Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1474 1475: Time Tower

1475: Time Tower

After learning the location of the God of Time from Earth Soul, Zhuo Bufan immediately set off for the castle in the sky in the south.

Not long after Zhuo Bufan left, the God of the Sea, Hai Mei, brought her servant Ali to Kangdi City.

"Earth Soul, you bastard, give me back the Tuquan."

As soon as Hai Mei arrived, she suddenly attacked the Earth God, Earth Soul.

As soon as she attacked, the vast sea surged, pressing towards the entire Kangdi City.

For a moment, the surge was like the end of the world, covering the sky and the earth, like broken ice and jade, pressing towards endless creatures.

Seeing this, the Earth Soul was furious.

"Hai Mei, stop it!"

The Earth Soul shouted at Hai Mei, and with a loud shout, a dome of earth rose under the earth, sheltering the entire Kangdi City.

The two Gods attacked at the same time, shocking the world.

"Hai Mei, you lunatic, what do you want to do?"

"Kangdi City is under my protection. Whoever dares to do evil in Kangdi City is my enemy."

The Earth Soul, which still retains its divinity, protects this human city.

Hai Mei obviously knows this. He emerged from the paragraph and shouted at the Earth Soul.

"Earth Soul, who is that human?"

"He pretended to be you and cheated my tea spring."

"This person must be related to you. Tell me, who is he?"

Zhuo Bufan stole Hai Mei's tea spring, so Hai Mei naturally thought of the Earth Soul at the first time.

After all, when Zhuo Bufan came, he came as the messenger of the Earth Soul.

After hearing what Hai Mei said, the Earth Soul was stunned.

"This damn guy, is he cheating me?"

The Earth Soul didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would actually betray him.

In this case, it's no wonder that Hai Mei would find him.

At this point, Dihun couldn't stay out of it. He had to give Haimei an explanation, otherwise, Haimei would eat Zhuo Bufan alive.

After hearing this, Dihun hurriedly explained.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know that human."

"In fact, I am also looking for that guy. He cheated my Xitu."

Zhuo Bufan put the blame on himself, so Dihun would naturally not be stupid enough to take the blame.

He threw the blame on Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

Anyway, Haimei is targeting Zhuo Bufan now, not him, so he can let Zhuo Bufan take the blame.

After hearing this, Haimei actually believed Dihun's lies.


Haimei looked at Zhuo Bufan with a puzzled look on her face.

After hearing this, Dihun explained.

"Of course, why would I lie to you?"

"After my Xitu was cheated, I am also looking for him. I didn't expect that this guy would cheat your Tuquan in my name." Dihun saw that Haimei believed what he said.

So without hesitation, she put the blame on Zhuo Bufan.

Hai Mei answered after hearing this.

"If that's the case, why didn't you notify us in time? Now you've been cheated of Xitu, you deserve it."

Di Hun laughed after hearing this.

"Yes, I deserve it. But wasn't your Tuquan also cheated?"

"You're still angry and bothering me."

Hai Mei was furious after hearing this.

"Don't talk about Feng Liang, what should we do now?"

"We must find that guy as soon as possible. He stole your Xitu and robbed my Tuquan. What on earth does he want to do with these ancient god relics?"

"Will his next target be Lin Mu?"

Di Hun laughed after hearing this.

Lin Mu had already been taken away by Zhuo Bufan, and now that guy is rushing to the God of Time again!

"No, we have to go to the Doomsday Forest as soon as possible. I have a hunch that the guy will definitely go to the Doomsday Forest."

Just as Hai Mei was rushing to the Doomsday Forest, she saw a pale cloud floating in the sky again.

The clouds contained extremely terrifying energy.

The entire sky seemed to be an angry face being grabbed by someone, blowing a rolling wind towards the Earth Soul.

At this moment, a white arm stretched out from the clouds.

On the arm, rolling winds gathered.

"It's Jingli, that guy is coming."

As he spoke, a tornado came, causing a terrifying doomsday wind to blow across the earth.

A green figure appeared in the wind, and the moment he saw the green figure, the Earth Soul exclaimed.

What he was most afraid of seeing now was this Earth Soul.

After all, he still had the Scepter of Life that Zhuo Bufan helped steal from the Doomsday Forest.

If Jingli saw the Scepter of Life in his hand, then he would really be in trouble.

"Is it for the Scepter of Life?"

Seeing Jingli's arrival, the Earth God's Servant Earth Soul was obviously a little guilty.

At this time, the Sea God's Servant Hai Mei saw Jingli and couldn't help asking.

"Jingli, why did you come out?"

"Aren't you supposed to leave the Doomsday Forest?"

Hai Mei was a little surprised to see Jingli coming.

Jingli shouted in shock.

"The scales were stolen, and I came here to find them."

Hai Mei was shocked to hear that.

"What? The scales were also stolen?"

"Was it stolen by a human?"

Jingli asked after hearing that.

"How do you know?"

Hai Mei quickly answered.

"Of course I know! Because that little thief just stole my tea spring. Not only that, he also stole the earth soul's resting soil."

After hearing this, Jingwei looked at Earth Soul in confusion, and then said.

"Really? Your breath soil was also stolen?"

In fact, Jingwei all agreed that Earth Soul sent someone to steal her scale wood.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, I would meet Haimei, the God of the Sea.

Since Hai Mei said so, she naturally believed what Hai Mei said.

But I still have doubts about the Earth Soul.

In order to dispel the frightening worries, Earth Soul quickly explained.

"Yes, yes, I was also deceived by that thief. He defrauded Xitu."

"So, now he has obtained scale wood, breath soil, and tea spring."

"This guy seems to be collecting relics of gods. Does he think so?"

At this point, the other servants of God seemed to have understood.

"That guy wants to create a God Summoning Platform. He wants to summon the ancient gods?"

After understanding Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, all the servants of God were slightly worried.

"Summoning the Ancient God? Does this guy really dare to do it?"

"No, we can't let him act like this. The Ancient God is creating the world. If this guy disturbs the Ancient God and their creation, we will definitely be held accountable."

"Yes, we must contact other ancient gods as soon as possible."

"He must be stopped from continuing to collect God's relics."

After hearing this, Earth Soul said.

"It makes sense. In that case, let's go find the Servant of Time first."

Earth Soul also felt that the most urgent task was to capture Zhuo Bufan.

That kid made him take the blame, so he couldn't just let it go.

And he knew that Zhuo Bufan was heading in the direction of the Servant of Time.

Therefore, this pursuit will not only clear his suspicions, but also prevent Zhuo Bufan from continuing to search for the ancient god's relics.

The other two servants of God also agreed after hearing this.

"That makes sense. Let's head to the Tower of Time as soon as possible and discuss countermeasures with Lord Dorei."

The three servants of time immediately set off to the Time Tower in the south to find their servant of time.

At the same time, I saw that Hao Douban was also rushing to the Tower of Time.

According to what Earth Soul said, Zhuo Bufan came to the south, and after some investigation, he successfully found the castle in the sky above the clouds.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the clouds, he suddenly discovered that there was a castle in the sky above the clouds, and there was also a huge time tower.

The entire tower is golden and wrapped in halos of time mystery.

The tower is twelve stories high and represents the twelve hours.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped into the clouds, he suddenly saw a huge nightmare-like creature emerging from the sky.

The nightmare was golden in color, and there was a halo of time on its head.

Except for a pair of huge, cute eyes, there is no nose or mouth on the entire body.

"Are you the servant of time?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't play riddles with the other party, and told his guess as soon as he got up.

After hearing this, the other party made a soul sound.

"I am!"

Not only does the other party look cute, but his voice is also cute.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan cupped his fists and saluted.

"Sir, I would like to borrow something from you, is it possible?"


Mengmeng's voice came, and Zhuo Bufan answered.

"Grave gold!"

Zhuo Bufan was already ready for a fight because he believed that once he said these words, a fierce battle would be waiting for him.

After the battle between Jade Sea and Sea God Servant Hai Mei, Zhuo Bufan still felt that taking action was the most direct.

But I didn't expect that the cute Dolei, the servant of time god, would say that.

"Okay, I can give it to you."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Are you really willing to give it to me like this?"

Dore replied.

"I don't want to."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Well, if you don't want to, why do you agree to it?"

After hearing this, Dolei continued.

"I'm willing to help you because you need it."

"It's just that you have to be tested."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect this cute servant of time to be so easy to talk to.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan was not polite to him, but said.

"Okay, tell me what kind of test it is. I'm willing to try it."

Originally Zhuo Bufan planned to use violence to solve this problem, but since Dolei is so cute and sincere, Zhuo Bufan felt that he could not lose his etiquette. So he is willing to accept Dorey's test.

After Naduolei heard this, he suddenly stretched out a hand from nowhere and pointed at the Tower of Time above the clouds.

Then he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"See that tower!"

"That's the Tower of Time."

"I will put the grave gold you want on the top floor and you can get it yourself. Whether you can get it or not depends on your ability."

After the other party finished speaking, a ball of golden sand suddenly appeared from his palm.

Then he threw the golden sand onto the time tower.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Is it that simple?"

After hearing this, Dolei replied.

"Yes, it's that simple. But it's not as simple as you think."

"The test in the Tower of Time is difficult."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan jumped up to the time tower without hesitation, and then stepped forward directly.

"I believe I can do it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he entered the Time Tower.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan knew that this test was definitely not as simple as he thought.

After all, the other party looked so confident that he could not get the grave gold.

But since Zhuo Bufan had promised the other party that he would get the grave gold through the test, then Zhuo Bufan had to take practical action.

So, Zhuo Bufan entered the Time Tower.

When he came to the first floor, it was dark, with sporadic light in the air, making people feel that they were standing still.

Suddenly, in the darkness, it seemed that something terrifying was moving quickly.

They flew around Zhuo Bufan and began to dance, jumping up and down.

The rustling sound was like ten thousand cockroaches crawling on the ground.

Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows and put his hands together.

Then a circle of space shields surrounded him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know when the monsters in the dark would attack him, so the best way now was to choose defense.

This space shield was very strong, and it was covered by a layer of alien space energy.

Once anything approaches, it will be torn apart by this layer of alien space energy.

Zhuo Bufan took advantage of this and moved freely in this darkness.

He began to go deeper step by step.

After walking for a while, the creatures in the darkness suddenly began to attack Zhuo Bufan.

Bang bang bang bang!

However, the moment they pounced on Zhuo Bufan, they were strangled by the shield on Zhuo Bufan's body. They were instantly reduced to ashes.

But these things were not afraid, but began to pounce on Zhuo Bufan more frantically like moths to a flame.

Indistinctly, Zhuo Bufan saw creatures like bats.

They were very strong and cruel, but unfortunately they were helpless in the face of Zhuo Bufan's defense.

They could only launch suicidal attacks again and again like moths to a flame.

Bang bang bang bang!

Zhuo Bufan walked under the claws and fangs of these crazy guys, and soon he saw a ray of light.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and found that there was a moon-like thing in the sky.

He stared at the moon for a long time.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan leaped and flew towards the moon.

After flying for a while, Zhuo Bufan found that it was not the moon, but an exit.

However, there was endless light at the exit, making the cave entrance look like a full moon.

After passing through the exit, Zhuo Bufan fell to the ground again.

"This is the second floor!"

This floor is also very dark, but slightly better than the first floor, and there are more and more stars in the sky.

At this moment, Duo Lei, the servant of the God of Time who was outside the Time Tower, was also surprised when he saw Zhuo Bufan pass the first test so quickly and come to the second floor.

"What a powerful human, maybe he can really pass the test of the twelfth floor of the Time Tower."

Duo Lei began to worry.

Originally, he was very confident that Zhuo Bufan could not pass the test of the Time Tower, so he could naturally refuse Zhuo Bufan's request for the grave gold.

But now, he began to worry that Zhuo Bufan would really take away her grave gold.


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