Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1454 1455: Chasing across time and space

The six-winged serpent finally compromised with Zhuo Bufan. After all, for the six-winged serpent, retrieving the space key was obviously more important.

If he doesn't find the space key, he can't explain it to the ancient god Yug.

After Zhuo Bufan saw the six-winged serpent compromise, he also immediately released the time shackles on the six-winged serpent.

He also promised the Six-winged Serpent that as long as the space loopholes in the sky were repaired, these space locks would be completely removed as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, as long as you fix the space loophole in the sky, I will definitely help you unlock the space lock on your body."

Zhuo Bufan promised the six-winged snake.

After hearing this, the six-winged snake snorted coldly.

"If you go back on your word again, I will make sure that all humans die."

Zhuo Bufan can use time shackles to threaten the six-winged snake, and the six-winged snake can naturally use humans to threaten Zhuo Bufan.

As long as Zhuo Bufan regrets it at the time, the six-winged snake will bring down all the sea water in the heavenly world, and then completely submerge the entire underground world.

The six-winged snake threatens Zhuo Bufan with the whole world.

Zhuo Bufan disagreed with this. As long as both parties follow the agreement, there will be no more dead ends.

"Okay, what should we do next?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Now the Six-winged Orochi and he were finally in the same boat.

After hearing this, the six-winged snake said to Zhuo Bufan.

"The next step is of course to track down my space key."

"I am the guardian of the space key. After I get outside, I can sense the existence of the space key."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan said to the six-winged snake.

Later, Zhuo Bufan followed the six-winged snake and ran out of the alien space where the Yog Temple was located.

When they came outside the different space, they saw the mouse Federer and the island turtle Caesar waiting outside.

Caesar couldn't help but ask after seeing the six-winged snake.

"Maka, my old friend, long time no see."

Hearing Caesar's greetings, the six-winged serpent also seemed a little excited.

"Caesar, you're not dead yet!"

"I thought you were dead long ago. In that god-killing war launched by humans, you were chased by a group of evil humans and had no way to go to the sky or the earth."

Maka was talking excitedly, Caesar coughed twice, and he should not talk nonsense when he lost his memory.

"Okay Maka, I'm still alive and well. You, on the other hand, hid in the temple space after being hunted and never came out again. I thought you were dead."

Caesar laughs at Maka in turn.

Upon hearing this, Maka quickly replied.

"Bah, bah, bah, you're just dead."

"You old guy isn't dead yet, how could I die?"

From the conversation between Maka and Caesar, Zhuo Bufan learned that a long time ago, they, the servants of God, were hunted down by humans and had no way out.

Caesar fled into the deep sea, and Maca fled directly into the temple space.

The god-killing war launched by humans back then could be said to be devastating to these servants of gods.

Many servants of God died in that turmoil, and those who survived could only hide in the darkness and were not allowed to appear.

No wonder these servants of gods have such big opinions on human beings.

Zhuo Bufan was more or less able to understand them.

"Okay Caesar, I won't talk to you anymore. My space key was stolen by a human, and I must get it back now."

This Maka would not say that his space key was taken away.

Moreover, he was beaten until he was unable to fight back, and then snatched away.

Because if you say that, it will definitely make Caesar laugh to death.

So Maka said that his space key was stolen.

After hearing Maka's words, Caesar couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"What, the space key was stolen?"

"What's going on? The space key is an artifact left to you by the ancient god Yug. How could that thing be dropped?"

"What does the human who stole the space key want to do?"

Caesar knows the importance of the space key.

So when he heard that the space key had been stolen, he obviously felt a little weird.

After hearing this, Maka gritted her teeth and replied.

"Damn human being, when I catch him, I must twist off his head. And then swallow it in one bite."

Zhuo Bufan on the side smiled and said nothing.

He knew very well that this Maka was definitely no match for Saint Tianmeng, otherwise it would not have been tied up with time shackles by Saint Heavenly Dream.

This guy doesn't have any great skills, but he is very good at bragging.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan said to Caesar.

"Caesar, thank you for your help. It's really not easy for me to convince this guy."

"Next, I'm going to accompany this guy to get the space key. Let's meet again when we are destined!"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he would never see Caesar again in the future, so he said goodbye to Caesar in advance.

After hearing this, Caesar responded.

"Go on, human being, the rest of the road is yours to take."

"In the final analysis, as servants of God, we have helped you a lot."

"We shouldn't interfere in the changes in this world, but since Maka is willing to help you, maybe you can be the savior."

Caesar said to Zhuo Bufan.

The arrival of the Great Flood was actually not caused by Caesar and others.

It is determined by the rules of this world.

When the human beings in this world develop to a certain extent, the world rules believe that humans have posed a threat to the world, so the human elimination plan will be launched.

As servants of God, their purpose is only to protect this world and prevent the world order from collapsing.

So Zhuo Bufan can ask Maca to help repair the sky, but he must never try to challenge the world rules.

Otherwise, it will only cause a stronger chain reaction.

By then, I am afraid that the whole world will be over.

"Then we are leaving."

Zhuo Bufan said goodbye to Caesar solemnly.

At this time, the space mouse Federer ran out and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, take me with you! I want to go on an adventure with you."

When Federer came out, Maca on the side couldn't help but look at Federer.

"Oh? Isn't this my toy? Little toy, why are you here?"

Maca used his claws to create a spherical shield, and then grabbed Federer.

Federer was frightened and screamed for a while.

"Let me go, I'm not your toy, let me go."

At this time, Caesar said to Maca.

"Maca, this is Raymond's descendant."

After hearing this, Maca said.

"So that's how it is. I was wondering why he looks exactly like Raymond."

After hearing the name Raymond, Federer said excitedly.

"Raymond, my ancestor? Do you know my ancestor?"

Maca smiled and responded.

"Of course, Raymond is my toy. The space energy quanta flowing in your body is what I gave to your race."

After listening to their conversation, Zhuo Bufan on the side suddenly realized.

"So that's why, no wonder this guy knows the space secrets, so that's how it is."

"Okay, we should go."

Maca didn't have time to continue talking nonsense.

He closed his eyes silently, and then began to feel the whereabouts of the space key.

As long as he and the space key are in the same space, then Maca can feel the whereabouts of the space key.

Before, he was trapped in the different space of the Yug Temple, so he couldn't feel the space key.

However, after sensing for a while, Maca frowned tightly.

"What's going on? How is it possible? The space key is gone?"

When Maca said this, Caesar was also stunned.

"What do you mean? What do you mean the space key is gone?"

Caesar asked.

Maca shook his head quickly.

"It's impossible, I, I can't sense the existence of the space key."

"Is there something wrong with my space perception?"

Caesar reminded immediately.

"Calm down, the space key is of great importance. It is a divine tool to open the door of space. And you are its guardian."

"As long as it is still in this world, you can sense its existence."

Maca calmed down after listening to Caesar's words.

He began to seriously feel the breath of the space key.

After a long time, Maca suddenly spoke slowly.

"Caesar, do you think that human took the space key to the third world?"

When Maca said this, Caesar couldn't help but shout.

"What? You mean the space key of world No. 2 has reached world No. 3?"

"Do you know that this will break the rules of the two worlds, and the chain reaction will be unimaginable?"

Zhuo Bufan was already a little dizzy listening to the conversation between Maca and Caesar.

He seemed to understand something.

"World No. 2 should be the world I am in now. Then world No. 3 is the next world?"

"Sage Tianmeng, did he take the space key of world No. 2, open the space door, and reach world No. 3?"

"This guy came from world No. 1 to world No. 2, and now he is going from world No. 2 to world No. 3?"

"What exactly does he want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little confused. He chased Saint Tianmeng for so long, but he didn't expect that guy to run away again.

At this time, Yuge said exactly.

"I can basically be sure now that the space key is no longer in this world."

Caesar couldn't help but sighed and said when he heard it.

"It's over. You've got yourself into big trouble this time."

"The space key of World No. 2 has reached World No. 3. There can't be two space keys in one world at the same time. If the two keys touch each other, the space of the entire world will begin to break."

"Once the space key of World No. 2 touches the space key of World No. 3, then World No. 3 will be destroyed."

Caesar said the seriousness of the matter.

The owner of the space key unlocks the power of the world wall.

But there can only be one space key in each world. If the space keys of two different worlds touch each other, then the world will begin to be destroyed.

That's why Caesar said that things are becoming very serious now.

"No, I must go to World No. 3 immediately and take back the space key."

"Good man, I now doubt whether the hole in the sky was caused by that damn human."

Maka's words also caused Caesar to reflect.

"If you say so, it's very likely. I have always found it strange that the human civilization in this world has not yet developed to the point where it is enough to threaten us. So the arrival of this great flood is very strange."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help asking after hearing this.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that this hole in the sky may not be a punishment from heaven?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Caesar answered after hearing this.

"Yes, I told you before that only when human development threatens the world rules, the world rules will start the human cleansing plan."

"Just like the last great flood era, the last time humans developed to the point where they could kill gods, and even we, the servants of gods, could only be hunted down by humans."

"But this time the great flood came too fast, and humans have not developed to the point where they can threaten us, let alone the world rules."

"So I think it's probably someone who took the space key of world No. 1 and opened the space door to world No. 2."

"When the two space keys appear together at the same time, the space of this world will begin to be destroyed."

"In other words, this great flood that caused human extinction was not caused by the world rules. It was done by the guy who stole the Maca space key."

"After he merged the two space keys together, he caused this catastrophe."

Caesar's explanation made Zhuo Bufan feel a little scared.

If they hadn't lied to him, then that meant that the Tianmeng Saint he had been pursuing was destroying the world. Moreover, he was not only destroying one world, but multiple worlds.

In this way, the Tianmeng Saint that Zhuo Bufan imagined was a little different.

"Is the Tianmeng Saint really destroying the world?"

"From World No. 1, to World No. 2, and now to World No. 3."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Caesar shouted angrily.

"Damn, that human, does he want to destroy all the worlds created by the ancient gods?"

"Don't let him succeed, Maca, why don't you go and get the space key back."

After Caesar finished speaking, Maca also felt the seriousness of the matter.

"I'm going to World No. 3 now."

"Boy, what are you waiting for, why don't you go with me?"

Maca said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

If the Tianmeng Saint is really carrying out a plan to destroy the world, then Zhuo Bufan must chase him.

Now he no longer cared whether Tianmeng Saint was the Lord of Time he was looking for.

Whether Meng Chanyi was with Tianmeng Saint or not.

He wanted to find Tianmeng Saint and stop that crazy guy.

Maca opened his mouth wide, and then spit out a dark light ball.

The dark light ball rotated in the air and soon opened up a new space door.

"This is my original power. Although it is not as good as the space key, it can barely open up the world wall space."

"Let's go."

After Maca finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan took Federer and jumped directly onto Maca's back.

Then, Maca took Zhuo Bufan and got into the space channel.

The next second, they disappeared from the spot.

Caesar looked at the disappearing Zhuo Bufan and Maca and said worriedly.

"It must succeed!"

Because he knew that if he failed, the consequences would be disastrous.


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