Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1503 1504: The catastrophe is coming

1504: The catastrophe is coming

The battle between Zhuo Bufan and the Eternal Heavenly Dao for the host body is still going on.

At the end of the battle, it is no longer a war between Zhuo Bufan and the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Instead, it has become a battle between the Daluo Heavenly Dao and the Eternal Heavenly Dao for the host body.

Zhuo Bufan's body and soul have become battlefields.

What is even more terrifying is that the result of this war may change the whole world.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how long this war will last. Anyway, under the struggle between the two Heavenly Dao forces, he only feels that his soul is constantly strengthening.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan is still getting stronger, and this result is very surprising.

Zhuo Bufan found that he has now completely turned into an energy body.

Constantly absorbing energy, and then making himself stronger.

"What's going on? Why am I so strong?"

Even Zhuo Bufan himself didn't expect that he would become so powerful.

This kind of strength has exceeded the scope of his own understanding. He is growing in strength towards the Heavenly Dao level.

At this rate, it won't take long for Zhuo Bufan to become a Daluo Tiandao-level warrior.

However, the fusion of the two great powers of the Heavenly Dao is not a good thing for Zhuo Bufan.

It can even be said to be a torture.

Because Zhuo Bufan's body has begun to be unable to withstand such a powerful force.

"Boy, your body is about to explode, why don't you compromise?"

The voice of the Eternal Heavenly Dao sounded from Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing it.

"If you have the ability, you can also squeeze my soul!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to reload the game, so he could only let his soul be on the verge of death.

That's why Zhuo Bufan was so fearless to stimulate the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

After hearing it, the Eternal Heavenly Dao smiled slightly.

"Are you seeking death? Do you have any conspiracy?"

"Let me take a good look at your soul."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao obviously felt that Zhuo Bufan was a little unusual.

He began to sense Zhuo Bufan's soul, wanting to explore what secrets Zhuo Bufan had hidden.

Soon the Eternal Heavenly Dao seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes lit up.

"What is this?"

"The power of time?"

"Interesting, deep in your soul, there is such a powerful power of time. Who are you?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao obviously discovered the archive door deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"No, this is not an ordinary time power. This kind of time power is higher than my time law."

"This, this is the time power of the Lord of Time."

Eternal Heavenly Dao shouted excitedly as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Lord of Time, how do you have the power of the Lord of Time?"

"The white time door, this time door can reverse time."

"Could it be that you want to use this door to go back to the past and change the future?"

It must be said that this Eternal Heavenly Dao is still very intelligent.

He only took a look at the archive door in Zhuo Bufan's soul and guessed that this mountain gate came from the Lord of Time.

And he also guessed that Zhuo Bufan wanted to use the archive door to go back to the past and change the future.

Zhuo Bufan was silent, and his silence undoubtedly confirmed the guess of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"As expected, no wonder you want to die. So you want to go back to the past and change the future?"

"Then now, I will not let you die."

Eternal Heavenly Dao said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

After discovering Zhuo Bufan's biggest secret, Eternal Heavenly Dao became more and more interested in Zhuo Bufan.

As a human being, Zhuo Bufan actually mastered the power of the Lord of Time.

"What is your relationship with the Lord of Time?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao questioned Zhuo Bufan.

"Why do you have the power of the Lord of Time?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent again.

Because Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to answer.

To be honest, he didn't know why he had these archive doors.

According to later reasoning, these archive doors were made by Ji Xuanhao.

And Ji Xuanhao got the Heart of Time from Luo Tian.

As for the Heart of Time, it was given to Luo Tian by the Lord of Time.

In short, there are too many complicated problems here, and Zhuo Bufan doesn't know what secrets there are for a while.

However, there is one thing that Eternal Heavenly Dao is not wrong, that is, Zhuo Bufan does have some relationship with the Lord of Time.

It can be said that since Zhuo Bufan ascended from the Yin-Yang world, his fate has been inexplicably linked to the Lord of Time.

"These two time gates are stronger than my power. I can't destroy them."

"It seems that I can't let you die."

Eternal Heavenly Dao now knows that Zhuo Bufan is now seeking death in order to return to the past and change the future.

So Eternal Heavenly Dao will not kill Zhuo Bufan.

Not only that, he also has to ensure Zhuo Bufan's safety.

"You now have the Heart of Heaven and the Body of Heaven. It seems that in the Chaos God Realm today, no one can kill you except me."

Eternal Heavenly Dao knows that Zhuo Bufan wants to die but can't, so he wants to come to him to kill him.

In short, Zhuo Bufan's thoughts can be said to have been completely guessed by Eternal Heavenly Dao.

So, it is even more impossible for Zhuo Bufan to read the file now.

Now Daluo Heavenly Dao will not let Zhuo Bufan die, and Eternal Heavenly Dao will not let Zhuo Bufan die either.

The two great powers of heaven would not let Zhuo Bufan die.

So who else in this world can kill Zhuo Bufan?

"Boy, I won't kill you, just be my host!"

Eternal Heaven took a fancy to Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan is obviously more suitable as his host body than Ni Qiangqiong.

Eternal Heaven will naturally not let go of such a perfect body.

He won't kill Zhuo Bufan, but he won't let Zhuo Bufan go either.

The two sides were in a stalemate, continuing to fight for their souls.

On the other side, Emperor Wa is also working hard to open the sealed door in the soul.

Deep in the soul of Emperor Wa, there is a heavy black door.

This gate is not simple, it has a powerful sealing power.

After all, it was the seal imposed by Daluo Tiandao, so the strength of the seal far exceeded that of Emperor Wa.

No matter what methods Emperor Wa used, the seal remained motionless.

But Emperor Wa knew very well that this seal could only be opened by her.

She must speed up the time, so that the eternal heavenly law cannot come to hunt her down, and she must break the seal.

"What kind of seal is it? If it is really related to the Lord of Time. Then can the seal be unlocked with the power of time?"

Emperor Wa looked at the sealed door in front of him and frowned.

Emperor Wa actually had certain attainments in the cultivation of the law of time.

After all, the Sky Mending Technique created by Emperor Wa is a powerful law of time.

Although the energy of the Sky-Mending Technique comes from faith, the essence of the Sky-Mending Technique is actually the power of the law of time.

By rewinding the time of an object, damaged things can be brought back to their original state.

The art of mending the sky is actually a law of time.

"Try using the Sky Mending Technique."

Emperor Wa had no other means. He wanted to use the ultimate power of the Heaven-Mending Technique to go back in time and seal the door with the folding fan back to before the seal.

Under the power of Emperor Wa's time retrieval, the power of the sealed door began to flow backwards.

The ultimate power of the Sky Mending Technique is to rewind the world. What Emperor Wa wanted was to use the power of time retrieval to return the sealed door to its original sealed state.

But there is a problem.

The secrets in the sealed door may disappear along with the seal.

Emperor Wa naturally didn't want the seal to disappear. After all, the secrets in the seal were very important to her.

So this requires Emperor Wa himself to be able to control the energy of the Sky Mending Technique.

At the critical moment, stop the flow of time and prevent the seal from disappearing.

Fortunately, under the influence of Emperor Wa's Sky Mending Technique, the power of the seal began to slowly degrade.

For Emperor Wa, this was indeed something to be happy about.

"Sure enough, the Sky Mending Technique works."

"Next, we only need to trace the seal back to before the seal, and we should be able to unlock the secret inside."

After Emperor Wa found the right method, he continued to lift the seal on the sealed door.

On this side, Emperor Wa found a way to lift the seal and was lifting the seal.

On the other side, in the infinite world above the Chaos God Realm.

Gao Yangxu, who had just listened to the test of the Lord of Time, was digging a passage to the Chaos God Realm.

Although the reincarnation passage was created by the Lord of Time, Gao Yangxu, as the Lord of Reincarnation, should also be able to create the reincarnation passage.

It's just that it's not as easy as the Lord of Time.

Gao Yangxu tried thousands of methods, but it was difficult to enter the world ball of Chaos God Realm.

"Why can't you get in?"

Gao Yangxu looked at the huge earth in front of him and began to become a little confused.

The world ball of the Chaos God Realm was right in front of him, but he couldn't enter it.

If you want to enter, you must have the path to reincarnation.

Without the road to reincarnation, even the Lord of Time cannot freely travel between the two realms.

This is also the reason why the Lord of Time can be intercepted and killed as long as the Road to Reincarnation is destroyed.

Because the Lord of Time cannot return to the infinite world from the Chaos God Realm, and cannot return to the infinite world, then his power cannot be fully activated.

In other words, when the Lord of Time is in the Chaos God Realm, it is the easiest time to kill him.

"I have to speed up. Although there is nothing strange in the infinite world now, it means that the Lord of Time has not been found yet."

"But Eternal Heaven is the master of the chaotic world, and it is only a matter of time before we find the Lord of Time."

"If I don't return to the Chaos God Realm, then I will become a sinner for the ages."

Gao Yangxu had left his post without permission before, which led to the destruction of the path of reincarnation, and ultimately caused the Lord of Time to almost die in the Chaos God Realm.

If something like this happens again, then Gao Yangxu and the Samsara clan behind him may have to die to apologize.

The matter was serious, so there was not much time left for Gao Yangxu.

He must return to the Chaos God Realm as soon as possible.

Now Gao Yangxu no longer cares too much about whether the people on the road to reincarnation are still alive.

He believes that as long as the Lord of Time is saved, everything can return.

Therefore, the most urgent thing at the moment is to save the Lord of Time without delay.

"try again."

Gao Yangxu looked at the Chaos God Realm World Ball in front of him, then wrapped himself in the power of reincarnation, and rushed towards the World Ball again.

However, when he hit the world ball, he was knocked out the next second.


Gao Yangxu was knocked out.

The Chaos God Realm light ball in front of him was like an inviolable sacred ball.

No matter how Gao Yangxu hit it, he could not enter the Chaos God Realm.

It can be said that Gao Yangxu has exhausted all means and tried everything, but he still cannot enter the Chaos God Realm.

At this moment, Gao Yangxu showed a look of despair again.

"Why? Why can't I go back?"

"What a bastard!"

Gao Yangxu said in despair.

Now he is extremely eager to return to the Chaos God Realm, but he is powerless.

Just when Gao Yangxu was desperate, he suddenly thought of a person, that is Zhuo Bufan.

"By the way, Brother Zhuo once told me that there is another way to enter the Chaos God Realm, that is through the long river of time."

"The long river of time, the long river of time."

Gao Yangxu looked at the golden bond connecting the Chaos God Realm world light ball.

That golden sand river is the long river of time.

"Zhuodi once told me that he had been to the Arcane God Realm, and then directly passed through the long river of time from the Arcane God Realm, and then took the time ship back to the Chaos God Realm."

"That is to say, using the long river of time, I should be able to return to the Chaos God Realm."

In despair, Gao Yangxu found the final solution.

That is to return to the Chaos God Realm through the long river of time.

However, Gao Yangxu still has to face a problem.

He can enter the long river of time, but he doesn't have a time ship, so how can he enter the Chaos God Realm?

"Time ship, I need a time ship."

"If you don't have it, create it yourself."

Gao Yangxu is now the Lord of Reincarnation.

He has regained the power of reincarnation, so entering the long river of time is naturally not a problem.

As long as you enter the long river of time, you can create a time ship.

"Let's go in first."

Gao Yangxu said, turning into a divine light and entering the long river of time connecting the Chaos God Realm and the Yin-Yang world.

After entering the long river of time, Gao Yangxu stood on the long river.

Now, he needs to create a time ship.

"I should go downstream, so what I need is the black sand of time."

The black sand of time can speed up the flow of time, which is the power needed to go downstream.

And the Yin-Yang World to the Chaos God Realm is downstream, so what Gao Yangxu wants to create is a time ship created with the black sand of time.

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he began to dig the black sand of time and then create his own time ship.

He firmly believed that as long as he had a time ship, he could return to the Chaos God Realm.

As long as he returned to the Chaos God Realm, he could save the Lord of Time.

So next, what Gao Yangxu had to do was to create a good time ship as soon as possible and then rush back to the Chaos God Realm.


Now, whether it is Zhuo Bufan, Wahuang or Gao Yangxu.

Everyone is trying to get out of the predicament.

Because they can all feel that there seems to be a huge catastrophe in the dark, which is about to come.


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