just to find Caesar.

"It seems like you haven't had enough water yet, right?"

Zhuo Bufan said, preparing to throw Federer into the water again.

After hearing this, Federer quickly begged for mercy.

"I said, I said. Caesar is in the Sea of ​​Mists. He is usually in the Sea of ​​Mists."

Finally, the old madman was forced to reveal Caesar's location.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan would not completely believe what the old madman said. He twisted the iron cage and then said to the mouse in the iron cage.

"Very good, then you can take me to the Sea of ​​Mist now."

When Federer heard that he was asked to lead the way, he was frightened and said quickly.

"Can I not go? If I go, Caesar will kill me."

"Stop talking nonsense, how do I know if you are lying to me?"

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, I can ensure your safety."

"Let's go, stop talking nonsense."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with Federer, so he twisted the iron cage, put on his rain gear, and set foot on the road to the East China Sea.

Federer had no choice but to say tremblingly.

"Brother, why are you looking for Caesar? Caesar is not easy to mess with!"

"And he especially hates humans."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Hate humans? Aren't you human?"

After hearing this, Federer was silent for a moment.

Then he said.

"Actually, the mouse is my true form, and the human being is my transformation."


Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Federer was actually a mouse, and it was he who transformed into a human.

"I was originally a creature on Turtle Island, but later I escaped from Turtle Island and came to the human world."

"Caesar is the ruler of our Turtle Island. I escaped from Turtle Island and am a traitor on Turtle Island. If I take humans to find Caesar, he will definitely not let me go."

Federer told Zhuo Bufan his difficulties and hoped to get Zhuo Bufan's understanding.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not that sympathetic to Federer and just said.

"Don't worry, when I find Caesar, I will let you go."

"And I will ensure your safety, so you'd better take me to find Caesar honestly."

"As for the reason why I'm looking for him, I just want to ask him about Dilan Island on the Calori continent."

"If you knew where Dilan Island was, we wouldn't have to go find Caesar."

Zhuo Bufan was looking for Caesar just to find out the location of the Calori Continent.

But if Federer knew, then they wouldn't have to look for Caesar.

Unfortunately, Federer didn't know the whereabouts of Dillan Island.

But he obviously knew Calori.

"Lost continent, Calori?"

"Brother, why are you looking for the Calori Continent? That continent sank into the sea tens of thousands of years ago."

"There are almost few people in the world who know about the Calori Continent now."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied after hearing this.

"Yes, I know it too."

"But I also know that Caesar, the island turtle, must know about the Calori Continent, right?"

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Federer replied.

"You are right!"

"Caesar is a prophet on the sea. If it is him, he does know where the Calori continent is."

"But brother, I just told you that Caesar is not friendly to humans. So as a human, you are just asking for trouble by looking for Caesar."

"Maybe you will even lose your life."

Federer reminded and warned Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing it.

"If I am afraid of Caesar, why would I go looking for him?"

"Old man, in fact, I have no obligation to care about the life and death of your world."

"It's just that I can't stand the place where you creator gods live and do, and I plan to save you."

"If you don't want to be exterminated, you'd better help me."

Zhuo Bufan thought about Federer and said some inexplicable words.

After hearing that, Federer was stunned for a moment.

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean by saving us?"

Federer, the spirited rat, obviously has a stronger mind than ordinary people.

He seems to understand what Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing it, Zhuo Bufan said to him.

"Do you understand why this heavy rainstorm is happening in this world?"

"Do you know how long this heavy rainstorm will last?"

"Do you know how many lives will die if this rainstorm continues?"

Zhuo Bufan asked several questions in a row, leaving Federer unable to refute or respond.

"Forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you."

"What I can tell you now is that this rainstorm is a punishment from the so-called gods of your world to creatures like you."

"They are cleaning you up. They want to destroy all life in this world."

Zhuo Bufan's words silenced Federer again.

Federer thought for a while, then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother, do you mean that our gods sent down this heavy rain to destroy us?"

"Actually, I have had such suspicion for a long time."

"I became a human and read many human classics. I learned about the legend of the flood era."

"Legend has it that in order to eliminate some weak lives, the ancient gods will send down a big flood and then cleanse the world."

"If that is true, then all of us are the ones who are cleansed, right?"

Federer is not a guy who only knows how to eat and wait for death.

He is still quite concerned about the things in this world.

After listening to him, Zhuo Bufan felt that the old man was aware, so he said a few more words to him.

"Although I don't understand why the gods who created you want to destroy you."

"But I can tell you that this is not an isolated case."

"The hole in the sky is a space loophole that the gods left deliberately when they created this world."

"It is so that one day, this world can be automatically cleaned up."

"The reason why I want to find Dilan Island in the Calori Continent is to find the ancient god of space on Dilan Island, the servant of Yuge."

"Now the only one who can make up for the hole in the sky may be Yuge's servant."

Zhuo Bufan told Federer, who had turned into a mouse, his plan.

After listening, Federer was silent for a while.

After a while, he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I understand, little brother."

"How about this, I will take you to find Caesar now."

"If you are willing, I want to accompany you to find Yuge's servant."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.


"Yes, I should be able to help. Because I am not an ordinary mouse, but a sea mouse."

"Our sea mouse family has a strong search ability, and I also want to do something for this world."

After learning that what Zhuo Bufan is doing now is so sacred, the mouse Federer asked to join Zhuo Bufan's team.

Zhuo Bufan was still hesitant, but after hearing about the strong search ability of the sea mouse family, Zhuo Bufan agreed to Federer's proposal.


Zhuo Bufan agreed to Federer's proposal.

Now he really needs some help.

If Federer can help him, it may be helpful for him to find the servant of Yuge.

And in this way, Federer can also cooperate better with Zhuo Bufan.

It is no longer a trouble for Zhuo Bufan to find Caesar, the island turtle.


"Well, let's set off to Gyro Bay now. I have a boat there."

"If we take the boat, we can reach the sea of ​​fog in less than seven days and find Caesar."

Federer suddenly seemed to have been given a shot of blood and began to guide Zhuo Bufan in the right direction.

Under Federer's guidance, Zhuo Bufan came to the so-called Gyro Bay and found a fishing boat.

Taking a fishing boat, Zhuo Bufan embarked on the sea route to the foggy sea.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan asked Federer about Caesar.

I learned that Caesar was a giant island turtle and had lived in the sea for who knows how long.

On its back, there is now an island called Leura.

There are many strange creatures living on Leula Island.

These creatures are affected by Caesar's power and have more or less strange abilities.

In addition, there is also a city of Leura on Leura Island.

It was built by a human named Labraru. After Labraru's death, Lula City became a gathering place for humans on Lula Island.

Before the heavy rain, Leura City was the most mysterious adventure place in the world.

Now, Leura City is a paradise on earth.

"That is to say, there are still humans on Lula Island now, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Federer replied.

"Yes, it's just that the people on Lula Island are called Lula people, and most of them are descendants of Labraru."

"There are also some people who are adventurers. Especially after the era of heavy rains, many humans want to take refuge on Dolaru Island."

"In fact, many humans have realized that this heavy rain may be a doomsday catastrophe."

After hearing Federer's answer, Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

"Didn't you say before that Caesar is not friendly to humans? Why do you still allow humans to survive on his back?"

Federer replied after hearing this.

"That's because everyone on Turtle Island has drank Caesar's blood."

"If you drink Caesar's blood, you will become Caesar's people. You will not be considered a human being."

"What would happen if I didn't drink blood?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"If you don't drink blood, you won't be allowed to land on the island."

"So if you want to land on Turtle Island, you have to drink Caesar's blood."

"This way you will be subject to Caesar."

After listening to Federer's words, Zhuo Bufan was vaguely worried.

"Constraints? What are the constraints?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

He doesn't want to be restricted by anyone.

At this time, Federer said.

"Restricted by the blood contract, anyone who has a betrayal towards Caesar will have the blood in his body burned to death."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes in confusion.

This is tantamount to a kind of poison. If you betray Caesar, you will die.

Being controlled by others is not a good thing.

Therefore, the problem Zhuo Bufan must face now is how to negotiate terms with Caesar without drinking turtle blood.

"Look, we're coming."

Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking, he saw a hazy fog approaching from the sea not far away.

Finally, after several days of sailing, they arrived at the Sea of ​​Mist.

Vaguely, Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear a terrifying sound coming from deep in the mist.

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