Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 165: Fighting without regrets [Sixth update, please subscribe]

What on earth did Duan Yuefeng go through that made Zhuo Bufan more and more confused about his feelings?

Listening to the real laughter coming from outside the venue, Zhuo Bufan found that Yunyun was not moved.

Good girl Yunyun was very calm, watching the ridicule of everyone with a smile, indifferent.

"This girl's character is rare, she is indeed a wonderful woman!" Zhuo Bufan praised.

"Master, I have a plan for this conference, I don't know if it is feasible."

At this time, Yunyun stood up and looked at Duan Yuefeng who was very anxious.

After listening, Duan Yuefeng nodded and said: "Yunyun, you say."

"In this Seven Stars Competition, we Yaoguang Peak will not compete for the first, second, or third place, we will compete for the fourth and fifth place, what do you think, Master?"

"Compete for the fourth and fifth place?"

Duan Yuefeng frowned.

"That's right, according to the rules of the conference. At the beginning, the seven star peaks compete for the first place. At this time, the major star peaks will often do their best to compete for the top spot."

"But our Yaoguang Peak is not strong enough, why not save our strength in the first competition?"

"And for the second Seven Stars, the remaining five star peaks will surely try their best, and they may even get hurt. We only save our strength once and don't take action."

"So that when we get to the third Seven Stars, we will hold back again. After the other star peaks have fought over and over again, they will obviously not be able to hold their strength when they get to the fourth Seven Stars."

"And because our Yaoguang Peak has been saving its physical strength in the first three games, if we exert our strength at this time, we may be able to seize the fourth or fifth place."

"Master, what do you think?"

Yunyun put forward her opinion. In fact, this was also her first time to participate in the Seven Stars Competition, and she didn't know if her strategy would work.

After hearing this, Duanyue Peak frowned slightly and said.

"It's feasible, but Yunyun, this tactic has been used by the master a long time ago."

"You are not the only smart person in the world. Many star peaks have similar ideas."

"In fact, before the game starts, each star peak has its own ideal positioning. They usually reserve their strength in the previous battles, and then fight for their ideal rankings after they reach their ideal rankings."

"I think, in this Seven Star Conference, you are not the only one who is eyeing the fourth and fifth rankings. Even the sixth place has someone eyeing it!"

Duan Yuefeng was not just anxious, but not confused.

After listening to the conversation between the master and the apprentice, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"Why don't we fight for the championship from the beginning?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Yunyun and Duan Yuefeng looked at him at the same time, feeling extremely shocked.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two of them, and then smiled: "Like you said, each star peak has its own ideal position. So there should be few that are positioned first!"

"At present, there should be two star peaks, Tianji Peak and Kaiyang Peak."

"That's right. In fact, in this star conference, if our initial goal is to be the first, then our opponents are only two."

Zhuo Bufan explained his point of view.

His idea is indeed very bold, at least Yunyun and Duanyuefeng have never thought about it.

"Xiao Zhuo, you may not know the situation of our Yaoguang Peak. We have been at the bottom for three consecutive sessions."

Duanyuefeng said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Can't we pursue the first place if we are at the bottom? That doesn't make sense! And peak master, I think you are not weaker than the other six peak masters. And Miss Yunyun and I will not lose to the disciples of other peaks. Why do you think we can't win the first place?"

Zhuo Bufan is very confident. He is confident to deal with the disciples of other star peaks.

And he can feel that Yunyun is not weak either. Although he has never seen Yunyun take action.

Zhuo Bufan's words made Duan Yuefeng silent.

After a long while, Duan Yuefeng spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

"Xiao Zhuo! I'm sorry, I may have let you down. I dare not go all out in this battle."

"Dare not go all out?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, which might have something to do with the strangeness of Duan Yuefeng he discovered.

"Mr. Zhuo, Master's cultivation is indeed not inferior to other peak masters. However, in this conference, he can only exert 70% of his strength at most."

"Master has his own difficulties, and I hope Mr. Zhuo can understand."

Yunyun seemed to know the reason for Duan Yuefeng, and asked Zhuo Bufan to forgive their non-contention.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the master and apprentice, and did not ask them what their difficulties were, but just spread his hands and smiled.

"What does it matter? I think with your strength, Master Duanfeng, even if you can only exert 70% of your strength, you are enough to compete for the top spot in this conference."

"I always believe in one sentence, only those who love to fight can win. Why not fight hard in this event?"

"And I believe that no one can think that our Yaoguang Summit will compete for the first place, and maybe we can kill them by surprise."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to ask more about their difficulties.

Since the purpose of coming here is to replace Duan Xinghe to participate in the Xingchen Conference.

Then Zhuo Bufan must use all his fists to fight for greater hope.

If he doesn't fight or rob, then after this conference, there will be no place for their Duan family in Xingchen Mountain.

Wouldn't Zhuo Bufan be ashamed of Duan Xinghe's trust?

Zhuo Bufan's words may have aroused Duan Yuefeng's inner passion.

Duan Yuefeng clenched his right hand and said excitedly after hearing it.

"Well said, Xiao Zhuo, give it a try. Anyway, if you don't try, there will be no chance."

"If you don't try, there will only be regrets. Even if you fail, there will be no regrets."

Duan Yuefeng's eyes were rekindled with fire. This made Zhuo Bufan see hope and vitality in him.

Yunyun, who was standing aside, clasped her hands and smiled at Zhuo Bufan and Duan Yuefeng.

Obviously, she had also realized that in this Seven Star Conference, even if she failed, there would be no regrets.





Three bells that calmed the world came from the floating platform in the sky again.

This time, the Lord of the Stars was no longer silent, but coughed lightly and said.

"Thank you all for coming from afar to visit the Star Conference of my Star Mountain."

"The Star Conference has been held for 132 sessions since the establishment of Star Mountain! This conference is a common test for the master of my Star Mountain and his disciples."

"I won't talk about the rules anymore! What I want to say is that the location of this Star Conference is different from previous years."

"This time, the location of the Star Conference will be held in Yunmeng Realm!"


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