Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 221 Xuanyuan Hao [Eighth update, please subscribe]

"The man I want dares to be the enemy of the world for me..."

Bai Su's words caused a lot of heated discussions.

"Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, this woman must be crazy?"

"Who would be the enemy of the world for a woman? She is just dreaming a thousand years."

"Don't let that woman go like this."

Someone saw Bai Su leaving Shihuang City like this and immediately chased after him.

As a result, a flying sword flew from the end of the sky, standing horizontally in the void, blocking everyone in front of him, forming a sword curtain.

"I said, as long as I, Zhong Shenxiu, am here, no one is allowed to touch her."

Zhong Shenxiu folded his hands, stepped on a flying sword, and stood in front of the sword curtain.

Behind him, Bai Su did not look back, holding a black umbrella, and stubbornly went towards the Blood Desert.

"Blood Desert, what is she doing there?"

Zhong Shenxiu frowned slightly, not knowing why.

"Northern Territory Pride, you are not really going to make an enemy of the Talisman Temple for this woman, are you?"

"I heard that all the flying swords of your Wuji Sword Sect are talismans provided by the Talisman Temple. Is it appropriate to do this?"

Facing Zhong Shenxiu, some powerful people stood up and questioned.

They were not afraid of Zhong Shenxiu's reputation.

After hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu looked at him coldly and said.

"Everyone, King Bai is no longer chasing that little venerable, why are you so eager to kill him?"

"I believe she is just angry for a moment, and she will figure it out soon."

Zhong Shenxiu actually fell into a rather embarrassing situation.

He just promised Bai Su that he would make enemies with the world, and he couldn't let these people chase him at this time, right?

If he let it go, then what he, Zhong Shenxiu, said would be bullshit, and he would only be regarded as a playboy who deceived people's feelings and be ridiculed by the world.

His reputation as the Northern Territory Pride would be ruined.

But the situation that was blocked was that he was now really standing on the opposite side of everyone, including the enemy of the Talisman Temple.

Another guy who was trapped in his own cocoon.

The last one who was trapped in his own cocoon, the Golden Snake Taoist, had been killed by Bai Su on the blood sacrifice platform.

Now Zhong Shenxiu only had one thing in mind, to hold these people back for a while, and then think about how to explain to the people of the Talisman Temple.

"Hehehe, it's really ridiculous, brother, look, that guy is like a clown, riding a tiger and unable to get off, neither side is a human, it's too ridiculous."

"Such a guy is also worthy of being compared with you, brother?"

Above the sky, there is a very luxurious airship, floating quietly in the air.

That airship is like a mobile fortress, building a magnificent palace.

The pavilions, towers, and carved jade carvings look extremely gorgeous.

In a room on the top floor of the pavilion, there is a little fairy wearing a pink short skirt, bare feet, and a braided pigtail.

She looked through the window and saw Zhong Shenxiu's embarrassed look below.

In front of her, sat a man with white hair and a white robe.

His white hair was not the white of old age, but the white of nature. Including the little girl, she also had a white braid.

Not only did they have the same white hair, but their eyes were also white.

The man looked very young and sat behind a table with a guqin on it.

Seeing the little girl's lovely smile, the man also showed a warm smile on his face.

"The road to immortality is a hundred years of hard work, and one day you reach the sky. Among all the methods in the world, it is rare to find a piano."

"I have been looking for this "Qingxian Pu" for a hundred years, and finally the whereabouts of the second volume have been found. Mo'er will finally be able to enjoy the pleasure of listening in the future."

"Hehehe, brother is obviously the best cultivator in the world, but he doesn't like to cultivate immortality but loves to play the piano. You are very annoying."

"You are the only one who talks too much. Be quiet and listen to the piano!"

After the man finished speaking, he stretched out his hands from his long sleeves.

The hands were white and delicate, with distinct joints, slender and powerful, and were a pair of exquisite works of art.

When his hands were placed on the strings.


The jade fingers lifted lightly, the strings were plucked, and the melodious piano sounded in the sky. The piano sound was gentle but resolute, coming in torrents, and it was like a mountain stream, with a gurgling charm.

The originally stagnant giant ship in the air, and the thousands of cloud-rowing oars under the giant ship began to sway slowly.

A pleasant sound came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw the largest spaceship in the sky, breaking through Zhong Shenxiu's sword curtain and slowly flying towards the distant Blood Desert.

"Who is that? Is he playing the piano?"

Zhong Shenxiu's confrontation with other major sects was disrupted by this sudden piano sound.

"That is the ship of the Ancient Temple. The one playing the piano, could it be that person?"

"That person? Who is that person!"

"Don't you know that person from the Ancient Temple? The legend of the Ancient Temple's thousands of gods and ways. The youngest real person in history - Xuan, Yuan, Hao!"

"Dong Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Hao!"

The people present exclaimed in surprise. They didn't expect that the legendary Xuanyuan Hao would come here.

Dong Xuanyuan, Bei Shenxiu!

In today's world, two of the four most legendary geniuses of the younger generation appeared in Shihuang City at the same time. How could this not cause a shock to the world?

Seeing the ancient temple's spaceship heading towards the Blood Desert, everyone was confused.

"What's going on? Is the legendary Xuanyuan Hao also going to attack Bai Su?"

"Impossible, Xuanyuan Hao is already a real person, and real people disdain to fight for these fame and fortune. And he, Xuanyuan Hao, is also not willing to please the Temple of the Spell."

"Then why did he go to the Blood Desert? Wait a minute, Bai Su did not chase the little venerable, but went to the Blood Desert. And Xuanyuan Hao also went to the Blood Desert at this time. Could it be..."

"The 'Ten Thousand Dragons Raising Their Heads' in the Blood Desert appeared."

Someone exclaimed, making a conclusion that he himself could hardly believe.

"It must be like this. Ten thousand dragons raise their heads. This miracle occurs once every thousands of years in the Blood Desert. At that time, all the ancient treasures buried under the Blood Desert will reappear in the world."

"Ten thousand dragons raise their heads, that is, ten thousand dragons raise their heads. It must be! He Xuanyuan Hao has mastered the ancient magic and can calculate the timing of 'Ten thousand dragons raise their heads'."

"And Bai Wang Bai Su also mastered the 'Five Finger Small Evolution Technique'. The two of them must have calculated the ten thousand dragons raising their heads in the Blood Desert at the same time."

Soon, the word of the ten thousand dragons raising their heads spread. Some people even ran to the Yunmeng Realm and told the world about this disappearance.

For a time, it caused crazy cheers from all over the world.

"Ten thousand dragons raise their heads in the Blood Desert?"

"That is a rare opportunity for cultivating immortals in thousands of years!"

"Dear Taoist friends, I will leave the realm first and go to the Blood Desert."

"Go quickly, go quickly, if you go too late, I'm afraid you will miss the opportunity."


The news of the ten thousand dragons raising their heads in the Blood Desert spread all over the world in an instant.

In the sky above the Stone Wasteland City, Zhong Shenxiu used a sword curtain to block everyone.

"Northern Territory Pride, why don't you get out of the way? We won't go after Bai Su. You can't stop the opportunity of the ten thousand dragons raising their heads, otherwise, you will really be the enemy of the world."

"That's right, Northern Territory Pride, you can't stop this opportunity for the world, and no one in this world dares to stop it."

Hearing the voices of public anger, Zhong Shenxiu's sword eyebrows were raised.

But suddenly, he was relieved.

In this way, he can legitimately remove the sword curtain without facing a dilemma.

"In this case, go!"

Zhong Shenxiu removed the sword curtain, and for a while, all the immortal cultivation worlds in the Stone Wasteland City, like a stream of carp crossing the river, headed towards the bloody desert.

"Ten thousand dragons raising their heads? Since they are here, I will go and see it too."

Zhong Shenxiu turned his head and looked at the ancient temple spaceship at the end of the horizon.

Zhong Shenxiu was a little shocked by the person on the spaceship.

He had been in Stone Wasteland City for so long, but he didn't realize that Xuanyuan Hao was on that spaceship.


The story is over, and I will return to the protagonist tomorrow!

Everyone has also felt that the protagonist is very weak now. In this generation, there are so many masters and geniuses, and the protagonist needs to grow up as soon as possible, so next, it's time to cheat! Official cheating!

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