Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1470 1471: Searching for Xitu

1471: Looking for resting land

In order to seek justice and revenge for Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan and Tian Meng started collecting the relics of gods.

Find the relics of the gods, then build the altar of gods and summon those damn ancient gods.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask face to face why they wanted to harm Meng Chanyi.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was actually a little worried inside.

After all, there are only two people now, he and Tianmeng. It may not be easy to seek revenge from all the ancient gods.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know much about these ancient gods now. So I don’t know if their current strength is a match for those ancient gods.

In this regard, Tianmeng gave Zhuo Bufan courage.

Tianmeng told Zhuo Bufan that the secrets of time they mastered were enough to deal with most ancient gods.

Although the ancient gods are powerful, they are not invincible. Especially most of the ancient gods are not enough to be feared at all.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether it was Tianmeng's confidence or whether he had indeed conducted an investigation beforehand.

But since Tianmeng said so, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to believe him.

Therefore, their next task is to find the relics of God and then build the altar of God.

Get those damn gods out.

"Our first target is the earth's relic of the gods, the resting soil."

"I'm afraid we can only find out where these things are by looking for the servants of God in this world."

"Generally speaking, these servants of gods will guard the relics of gods."

"If we want to find these divine relics, we can only find these divine servants."

Tianmeng was obviously well prepared and investigated these matters very carefully.

This also saved Zhuo Bufan and the others a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, their first task is to find the resting land.

"Let's do this. Let's act separately. It will be more efficient."

Zhuo Bufan suggested.

After Tianmeng heard this, he nodded in response.

"fair enough!"

"Then I will look for the sky relic 'Grey Wind', the chaos relic 'Chaos', and the space relic 'Jingmen'."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied decisively.

"Then I'll look for the remaining relics."

After hearing this, Tian Meng replied.

"The rest are the earth relics, the earth relics, the sea relics tea springs, the forest relics scale trees, and the time relics grave gold."

Zhuo Bufan responded.

"No problem, leave these to me."

"Then let's split up, and after we find all the relics, we'll meet at the center of the world."

Tianmeng replied.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

After Tianmeng finished speaking, without any nonsense, he disappeared directly.

Looking at Tianmeng disappearing, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh slowly.

He has unspeakable feelings for Tianmeng.

After all, Tian Meng is the missing body caused by Meng Chanyi's longing for herself, so he looks exactly like herself.

And there is some wonderful telepathy with myself.

Seeing Tianmeng so eager to save Meng Chanyi, Zhuo Bufan secretly vowed to save Meng Chanyi.

After watching Tianmeng leave, Zhuo Bufan began to embark on the road to find the relics of God.

His first target was naturally the relic of the earth that he had decided on long ago, Xitu.

According to the clues given by Tian Meng, Zhuo Bufan's first target was the Servant of the Earth God.

Finding the Servant of God is not a difficult task for Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has the power of black and yellow earth in his body, which is specially used to sense the energy of the earth.

Zhuo Bufan had previously used the Xuanhuang soil to find Gaia, the servant of the earth god in World No. 5.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan used the power of the Xuanhuang Earth in his body to sense the location of the Earth God's Servant in this world immediately.

"Oh? The servant of the Earth God in this world is actually on the ground."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the Servant of the Earth God in this world lived on the ground and turned into a majestic mountain peak.

Zhuo Bufan could use the earth escape technique to move to the servant of the Earth God immediately. But he didn't do that.

First of all, Zhuo Bufan has not found a suitable reason to ask the other party for a place of rest.

If you rashly go to see the servant of God and ask him for his land, you may be driven away by him.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan needed to think of a perfect strategy before looking for the servant of the Earth God.

"Cheating, abducting, and stealing, no matter what the cost, we must get Xitu."

"Let's first collect information about the servants of the Earth God in this world!"

Zhuo Bufan thought of many ways, but finally decided that etiquette was the most important thing and do what he likes.

He wanted to see what the servant of the earth god in this world liked, so Zhuo Bufan came to a city according to the guidance of the Xuanhuang soil.

What this city believes in is Dia, the ancient god of the earth, and it is also the place guarded by the servants of the earth god.

The mountain peak transformed by the Servant of the Earth God is less than twenty miles away from Kandi City.

The servant of the Earth God lies prone on the earth, guarding this small human city.

This city, named Kandi City, was ruled by a man named Kandi.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about this. His goal was the Servant of the Earth God.

After arriving at Kangdi City, Zhuo Bufan immediately collected information about the servants of gods in this world.

Unlike other worlds, the servants of God in this world did not hide.

They seem to get along well with humans, and it seems that the theory of human annihilation has not yet developed here.

According to the theory of human extinction that Zhuo Bufan had learned from Caesar, the servant of the earth god in the second world, it is known that when humans develop to a certain extent, they will cause damage and influence on the rules of the world.

However, it seems that this world has not been affected too much, perhaps humans have not yet developed to the point where they can threaten the world.

It can be seen that the human civilization here is still relatively backward, science and technology have not developed, and there are even some primitive customs.

People build temples to pray for the protection of the ancient gods.

And there is a temple of the ancient earth god in this Kangdi city.

In the temple, the incense is prosperous, and many people come to worship.

Zhuo Bufan also came to the temple.

However, as soon as Zhuo Bufan stepped into the temple, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him in secret.

"Did you find me so quickly?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel the sharpness of his eyes, which was obviously the power of eyes that could only be released by the existence of the servant level.

The person who was secretly peeping at him was obviously the servant of the earth god that Zhuo Bufan was looking for.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not say anything, but pretended not to notice and continued to move forward.

"It seems that you have sensed the power of the Xuanhuang Earth on me!"


At the same time, in the mountain twenty miles away from Kangdi City.

The earth servant Dihun looked at Zhuo Bufan in the temple and said to himself.

"This human has the breath of Xuanhuang Earth."

"This is not an ordinary human, he comes from another world."

Dihun has discovered that Zhuo Bufan comes from another world, so he began to pay attention to Zhuo Bufan's actions.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has now entered the temple he guards, and he doesn't know what this powerful human from another world wants to do.

After entering the temple, Zhuo Bufan learned from the believers who came to worship and pray, put his hands together, and worshiped a statue in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan came here specifically to collect intelligence.

Zhuo Bufan got a lot of inspiration from the whispers of the believers who kept coming to his ears.

"I heard that the ancient god of the earth is very effective. My friend made a wish a few days ago hoping to get pregnant. Unexpectedly, she got pregnant just two days later."

"I heard that if you pray with blood and soil, the ancient god will get the blessing and protection of the ancient god."

"Blood and soil? What is blood and soil?"

"It is soil made of your own blood and incense."

"My friend said that only when you pray with your own blood and soil can the ancient god hear your prayers. If you are sincere, the ancient god will fulfill your wishes."

"Really? Then I want to try blood and soil too."


Zhuo Bufan listened to so many whispers, and the biggest gain was this information.

Blood and soil, soil made by blending your own blood with incense ash.

Praying with blood and soil can make your wishes come true.

Zhuo Bufan thought this was very interesting. He guessed that the one who accepted these injustices should not be the ancient god, but the earth god servant who guarded the temple.

This earth god servant had nothing to do all day, so he fulfilled people's wishes.

Of course, he would not accept everyone's wishes. He needed to use blood and soil as a medium or as a condition for exchange.

Zhuo Bufan could basically guess the purpose of this bloody soil.

Blood is the most important part of human beings, and it contains human genes.

The servant of God probably used this blood to spy on the secrets of human beings.

"Maybe we can try."

Zhuo Bufan felt that this was an opportunity, so he came to the incense burner and grabbed a handful of incense ash in his hand.

Then he bit his finger and dripped a few drops of blood into the incense ash.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan put his hands together and began to pray.


The servant of God, Di Hun, who was secretly observing Zhuo Bufan, smiled triumphantly after seeing Zhuo Bufan's behavior.

"Praying? Then let me hear what your wish is."

Di Hun took a deep breath, and saw an invisible light flying out from between Zhuo Bufan's hands, and then flew into the nostrils of Di Hun.

Then, in Di Hun's spiritual world, Zhuo Bufan's wish appeared.

"My wish is to obtain Xitu, no matter what the price is."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's prayer, the Earth Soul was stunned.

"This kid actually came for Xitu?"

"No matter what the price is, it's interesting."

Originally, the Earth Soul didn't want to pay attention to Zhuo Bufan, but after hearing Zhuo Bufan's prayer, he suddenly felt that this human might be the object of his entertainment.

"Any conditions are acceptable, right? Maybe I can ask this kid to do me a favor."

After the Earth Soul finished speaking, he suddenly spoke.

"Human, if you want rare earth, come to Izumo Mountain, 20 miles south, to find me."

This voice entered Zhuo Bufan's mind, and only Zhuo Bufan could hear it.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He didn't expect that he actually got a response from the other party.

"Haha, you can really hear it, right?"

Zhuo Bufan actually did this on purpose, because he knew that the Earth God Servant of this world was watching him in secret.

That prayer was actually Zhuo Bufan's way of seeing the attitude of the Earth God Servant.

He didn't expect that the other party would agree without hesitation.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and immediately escaped.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Izumo Mountains, 20 miles south of Kangdi City.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan no longer needed to hide.

He shouted towards the Chuyun Mountain in front of him.

"Sir, I'm here."

In response to Zhuo Bufan's call, the Earth God Servant Soul did not appear immediately.

Instead, he waited for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Human, do you want Xitu?"

Zhuo Bufan was excited after hearing this voice, but he answered calmly on the surface.

"Yes, may I ask your Excellency, do you have Xitu?"

The Earth God Servant Soul did not answer Zhuo Bufan directly but continued to ask.

"You prayed that as long as you can get rare earth, you are willing to pay any price, right?"

Zhuo Bufan answered without hesitation after hearing this.

"Yes, as long as you can get Xitu, any price is acceptable."

At this time, the Earth God Servant Soul continued to say.

"Very good, now I can answer your question just now."

"Xitu, I have it. But if you want Xitu, you have to do me a favor."

Zhuo Bufan smiled in his heart and said when he heard it.

"What favor? As long as I can do it, I will do it without hesitation."

The Earth God's servant said.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go through fire and water."

"I want you to help me steal something."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party's request was not as terrible as he thought.

"Steal what?"

If it was stealing, Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't care.

At this time, the Earth Soul continued.

"I want you to go to the Doomsday Forest and steal his life scepter from the forest servant."

"Don't ask why, you just need to steal the scepter."

"If you can bring back the scepter, I will give you some of the land of rest."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan really didn't ask why.

But stealing the life scepter from another servant is not a simple matter.

The Earth God's servant said when he saw Zhuo Bufan hesitated.

"What, are you scared?"

"If you are scared, just pretend I didn't say anything."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said without hesitation.

"Give me the address."

The other party was delighted when he heard it.

"Very good, that's the attitude I want from you."

"Go north for 30,000 miles, and you will see a scorched earth. On the scorched earth, there is a forest."

"The further you go, the more you will see an oasis. In the center of the oasis, there is a towering tree."

"As for where the Scepter of Life is, you can only find it yourself."

"Remember, whether you succeed or not, you can't say that I instructed you to do it."

"If you reveal even a word, I won't give you the Land of Yili."

Zhuo Bufan nodded without hesitation when he heard it.

"No problem, remember your promise."

"I'll bring back the Scepter of Life, and you'll give me the Land of Yili."

The other party responded.

"Who do you think I am? I keep my word."

"Go ahead!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan turned around and headed towards the Doomsday Forest without much hesitation.


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