Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 229 Meeting Bai Su again [eighth update, please subscribe]

Fly all the way across the sky!

Zhuo Bufan saw several life-and-death battles taking place on the ground.

The most heroic scene was when a sect called Kuangmen was targeted by a dragon-blooded iron-armored sandworm.

The reason was that an elder of the Kuangmen raided the sandworm's nest and captured several small sandworms.

This little sandworm is a magical medicine for strengthening the body. Because it contains dragon blood, it can extract dragon blood pills!

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine that there could be such a thing as dragon blood sandworm.

As soon as I heard this dragon blood, I knew it had something to do with dragons!

Dragon nature is inherently licentious, but which evil dragon did it?

How can it even kill soft-bodied arthropods?

I didn't think about this matter, but I saw that the dragon-blooded iron-armored sandworm, worthy of the reputation of dragon-blood, turned the desert upside down.

The dragon scale iron armor on its body is invulnerable.

Drilling into the bloody sand, there was no shadow in an instant.

Then it would suddenly appear from under the feet of an elite disciple and devour him in one bite, leaving the other party unable to even scream.

How could the crazy family withstand the anger of the dragon-blooded sandworm? Every living life became the food of the dragon-blooded sandworm.

The dragon-blooded sandworm could easily swallow a whole person if it opened its mouth.

That mouth is also extremely terrifying, filled with tens of thousands of fangs.

Once a person swallows it, there is basically no way to survive.

On the earth, dragon-blooded iron-armored sandworms are killing everyone.

In the sky, a group of unknown guys got into trouble with a blood-belly demon whale.

This creature looks like a giant whale, with a blood-red belly.

They are huge, comparable to a spaceship! They survive by relying on the blood energy floating in the bloody desert.

This blood-belly demon whale is not a ferocious monster, and they will not actively attack humans.

However, just because it doesn’t provoke humans doesn’t mean humans won’t do it!

The Blood Belly Demonic Whales possess the legendary Kunpeng bloodline, which is why they can float in the air.

The creature is clumsy, slow, and not very ferocious.

So after some people saw this thing, they started working on it regardless of their own safety.

I want to suck its blood and eat its flesh to strengthen my body.

Who would have thought that this bloody demon whale is docile.


The bloodthirsty demon ray parasitic on the blood-belly demon whale is not someone to be trifled with.

These bloodthirsty demon rays are like giant rays in the sea. They spread out their body discs like wings in groups, and then rush towards the humans who attack them.

That was a real face-hugging kill, which reminded Zhuo Bufan of a terrifying creature called a face-hugging bug.

Once the bloodthirsty demon ray hugs the face, it will suck the person dry in an instant.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he quickly asked the "Silly Brother" who was sitting down to change his direction and fly towards a relatively safe place on the other side.

"It's so scary. This bloody desert is really full of dangers!"

"No, no, I have to save it."

Zhuo Bufan quickly saved a file to reassure himself.

The current archives are: Blood Desert, Black Tower, and Mass Grave.

As a result, just as Zhuo Bufan finished saving, a group of fish-like creatures suddenly flew in front of him.

These creatures had a pair of small wings and soon surrounded Zhuo Bufan and "Silly Brother".


Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Before Zhuo Bufan could come to his senses, these creatures suddenly grew in size, and their entire bodies became round and bulging, like puffed-up puffer fish.

As a result, when he was surprised, the puffer fish suddenly opened their closed mouths.

The next second, powerful air cannons were sprayed from their mouths.

Bang bang bang bang!

These gadgets actually shoot out air cannons!

The power of each shot is comparable to a grenade.

With so many grenades exploding together, one can imagine how terrifying their power is.

Zhuo Bufan immediately released the profound energy of life and death and created a huge protective shield to surround himself and Brother Sha.


Hundreds of exploding flying dolphins shook the entire sky.

After the explosion ended, Zhuo Bufan shouted: "Qianxie, come out!"

The Thousand Evil Sword burst out of the air and was held tightly by Zhuo Bufan's right hand, and then the profound energy surged into the sword body.

"Destroy it!"

Zhuo Bufan swept in a circle, and all the exploding flying dolphins surrounding them were killed by Zhuo Bufan with one sword, leaving no trace of armor behind, turning into bursts of blood mist, splashing into the air.

After killing those exploding flying dolphins, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, it's too unsafe in the air. It's inexplicably dangerous."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sky around him. There were random creatures flying everywhere, searching for targets and aiming at Zhuo Bufan at any time.

"Silly brother, let's land! Go hide in the black city."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let the Dapeng Golden Eagle take risks with him, and the sky was really full of dangers.

Zhuo Bufan then let the Dapeng Golden Eagle land on the ground, and then Zhuo Bufan sent it into the black city in the Mysterious Bone Ring.

There, it won't be in any danger.

After sending Brother Sha into the Mysterious Bone Ring safely, Zhuo Bufan raised his head again and looked at the vast bloody desert where he was.

Stepping on the sand that could collapse at any time, Zhuo Bufan discovered that landing was not a good option.

At this foot, a mouth might suddenly rush out at any time, swallow him into his stomach with a click.

Obviously, whether in the sky or on the ground, the Blood Desert is worthy of being a forbidden zone for humans.

There is no safe place here, and danger is always with us!

After he regained his composure, Zhuo Bufan rushed forward with the evil sword in his hand.

No matter how dangerous the Blood Desert is, he must go there. Because he must get the Xuantan of the Tianxuan Tower.

This is not only for himself, but also for Xiaomei.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan climbed over a Gobi sand dune.

As soon as he arrived at the top of the sand dune, he found that a fierce battle was unfolding on the other side of the sand dune.

And what shocked Zhuo Bufan was that there was actually an acquaintance of his in it.

That familiar figure flashed before his eyes, and that familiar black umbrella spun in the air.

"Bai Su?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly lowered his head and buried his head behind the sand dune.

"Oh my god, is it possible? She actually came here too?"

"What's going on? How can I meet her everywhere? Didn't she give up chasing me?"

Zhuo Bufan hadn't seen Bai Su for almost a month. He thought Bai Su had given up chasing me, but he didn't expect to meet her here.

"Could she have expected me to come here and wait for me here?"

Zhuo Bufan began to speculate.

Zhuo Bufan was really scared of this woman, Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear to think of the scene where he was crushed.

Zhuo Bufan lay behind the dune, then looked at the bloody sky and frowned.

"What should I do now? Escape?"

"No, I haven't got the Xuantan yet. Ten thousand dragons are looking up. This may be my best chance. I can't miss it."

"But there's that woman in front!"

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and nothing was right. Finally, he poked his head out from behind the dune again and looked at the battlefield.

As a result, this time, his eyes lit up.

In that battlefield, Bai Su was being surrounded!

Recently, the author is sorting out the plot, and only eight chapters are updated every day. Ten chapters will be restored in two days!

At the same time, thank Heigangyf, King Kong for the 10,000 rewards, and all the old friends for the rewards, thank you!!!

Continue to fight tomorrow!!!

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