Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 173 Fierce Battle [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan relied on his ingenious method of switching Horcruxes to fight the enemy with the Black Shadow Divine Light Sword, and then used the Death Sword to kill people invisible. Perfectly avoiding everyone's attention.

However, the battle continues!

Tianquan Peak was eliminated after Kaiyang Peak, leaving the Wufeng team on the field.

Tianji Peak, Yuheng Peak, and Tianshu Peak are engaged in various exquisite life-and-death battles for the Soul Altar.

The three parties each showed off all their unique skills, and the soul weapons in the Soul Code were even more varied, making them stand out.

This is a battle that tests the Peak Master's ability. Can the Peak Master protect his disciples in this melee?

Even if one disciple dies, the entire team will be eliminated.

He Ruhai, the leader of Tianji Peak, was attacked by a tacit joint attack between Yuheng Peak and Tianshu Peak.

That day, Peak Master Ji shouted at He Chen and Xiao Hu beside him.

"Chen'er, Dahu, take action!"

As soon as He Ruhai, the leader of Tianji Peak, finished speaking, He Chen and Xiao Hu once again joined forces to prepare to release the Rainstorm Pear Blossom and Lotus Flying Blade.

When the other two peak masters saw this, they immediately shouted to the disciples beside them.

"Pay attention to concealment and retreat."

Because they had seen the combined moves of Heavy Rain Pear Blossom and Lotus Flying Blade, the two peak masters were frightened and must protect the safety of their disciples.

The combined moves of He Chen and Xiao Hu caused the people from Tianshu Peak and Yuheng Peak to retreat.

"Enter the altar!"

Seeing the people on the other two peaks retreating away, He Ruhai took He Chen and Xiao Hu and rushed towards the soul altar.

"Xiaoyu, change He Chen out for me."

Watching the three people at Tianji Peak, they are about to ascend the Soul Altar

The leader of Yuheng Peak, Ouyang Cheng, shouted towards Ouyang Yu, who had been standing outside the battle circle and did not join the battle.

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Yu summoned a magical starlight stick.

There are two fist-sized balls at both ends of the starlight stick, one blue and one purple. Ouyang Yu aimed the purple ball of light at He Chen, who was about to go to the altar.

At this moment, He Ruhai had already brought Xiao Hu to the soul altar.

He Chen was only one step away from the soul altar, but he couldn't take that one step away.

The next second, he and Ouyang Yu swapped places.

He Chen was moved to an open space hundreds of meters away from the soul altar, with a confused look on his face.

That Ouyang Yu was a trump card arranged by Ouyang Cheng, the master of Yuheng Peak.

With her here, no team can reach the Soul Altar with all its members.

Because she can switch places with others at any time, which is such a shameless ability.

"Damn it, kill Ouyang Yu!"

Tianji Peak Master He Ruhai was very angry after seeing this scene.

That Ouyang Yu was right in front of them because Ouyang Yu exchanged places with He Chen.

But He Ruhai didn't dare to take action against Ouyang Yu. He planned to let Xiao Hu kill Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yu was right in front of Xiao Hu. Xiao Hu summoned the Lotus Flying Blade and exploded directly in front of Ouyang Yu.

Puff puff puff puff!

Ouyang Yu died on the spot and died tragically under the soul altar.

"Xiao Yu!"


Seeing this scene, Ouyang Cheng and Ouyang Feng, father and son, immediately filled with hatred, covered their faces and cried.

On the battlefield, everything was changing rapidly. Once Ouyang Yu died, Yu Hengfeng was also eliminated.

At this time, Hua Ruyue, the leader of Tianxuan Peak, was outside the battle circle.

After seeing Dao Tianquan Peak and Yuheng Peak being eliminated one after another, he turned to look at Yaoguang Peak.

Hua Ruyue was wearing a red robe and was very graceful, walking towards Broken Moon Peak with lotus steps.

She flaunted her jade fingers and showed off her coquettishness. She looked at Broken Moon Peak and smiled seductively.

"Senior Brother Duan, if you haven't taken action yet, are you waiting for us to fight and you, the fisherman, to benefit?"

Hua Ruyue knew the secret of Broken Moon Peak, so she seemed very calm. Because she believed that she could be even better than Duanyuefeng.

In fact, no one took Yaoguangfeng seriously in this Seven-Star Hegemony Conference. Yaoguangfeng was such a waste.

Seeing that Hua Ruyue showing off her coquettishness, Broken Moon Peak smiled coldly and said.

"Female women, don't show off in front of me."

Upon hearing this, Hua Ruyue bit her red lips, looked at Broken Moon Peak fiercely and said.

"I don't know how to praise. If that's the case, then don't blame everyone for being polite."

Hua Ruyue summoned the star bow, pulled out the bowstring, and the star arrow reappeared!

Everyone present has seen the power of that star arrow, it is extremely powerful.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The moment Hua Ruyue summoned the Star Bow, Broken Moon Peak also took action.

His natal soul weapon, the Star Lock, can block the enemy. If it is below the level, it will cause a perfect seal.

Hua Ruyue was about to release the star arrow in her hand, but dozens of blue and purple star chains shot out from the air around her.

Puff puff puff puff puff!

Dozens of star chains shot out from the halo in the sky, piercing Hua Ruyue's body.

Nahua Ruyue suddenly discovered that most of her soul power and the power of her natal soul weapon were blocked.

"Star Lock!"

Hua Ruyue frowned.

Among fellow sect members, she naturally wondered what the abilities of Broken Moon Peak's horcrux were.

Although his star lock level is lower than Hua Ruyue's soul level, it cannot create a perfect seal. But it was enough to block half of Hua Ruyue's abilities.

"You locked me up, and you can't move."

Hua Ruyue knew that after using the Star Lock, Broken Moon Peak could no longer use other abilities. In this case...

"Ture, go kill that girl!"

Hua Ruyue ordered the three disciples beside her. Her target became Yunyun who was hiding behind Broken Moon Peak.

Toure, a round-headed man, looked a little pretentious.

After hearing the order from his master Hua Ruyue, he summoned a strange-looking sickle and rushed towards Yunyun.

"Yunyun, be careful."

When Broken Moon Peak was about to take back the Star Lock and protect Yunyun's safety, suddenly, a black light and shadow broke through the air and fell from the sky.


The black sword shadow passed directly through the head of Tu Lei. The next second, Tu Lei fell to the ground with a pop and died on the spot.

When everyone reacted, they discovered that there was a man holding a black sword and wearing black armor standing next to Tu Lei.

"You don't take me seriously, do you?"

Zhuo Bufan used the death sword and killed the guy who wanted to sneak attack Yunyun with one sword.

Na Hua Ruyue stared blankly at Tu Lei who fell to the ground dead, and immediately looked at Zhuo Bufan with a distorted face.

"You little beast, how dare you kill my disciple?"

Hua Ruyue's palm-like little face became extremely terrifying at that moment.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was not frightened by the ferocious face at all. Instead, he calmly raised his hand, pointed at Hua Ruyue and said.

"You guys are eliminated."

"Tianxuan Peak, out!"

The Lord of the Star Hall announced in the air. His old eyes were fixed on Zhuo Bufan.

He felt something unusual about Zhuo Bufan, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After Zhuo Bufan saw the people from Tianxuan Peak leaving, he slightly raised his head and glanced at the Star Palace Master riding a crane in the sky.

Then he looked at the inner battlefield, and now only Tianji Peak and Tianshu Peak were fighting around the Soul Altar.

"It looks like it's going to be a quick fight. I'm afraid the old man is paying attention to me."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself, then ran to Broken Moon Peak to meet Yunyun, then looked at Yunyun and said.

"Is it done?"

After hearing this, Yunyun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it's done."

Zhuo Bufan then turned around, holding the Black Shadow Divine Light Sword, and then looked at the soul altar not far away and said.

"Well, it's time for the decisive battle, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan took Broken Moon Peak and Yunyun out.

"Look, the people from Yaoguang Peak have finally joined the battlefield."

"Yeah, I thought they were just going to stand outside the station and do nothing."

"Yaoguang Peak's strength is limited, and the three teams in the inner circle are now in the midst of a fierce battle. They will only be killed by Bo.

"The timing is wrong. They want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. However, the three tigers are now at the peak of their power and their fighting power is at its peak."

"Maybe they can't afford to wait anymore, because Tianji Peak has almost won the Soul Altar several times."

"Now only Tianji Peak, Tianshu Peak and Yaoguang Peak are left. This star conference is about to compete to find the real winner."

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