Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1450 1451: Theory of Human Destruction

Facing what Caesar said, Zhuo Bufan remained silent. If God wants man to die, man must die.

This sentence sounds so cruel.

However, this is the truth.

No matter which world we are in, God is a supreme being.

If God wants man to die, man will die. As the rulers of the world, gods can easily decide the life or death of any life in this world.

This is why Daluo Tiantian is ruthless, ignores all living beings, and intends to destroy all living beings.

This is why the ancient gods of the Arcane God Realm brought catastrophes and destroyed mankind.

"The great Poseidon Cohen once said that human beings are cute and dangerous, smart and cunning, interesting and greedy. They are very complex creatures."

"They are magically able to be born from any world, as if their existence is inevitable."

"When the ancient gods created this world, they did not create humans."

"Human beings are just an inevitable species born on this earth."

"This species will be born in various worlds, and then climb from the bottom of the world to the top step by step, becoming the master of all living beings."

"So, humans are extremely dangerous."

What Caesar said shocked Zhuo Bufan.

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan heard such remarks.

Zhuo Bufan has always believed that human beings are just ordinary beings among all living beings.

But after listening to Caesar's words, Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood.

Human beings may be inevitable creatures.

It is the most common creature and the most special creature.

In his ordinary existence, humans will be born in any world.

He is special in that humans can be born in any world.

In other words, no matter how a world develops, it will eventually give birth to humans.

For example, the world of yin and yang, the Daluo Heavenly Way, and the arcane divine realm.

The three worlds obviously have no relationship at all.

But creatures like humans still exist.

Moreover, human beings have grown from the lowest level of nature to the masters of this world step by step.

Strange, very strange.

Zhuo Bufan admitted that he was shocked by Caesar's remarks.

"But, you can't just wipe out humans at will, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Although in the eyes of the ancient gods, humans are like cockroaches, cockroaches may exist in any world.

However, human beings are not cockroaches. Human beings have their own civilization, their own wisdom, and their own spiritual will.

Humans should not be compared to all reptiles and ants.

Of course, in the eyes of the ancient gods, this made no difference.

"Is there a difference?"

"Human beings are just like ants. Humans can ruthlessly wipe out ants. Naturally, ancient gods can also ruthlessly wipe out humans."

"To tell you the truth, this heavy rainstorm was arranged by the ancient god."

"The ancient gods knew that humans would be born in this world sooner or later."

"Why will humans become the masters of this land sooner or later?"

"When humans grow to a certain level, a natural disaster will come and destroy human civilization."

"This method is a method used by ancient gods to suppress human development."

"Just like you humans hunt and kill locusts in order to suppress their reproduction."

"Humanity develops too fast and becomes too numerous, which will put a huge burden on the world. In the end, both humanity and the world will be destroyed. Do you understand?"

Caesar's words once again shocked Zhuo Bufan's heart.

At that moment, the doubts that had troubled Zhuo Bufan seemed to be solved.

Is eradicating human beings to protect the world?

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

At this time, Caesar continued to speak to Zhuo Bufan.

"There are too many human beings who are too powerful and are only harmful to the world."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the civilization of this world reached its peak."

"On that continent of Karori, they even have the ability to kill gods."

"Greedy humans hunted our own kind."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard this.

"Humans, hunting you?"

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine that human beings actually had the power to hunt down the servants of gods.

"That's right, Geli, the servant of the ancient god of the forest, and Idian, the servant of the ancient god of the sky. They both died in the hands of humans."

"Human beings during that period were extremely powerful and terrifying."

"They drove us into the deep sea and hid us underground. That's humans, dangerous humans."

"Finally, human greed triggered the restrictive power set by the ancient gods."

"The era of great floods came, and heavy rains continued for two hundred years. The former Karori continent finally sank completely to the bottom of the sea.

During that great flood era, 90% of mankind died. "

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan fell into silence.

It turns out that the first great flood era recorded in the human Bible was actually caused by human beings violating divine laws, which resulted in gods punishing them.

"Boy, we servants of the Ancient God are not as bad as you think."

"Our mission is to protect the order of this world."

"However, human development has reached a point where it challenges the world order, so we have to take restrictions."

"This heavy rain is not intended to destroy mankind, but to harm mankind."

Caesar told Zhuo Bufan the secret behind the heavy rain.

Zhuo Bufan also learned many secrets that he didn't know from Caesar's mouth.

If this is the case in the Arcane Divine Realm, would it be the same reason for Daluotian?

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of Daluotian.

Is the reason why Daluotiandao wants to restart the world because humans have broken the rules and order of the world?

Zhuo Bufan immediately thought of the Three Emperors.

Panhuang, Fuhuang, and Wahuang!

The three peak human beings even have the power of the Heavenly Dao.

Humans are really terrible. They have the ability to restrict the Heavenly Dao.

In this way, sooner or later, this world will only belong to humans.

This is very dangerous for other creatures.

Once the rules of the world are broken, the world will begin to perish.

So Daluotiandao wants to restart the world, not just to destroy the world.

But to save the world. Let humans no longer do whatever they want.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly hesitated.

He didn't know if what he was doing now was right.

Because Zhuo Bufan is also the God of Creation, but the Yin-Yang world created by Zhuo Bufan is still just a new world.

The order of the world is still in the hands of Zhuo Bufan.

But if one day, a group of humans broke the rules of the world and escaped from their control.

Then they controlled themselves in turn and rewrote the rules of the Yin-Yang world.

At that time, could I still face it calmly?

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, his heart trembled.

He didn't dare to continue to associate it, because it was too terrible.

If his world was no longer under his control, if the heaven of the Yin-Yang world was in chaos, then the world he had worked so hard to build would only be destroyed.

If it really came to that point, what should Zhuo Bufan do?

Will he start to purge the Yin-Yang world like Daluo Tiandao or the ancient god of creation?

Purge humans?

It seems that at that time, Zhuo Bufan has no other choice.

He can only restart the world and let the world return to its original appearance.

But in that case, what is the difference between himself and Daluo Tiandao?

So, is Daluo Tiandao's decision really wrong?

Silent Zhuo Bufan began to doubt his life and the decisions he had made so far.

A sense of powerlessness came over him, making him suddenly feel a little tired.

Caesar also saw the silent Zhuo Bufan, and he couldn't help asking.

"Boy, I can feel that you are different from other humans."

"If there is really a human who can break the rules of the world, then that person must be someone like you."

"The purpose of saying these words is not to make you understand the reason why the ancient gods sent down divine punishment."

"It's just to make you understand that this world is not for humans."

"This world belongs to thousands of creatures. Every creature living in this world has its own right to survive."

"It may be that once humans are allowed to develop without restraint, then one day, humans will be the last species in the world."

"At that time, more terrible wars will break out among humans in order to compete for limited resources."

"Humans will eventually be destroyed in their own hands."

"At the same time, they will drag the whole world to be buried with them."

Caesar is worthy of being a prophet on the sea.

Zhuo Bufan fell into a period of contemplation after hearing these words like thunder.

Especially Caesar's words that humans will eventually be destroyed in their own hands, and they will also drag the whole world to be buried with them.

Zhuo Bufan agreed with this.

Indeed, if the world continues to develop at this pace, it will only develop towards the brink of collapse.

Perhaps this process will take millions of years, but for the development of a world, it is just a snap of a finger.

Just like the Daluo Heavenly Dao, the wars that can be seen everywhere in Daluo Heaven are the doomsday scenes where humans are already fighting for the few remaining resources.

The Three Emperors controlled the Heavenly Dao and gave humans a chance to breathe.

But humans did not seize this opportunity, and humans had no idea of ​​the doomsday they would encounter.

Daluo Heaven is already in danger, and the world is already on the verge of collapse.

Is it to restart the world and let the world start again?

Or let humans act recklessly and then drag the whole world to be buried with them?

After repeated thinking, Zhuo Bufan's heart has begun to waver.

He is now wavering, should he continue to help the humans in this world and save this heavy rain?

"In fact, you can rest assured that this heavy rain will not kill off the human race."

"The surviving humans will continue to reproduce. In less than tens of thousands of years, they will become the masters of this world again."

"Just like the first great flood."

"After the first great flood, we all thought that humans would never recover and be destroyed."

"However, in just tens of thousands of years, humans once again dominated this land."

"So, humans are really a terrible and terrible creature!"

After Caesar finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

It felt that the words it said had made the human in front of it deeply entangled.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan now doubted his life because of Caesar's words.

The silent Zhuo Bufan didn't say a word for a while. Perhaps because of his inner realization, Zhuo Bufan didn't refute Caesar's words.

Just thinking that countless humans in this world will die because of this heavy rain, Zhuo Bufan's heart is a little complicated.

"Okay, human, I think you should understand what I said."

"Tell me, do you still want to find Kaloli Island now?"

Caesar continued to ask Zhuo Bufan, this time it was Zhuo Bufan's turn to be speechless.

But just when Caesar thought Zhuo Bufan would definitely give up this time.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said to Caesar.

"I think, now I not only want to find Yuge's servant, I also want to see that continent, see the once brilliant and glorious first level."

I don't know if Zhuo Bufan has figured it out, anyway, he decided to move forward.

Since it has been decided, then go forward without hesitation.


Faced with Zhuo Bufan's request, Caesar was stunned.

He didn't expect that after saying so much, Zhuo Bufan still decided to find Kaloli Island.

"Boy, it seems that your awareness is not as high as I thought!"

Caesar was very dissatisfied with Zhuo Bufan's choice.

But Zhuo Bufan continued.

"I know that in your eyes, humans may be a scourge. And humans are indeed, as you said, in the near future, they will become very dangerous."

"But I think this disaster has been long enough."

"Now at least 50% to 60% of the world's human beings have died. Enough people have died, and it's time to end this great purge."

Zhuo Bufan felt that there was no need to kill all humans, just about enough would be enough.

And Zhuo Bufan's search for Yuge's servants this time is not just to solve this catastrophe.

Zhuo Bufan also wants to use the power of Yuge's servants to find Meng Chanyi and the others.

Zhuo Bufan now just wants to find Meng Chanyi as soon as possible, then leave this world, and take Meng Chanyi back to his own Yin and Yang world, that's enough.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's repeated requests, it was the turn of Caesar the island turtle to be silent this time.

This time, Caesar was silent for a long time.

After the silence, Caesar suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, I really want to see what miracles you, a human, can create."

"Okay, I will take you to Calori Island to find Maca."

"If you can convince Maca, maybe he will help you stop this heavy rain."

The island turtle Caesar actually agreed, and I don't know why he agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

In short, Caesar decided to take Zhuo Bufan to find Maca, the servant of the ancient god of space.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally grateful for this.

Zhuo Bufan actually didn't expect Caesar to agree to him.

Background From Caesar's tone, it can be heard that it really doesn't like humans.

Because it was once driven into the deep sea by humans, and it has a natural disgust and fear of humans.

"Thank you, although I now understand why the ancient gods did this."

"But I still want to fight for humans once."

"This disaster is enough for humans."


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