Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 156: Dialogue with the Hero [Seventh update, please subscribe]

"Hero, can you hear me? I'm so excited. I want to be your little brother. Will you accept me as your little brother?"

For the first time, a voice that did not belong to Zhuo Bufan and Tianwu League came from the sky.

The young man who asked the question was named Lu Fei, a casual cultivator. He dared to take the risk of recognizing Zhuo Bufan as his elder brother.

You should know that after this incident, Zhuo Bufan will definitely become the mortal enemy of Tianwu League.

However, in order to express his admiration for Zhuo Bufan, this guy did not hesitate to become the enemy of Tianwu League.

Lu Fei thought that his words would fall on deaf ears and would not get any response.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Want to be my little brother? Then kill a disciple of Tianwu League in Yunmeng Realm as a token of your loyalty!"

As soon as this was said, the world was in an uproar.

"Damn it, is this hero really going to be an enemy of the Tianwu League?"

"It's not that he is an enemy of the Tianwu League now, but that the Tianwu League will never let him go. They are already enemies to the death."

"These people are under the name of worshipping the big brother, who knows if they are spies sent by the Tianwu League, so it is a reasonable request for the hero to ask these people to kill the disciples of the Tianwu League as a token of surrender."

A smart person analyzed, and the others suddenly realized.

After getting Zhuo Bufan's response, Lu Fei spent another thousand soul power and answered excitedly.

"Big brother, wait, I will kill the lackeys of the Tianwu League and use it to honor big brother."

Zhuo Bufan was happy after hearing the boy's answer.

"This guy is really a tiger, which suits my personality very well."

At this time, someone else began to ask Zhuo Bufan through God.

"Hero, can you tell me your true identity?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said, "Stupid question, are you a fool sent by the Tianwu League?"

How could Zhuo Bufan's identity be exposed so easily? He has now angered the world's largest sect. The people of the Tianwu League are now looking for the location of the Global Village all over the world, preparing to massacre the village and exterminate the whole family!

"Hero, you have robbed so many soul altars from the Tianwu League. Aren't you really afraid that the Tianwu League will come to your Global Village?"

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing this.

"If I were afraid, I wouldn't have dared to occupy the soul altar of the Tianwu League. Among the eight thousand soul altars in Yunmeng Realm, which one has the name of the Tianwu League written on it?"

"The Tianwu League is overbearing and tyrannical. They want four thousand altars if they want, and they want to enclose land if they want. They just take themselves too seriously."

"It's robbing to rob one altar, and it's also robbing to rob eight hundred altars. The soul altars in Yunmeng Realm are originally ownerless. Whoever robs them will own them."

"You are afraid of the Tianwu League, and you dare not speak out. You can only live under the tyranny of the Tianwu League."

"So, don't think of me the same as you. Since I have done it, I am not afraid."

Zhuo Bufan is amazing. His words directly confronted everyone in the world.

He was right. These people were afraid of the Tianwu League's arrogance and tyranny, so they could only be angry but not speak out. They knew that the Tianwu League's act of enclosing land was shameful, but they did not dare to do anything.

Fear is the truest feeling in their hearts.

Zhuo Bufan was also afraid, afraid of Wang Xing's tyranny and the Tianwu League. So he didn't even dare to tell his true identity.

But this kind of fear can only be hidden in the heart, and one must be bold in his actions.

Fortune is sought in danger. If everyone obeys the Tianwu League, then everyone in Yunmeng Realm will live under the shadow of the Tianwu League in the future.

Next, Zhuo Bufan answered a few more messy questions.

This conversation with the hero is getting more and more exciting.

"Hero, how do you feel about robbing the soul altar of the Tianwu League?"

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing it.

"This question is well asked. I can only say one word, cool!"

"They, the Tianwu League, ambushed me at seven soul altars, and thought I didn't know? It's also thanks to their stupidity that I can plunder eight hundred soul altars so easily."

"Hero, do you have a Taoist partner? I want to practice with you."

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. The question was asked by a girl.

"Girl, don't be so blunt. We can talk about the issue of dual cultivation in private."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was discussing the issue of dual cultivation with the little girl, a fierce guy suddenly shouted.

"Boss, I just killed a kid from the Tianwu League. Can I be your little brother?"

That Lu Fei actually went to the branch of the Tianwu League and killed a disciple of the Tianwu League to show his loyalty.

"Boss, I am being chased by these guys from the Tianwu League in Tiger Hill Plain. Come and save me! Boss."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned and said, "Oh my god, this guy is so fierce?"

"Boss, come and save me, I am about to be besieged and killed by them."

Lu Fei asked Zhuo Bufan for help while running.

Zhuo Bufan opened the Yunmeng Map and found the Tiger Hill Plain.

"It's very close to me, do you want to go and see?"

Zhuo Bufan was worried that this might be a self-torture trick of the Tianwu League.


He saved the game subconsciously and rushed towards the Tiger Hill Plain.

For Zhuo Bufan, who has the ability to read the game, there is no need to worry whether this is a trap set by the other party. He also wants to see if there is really such a fierce person.

If it is true, then this person is honest and simple, and it is worth making friends with.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the Tiger Hill Plain. Sure enough, he saw a group of people riding gray wolves chasing a panicked black-haired young man.

The young man was wearing green clothes, with a bun in his hair, and was dressed like a Taoist boy. He was leaping forward and screaming.

"It's kind of a one-on-one fight. If a group of you beat me, what kind of heroes are you?"

Lu Fei shouted at the pursuers behind him.

"Damn you, you damn hero. When you used poison darts to plot against our junior brother, why didn't you think about whether you were a hero or not?"

The Tianwu Alliance pursuers behind him were really angry with this shameless boy.

This guy informed the world that he wanted to kill a person from the Tianwu Alliance to make a pledge, and then make that guy who was regarded as a mortal enemy by the Tianwu Alliance his boss.

This kid also shamelessly carried out a sneak attack, which is simply disgusting.

"The master's natural soul weapon is the poison dart. Those who use poison darts should assassinate, and those who use swords should fight in single combat."

"You guys with swords are not heroes if you surround me alone."

"Stop talking nonsense to him, kill him, and restore peace to Yunmeng Realm."

Those people from the Tianwu Alliance stopped talking nonsense. One of them summoned the Soul Tome, and then used his own soul weapon, a body-trapping rope.

Lu Fei was knocked to the ground by the golden rope flying from behind, and then rolled on the ground several times.

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

Their swords struck Lu Fei, but the guy rolled away and dodged.

"Wow, wow, wow, boss, come and save me! I'm really going to be killed."

Seeing that the guy was about to be killed, Zhuo Bufan summoned the Life and Death Sword, and with a thought, a black light flew out.

Puff puff!

The black light, under Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, instantly penetrated the bodies of the three Tianwu League disciples who were chasing Lu Fei.

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