Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 218 He deserves death! [Fifth update, please subscribe]

Yi Yun did not expect Bai Su to start fighting directly.

Of course, this is no wonder Bai Su, she is like a frightened kitten now, and any movement from anyone will cause a huge reaction in her.

After all, Bai Su felt too much malice and murderous intent from around him.

The wild-haired maniac Yi Yun knocked Bai Su's mysterious umbrella away with one punch.

Then he jumped off the golden dragon horse, then raised his hands to the sky and shouted loudly.

"The first of the nine dragon transformations, the divine dragon claw!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a powerful golden energy and blood spurted out from Yi Yun's body.

Then a golden cyclone enveloped his hands, and his hands slowly turned into two ferocious dragon claws.

The claws were like knives, extremely sharp. When they slashed down in the air, they cut three ravines on the ground.

"The Nine Transformations of Dragon Transformation, the Dragon Transformation Divine Body cultivated by the Dragon Transformation Sect, is a heaven-level cultivation physique."

These people may not know who Yi Yun is, but they cannot be unfamiliar with Hualong Sect's signature technique.

The Nine Transformations of Dragon Transformation, the body-training technique of the Dragon Transformation Sect. I heard that when you practice to the end, you will turn into a dragon.

Dragon is also a mysterious creature in this world.

Its existence is only recorded in ancient legends.

When they saw Yi Yun's hands turning into golden dragon claws, everyone looked at each other and felt extremely shocked.

"Bai Wang Bai Su, be careful. This move of mine will turn you into a dragon, falling from the sky and carrying your heavenly spirit."

As soon as Yi Yun finished speaking, he really fell from the sky, and the dragon claw in his right hand probed Bai Su's heavenly spirit.

Ouch! Ouch!

At that moment, everyone heard bursts of dragon roars.

At the same time, he also saw a golden dragon shadow, wrapping Yi Yun inside his body and then falling towards Bai Su.

Feeling the huge energy coming from the top of my head, it was so thin that it imprisoned my body.

Bai Su's pretty brows were furrowed, and she held a black umbrella in her hand and raised it to the sky.

"You want to hold up a real dragon with a broken umbrella? This woman is dead."

Someone saw Bai Su holding up a black umbrella and laughed out loud.

But the next second, he became speechless.

Bai Su's black umbrella held up the sky.

The moment it opened toward the sky, the entire sky shook.


The divine sound of Hong Zhong exploded in the sky, followed by endless black breath, blasting into the sky from that weird umbrella.

The entire fan surface released a black beam of light, wrapping Yi Yun who fell from the sky inside.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Yi Yun, who was enveloped by the black light, let out low roars, like the screams of a trapped demon dragon.

The golden dragon shadow on his body began to be swallowed up by the black aura.

The golden dragon claws on his hands began to disintegrate under the erosion of the black energy.


Seeing that he would be completely swallowed up by the black energy if he continued like this, Yi Yun flew up and landed on the back of the golden dragon horse waiting in the sky.

He held his right hand tightly, and the entire dragon claw was filled with black smoke, as if half of it was burnt, and the pain was extremely painful.

Everyone who saw this scene was speechless.

The person who just laughed at the black umbrella is even more mute.

"What kind of umbrella is that?"

"It can block Elder Yi's killing blow from Hualong Sect. That umbrella is definitely not an ordinary talisman. Is it a legendary secret treasure?"

"Secret treasure, what is that?"

"The secret treasure is an ancient treasure, and it is an artifact that many great powers are competing for. After transcending the Yuan Shen realm, many people will start a life-and-death battle for the secret treasure."

"No matter what kind of treasure it is, the result now is that Elder Yi has lost."

Yi Yun's defeat became an indisputable fact, and everyone felt sad.

Is there no one who can defeat this woman?

"Why did Elder Yi tell the woman the means and methods of attack when he first took action?"

"Yes, this is not to tell the other party clearly where I am going to attack. You have to be prepared for defense."

"Is this Elder Yi letting things slip on purpose?"

Some people couldn't figure it out because Yi Yun did shout those words to Bai Su before the war started.

If he didn't shout, but made a sneak attack, Bai Su wouldn't have time to prepare a counterattack.

No one understood what Yi Yun did. Instead, they saw Yi Yun holding his burned dragon claws, riding on the back of a golden dragon horse, and thanking Bai Su.

"Thank you King Bai for showing mercy."

Yi Yun actually thanked Bai Su, which was even more incomprehensible.

After being beaten like this, he actually thanked the murderer. I'm afraid he was beaten stupid, right?

Everyone was puzzled, but Bai Su didn't answer him.

She had indeed been merciful just now, otherwise Yi Yun would never have been able to escape the control of her mysterious black umbrella.

Bai Su showed mercy not to repay the reminder from Yi Yun in front of him.

Bai Su can't see, and today's battle relies more on the perception of murderous intent.

However, when Yi Yun took action just now, there was no murderous intent at all.

If the opponent hadn't told him the attack method and direction in advance, Bai Su would probably have been hit.

At least in Bai Su's opinion, Yi Yun could be considered a gentleman.

"Miss Bai is not cruel, why do you want to hunt down the Master of Light and Shadow in the Talisman Temple?"

"I was entrusted by my old friend Lou Gai, and I came here to find out what happened. The Talisman Temple does not want to kill everyone."

Yi Yun came here today not to kill Bai Su.

Of course, if Bai Su was an unforgivable person, then Yi Yun would not hesitate to enforce justice.

Yi Yun's question instantly quieted the entire Stone Wasteland City.

Everyone was silent, and they all wanted to hear why this powerful King Bai had such a persistent killing intention against a venerable person.

Bai Su was silent, and her silence was strange and incredible.

Didn't she know the reason for hunting down the little venerable person?

Facing Yi Yun's question, Bai Su was indeed silent.

She really hadn't thought about this question, why did she chase Zhuo Bufan relentlessly, why did she have to kill him?

Was it because he occupied the soul altar of the Tianwu League and made her lose a pair of eyes?

If this was indeed the motive for the initial pursuit.

Then now, she already knew that Zhuo Bufan was a venerable person, and continuing to chase him would only cause an unnecessary war.

She was so smart, she should stop this stupid behavior.

However, Bai Su could not stop. She had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, feeling that Zhuo Bufan should not exist in this world.

Yes, that feeling was very strange. It made Bai Su feel that Zhuo Bufan should have been dead. Dead people should not exist in the world and should be eliminated by her.

Facing the questions of Yi Yun and the people of the world, Bai Su, who was silent for a long time, finally answered slowly.

"No reason, he, deserves to die!"

The word "deserves to die" made the whole Shihuang City in an uproar.

"She is really a witch. Doesn't she want to kill the little venerable for no reason?"

"It's no wonder that the Talisman Temple hunted her down at all costs. She can't be arrogant for long, because the powerful people have all come."

Everyone looked up and saw rows of spaceships coming from afar in the distant western sky.


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