Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 231: The fight of trapped beasts [Second update, please subscribe]

If you want to get rid of Bai Su completely, you can only kill Bai Su.

This is just the most pragmatic idea of ​​Zhuo Bufan as a normal person.

Neither moral nor moral, he secretly applied a "death BUFF" to Bai Su, constantly consuming Bai Su's vitality.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's secret output, Bai Su seemed increasingly anxious and helpless.

"What's going on? The witch's movements seem to have slowed down significantly."

"I also discovered that although I can still easily resist Jian Lao's flying sword, I can see that I am becoming more and more reluctant."

"It must be that the poisonous death poison of the poisonous old ghost has taken effect. Hahahaha, God is really helping me!"

"She is really just fighting a trapped beast now, I can rest assured."

Seeing Bai Su's condition getting worse and worse, the contracted suppressor smiled proudly.

At this moment, Bai Su seemed increasingly powerless under Chunyang Sword Master's Nine-Nine Pure Yang Sword Formation.

Some people even folded their hands and quietly died using the Baisu poison method.

"I have to admit that this witch is powerful."

"Along the way, she has been blocked no less than twelve times. I didn't expect that she could still hold on until now."

"That's right, if it weren't for the poisonous arrow that poisonous old ghost gave her before she died, maybe the eight of us working together would be able to do nothing to her."

"After all, she is one of the eight kings of Tianwu. The eight powerful generals under Beidi. Each one of them has strength that is not weaker than the leader of the sect."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. It's not good for her to provoke anyone. She has to provoke the young master of the Talisman Temple."

"As soon as I heard that the person being hunted was the young master of the Talisman Temple and the Northern Emperor of the Tianwu Alliance, I had no choice but to abandon her as an abandoned child. I suddenly felt that this woman was quite pitiful."

"Yes, she is just a dog raised by Beidi. When it is no longer useful, she will be thrown away."

The people around were mercilessly mocking them. For them, all they needed to do now was watch the show and wait quietly for Bai Su's poison spell or to be killed by Chunyang Sword Master.

"Speaking of which, that little gentleman is also a fool. It's not good to offend anyone except a stubborn woman."

"It's really scary when this woman becomes obsessed with her. She'll do it until she dies!"

"No. She has obviously been abandoned by Beidi, but this woman still persists in pursuing that little lord."

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding aside, gritted his teeth after hearing this.

"Damn, these guys dare to call me a fool, I really want to fuck them."

Zhuo Bufan listened to all the conversations on the back of the dune.

"Speaking of which, this woman is also an idiot. Zhong Shenxiu, the leader of the Wuji Sword Sect, the second sect in the Northern Territory, is one of the four great geniuses today. She obviously loves her, but this woman doesn't appreciate it at all."

"That's because she was stupid. If she followed Zhong Shenxiu, who in the world would dare to chase her now?"

"For her, Zhong Shenxiu is willing to be the enemy of the world, which is extremely heroic."

"And he just asked this woman to give up chasing the little lord. This woman is so stubborn that even nine oxen can't pull her back."

"So, they are all idiots. That little gentleman is an idiot, and this woman is also an idiot. The entire world of immortality has been turned upside down by these two idiots."

"Hahahaha, they are all idiots. What's the point of living in this world? Let's just die!"

Facing the ridicule and ridicule of the people around him, Bai Su, who was in the center of the sword array, gritted his jade teeth.

Suddenly, a power that shook the earth burst out from her body.

call out!

The Xuanji Umbrella came out of his hand and turned into a blur of darkness.

Puff puff puff puff!

Several golden elixir masters had their heads pierced on the spot.

This sudden scene made everyone in the audience stunned.

"Damn it, is this woman going to fight to the death or fight back before her death?"

"Stop watching the show, come together and kill her!"

"This stinky woman dares to kill the elders of my sect. I will chop her into pieces."

The remaining three people stopped talking nonsense and started to kill Bai Su.

After Bai Su threw the mysterious umbrella, he had no defensive weapons.

Chunyang Jianlao's Nine-nine Sword Formation took advantage of the opportunity and entered.

Puff puff puff puff!

Dozens of golden flying swords struck Bai Su.

One pierced her right calf and the other pierced her left thigh.

One pierced her right arm, and the other pierced the palm of his left hand.

One pierced her right shoulder and another pierced her left breast.

There were also four golden flying swords inserted into her back.


Bai Su's left leg was kneeling on the bloody sand.

The red sand under his knees was no longer known to be stained red by his own blood or the original color of the sand.

At the moment Bai Su knelt down, the other three golden elixir masters had already used their killing moves to attack Bai Sulian.

At this moment, a black shadow flew back from the sky.

It was the Mysterious Umbrella. It opened its fan at the last moment and automatically protected its owner, blocking the continuous bombardment of those three people.


The Xuanji Umbrella blocked it, but it was also blown away and stuck on the red sand with a clanking sound.

The last protector!

It was no longer able to block Bai Su's attacks from behind.

The three golden elixir masters were also knocked away, but they could organize another attack to kill Bai Su.

"it's over!"

Seeing Bai Su kneeling on the ground, Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently.

He didn't need to inject death energy into Bai Su anymore, because in the next second, Bai Su would be killed.

However, he suddenly couldn't bear to watch that scene anymore.

That kind of unwillingness came from his heart, and his heart was actually inexplicably painful.

"Witch, your death is coming, die!"

The three Jindan masters organized another killing!

One of them held a large ring knife, and the knife energy was ten meters long. He flew up into the sky and chopped down at Bai Su's head.

Another person held a purple demon sword, and blood and dust were everywhere where the sword pointed.

There was another person, with bare hands, but the fist wind was like pinching two lions, and he roared like a lion.

The three people attacked Bai Su again.

But just when the three of them were about to kill Bai Su in one fell swoop.


A series of golden sword shadows came from behind them, carrying the power to destroy mountains and rivers!

Puff puff puff puff!

Dozens of golden flying swords pierced through the backs, heads, and bodies of the three men.

A sword pierced through the back, and that was a hole as big as a bowl.

A sword pierced through the head, and the whole head exploded in the air.

Two people died tragically on the spot! Another person turned his head with difficulty and looked at the owner of the flying sword, saying in great shock.

"Chun Yang Jian Lao, you, you..."

No one thought that at this last moment, Chun Yang Jian Lao actually attacked from behind and killed the three of them.

"Haha, I'm sorry! The bounty of the Talisman Temple, I have taken it all."

It turned out that Chun Yang Jian Lao found an opportunity at the last moment to kill the three of them in order to monopolize the bounty of the Talisman Temple.

The eight of them originally planned to divide the bounty equally.

However, is it the real idea of ​​this greedy old dwarf to divide it equally?

He would not share it equally with anyone. From the beginning, he planned to monopolize the bounty.

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